21 resultados para MICELLES


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Three water-insoluble, micelle-anchored flavylium salts, 7-hydroxy-3-octyl-flavylium chloride, 4`-hexyl-7-hydroxyflavylium chloride, and 6-hexyl-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-flavylium chloride, have been employed to probe excited-state prototropic reactions in micellar sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In SDS micelles, the fluorescence decays of these three flavylium salts are tetraexponential functions in the pH range from 1.0 to 4.6 at temperatures from 293 to 318 K. The four components of the decays are assigned to Four kinetically coupled excited species in the micelle: specifically, promptly deprotonable (AH(+)*) and nonpromptly deprotonable (AH(h)(+)*) orientations of the acid in the micelle. the base-proton geminate pair (A*center dot center dot center dot H(+)), and the free conjugate base (A*). The initial prompt deprotonation to form the germinate pair occurs at essentially the same rate (k(d) similar to 6-7 x 10(10) s(-1)) for all three photoacids. Recombination of the germinate pair is similar to 3-fold faster than the rate of proton escape from the pair (k(rec) similar to 3 x 10(10) s(-1) and k(diss) similar to 1 x 10(10) s(-1)), corresponding to an intrinsic recombination efficiency of the pair of similar to 75%. Finally, the reprotonation of the short-lived free A* (200-350 ps, depending oil the photoacid) has two components, only one of which depends oil the proton concentration in the intermicellar aqueous phase. Ultrafast transfer of the proton to water and substantial compartmentalization of the photogenerated proton at the micelle surface Oil the picosecond time scale strongly suggest preferential transfer of the proton to preformed hydrogen-bonded water bridges between the photoacid and the anionic headgroups. This localizes the proton in the vicinity of the excited base much more efficiently than ill bulk water, resulting ill the predominance of geminate re reprotonation at the micelle surface.


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Monomer free hydrogel nanoparticles (nanogels) were prepared by crosslinking preformed poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) entrapped in the aqueous pool of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide reverse micelles using the Fenton reaction. The PVP nanoparticles were spherical with a dry diameter of 27 nm. The diameter of the swollen particles was ten times higher, i.e., a swelling ratio, Q, above 900, characterizing this preparation as superabsorbent. PVP nanogel swelling was dependent on bound Fe(3+) and varied with pH and ionic strength. Nanogel deswelling by salt followed the anions lyotropic series, i.e., SCN(-) < HSO(3)(-) < NO(3)(-) < I(-) < Cl(-) < CH(3)COO(-) < CF(3)SO(3)(-). The value of Q reached 6,000 in iron-free PVP nanoparticles at low pH, making this nanogel one of the most efficient swelling systems so far described.


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Ionic liquids, ILs, carrying long-chain alkyl groups are surface active, SAIIs. We investigated the micellar properties of the SAIL 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, C(16)MeImCl, and compared the data with 1-hexadecylpyridinium chloride, C(16)PYCl, and benzyl (3-hexadecanoylaminoethyl)dimethylammonium chloride, C(15)AEtBzMe(2)Cl. The properties compared include critical micelle concentration, cmc; thermodynamic parameters of micellization; empirical polarity and water concentrations in the interfacial regions. In the temperature range from 15 to 75 degrees C, the order of cmc in H(2)O and in D(2)O is C(16)PYCl > C(16)MeImCl > C(15)AEtBzMe(2)Cl. The enthalpies of micellization, Delta H(mic)(degrees), were calculated indirectly from by use of the van`t Hoff treatment; directly by isothermal titration calorimetry, ITC. Calculation of the degree of counter-ion dissociation, alpha(mic), from conductivity measurements, by use of Evans equation requires knowledge of the aggregation numbers, N(agg), at different temperatures. We have introduced a reliable method for carrying out this calculation, based on the volume and length of the monomer, and the dependence of N(agg) on temperature. The N(agg) calculated for C(16)PyCl and C(16)MeImCl were corroborated by light scattering measurements. Conductivity- and ITC-based Delta H(mic)(degrees) do not agree; reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Micelle formation is entropy driven: at all studied temperatures for C(16)MeImCl; only up to 65 degrees C for C(16)PyCl; and up to 55 degrees C for C(15)AEtBzMe(2)Cl. All these data can be rationalized by considering hydrogen-bonding between the head-ions of the monomers in the micellar aggregate. The empirical polarities and concentrations of interfacial water were found to be independent of the nature of the head-group. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The interaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with the ionic surfactants sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, anionic), cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC, cationic) and N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS, zwitterionic) was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of spin label covalently bound to the single free thiol group of the protein. EPR spectra simulation allows to monitor the protein dynamics at the labeling site and to estimate the changes in standard Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy for transferring the nitroxide side chain from the more motionally restricted to the less restricted component. Whereas SDS and CTAC showed similar increases in the dynamics of the protein backbone for all measured concentrations. HPS presented a smaller effect at concentrations above 1.5 mM. At 10 mM of surfactants and 0.15 mM BSA, the standard Gibbs free energy change was consistent with protein backbone conformations more expanded and exposed to the solvent as compared to the native protein, but with a less pronounced effect for HPS. In the presence of the surfactants, the enthalpy change, related to the energy required to dissociate the nitroxide side chain from the protein, was greater, suggesting a lower water activity. The nitroxide side chain also detected a higher viscosity environment in the vicinity of the paramagnetic probe induced by the addition of the surfactants. The results suggest that the surfactant-BSA interaction, at higher surfactant concentration, is affected by the affinities of the surfactant to its own micelles and micelle-like aggregates. Complementary DLS data suggests that the temperature induced changes monitored by the nitroxide probe reflects local changes in the vicinity of the single thiol group of Cys-34 BSA residue. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work focuses on the interaction between the zwitterionic surfactant N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and the giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp). Electronic optical absorption, fluorescence emission and circular dichroism spectroscopy techniques, together with Gel-filtration chromatography, were used in order to evaluate the oligomeric dissociation as well as the autoxidation of HbGp as a function of the interaction with HPS. A peculiar behavior was observed for the HPS-HbGp interaction: a complex ferric species formation equilibrium was promoted, as a consequence of the autoxidation and oligomeric dissociation processes. At pH 7.0, HPS is more effective up to 1 mM while at pH 9.0 the surfactant effect is more intense above 1 mM. Furthermore, the interaction of HPS with HbGp was clearly less intense than the interaction of this hemoglobin with cationic (CTAC) and anionic (SDS) surfactants. Probably, this lower interaction with HPS is due to two factors: (i) the lower electrostatic attraction between the HPS surfactant and the protein surface ionic sites when compared to the electrostatic interaction between HbGp and cationic and anionic surfactants, and (ii) the low cmc of HPS, which probably reduces the interaction of the surfactant in the monomeric form with the protein. The present work emphasizes the importance of the electrostatic contribution in the interaction between ionic surfactants and HbGp. Furthermore, in the whole HPS concentration range used in this study, no folding and autoxidation decrease induced by this surfactant were observed. This is quite different from the literature data on the interaction between surfactants and tetrameric hemoglobins, that supports the occurrence of this behavior for the intracellular hemoglobins at low surfactant concentration range. Spectroscopic data are discussed and compared with the literature in order to improve the understanding of hemoglobin-surfactant interaction as well as the acid isoelectric point (pI) influence of the giant extracellular hemoglobins on their structure-activity relationship. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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EPR spectra of 5- and 16-doxyl stearic acid nitroxide probes (5-DSA and 16-DSA, respectively) bound to bovine serum albumin (BSA) revealed that in the presence of ionic surfactants, at least, two label populations coexist in equilibrium. The rotational correlation times (tau) indicated that component I displays a more restricted mobility state, associated to the spin labels bound to the protein; the less immobilized component 2 is due to label localization in the surfactant aggregates. For both probes, the increase of surfactant concentration leads to higher motional levels of component 1 followed by a simultaneous decrease of this fraction of nitroxides and its conversion into component 2. For 10 mM cethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC), the nitroxides are 100% bound to the protein, whereas at 10mM N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) the fractions of bound nitroxides are reduced to 18% and 86%, respectively. No significant polarity changes were observed in the whole surfactant concentration range for component 1. Moreover, at higher surfactant concentration, component 2 exhibited a similar polarity as in the pure surfactant micelles. For 16-DSA the surfactant effect is different: at 10mM of HPS and CTAC the fractions of bound nitroxides are 76% and 49%, respectively, while at 10 mM SDS they are present exclusively in a micellar environment, consistent with 100% of component 2. Overall, both SDS and HPS are able to effectively displace the nitroxide probes from the protein binding sites. while CTAC seems to affect the nitroxide binding to a significantly smaller extent. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.