83 resultados para Liver fibrosis and carcinogenesis


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AIM: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and histological variables capable of predicting the progression of hepatic structural disturbances in chronic hepatitis C patients during the time interval between two liver biopsies. METHODS: Clinical charts of 112 chronic hepatitis C patients were retrospectively analyzed, whereas liver biopsies were revised. Immunohistochemical detection of interferon receptor was based on the Envision-Peroxidase System. RESULTS: In the multivariate analysis, the variables in the age at first biopsy, ALT levels, presence of lymphoid aggregates and siderosis were the determinants of the best model for predicting the severity of the disease. The direct progression rate of hepatic structural lesions was significantly higher in untreated patients, intermediate in treated non-responders and lower in treated responders to antiviral therapy (non-treated vs responders, 0.22 +/- 0.50 vs -0.15 +/- 0.46, P = 0.0053). Immuno-expression of interferon receptor is not a relevant factor. CONCLUSION: The best predictors of the progression of fibrosis are age at the first liver biopsy, extent of ALT elevation, inflammation at liver histology and hepatic siderosis. Antiviral treatment is effective in preventing the progression of liver structural lesions in chronic hepatitis C patients. (C) 2008 WJG. All rights reserved.


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AIM: To evaluate the long-term results of liver resection for the treatment of primary intrahepatic lithiasis. Prognostic factors, especially the impact of bilioenteric anastomosis on recurrence of symptoms were assessed. METHODS: Forty one patients with intrahepatic stones and parenchyma fibrosis/atrophy and/or biliary stenosis were submitted to liver resection. Resection was associated with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy in all patients with bilateral stones and in those with unilateral disease and dilation of the extrahepatic biliary duct (> 2 cm). Late results and risk factors for recurrence of symptoms or stones were evaluated. RESULTS: There was no operative mortality. After a mean follow-up of 50.3 mo, good late results were observed in 82.9% of patients; all patients submitted to liver resection alone and 58.8% of those submitted to liver resection and hepaticojejunostomy were free of symptoms (P = 0.0006). Patients with unilateral and bilateral disease showed good late results in 94.1% and 28.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Recurrence of symptoms in patients with hepaticojejunostomy showed that this may not be the ideal solution. Further studies are needed to establish the best treatment for patients with bilateral stones or unilateral disease and a dilated extrahepatic duct. (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the effects of high-dose of short-term creatine supplementation (5g.kg(-1). day(-1) to 1 week) and long-term creatine supplementation (1g.kg(-1). day(-1) to 4-8 weeks) on kidney and liver structure and function of sedentary and exercised Wistar rats ( Exercise sessions consisted of swimming at 80% of maximal work load supported during 5 days per week with daily sessions of 60 minutes throughout the duration of the supplementation). Seventy-two animals ( 245 +/- 5g) were divided into four groups (n = 18): control diet Sedentary ( SED), Creatine diet Sedentary (CRE), control diet Exercised (EXE), and Creatine diet Exercised (EXECRE). Histological and blood biochemical studies were performed after one, four, and eight weeks of creatine supplementation and exercise ( n = 6). No differences were found when comparing SED, EXE and EXECRE groups for kidney and liver structure and function at one, four and eight weeks. However, the CRE group showed higher levels of creatinine (1.1 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.4 +/- 0.1 mg.dl(-1); p < 0.05), and urea ( 37 +/- 3 vs. 19 +/- 1 mg. dl(-1); p < 0.05) when compared with all others groups at four and eight weeks. At eight weeks, the CRE group presented increased levels of ALT (41 +/- 7 vs. 23 +/- 7 U.L(-1); p < 0.05), AST (89 +/- 6 vs. 62 +/- 5 U. L(-1); p < 0.05), GGT (8.0 +/- 0.9 vs. 3.9 +/- 1.0 U. L(-1); p < 0.05), and AP (125 +/- 10 vs. 69 +/- 9 U. L(-1); p < 0.05) also when compared with all others groups. Moreover, the CRE group demonstrated some structural alterations indicating renal and hepatic damage at four and eight weeks, respectively. These results suggest that long-term creatine supplementation (up to 4-8 weeks) may adversely affect kidney and liver structure and function of sedentary but not of exercised rats.


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During fetal development, mesenchymal progenitor (MP) cells are co-localized in major hematopoietic territories, such as yolk sac (YS), bone marrow (BM), liver (LV), and others. Studies using mouse and human MP cells isolated from fetus have shown that these cells are very similar but not identical to adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Their differentiation potential is usually restricted to production of highly committed osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. Such properties of fetal MP cells can be very useful for tissue regeneration, when a great number of committed precursors are required. The objectives of this study were to isolate and characterize MP cells from canine YS, BM, and LV in early and late stages of fetal development. Gestational stage was identified, and cell culture conditions were evaluated for efficient isolation of canine MP cells. All canine fetal MP cells expressed vimentin, nestin, and CD44 proteins. Cytokeratin 18 expression was observed in BM-and LV-MP cells, and vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin expression was observed only in YS-MP cells. A small number of MP cells (5%) from LV and YS expressed Oct3/4 protein. The differentiation potential of canine fetal MP cells varied significantly: YS- and BM-MP cells differentiated into bone and cartilage, whereas LV-MP cells differentiation was limited to osteogenic fate. None of the canine fetal MP cells were able to differentiate into adipose cells. Our data suggest that canine fetal MP cells are an appropriate in vitro model to study MP biology from hematopoietic territories and they are a source of committed osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors for regenerative medicine.


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Background: The tubule-interstitial fibrosis is the hallmark of progressive renal disease and is strongly associated with inflammation of this compartment. Heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a cytoprotective molecule that has been shown to be beneficial in various models of renal injury. However, the role of HO-1 in reversing an established renal scar has not yet been addressed. Aim: We explored the ability of HO-1 to halt and reverse the establishment of fibrosis in an experimental model of chronic renal disease. Methods: Sprague-Dawley male rats were subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) and divided into two groups: non-treated and Hemin-treated. To study the prevention of fibrosis, animals were pre-treated with Hemin at days -2 and -1 prior to UUO. To investigate whether HO-1 could reverse established fibrosis, Hemin therapy was given at days 6 and 7 post-surgery. After 7 and/or 14 days, animals were sacrificed and blood, urine and kidney tissue samples were collected for analyses. Renal function was determined by assessing the serum creatinine, inulin clearance, proteinuria/creatininuria ratio and extent of albuminuria. Arterial blood pressure was measured and fibrosis was quantified by Picrosirius staining. Gene and protein expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic molecules, as well as HO-1 were performed. Results: Pre-treatment with Hemin upregulated HO-1 expression and significantly reduced proteinuria, albuminuria, inflammation and pro-fibrotic protein and gene expressions in animals subjected to UUO. Interestingly, the delayed treatment with Hemin was also able to reduce renal dysfunction and to decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory molecules, all in association with significantly reduced levels of fibrosis-related molecules and collagen deposition. Finally, TGF-beta protein production was significantly lower in Hemin-treated animals. Conclusion: Treatment with Hemin was able both to prevent the progression of fibrosis and to reverse an established renal scar. Modulation of inflammation appears to be the major mechanism behind HO-1 cytoprotection.


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Major requirements for performance of liver biopsy (LB) are the benefits for the patient and the impossibility of having the same information by less invasive procedures. In the last two decades physicians have faced the difficult task of convincing a patient positive for hepatitis C, with minimal clinical or laboratory alterations to be submitted to LB in order to evaluate the status of the disease for therapeutic management. The characteristics of the needle used for percutaneous LB interferes with the accuracy of diagnosis. In chronic hepatitis C (CHC), validity is achieved with liver fragments about 25mm in length containing more than 10 portal tracts. Morbidity due to LB is mainly related to bleeding but death is very rare. Severe complications are also uncommon, increasing with number of passes and decreasing with experience of operator and ultrasound guidance. Although CHC is a diffuse disease, the various areas of the liver may not be equally affected and sampling errors are possible. Another potential limitation of LB is the discordance between pathologists in its interpretation. To replace LB, many panels of surrogate markers have been described, aiming to identify extent of fibrosis and inflammation. All of them have used LB as their ""gold standard"". Liver biopsy continues to be the most reliable method to evaluate the possibility of therapy for CHC. Universal treatment of all patients with diagnosis of CHC would be ideal. But, there are mainly three drawbacks. Overall efficacy is as low as 50%, side effects are common and may be severe and treatment is prolonged and expensive. The acceptability of the biopsy by the patient is highly dependent on the physician`s conviction of its usefulness.


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Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is one of the most important causes of chronic liver disease in the world, potentially resulting in cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and the need for liver transplantation. Liver biopsy is currently performed before therapy indication. Although, it is the golden standard there are many reasons to avoid or delay the procedure. APRI Score is an easy, low cost and practice alternative method which was described as an alternative for assessing structural changes in chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The rationale of this study was to observe the accuracy of APRI Score in comparison to liver biopsy in 400 patients divided into two groups of 200 carriers (Validation and Experimental groups respectively) selected at random or according to liver fibrosis staging (METAVIR). The ROC curves showed a concordance among these two methods of 92% and 88.5% when 1.05 was the cut off (F3 and F4), and 87% and 83%, on 0.75 cut offs (F2-F4). The discordance in advanced fibrosis staging (F3 and F4) was only 16 (8%) and 22 (11%) out of 200 patients in the experimental and validation groups, respectively. In 26 (13%) out of 200 patients in the experimental group and 34 (17%) out of 200 patients in the validation group, there was discordance between APRI Score and liver biopsy in moderate and advanced fibrosis (F2-F4). In conclusion APRI is a serological marker that has satisfactory sensitivity and specificity together with a high predictive value and it can be useful either in the absence of a biopsy or to reduce the frequency with which biopsies need to be carried out to monitor the evolution of chronic hepatitis C and the right moment for treatment indication.


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Background & Aims: EPIC-3 is a prospective, international study that has demonstrated the efficacy of PEG-IFN alfa-2b plus weight-based ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C and significant fibrosis who previously failed any interferon-alfa/ribavirin therapy. The aim of the present study was to assess FibroTest (FT), a validated non-invasive marker of fibrosis in treatment-naive patients, as a possible alternative to biopsy as the baseline predictor of subsequent early virologic (EVR) and sustained virologic response (SVR) in previously treated patients. Methods: Of 2312 patients enrolled, 1459 had an available baseline FT, biopsy, and complete data. Uni- (UV) and multi-variable (MV) analyses were performed using FT and biopsy. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar as in the overall population; METAVIR stage: 28% F2, 29% F3, and 43% F4, previous relapsers 29%, previous PEG-IFN regimen 41%, high baseline viral load (BVL) 64%. 506 patients (35%) had undetectable HCV-RNA at TW12 (TW12neg), with 58% achieving SVR. The accuracy of FT was similar to that in naive patients: AUROC curve for the diagnosis of F4 vs F2 = 0.80 (p<0.00001). Five baseline factors were associated (p<0.001) with SVR in UV and MV analyses (odds ratio: UV/MV): fibrosis stage estimated using FT (4.5/5.9) or biopsy (1.5/1.6), genotype 2/3 (4.5/5.1), BVL (1.5/1.3), prior relapse (1.6/1.6), previous treatment with non-PEG-IFN (2.6/2.0). These same factors were associated (p <= 0.001) with EVR. Among patients TW12neg, two independent factors remained highly predictive of SVR by MV analysis (p <= 0.001): genotype 2/3 (odds ratio = 2.9), fibrosis estimated with FT (4.3) or by biopsy (1.5). Conclusions: FibroTest at baseline is a possible non-invasive alternative to biopsy for the prediction of EVR at 12 weeks and SVR, in patients with previous failures and advanced fibrosis, retreated with PEG-IFN alfa-2b and ribavirin. (C) 2010 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background/Aims: Specific treatment of chronic hepatitis C is effective in 50% of patients, improving the]liver`s fibrosis, necroinflammatory changes and steatosis. However, in patients still viremic after treatment the extension of these benefits remains doubtful. The evolution of the disease in this group and its relationship to demographic data, biometric indices and time lapse between biopsies was evaluated. Methodology: In 141 patients, paired biopsies were classified and compared according to fibrosis grading. Necroinflammation, steatosis, demographic data (age and gender), body mass index (BMI) and time lapse between biopsies were compared with fibrosis grading. Results: The grade of fibrosis of the patients, after approximately 3.5 years time lapse between biopsies, could be classified into 4 groups; Improved: 29(20.0%), Unaltered: 64(45.0%), Worsened: 48(34%) and Cirrhotic: 14(9.93%). For necroinflammation, the Improved/Unaltered groups were statistically similar but different from the Worsened and Cirrhotic. The mean age, BMI and time lapse between biopsies were statistically similar in all groups. Steatosis occurred in 35 (24.82%) between biopsies and its incidence was reduced in the Worsened and Cirrhotic groups. Conclusions: Fibrosis turned into cirrhosis in a significant number of patients, after a short time lapse. The reverse correlation of steatosis to fibrosis and its occurrence during the time lapse between biopsies suggests it might induce hepatic necrosis and contribute to fibrogenesis.


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The liver involvement in the human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has been related to parasitism and activated Kupffer cells with further occasional fibrotic alterations, especially after long-term disease without treatment. However, fibrotic alterations have been reported after therapy, whose clinical finding is the persistence of hepatomegaly. Fibrotic involvement of the liver after therapy was never well understood, and the aim of this study was to evaluate this finding through ultrastructural and morphometric analysis. A case-control study was performed with 20 patients (15 cases and five controls). Cases included patients with persistent hepatomegaly (residual) after treatment of VL submitted to liver biopsy to exclude other causes of liver enlargement, including serum tests of viral hepatitis. The material was evaluated by electron microcopy allowing ultrastructural with morphometric analysis of medium portion of hepatic lobule. Narrow sinusoidal lumen and prominent Kupffer cells were found with insignificant alterations of hepatocytes, pit, and endothelial cells. On ultrastructural analysis, the enlargement of the space of Disse was due to fibrous collagen, increase of number of Ito cells, and nonfibrous extracellular matrix that were associated with Kupffer cells enlargement. Immunohistochemistry showed an intense expression of TGF-beta in patients with VL. These findings suggest a production of TGF-beta by Kupffer cells that resulted in the characteristic fibrotic involvement of the liver. Residual hepatomegaly in visceral leishmaniasis could result from sustained Kupffer cell activation with perihepatocytic fibrosis.


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Background/Aims: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a well recognized complication of advanced NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). We sought to produce a rat model of NASH, cirrhosis and HCC. Methods: Adult Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 250-300 g, were fed a choline-deficient, high trans-fat diet and exposed to DEN in drinking water. After 16 weeks, the animals underwent liver ultrasound (US), sacrifice and assessment by microscopy, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: US revealed steatosis and focal lesions in 6 of 7. All had steatohepatitis defined as inflammation, advanced fibrosis and ballooning with Mallory-Denk bodies (MDB) with frank cirrhosis in 6. Areas of more severe injury were associated with anti-CK19 positive ductular reaction. HCC, present in all, were macro-trabecullar or solid with polyhedral cells with foci of steatosis and ballooned cells. CK19 was positive in single or solid nests of oval cells and in neoplastic hepatocytes. TEM showed ballooning with small droplet fat, dilated endoplasmic reticulum and MDB in non-neoplastic hepatocytes and small droplet steatosis in some cancer cells. Conclusions: This model replicated many features of NASH including steatohepatitis with ballooning, fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Oval cell proliferation was evident and the presence anti-CK 19 positivity in the cancer suggests oval cell origin of the malignancy. (C) 2008 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Jorge Lobo`s disease, or lacaziosis, is a chronic deep mycosis that clinically manifests as solid, variable-sized nodular parakeloidal lesions. Few studies have characterized the in situ cellular and humoral immune response, especially the involvement of cytokines with immunosuppressive effects such as TGF-beta. The objective this paper was to analyze the expression of TGF-beta in cutaneous lesions in lacaziosis and investigate its importance in the etiopathogy of the disease. The results indicate that the abundance of collagen bands, together with weak immunolabeling for CD68 seen in macrophages, indicates a concomitant effect of TGF-beta inhibiting macrophages and inducing fibrosis, which is responsible for the keloid aspect frequently acquired by these lesions. Finally, the evolution of the infection supports the hypothesis that TGF-beta plays a fundamental role in the etiopathology of Lacazia loboi infection, either by inhibiting the cellular immune response mainly mediated by macrophages or by inducing fibrosis. Further studies are necessary to better characterize the phenotype of the inflammatory infiltrate as well as the participation of other cytokines and growth factors in the tissue response of the host in Jorge Lobo`s disease. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Background. Bilioduodenal (BD) and biliojejunal (BJ) derivation induce enterobiliary reflux and bile stasis. Decompression of the excluded loop of the Roux-en-Y (BJD) was proposed to minimize these effects. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of these three modalities of biliary bypass on hepatic lesion repair in rats with secondary biliary fibrosis. Materials and Methods. Rats with 15 d of biliary obstruction underwent BD, BJ, and BJD drainage and were compared with a group submitted to simulated operation (SO) and biliary obstruction (CBO). The serum values of total and fractional bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and aminotransferases (AST and ALT), as well as hepatobiliointestinal excretion determined with (99m)Tc-Disida, were used for comparison. In addition, we used morphometric analyses to estimate the mass of the hepatocytes, bile ducts, and liver fibrosis. We also counted hepatic stellate cells (SC). Results. For each of the three modalities of biliary drainage, there were significant reductions in bilirubin, AST, ALP, and the number of SCs. The recovery of the estimated mass of all histologic components occurred only after BJ and BJD; in the BD group, the estimated hepatocyte mass was reduced compared with the SO group. The residual hepatic radioactivity of (99m)Tc-Disida was greater in the BJD group than in the SO group. Conclusions. The interposition of the jejunal loop between the biliary tree and the intestine may slow hepatobiliary clearance of radioactivity, even though it provides the resolution of cholestasis and is effective in recovering from hepatic lesions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hepatic ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) results in mild to severe remote organ injury. Oxidative stress and nitric oxide (NO) seem to be involved in the IR injury. Our aim was to investigate the effects of liver I/R on hepatic function and lipid peroxidation, leukocyte infiltration and NO synthase (NOS) immunostaining in the lung and the kidney. We randomized 24 male Wistar rats into 3 groups: 1) control; 2) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver 1 and 2 hours of global liver R; and 3) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver I and 6 hours of global liver R. Groups 2 and 3 showed significant increases in plasma alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels and in tissue malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase contents. In the kidney, positive endothelial NOS (eNOS) staining was significantly decreased in group 3 compared with group 1. However, staining for inducible NOS (iNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) did not differ among the groups. In the lung, the staining for eNOS and iNOS did not show significant differences among the groups; no positive nNOS staining was observed in any group. These results suggested that partial liver I followed by global liver R induced liver, kidney, and lung injuries characterized by neutrophil sequestration and increased oxidative stress. In addition, we supposed that the reduced NO formation via eNOS may be implicated in the moderate impairment of renal function, observed by others at 24 hours after liver I/R.


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Purpose: The purpose of our study was to compare signal characteristics and image qualities of MR imaging at 3.0 T and 1.5 T in patients with diffuse parenchymal liver disease. Materials and methods: 25 consecutive patients with diffuse parenchymal liver disease underwent abdominal MR imaging at both 3.0 T and 1.5 T within a 6-month interval. A retrospective study was conducted to obtain quantitative and qualitative data from both 3.0 T and 1.5 T MRI. Quantitative image analysis was performed by measuring the signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and the contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) by the Students t-test. Qualitative image analysis was assessed by grading each sequence on a 3- and 4-point scale, regarding the presence of artifacts and image quality, respectively. Statistical analysis consisted of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: the mean SNRs and CNRs of the liver parenchyma and the portal vein were significantly higher at 3.0 T than at 1.5 T on portal and equilibrium phases of volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (VIBE) images (P < 0.05). The mean SNRs were significantly higher at 3.0 T than at 1.5 T on T1-weighted spoiled gradient echo (SGE) images (P < 0.05). However, there were no significantly differences on T2-weighted short-inversion-time inversion recovery (STIR) images. Overall image qualities of the 1.5 T noncontrast T1- and T2-weighted sequences were significantly better than 3.0 T (P < 0.01). In contrast, overall image quality of the 3.0 T post-gadolinium VIBE sequence was significantly better than 1.5 T (P< 0.01). Conclusions: MR imaging of post-gadolinium VIBE sequence at 3.0 T has quantitative and qualitative advantages of evaluating for diffuse parenchymal liver disease. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.