43 resultados para Oryza Sativa


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This work studied the radiation resistance of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella species and the effect of irradiation on leaf flavonoid content and sensory acceptability of minimally processed arugula. Immersion in ozone-treated water reduced the analyzed microorganisms by 1 log. L. monocytogenes and Salmonella were not isolated from samples. Samples of this vegetable were inoculated with a cocktail of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes and exposed to gamma irradiation. D-10 values for Salmonella ranged from 0.16 to 0.19 kGy and for L. monocytogenes from 0.37 to 0.48 kGy. Kaempferol glycoside levels were 4 and ca. 3 times higher in samples exposed to 1 and 2 kGy, respectively, than in control samples. An increase in quercetin glycoside was also observed mainly in samples exposed to 1 kGy. In sensory evaluation, arugula had good acceptability, even after exposure to 2 and 4 kGy. These results indicate that irradiation has potential as a practical processing step to improve the safety of arugula.


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Context: Cannabis sativa use can impair verbal learning, provoke acute psychosis, and increase the risk of schizophrenia. It is unclear where C sativa acts in the human brain to modulate verbal learning and to induce psychotic symptoms. Objectives: To investigate the effects of 2 main psychoactive constituents of C sativa, Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC) and cannabidiol, on regional brain function during verbal paired associate learning. Design: Subjects were studied on 3 separate occasions using a block design functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm while performing a verbal paired associate learning task. Each imaging session was preceded by the ingestion of Delta 9-THC (10 mg), cannabidiol (600 mg), or placebo in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures, within-subject design. Setting: University research center. Participants: Fifteen healthy, native English-speaking, right-handed men of white race/ethnicity who had used C sativa 15 times or less and had minimal exposure to other illicit drugs in their lifetime. Main Outcome Measures: Regional brain activation ( blood oxygen level-dependent response), performance in a verbal learning task, and objective and subjective ratings of psychotic symptoms, anxiety, intoxication, and sedation. Results: Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol increased psychotic symptoms and levels of anxiety, intoxication, and sedation, whereas no significant effect was noted on these parameters following administration of cannabidiol. Performance in the verbal learning task was not significantly modulated by either drug. Administration of Delta 9-THC augmented activation in the parahippocampal gyrus during blocks 2 and 3 such that the normal linear decrement in activation across repeated encoding blocks was no longer evident. Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol also attenuated the normal time-dependent change in ventrostriatal activation during retrieval of word pairs, which was directly correlated with concurrently induced psychotic symptoms. In contrast, administration of cannabidiol had no such effect. Conclusion: The modulation of mediotemporal and ventrostriatal function by Delta 9-THC may underlie the effects of C sativa on verbal learning and psychotic symptoms, respectively.


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The aim of this study was to look for evidence of allelochemicals in B. decumbens, in parts of the plant from where they could easily be released to the environment. The germination inhibition of Phalaris canariensis, Lactuca sativa (standard species) and Melinis minutiflora, another invasive African grass, was tested using B. decumbens germinating seeds and aqueous leachates of the roots, green and senescent leaves, at 5, 10 and 20% w/v. Both the germinating seeds and the aqueous leachates of B. decumbens reduced the germination of the species tested; the effectiveness of the aqueous leachates increased according to concentration. Apparently, the competitive advantage of B. decumbens in the cerrados could be amplified via allelopathy.


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Avaliou-se o efeito do processamento do feno de alfafa (Medicago sativa L.) e da adição de óleo de soja em dietas sobre a digestibilidade total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido em eqüinos. Utilizaram-se quatro potros machos, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente 14 meses de idade e 197,25 kg, em delineamento quadrado latino (4 × 4) e em arranjo fatorial (2 × 2), composto de duas formas de fenação da alfafa (em cubos ou em ramas) e da adição ou não de óleo de soja em dietas contendo concentrado comercial na forma de péletes. A digestibilidade dos nutrientes foi determinada pelo método de coleta total de fezes durante três dias. A adição de óleo de soja refinado aumentou a digestibilidade total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato de etéreo e fibra em detergente neutro. A fenação da alfafa em cubos aumentou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido. A adição de óleo de soja nas dietas avaliadas foi um modo prático e seguro de aumentar a densidade calórica sem reduzir a digestibilidade dos macronutrientes orgânicos. O processamento da alfafa na forma de cubos melhorou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, fibra em detergente e fibra em detergente ácido da dieta em eqüinos.


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Rumen fermentation and methane emission for eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) fresh leaves (FL) or residue leaves (RL), after essential oil extraction from eucalyptus leaves in comparison with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) hay, were investigated in vitro. Eucalyptus FL and RL were obtained from the Distillery Trees Barras Company, Torrinha City, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The semi-automatic system of gas production was used to measure gas production, methane emission and rumen fermentation after 24 h incubation in vitro. The results showed that the crude protein (CP) contents were 76.4, 78.1 and 181.9 g kg(-1) DM for eucalyptus FL, RL and alfalfa hay, respectively. The neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) and acid-detergent fibre (ADF) were significantly lower in eucalyptus FL and RL than alfalfa hay. The Eucalyptus fresh and residue leaves were rich in total phenols (TP) and total tannins (TT) but had negligible content of condensed tannins (CT). There was significant reduction in cumulative gas production about 54 and 51% with eucalyptus FL and RL, respectively, compared with alfalfa hay. The methane emission (mL/g DM) was reduced (P<0.05) by 53 and 57% with eucalyptus FL and RL, respectively, but the reduction was 21 and 16% when expressed on truly digested organic matter basis. There were a decline (P<0.05) in true dry and organic matter degradation in vitro in eucalyptus FL and RL compared with alfalfa hay substrate. The partitioning factor values were higher (P<0.05) in eucalyptus FL and RL than alfalfa hay. There was no significant difference observed between eucalyptus FL, RL and alfalfa hay in protozoa count. It is concluded that the eucalyptus leaves have potential effect to mitigate CH4 production in vitro, which may be attributed to a decrease in fermentable substrate rather than to a direct effect on methanogenesis.


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Background: Cystatins are inhibitors of cysteine proteases. The majority are only weak inhibitors of human cathepsin B, which has been associated with cancer, Alzheimer's disease and arthritis. Results: Starting from the sequences of oryzacystatin-1 and canecystatin-1, a shuffling library was designed and a hybrid clone obtained, which presented higher inhibitory activity towards cathepsin B. This clone presented two unanticipated point mutations as well as an N-terminal deletion. Reversing each point mutation independently or both simultaneously abolishes the inhibitory activity towards cathepsin B. Homology modeling together with experimental studies of the reverse mutants revealed the likely molecular determinants of the improved inhibitory activity to be related to decreased protein stability. Conclusion: A combination of experimental approaches including gene shuffling, enzyme assays and reverse mutation allied to molecular modeling has shed light upon the unexpected inhibitory properties of certain cystatin mutants against Cathepsin B. We conclude that mutations disrupting the hydrophobic core of phytocystatins increase the flexibility of the N-terminus, leading to an increase in inhibitory activity. Such mutations need not affect the inhibitory site directly but may be observed distant from it and manifest their effects via an uncoupling of its three components as a result of increased protein flexibility.


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It has been shown that cover crops can enhance soil nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions, but the magnitude of increase depends on the quantity and quality of the crop residues. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of long-term (19 and 21 years) no-till maize crop rotations including grass [black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb)] and legume cover crops [vetch (Vigna sativa L), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) and lablab (Dolichos lablab)] on annual soil N(2)O emissions in a subtropical Acrisol in Southern Brazil. Greater soil N(2)O emissions were observed in the first 45 days after the cover crop residue management in all crop rotations, varying from -20.2 +/- 1.9 to 163.9 +/- 24.3 mu g N m(-2) h(-1). Legume-based crop rotations had the largest cumulative emissions in this period, which were directly related to the quantity of N (r(2) = 0.60, p = 0.13)and inversely related to the lignin:N ratio(r(2) = 0.89,p = 0.01) of the cover crop residues. After this period, the mean fluxes were smaller and were closely related to the total soil N stocks (r(2) = 0.96, p = 0.002). The annual soil N(2)O emission represented 0.39-0.75% of the total N added by the legume cover crops. Management-control led soil variables such as mineral N (NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+)) and dissolved organic C influenced more the N(2)O fluxes than environmental-related variables as water-filled pore space and air and soil temperature. Consequently, the synchronization between N mineralization and N uptake by plants seems to be the main challenge to reduce N(2)O emissions while maintaining the environmental and agronomic services provided by legume cover crops in agricultural systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Generalist pathogens frequently exist as a complex of genetically differentiated strains, which can differ in virulence and transmissibility. A description of the extent to which strain variability mediates host species competence is needed to understand disease dynamics for systems with both host and pathogen strain diversity. This study tested the hypothesis that strain-specific variation of a generalist vector-borne plant pathogen, Xylella fastidiosa, affects disease severity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and competence of this crop as a reservoir host. Alfalfa seedlings were inoculated with one of 23 X. fastidiosa isolates collected from different hosts, eight identified as belonging to an almond strain, and the remainder from a grape strain. Pathogen population, symptom severity and infection incidence were compared over five successive harvests. Infected plant size, measured mainly by plant height, internode length and above ground biomass, was reduced up to 50% compared to buffer-inoculated controls, and more severe symptoms were observed at later harvests and for higher pathogen populations. Grape isolates had higher bacterial populations within alfalfa than almond isolates. In addition, infection with grape isolates resulted in more severe alfalfa stunting than that caused by almond isolates. Moreover, there was a strong positive relationship between isolate multiplication rate and both symptom severity and infection persistence (i.e. maintenance of chronic infection within host). Isolates with low initial populations had low incidence at the final harvest, with one isolate dying out altogether. The results showed that X. fastidiosa-genetic diversity contributed to variation in alfalfa disease severity. The results also suggest that pathogen strain may mediate host competence via differences in bacterial population density and persistence.


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Host suitability of oats for Pratylenchus brachyurus Black oat (Avena strigosa), white oat (A. sativa) and Algerian oat (A. byzantina) are extensively cultivated in the south of Brazil for grain, forage, hay and silage production, or as cover crop in no-tillage and crop-pasture integration systems. In both systems, the genotypes of oat used as cover crop must be nonhosts or poor hosts of damaging nematodes for summer cash crops. Taking into account the relevance of Pratylenchus brachyurus as a pathogen for many cash crops in Brazil, two experiments were carried out in a glasshouse in order to evaluate the host suitability of selected oat cultivars to this nematode. The initial population inoculated (Pi) were 92 specimens/plot in experiment 1, and 270 in experiment 2. At the end of experimental periods (86 days after inoculation in experiment 1 and 67 days in experiment 2), the final population (Pf) of P. brachyurus was estimated and the reproductive factor (RF = Pf/Pi) was calculated. The results demonstrated that black oat (RF = 0.04-1.03) is more valuable than Algerian oat (RF = 2.63-2.88) or white oat (RF = 1.37-1.93) for the management of P. brachyurus.


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Host suitability of Avena spp. genotypes to Meloidogyne incognita race 4 The black oat (Avena strigosa), the white oat (A. sativa) and the Algerian oat (A. byzantina) have been widely used as cover crops under succession with soybean, cotton, bean, potato and carrot, which are crops highly damaged by Meloidogyne incognita. The management of M. incognita may have as a component the use of oat genotypes that reduce the nematode population density. Three greenhouse experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the host suitability of five genotypes of black oat (`CPAO 0010`, `Common`, `Embrapa 29`, `Embrapa 140` and `IPFA 99006`), one of white oat (`UFRGS 17`) and one of Algerian oat (`Sao Carlos`) to three isolates of M. incognita race 4 (BA, SP and MT). The black oats increased the population density of the nematode. The oats `UFRGS 17` and `Sao Carlos` reduced or caused a small increase in the population of M. incognita race 4, and neither differentiated from Crotalaria spectabilis. Therefore, the white oat `UFRGS 17` and the Algerian oat `Sao Carlos` should be used in preference to black oats as cover crops in areas infested with M. incognita race 4.


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Copper contaminated areas pose environmental health risk to living organisms. Remediation processes are thus required for both crop production and industrial activities. This study employed bioaugmentation with copper resistant bacteria to improve phytoremediation of vineyard soils and copper mining waste contaminated with high copper concentrations. Oatmeal plant (Avena sativa L) was used for copper phytoextraction. Three copper resistant bacterial isolates from oatmeal rhizosphere (Pseudomonas putida A1 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia A2 and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus A6) were used for the stimulation of copper phytoextraction. Two long-term copper contaminated vineyard soils (Mollisol and Inceptisol) and copper mining waste from Southern Brazil were evaluated. Oatmeal plants substantially extracted copper from vineyard soils and copper mining waste. As much as 1549 mg of Cu kg(-1) dry mass was extracted from plants grown in Inceptisol soil. The vineyard Mollisol copper uptake (55 mg Cu kg(-1) of dry mass) in the shoots was significantly improved upon inoculation of oatmeal plants with isolate A2 (128 mg of Cu kg(-1) of shoot dry mass). Overall oatmeal plant biomass displayed higher potential of copper phytoextraction with inoculation of rhizosphere bacteria in vineyard soil to the extent that 404 and 327 g ha(-1) of copper removal were respectively observed in vineyard Mollisol bioaugmented with isolate A2 (S. maltophilia) and isolate A6 (A. calcoaceticus). Results suggest potential application of bacterial stimulation of phytoaccumulation of copper for biological removal of copper from contaminated areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid component from Cannabis sativa that does not induce psychotomimetic effects and possess anti-inflammatory properties. In the present study we tested the effects of CBD in a periodontitis experimental model in rats. We also investigated possible mechanisms underlying these effects. Periodontal disease was induced by a ligature placed around the mandible first molars of each animal. Male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control animals; ligature-induced animals treated with vehicle and ligature-induced animals treated with CBD (5 mg/kg, daily). Thirty days after the induction of periodontal disease the animals were sacrificed and mandibles and gingival tissues removed for further analysis. Morphometrical analysis of alveolar bone loss demonstrated that CBD-treated animals presented a decreased alveolar bone loss and a lower expression of the activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand RANKL/RANK. Moreover, gingival tissues from the CBD-treated group showed decreased neutrophil migration (MPO assay) associated with lower interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha production. These results indicate that CBD may be useful to control bone resorption during progression of experimental periodontitis in rats. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Delta 9-THC is a component of Cannabis sativa that increases food intake in animals and humans, an effect prevented by selective CB1 receptor antagonists. Cannabidiol (CBD) is another constituent of this plant that promotes several opposite neuropharmacological effects compared to Delta 9-THC. CBD mechanisms of action are still not clear, but under specific experimental conditions it can antagonize the effects of cannabinoid agonists, block the reuptake of anandamide and act as an agonist of 5-HT1A receptors. Since both the cannabinoid and serotoninergic systems have been implicated in food intake control, the aim of the present work was to investigate the effects caused by CBD on hyperphagia induced by agonists of CB1 or 5-HT1A receptors. Fed or fasted Wistar rats received intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of CBD (1, 10 and 20 mg/kg) and food intake was measured 30 min later for 1 h. Moreover, additional fed or fasted groups received, after pretreatment with CBD (20 mg/kg) or vehicle, i.p. administration of vehicle, a CBI receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 (2 mg/kg) or a 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT (1 mg/kg) and were submitted to the food intake test for 1 h. CBD by itself did not change food intake in fed or fasted rats. However, it prevented the hyperphagic effects induced by WIN55,212-2 or 8-OH-DPAT. These results show that CBD can interfere with food intake changes induced by a CB1 or 5-HT1A receptor agonist, suggesting that its role as a possible food intake regulator should be further investigate. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Systemic administration of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa, attenuates the cardiovascular and behavioral responses to restraint stress. Although the brain structures related to CBD effects are not entirely known, they could involve brainstem structures responsible for cardiovascular control. Therefore, to investigate this possibility the present study verified the effects of CBD (15.30 and 60 nmol) injected into the cisterna magna on the autonomic and behavioral changes induced by acute restraint stress. During exposure to restraint stress (1 h) there was a significant increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR). Also, 24 h later the animals showed a decreased percentage of entries onto the open arms of the elevated plus-maze. These effects were attenuated by CBD (30 nmol). The drug had no effect on MAP and HR baseline values. These results indicate that intracisternal administration of CBD can attenuate autonomic responses to stress. However, since CBD decreased the anxiogenic consequences of restraint stress, it is possible that the drug is also acting on forebrain structures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa that induces anxiolytic-like effects in rodents and humans after systemic administration. Previous results from our group showed that CBD injection into the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) attenuates conditioned aversive responses. The aim of this study was to further investigate the role of this region on the anxiolytic effects of the CBD. Moreover, considering that CBD can activate 5-HT1A receptors, we also verified a possible involvement of these receptors in those effects. Male Wistar rats received injections of CBD (15, 30, or 60 nmol) into the BNST and were exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM) or to the Vogel conflict test (VCT), two widely used animal models of anxiety. CBD increased open arms exploration in the EPM as well as the number of punished licks in the VCT, suggesting an anxiolytic-like effect. The drug did not change the number of entries into the enclosed arms of the EPM nor interfered with water consumption or nociceptive threshold, discarding potential confounding factors in the two tests. Moreover, pretreatment with the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 (0.37 nmol) blocked the effects of CBD in both models. These results give further support to the proposal that BNST is involved in the anxiolytic-like effects of CBD observed after systemic administration, probably by facilitating local 5-HT1A receptor-mediated neurotransmission.