27 resultados para Helical magnets


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5-(4-(N-tert-Butyl-N-aminoxylphenyl)) pyrimidine (RL, 4PPN) forms crystallographically isostructural and isomorphic pseudo-octahedral M(RL)(2)(hfac)(2) complexes with M(hfac)(2), M = Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Mn. Multiple close contacts occur between sites of significant spin density of the organic radical units. Magnetic behavior of the Zn, Cu, Ni, Co complexes appears to involve multiple exchange pathways, with multiple close crystallographic contacts between sites that EPR (of 4PPN) indicates to have observable spin density. Powder EPR spectra at room temperature and low temperature are reported for each complex. Near room temperature, the magnetic moments of the complexes are roughly equal to those expected by a sum of non-interacting moments (two radicals plus ion). As temperature decreases, AFM exchange interactions become evident in all of the complexes. The closest fits to the magnetic data were found for a 1-D Heisenberg AFM chain model in the Zn(II) complex (J/k = (-)7 K), and for three-spin RL-M-RL exchange in the other complexes (J/k = (-)26 K, (-)3 K, (-) 6 K, for Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) complexes, respectively). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The (16)O+(27)Al elastic and inelastic angular distributions have been measured in a broad angular range (13 degrees < theta(lab) < 52 degrees) at about 100 MeV incident energy. The use of the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer and of the ray-reconstruction analysis technique has been crucial in order to provide, in the same experiment, high-resolution energy spectra and cross-section measurements distributed over more than seven orders of magnitude down to hundreds of nb/sr. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A DNA-like duplex of nucleosides is probable to exist even without the 5`-phosphate groups needed to assemble the chain backbone. However, double-stranded helical structures of nucleosides are unknown. Here, we report a duplex of nucleoside analogs that is spontaneously assembled due to stacking of the neutral and protonated molecules of lamivudine, a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NTRI) widely used in anti-HIV drug combinatory medication. The left-handed lamivudine duplex has features similar to those of i-motif DNA, as the face-to-face base stacking and the helix rise per base pair. Furthermore, the protonation pattern on alternate bases expected for it DNA-like duplex stabilized by pairing of neutral and protonated cytosine fragments was observed for the first time in the lamivudine double-stranded helix. This structure demonstrates that hydrogen bonds can substitute for covalent phosphodiester linkage in the stabilization of the duplex backbone. This interesting example of spontaneous molecular self-organization indicates that the 5`-phosphate group could not be a requirement for duplex assembly.


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The action of a synthetic antimicrobial peptide analog of Plantaricin 149 (Pln149a) against Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its interaction with biomembrane model systems were investigated. Pln149a was shown to inhibit S. cerevisiae growth by more than 80% in YPD medium, causing morphological changes in the yeast wall and remaining active and resistant to the yeast proteases even after 24 h of incubation. Different membrane model systems and carbohydrates were employed to better describe the Pln149a interaction with cellular components using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies, adsorption kinetics and surface elasticity in Langmuir monolayers. These assays showed that Pln149a does not interact with either mono/polysaccharides or zwitterionic LUVs, but is strongly adsorbed to and incorporated into negatively charged surfaces, causing a conformational change in its secondary structure from random-coil to helix upon adsorption. From the concurrent analysis of Pln149a adsorption kinetics and dilatational surface elasticity data, we determined that 2.5 mu M is the critical concentration at which Pln149a will disrupt a negative DPPG monolayer. Furthermore, Pln149a exhibited a carpet-like mechanism of action, in which the peptide initially binds to the membrane, covering its surface and acquiring a helical structure that remains associated to the negatively charged phospholipids. After this electrostatic interaction, another peptide region causes a strain in the membrane, promoting its disruption. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The proline-rich N-terminal domain of gamma-zein has been reported in relevant process, which include its ability to cross the cell membranes. Evidences indicate that synthetic hexapeptide (PPPVHL), naturally found in N-terminal portion of gamma-zein, can adopt the polyproline II (PPII) conformation in aqueous solution. The secondary structure of gamma-zein in maize protein bodies had been analyzed by solid state Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. However, it was not possible to measure PPII content in physiological environment since the beta-sheet and PPII signals overlap in both solid state techniques. Here, the secondary structure of gamma-zein has been analyzed by circular dichroism in SDS aqueous solution with and without ditiothreitol (DTT), and in 60% of 2-propanol and water with DTT The results show that gamma-zein has high helical content in all solutions. The PPII conformation was present at about 7% only in water/DTT solution. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The ligand binding domain (LBD) of nuclear hormone receptors adopts a very compact, mostly alpha-helical structure that binds specific ligands with very high affinity. We use circular dichroism spectroscopy and high-temperature molecular dynamics Simulations to investigate unfolding of the LBDs of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs). A molecular description of the denaturation mechanisms is obtained by molecular dynamics Simulations of the TR alpha and TR beta LBDs in the absence and in the presence of the natural ligand Triac. The Simulations Show that the thermal unfolding of the LBD starts with the loss of native contacts and secondary Structure elements, while the Structure remains essentially compact, resembling a molten globule state. This differs From most protein denaturation simulations reported to date and suggests that the folding mechanism may start with the hydrophobic collapse of the TR LBDs. Our results reveal that the stabilities of the LBDs of the TR alpha and TR beta Subtypes are affected to different degrees by the binding of the isoform selective ligand Triac and that ligand binding confers protection against thermal denaturation and unfolding in a subtype specific manner. Our Simulations indicate two mechanisms by which the ligand stabilizes the LBD: (1) by enhancing the interactions between H8 and H 11, and the interaction of the region between H I and the Omega-loop with the core of the LBD, and (2) by shielding the hydrophobic H6 from hydration.


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Human nerve growth factor-induced B (NGFI-B) is a member of the NR4A subfamily of orphan nuclear receptors (NRs). Lacking identified ligands, orphan NRs show particular co-regulator proteins binding properties, different from other NRs, and they might have a non-classical quaternary organization. A body of evidence suggests that NRs recognition of and binding to ligands, DNA, homo- and heterodimerization partners and co-regulator proteins involve significant conformational changes of the NR ligand-binding domains (LBDs). To shed light on largely unknown biophysical properties of NGFI-B, here we studied structural organization and unfolding properties of NGFI-B ligand (like)-binding domain induced by chemical perturbation. Our results show that NGFI-B LBD undergoes a two-state guanidine hydrochloride (GndHCl) induced denaturation, as judged by changes in the a-helical content of the protein monitored by circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD). In contrast, changes in the tertiary structure of NGFI-B LBD, reported by intrinsic fluorescence, reveal a clear intermediate state. Additionally, SAXS results demonstrate that the intermediate observed by intrinsic fluorescence is a partially folded homodimeric structure, which further unfolds without dissociation at higher GndHCl concentrations. This partially unfolded dimeric assembly of NGFI-B LBD might resemble an intermediate that this domain access momentarily in the native state upon interactions with functional partners. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chitosan (alpha alpha-(1-4)-amino-2-deoxy-beta beta-D-glucan) is a deacetylated form of chitin, a polysaccharide from crustacean shells. Its unique characteristics, such as positive charge, biodegradability, biocompatibility, nontoxicity, and rigid structure, make this macromolecule ideal for an oral vaccine delivery system. We prepared reverse-phase evaporation vesicles (REVs) sandwiched by chitosan (Chi) and polyvinylic alcohol (PVA). However, in this method, there are still some problems to be circumvented related to protein stabilization. During the inverted micelle phase of protein nanoencapsulation, hydrophobic interfaces are expanded, leading to interfacial adsorption, followed by protein unfolding and aggregation. Here, spectroscopic and immunological techniques were used to ascertain the effects of the Hoffmeister series ions on diphtheria toxoid (Dtxd) stability during the inverted micelle phase. A correlation was established between the salts used in aqueous solutions and the changes in Dtxd solubility and conformation. Dtxd alpha alpha-helical content was quite stable, which led us to conclude that encapsulation occurred without protein aggregation or without exposition of hydrophobic residues. Dtxd aggregation was 98% avoided by the kosmotropic, PO


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Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a hematophagous insect that transmits the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas` disease. Its saliva contains trialysin, a protein that forms pores in membranes. Peptides based on the N-terminus of trialysin lyse cells and fold into alpha-helical amphipathic segments resembling antimicrobial peptides. Using a specific antiserum against trialysin, we show here that trialysin is synthesized as a precursor that is less active than the protein released after saliva secretion. A synthetic peptide flanked by a fluorophore and a quencher including the acidic proregion and the lytic N-terminus of the protein is also less active against cells and liposomes, increasing activity upon proteolysis. Activation changes the peptide conformation as observed by fluorescence increase and CD spectroscopy. This mechanism of activation could provide a way to impair the toxic effects of trialysin inside the salivary glands, thus restricting damaging lytic activity to the bite site.


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Traditional venom immunotherapy uses injections of whole bee venom in buffer or adsorbed in Al (OH)(3) in an expensive, time-consuming way. New strategies to improve the safety and efficacy of this treatment with a reduction of injections would, therefore, be of general interest. It would improve patient compliance and provide socio-economic benefits. Liposomes have a long tradition in drug delivery because they increase the therapeutic index and avoid drug degradation and secondary effects. However, bee venom melittin (Mel) and phospholipase (PLA(2)) destroy the phospholipid membranes. Our central idea was to inhibit the PLA(2) and Mel activities through histidine alkylation and or tryptophan oxidation (with pbb, para-bromo-phenacyl bromide, and/or NBSN-bromosuccinimide, respectively) to make their encapsulations possible within stabilized liposomes. We strongly believe that this formulation will be nontoxic but immunogenic. In this paper, we present the whole bee venom conformation characterization during and after chemical modification and after interaction with liposome by ultraviolet, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopies. The PLA(2) and Mel activities were, measured indirectly by changes in turbidity at 400(nm), rhodamine leak-out, and hemolysis. The native whole bee venom (BV) presented 78.06% of alpha-helical content. The alkylation (A-BV) and succynilation (S-BV) of BV increased 0.44 and 0.20% of its alpha-helical content. The double-modified venom (S-A-BV) had a 0.74% increase of alpha-helical content. The BV chemical modification induced another change on protein conformations observed by Trp that became buried with respect to the native whole BV. It was demonstrated that the liposomal membranes must contain pbb (SPC:Cho:pbb, 26:7:1) as a component to protect them from aggregation and/or fusion. The membranes containing pbb maintained the same turbidity (100%) after incubation with modified venom, in contrast with pbb-free membranes that showed a 15% size decrease. This size decrease was interpreted as membrane degradation and was corroborated by a 50% rhodamine leak-out. Another fact that confirmed our interpretation was the observed 100% inhibition of the hemolytic activity after venom modification with pbb and NBS (S-A-BV). When S-A-BV interacted with liposomes, other protein conformational changes were observed and characterized by the increase of 1.93% on S-A-BV alpha-helical content and the presence of tryptophan residues in a more hydrophobic environment. In other words, the S-A-BV interacted with liposomal membranes, but this interaction was not effective to cause aggregation, leak-out, or fusion. A stable formulation composed by S-A-BV encapsulated within liposomes composed by SPC:Cho:pbb, at a ratio of 26:7:1, was devised. Large unilamellar vesicles of 202.5 nm with a negative surface charge (-24.29 mV) encapsulated 95% of S-A-BV. This formulation can, now, be assayed on VIT.


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This work presents a FT-Raman study (lambda(0) = 1064 nm) of naturally occurring polyester poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] (PHB) and its copolymer poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-(R)-3-hydroxyvalerate] (PHBV) with 5,8 and 12 mol % of HV (hydroxyvalerate). The FT-Raman spectra of films indicate that full width at half height of the band centered at 1725 cm(-1) and relative intensity of bands at 1443 and 1458 cm(-1) can be use to estimate the crystalline degree in film samples. The similarity between Raman spectra of molten PHB and PHBV and theirs CDCl(3) solutions suggested that molten polymers present similar conformation than polymers in solution. Raman data of these samples showed that bands at 1220, 1402, 1725, 2998 and 3009 cm(-1) are due to crystalline helical structure and the bands at 1453, 1740, 2881, 2938 and 2990 cm(-1) are originated from disordered domains. It is shown that composition of PHBV samples can be estimated by analyzing the ratio of the intensity of the bands at 2938 cm(-1) (nu C-H) and 1740 cm(-1) (nu C=O) in the spectra of solutions and of bands at 1354 (wCH(2)) and 1740 cm(-1) (nu C=O) in spectra of molten polymers. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis and self-assembly of tetragonal phase-containing L1(0)-Fe(55)Pt(45) nanorods with high coercive field is described. The experimental procedure resulted in a tetragonal/cubic phase ratio close to 1:1 for the as-synthesized nanoparticles. Using different surfactant/solvent proportions in the process allowed control of particle morphology from nanospheres to nanowires. Monodisperse nanorods with lengths of 60 +/- 5 nm and diameters of 2-3 nm were self-assembled in a perpendicular oriented array onto a substrate surface using hexadecylamine as organic spacer. Magnetic alignment and properties assigned, respectively, to the shape anisotropy and the tetragonal phase suggest that the self-assembled materials are a strong candidate to solve the problem of random magnetic alignment observed in FePt nanospheres leading to applications in ultrahigh magnetic recording (UHMR) systems capable of achieving a performance of the order of terabits/in(2).