115 resultados para Lc
This article describes the enantioseleclive analysis of cyclophosphamide (CPA) in human plasma using LC-MS/MS. CPA enantiomers were extracted from plasma using a mixture of ethyl acetate and chloroform (75:25, v/v). The enantiomers were separated on a Chiralcel(R) OD-R column, with the mobile phase consisting of a mixture of acetonitrile and water (75:25, v/v) plus 0.2% formic acid. The protonaled ions and their respective product ions were monitored using two functions, 261 > 141 for CPA enantiomers and 189 > 104 for the internal standard (antipyrine). Recovery rates were higher than 95% and the quantification limit was 2.5-ng/ml plasma for both enantiomers. The coefficients of variation and the relative errors obtained for the validation of intra- and interassay precision and accuracy were less than 10%. The method was applied for the investigation of the enantioselective pharmacokinetics of CPA in a lupus nephritis patient treated with 1 g CPA infused over 2 h and in a breast cancer patient treated with 0.9 g infused over 1 h. No stereoselectivity in the pharmacokinetic parameters was observed for either patient. Clearance values of 2.63 and 2.93 l/h and of 3.36 and 3.61 l/h for (-)-(S) and (+)-(R)-CPA were obtained for the breast cancer and lupus nephritis patient., respectively. Chirality 21:383-389, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Labetalol is clinically available as a mixture of two racemates (four stereoisomers). The stereoisomer (R,R) has as main activity the beta(1)-antagonism and the stereoisomer (S,R) is highly selective for the alpha(1) adrenoceptor and is responsible for most of the alpha-blocker activity. In the present investigation, a method for the analysis of labetalol stereoisomers in human plasma was developed and applied to pharmacokinetic studies. Plasma samples (0.5 ml) were extracted with methyl tert-butyl ether at pH 9.5. The four labetalol stereoisomers were analyzed by LC-MS/MS on a Chirobiotic (R) V column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, acetic acid, and diethylamine, with a recovery of more than 90% for all four. The quantitation limit was 0.5 ng/ml and linearity was observed at 250 ng/ml plasma for each stereoisomer. Studies of precision and accuracy presented coefficients of variation and percentage inaccuracy of less than 15%, indicating that the method is precise and accurate. The method was applied to the study of the kinetic disposition of labetalol over a period of 12 h after oral administration of a single 100 mg dose to a hypertensive pregnant woman. The clinical study revealed stereoselectivity in the pharmacokinetics of labetalol, with a lower plasma proportion for the active stereoisomers (R,R)-labetalol and (S,R)-labetalol. The stereoselectivity observed after oral administration is due to the hepatic metabolism and the first pass effect, with an AUC((R,R))/AUC((S,S)) ratio of 0.5. Chirality 21:738-744, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Quantitation of progesterone (P(4)) in biological fluids is often performed by radioimmunoassay (RIA), whereas liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been used much less often. Due to its autoconfirmatory nature, LC-MS/MS greatly minimizes false positives and interference. Herein we report and compare with RIA an optimized LC-MS/MS method for rapid, efficient, and cost-effective quantitation of P(4) in plasma of cattle with no sample derivatization. The quantitation of plasma P(4) released from three nonbiodegradable, commercial, intravaginal P(4)-releasing devices (IPRD) over 192 h in six ovariectomized cows was compared in a pairwise study as a test case. Both techniques showed similar P(4) kinetics (P > 0.05) whereas results of P(4) quantitation by RIA were consistently higher compared with LC-MS/MS (P < 0.05) due to interference and matrix effects. The LC-MS/MS method was validated according to the recommended analytical standards and displayed P(4) limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) of 0.08 and a 0.25 ng/mL, respectively. The high selective LC-MS/MS method proposed herein for P(4) quantitation eliminates the risks associated with radioactive handling; it also requires no sample derivatization, which is a common requirement for LC-MS/MS quantitation of steroid hormones. Its application to multisteroid assays is also viable, and it is envisaged that it may provide a gold standard technique for hormone quantitation in animal reproductive science studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Laboratory test was carried out on larvae and adults of the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, to determine fipronil toxicity. Adult immersion test (AIT, N = 26), larval immersion test (LIT, N = 71) and larval packet test (LPT, N = 41) were standardized using susceptible strain (Mozo). Dose-response curves were compared with a fipronil resistant strain. Four variables were analyzed from AIT results: mortality, weight of eggs on day 7 and on day 14, index of fertility, and index of fecundity. For larval test, dose mortality curves were analyzed. In spite of the high LC(50) variability, all variables determined for AIT were appropriate to discriminate both strains. AIT and LIT had more sensitivity than LPT, with larger resistance factors. It was used two times LC(99.9) as discriminating doses (DCs) following FAO suggestion. For mortality by AIT, LIT and LPT the DCs were estimated: 4.98 ppm, 7.64 ppm and 2365.8 ppm, respectively, for Mozo strain. DCs mortality values estimated for resistant strain by AIT, LIT and LPT were: 6.96 x 10(5) ppm, 343.26 ppm and 5.7 x 10(3) ppm, respectively and their respective resistant factors were: 202.4, 5.36 and 1.52. Protocols for AIT, LIT and LPT have been presented in this paper. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to investigate the chemical profile of 14 specimens of Aplysina spp. marine sponges, we have developed a method based on LC-PDA-MS for the detection of bromotyrosine-derived metabolites. The method enabled the dereplication of three distinct chemotypes of bromotyrosine-derived compounds based on UV absorptions, which were further refined by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis of the brominated quasi-molecular ion clusters. This procedure led to either a single compound assignment, or a maximum of two possible isobaric compounds. The dereplication study indicated that the chemical profile of the 14 specimens of Aplysina spp. analyzed presented practically the same dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. The results obtained suggested a possible biogenetic pathway for the formation of dibromotyrosine-derived compounds of wide occurrence in Verongida sponges.
The nutritional value of maize seed is limited due to its high content of storage proteins (zeins), which are deficient in essential amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan. In a previous paper, we showed that protein bodies obtained from BR473 maize variety, developed by Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), were mainly constituted by Z27 and a smaller quantity of Z50 gamma-zeins. Besides zein proteins, other not identified protein band in the SDS/PAGE was also observed, which could indicate the presence of non-zein proteins additionally to gamma-zeins. In the present paper, we have demonstrated the presence of non-zein proteins in BR473 maize protein bodies by LC-nanoESI-MS/MS and database searching. This fact could be related to the excellent energetic value and higher protein quality of BR473 maize grains, since high lysine concentration in some maize varieties has been related to the presence of cytoskeleton proteins that are non-zeins. We have identified the following proteins: Brittle-1 protein (chloroplast precursor), Legumin-1, glyceroldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and elongation factor 1-alpha.
A new polymeric coating consisting of a dual-phase, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polypyrrole (PPY) was developed for the stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) of antidepressants (mirtazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine and sertraline) from plasma samples, followed by liquid chromatography analysis (SBSE/LC-UV). The extractions were based on both adsorption (PPY) and sorption (PDMS) mechanisms. SBSE variables, such as extraction time, temperature, pH of the matrix, and desorption time were optimized, in order to achieve suitable analytical sensitivity in a short time period. The PDMS/PPY coated stir bar showed high extraction efficiency (sensitivity and selectivity) toward the target analytes. The quantification limits (LOQ) of the SBSE/LC-UV method ranged from 20 ng mL(-1) to 50 ng mL(-1), and the linear range was from LOQ to 500 ng mL(-1), with a determination coefficient higher than 0.99. The inter-day precision of the SBSE/LC-UV method presented a variation coefficient lower than 15%. The efficiency of the SBSE/LC-UV method was proved by analysis of plasma samples from elderly depressed patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the flexural strength (σf) and hardness (H) of direct and indirect composites, testing the hypotheses that direct resin composites produce higher σf and H values than indirect composites and that these properties are positively related. Ten bar-shaped specimens (25 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) were fabricated for each direct [D250 - Filtek Z250 (3M-Espe) and D350 - Filtek Z350 (3M-Espe)] and indirect [ISin - Sinfony (3M-Espe) and IVM - VitaVM LC (Vita Zahnfabrik)] materials, according to the manufacturer's instructions and ISO4049 specifications. The σf was tested in three-point bending using a universal testing machine (EMIC DL 2000) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min (ISO4049). Knoop hardness (H) was measured on the specimens' fragments resultant from the σf test and calculated as H = 14.2P/l², where P is the applied load (0.1 kg; dwell time = 15 s) and l is the longest diagonal of the diamond shaped indent (ASTM E384). The data were statistically analyzed using Anova and Tukey tests (α = 0.05). The mean σf and standard deviation values (MPa) and statistical grouping were: D250 - 135.4 ± 17.6a; D350 - 123.7 ± 11.1b; ISin - 98.4 ± 6.4c; IVM - 73.1 ± 4.9d. The mean H and standard deviation values (kg/mm²) and statistical grouping were: D250 - 98.12 ± 1.8a; D350 - 86.5 ± 1.9b; ISin - 28.3 ± 0.9c; IVM - 30.8 ± 1.0c. The direct composite systems examined produce higher mean σf and H values than the indirect composites, and the mean values of these properties were positively correlated (r = 0.91), confirming the study hypotheses.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do nível de concentrado e dos sais de cálcio de ácidos graxos (SCAG) sobre o desempenho e qualidade da carne de novilhos terminados em confinamento. Sessenta novilhos Nelore e cruza Nelore foram divididos em quatro grupos e confinados por um período de 85 dias com as seguintes dietas: (BC) 46,7% de concentrado; (BC-SCAG) dieta BC acrescida de 3% de SCAG; (AC) dieta contendo 76,6% de concentrado e (AC-SCAG) dieta AC com 3% de SCAG. O nível de concentrado não influenciou o ganho médio diário, a espessura de gordura subcutânea e a área de olho de lombo, mas as dietas AC aumentaram o peso (P=0,0011) e o rendimento (P<0,0001) de carcaça, além da força de cisalhamento (P=0,0438). Animais alimentados com as dietas AC apresentaram maior peso (P=0,0011) e rendimento (P<0,0001) de carcaça em relação aos animais do tratamento BC. Os SCAG aumentaram o ganho de peso em dietas de AC (P=0,0311), mas sem efeito nas dietas BC. Animais tratados com as dietas contendo SCAG apresentaram maior peso (P=0,0133) e rendimento de carcaça (P=0,0160), mas sem diferenças na espessura de gordura subcutânea, área de olho de lombo e força de cisalhamento. Dietas de alto concentrado e os SCAG melhoraram as características quantitativas (peso e rendimento) das carcaças de bovinos na fase de terminação e podem ser utilizadas pelos produtores como alternativa para melhorar a eficiência do sistema de produção.
In order to verify the influence of chronic and acute ambient oxygen levels from egg to adult stage of the zebrafish, in vivo oxygen consumption (MO2), critical tensions of oxygen (Pcrit), heart rate (fH) and total body lactate concentration (Lc) were determined for Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) raised at 28 °C under normoxic (7.5 mgO2.L-1 or 80 mm.Hg-1) and hypoxic conditions (4.3 mgO2.L-1) and exposed to acute hypoxia during different developmental stages. Our findings confirmed that very early stages do not respond effectively to ambient acute hypoxia. However, after the stage corresponding to the age of 30 days, D. rerio was able to respond to acute hypoxia through effective physiological mechanisms involving aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Such responses were more efficient for the fishes reared under hypoxia which showed that D. rerio survival capability increased during acclimation to mild hypoxia. Measurements of body mass and length showed that moderate hypoxia did not affect growth significantly until the fish reached the stage of 60 days. Moreover, a growth delay was verified for the hypoxic-reared animals. Also, the D. rerio eggs-to-larvae survival varied from 87.7 to 62.4% in animals reared under normoxia and mild hypoxia, respectively. However, the surviving animals raised under moderated hypoxia showed a better aptitude to regulate aerobic and anaerobic capacities when exposed to acute hypoxia.
The flavonoids present in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and a study of the fragmentation patterns of selected flavonoids was conducted using orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-oa-ToF MS). Seven C- and O-glycosylflavones were identified in the extracts, namely, schaftoside, isoschaftoside, luteolin-8-C-(rhamnosylglucoside), vitexin, orientin, tricin-7-O-neohesperidoside and tricin-7-O-glucoside. Of these, five were identified in the absence of direct comparison with their respective standards. The described method also permitted the differentiation of the 6-C and 8-C isomeric flavones, schaftoside and isoschaftoside. The combination of fragmentation data and exact mass measurement showed to be complimentary to the HPLC-UV-MS techniques previously utilized for isomers discrimination in sugarcane studies.
OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with depression symptoms in high school students. METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving high school students was conducted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, 2001. A total of 724 students aged 14-18 years answered questionnaires on life and health conditions. Another questionnaire was applied to working (44.8%) and unemployed (22.9%) students to collect information on working conditions. Factors associated to depressive disorders were analyzed using multiple logistic regression controlled for occupational status. RESULTS: Overall prevalence rate of depression was 7.5%. Rates according to gender were 39 (10.3%) in females and 15 (4.3%) in males. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that factors associated with depressive disorders were: poor self-perception of health (OR=5.78), being female (OR = 2.45), and alcohol consumption (OR=2.35). CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that sociodemographic, lifestyle and health variables were associated with symptoms of depression in this population. These ndings suggest that it is important to have mental health professionals available in high schools for early detection of mental conditions and student counseling.
Chelonia mydas is a sea turtle that feeds and nests on the Brazilian coast and a disease called fibropapillomatosis is a threat to this species. Because of this, it is extremely necessary to determine a methodology that would enable the analysis of blood leukocyte function in these sea turtles. In order to achieve this aim, blood samples were collected from C. mydas with or without fibropapillomas captured on the São Paulo north coast. Blood samples were placed in tubes containing sodium heparin and were transported under refrigeration to the laboratory in sterile RPMI 1640 cell culture medium. Leukocytes were separated by density gradient using Ficoll-PaqueTM Plus, Amershan Biociences®. The following stimuli were applied in the assessment of leukocyte function: Phorbol Miristate-Acetate (PMA) for oxidative burst activity evaluation and Zymosan A (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Bio Particles®, Alexa Fluor® 594 conjugate for phagocytosis evaluation. Three cell populations were identified: heterophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes were the cells responsible for phagocytosis and oxidative burst.
Background: Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocytes in peripheral blood and represent one of the most important elements of innate immunity. Recent subcellular proteomic studies have focused on the identification of human neutrophil proteins in various subcellular membrane and granular fractions. Although there are relatively few studies dealing with the analysis of the total extract of human neutrophils, many biological problems such as the role of chemokines, adhesion molecules, and other activating inputs involved in neutrophil responses and signaling can be approached on the basis of the identification of the total cellular proteins. Results: Using gel-LC-MS/MS, 251 total cellular proteins were identified from resting human neutrophils. This is more than ten times the number of proteins identified by an initial proteome analysis of human neutrophils and almost five times the number of proteins identified by the first 2-DE map of extracts of rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Most of the proteins identified in the present study are well-known, but some of them, such as neutrophil-secreted proteins and centaurin beta-1, a cytoplasmic protein involved in the regulation of NF-kappa B activity, are described here for the first-time. Conclusion: The present report provides new information about the protein content of human neutrophils. Importantly, our study resulted in the discovery of a series of proteins not previously reported to be associated with human neutrophils. These data are relevant to the investigation of comparative pathological states and models for novel classes of pharmaceutical drugs that could be useful in the treatment of inflammatory disorders in which neutrophils participate.
Schistosomiasis is a tropical disease caused by Schistosoma and occurs in 54 countries, mainly in South America, the Caribbean region, Africa and the eastern Mediterranean. Currently, 5 to 6 million Brazilian people are infected and 30,000 are under infection risk. Typical of poor regions, this disease is associated with the lack of basic sanitation and very frequently to the use of contaminated water in agriculture, housework and leisure. One of the most efficient methods of controlling the disease is application of molluscicides to eliminate or to reduce the population of the intermediate host snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Studies on molluscicidal activity of plant extracts have been stimulated by issues such as environmental preservation, high cost and recurrent resistance of snails to synthetic molluscicides. The aim of this study was to determine the molluscicide action of extracts from Piperaceae species on adult and embryonic stages of B. glabrata. Fifteen extracts from 13 Piperaceae species were obtained from stems, leaves and roots. Toxicity of extracts was evaluated against snails at two different concentrations (500 and 100 ppm) and those causing 100% mortality at 100 ppm concentration were selected to obtain the LC(90) (lethal concentration of 90% mortality). Piper aduncum, P. crassinervium, P. cuyabanum, P. diospyrifolium and P. hostmannianum gave 100% mortality of adult snails at concentrations ranging from 10 to 60 ppm. These extracts were also assayed on embryonic stages of B. glabrata and those from P. cuyabanum and P. hostmannianum showed 100% ovicidal action at 20 ppm.