375 resultados para HUMAN CONDITION
This study evaluated in vitro the pulp chamber temperature rise induced by the light-activated dental bleaching technique using different light sources. The root portions of 78 extracted sound human mandibular incisors were sectioned approximately 2 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root cavities of the crowns were enlarged to facilitate the correct placing of the sensor into the pulp chamber. Half of specimens (n=39) was assigned to receive a 35% hydrogen peroxide gel on the buccal surface and the other halt (n=39) not to receive the bleaching agent. Three groups (n=13) were formed for each condition (bleach or no bleach) according to the use of 3 light sources recommended for dental bleaching: a light-emitting diode (LED)laser system, a LED unit and a conventional halogen light. The light sources were positioned perpendicular to the buccal surface at a distance of 5 mm and activated during 30 s. The differences between the initial and the highest temperature readings for each specimen were obtained, and, from the temperature changes, the means for each specimen and each group were calculated. The values of temperature rise were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test at 1% significance level. Temperature rise varied significantly depending on the light-curing unit, with statistically significant differences (p<0.01) among the groups. When the bleaching agent was not applied, the halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (2.38±0.66ºC). The LED unit produced the lowest temperature increase (0.29±0.13ºC); but there was no significant difference between LED unit and LED-laser system (0.35±0.15ºC) (p>0.01). When the bleaching agent was applied, there were significant differences among groups (p<0.01): halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (1.41±0.64ºC), and LED-laser system the lowest (0.33±0.12ºC); however, there was no difference between LED-laser system and LED unit (0.44±0.11ºC). LED and LED-laser system did not differ significantly from each other regardless the temperature rise occurred with or without bleaching agent application. It may be concluded that during light-activated tooth bleaching, with or without the bleaching agent, halogen light promoted higher pulp chamber temperature rise than LED unit and LED-laser system. The tested light-curing units provided increases in the pulp chamber temperature that were compatible with pulpal health.
This study ascertained whether under dental erosion models that closely mimics the real-life situation enamel and root dentin from bovine origin would be reliable substitutes for human counterparts. Through a 2x2 crossover design, in a first trial, 14 volunteers wore a palatal device containing slabs of bovine and human enamel. Half of the participants ingested (4x daily, for 10 days) orange juice first, crossing over to mineral water, while the remainder received the reverse sequence. In a second trial, volunteers wore devices with slabs of bovine and human root dentin. Except for the duration of each intraoral phase, which lasted 2 rather 10 days, the experiment with root dentin run exactly as for enamel. Dental substrates were analyzed for surface microhardness. Two-way ANOVAs (α=0.05) indicated no difference between the microhardness values recorded for human and bovine enamel (p=0.1350), but bovine root dentin had lower microhardness compared to its human counterpart (p=0.0432). While bovine enamel can reliably substitute its human counterpart in in situ dental erosion models, bovine root dentin does not seem to be a viable alternative to the corresponding human tissue.
This study evaluated comparatively the adhesion of Epiphany and AH Plus endodontic sealers to human root dentin treated with 1% NaOCl and 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA, using the push-out test. Sixty root cylinders obtained from maxillary canines had the canals prepared and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=20), according to root dentin treatment: GI - distilled water (control), GII - 1% NaOCl and GIII - 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups (n=10) filled with either Epiphany or AH Plus. Bond strength push-out test data (kN) were obtained and analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test. There was statistically significant difference between sealers (AH Plus: 0.78 ± 0.13; Epiphany: 0.61 ± 0.19; p<0.01) and among root dentin treatments (distilled water: 0.58 ± 0.19; 1% NaOCl: 0.71 ± 0.12; 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA: 0.80 ± 0.17; p<0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus sealer presented greater adhesion to dentin than Epiphany, regardless of the treatment of root canal walls.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that both human and bovine sclerotic dentin have similar hardness properties, in addition to similar micromorphological characteristics. Sixteen teeth (8 human and 8 bovine) exhibiting exposed dentin in the incisal edge and showing characteristics typical of sclerosis were used. Vickers surface microhardness testing was conducted. Three areas of the dentin surface of each specimen were selected. All teeth were processed for scanning electron microscopy in order to estimate the amount (in percentage) of solid dentin on the sclerotic dentin surface. The data were compared by Student's t test (α = 0.05). The micromorphological and microhardness data were compared by Pearson's linear correlation test (α = 0.05). The mean percentages of solid dentin of human and bovine sclerotic dentin were similar (human 90.71 ± 0.83 and bovine 89.08 ± 0.81, p = 0.18). The mean microhardness value (VHN) of human sclerotic dentin was significantly higher than that of bovine sclerotic dentin (human 45.26 ± 2.92 and bovine 29.93 ± 3.83, p = 0.006). No correlation was found between the microhardness values and the amount of solid dentin in the sclerotic dentin, irrespective of the species considered (human R² = 0.0240, p = 0.714; bovine R² = 0.0017, p = 0.923; and combined R² = 0.038, p = 0.46). We concluded that although both bovine and human sclerotic dentin present a similar amount of solid tissue, human sclerotic dentin presents higher microhardness than bovine sclerotic dentin.
Pulp repair is a complex process whose mechanisms are not yet fully understood. The first immune cells to reach the damaged pulp are neutrophils that play an important role in releasing cytokines and in phagocytosis. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of different pulp-capping materials on the secretion of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) by migrating human neutrophils. Neutrophils were obtained from the blood of three healthy donors. The experimental groups were calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], an adhesive system (Single Bond), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Untreated cells were used as control. Transwell chambers were used in performing the assays to mimic an in vivo situation of neutrophil chemotaxis. The pulp-capping materials were placed in the lower chamber and the human neutrophils, in the upper chamber. The cells were counted and the culture medium was assayed using ELISA kits for detecting and quantifying IL-1β and IL8. The data were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The secretion of IL-8 was significantly higher in all groups in comparison to the control group (p < 0.05). The adhesive system group showed higher IL-8 than the MTA group (p < 0.05). The secretion of IL-1β was significantly greater only in the MTA group (p < 0.001). It was concluded that only MTA is able to improve the secretion of IL-1β, and all materials tested increased IL-8 secretion. These results combined with all the other biological advantages of MTA indicate that it could be considered the material of choice for dental pulp capping.
This in vitro study aimed to analyze the effect of different parameters of phototherapy with low intensity laser on the viability of human dental pulp fibroblasts under the effect of substances released by bleaching gel. Cells were seeded into 96 wells plates (1 x 10³ cells/well) and placed in contact with culture medium conditioned by a 35 % hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel for 40 minutes, simulating the clinical condition of the in-office bleaching treatment. Cells cultured in ideal growth conditions served as positive control group (PC), and the cells grown in conditioned medium and non-irradiated served as negative control group (NC). Cells grown in conditioned medium were submitted to a single irradiation with a diode laser (40 mW, 0.04 cm²) emitting at visible red (660 nm; RL) or near infrared (780 nm; NIR) using punctual technique, in contact mode and energy densities of 4, 6 or 10 J/cm². The cell viability was analyzed through the MTT reduction assay immediately and 24 hours after the irradiation. The data was compared by ANOVA followed by the Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The cell viability increased significantly in 24 hours within each group. The PC presented cell viability significantly higher than NC in both experimental times. Only the NIR/10 J/cm² group presented cell viability similar to that of PC in 24 hours. The phototherapy with low intensity laser in defined parameters is able to compensate the cytotoxic effects of substances released by 35 % hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel.
Previous studies indicated that patients with atherosclerosis are predominantly infected by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), but rarely infected by type 1 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV-1). In this study, atheromas of 30 patients who underwent aortocoronary bypass surgery with coronary endartherectomy were tested for the presence of these two viruses. HCMV occurred in 93.3% of the samples and EBV-1 was present in 50% of them. Concurrent presence of both pathogens was detected in 43.3% of the samples.
In Brazil, the Laurencia complex is represented by twenty taxa: Laurencia s.s. with twelve species, Palisada with four species (including Chondrophycus furcatus now that the proposal of its transference to Palisada is in process), and Osmundea and Yuzurua with two species each. The majority of the Brazilian species of the Laurencia complex have been phylogenetically analyzed by 54 rbcL sequences, including five other Rhodomelacean species as outgroups. The analysis showed that the Laurencia complex is monophyletic with high posterior probability value. The complex was separated into five clades, corresponding to the genera: Chondrophycus, Laurencia, Osmundea, Palisada, and Yuzurua. A bibliographical survey of the terpenoids produced by Brazilian species showed that only six species of Laurencia and five of Palisada (including C. furcatcus) have been submitted to chemical analysis with 48 terpenoids (47 sesquiterpenes and one triterpene) isolated. No diterpenes were found. Of the total, 23 sesquiterpenes belong to the bisabolane class and eighteen to the chamigrene type, whose biochemical precursor is bisabolane, two are derived from lauranes and four are triquinols. Despite the considerable number of known terpenes and their ecological and pharmacological importance, few experimental biological studies have been performed. In this review, only bioactivities related to human health were considered.
Increased tourist activity in coastal regions demands management strategies to reduce impacts on rocky shores. The highly populated coastal areas in southeastern Brazil are an example of degradation caused by development of industry and tourism. Among different shore impacts, trampling has been intensively studied, and may represent a significant source of stress for intertidal fauna. A randomised blocks design was applied to experimentally study the effects of two different trampling intensities on richness, diversity, density and biomass of the rocky shore fauna of Obuseiro beach, Guarujá, southeastern Brazil. Blocks were distributed in two portions of the intertidal zone, dominated respectively by Chthamalus bisinuatus (Cirripedia) and Isognomon bicolor (Bivalvia). Blocks were trampled over three months, simulating the vacation period in Brazil and were monitored for the following nine months. Results indicate that Chthamalus bisinuatus is vulnerable to trampling impacts. Richness, diversity and turn-over index tended to be higher in trampled plots four months after trampling ceased. In general, results agree with previous trampling studies, suggesting that even low intensities of trampling may cause some impact on intertidal communities. Management strategies should include isolation of sensitive areas, construction of boardwalks, visitor education and monitoring programmes. In Brazil, additional data obtained from experimental studies are necessary in order to achieve a better understanding of trampling impacts on rocky shore communities.
Collagen XVIII can generate two fragments, NC11-728 containing a frizzled motif which possibly acts in Wnt signaling and Endostatin, which is cleaved from the NC1 and is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis. Collagen XVIII and Wnt signaling have recently been associated with adipogenic differentiation and obesity in some animal models, but not in humans. In the present report, we have shown that COL18A1 expression increases during human adipogenic differentiation. We also tested if polymorphisms in the Frizzled (c.1136C>T; Thr379Met) and Endostatin (c.4349G>A; Asp1437Asn) regions contribute towards susceptibility to obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes (113 obese, BMI =30; 232 non-obese, BMI < 30) of European ancestry. No evidence of association was observed between the allele c.4349G>A and obesity, but we observed a significantly higher frequency of homozygotes c.1136TT in obese (19.5%) than in non-obese individuals (10.9%) [P = 0.02; OR = 2.0 (95%CI: 1.07-3.73)], suggesting that the allele c.1136T is associated to obesity in a recessive model. This genotype, after controlling for cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, was independently associated with obesity (P = 0.048), and increases the chance of obesity in 2.8 times. Therefore, our data suggest the involvement of collagen XVIII in human adipogenesis and susceptibility to obesity.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expression of SMAD proteins in human thyroid tissues since the inactivation of TGF-β/activin signaling components is reported in several types of cancer. Phosphorylated SMAD 2 and SMAD3 (pSMAD2/3) associated with the SMAD4 induce the signal transduction generated by TGF-β and activin, while SMAD7 inhibits this intracellular signaling. Although TGF-β and activin exert antiproliferative roles in thyroid follicular cells, thyroid tumors express high levels of these proteins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The protein expression of SMADs was evaluated in multinodular goiter, follicular adenoma, papillary and follicular carcinomas by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The expression of pSMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 was observed in both benign and malignant thyroid tumors. Although pSMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 exhibited high cytoplasmic staining in carcinomas, the nuclear staining of pSMAD2/3 was not different between benign and malignant lesions. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of SMADs expression in thyroid cells and the presence of pSMAD2/3 and SMAD4 proteins in the nucleus of tumor cells indicates propagation of TGF-β/activin signaling. However, the high expression of the inhibitory SMAD7, mostly in malignant tumors, could contribute to the attenuation of the SMADs antiproliferative signaling in thyroid carcinomas.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact on human health of exposure to particulate matter emitted from burnings in the Brazilian Amazon region. METHODS: This was an ecological study using an environmental exposure indicator presented as the percentage of annual hours (AH%) of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3. The outcome variables were the rates of hospitalization due to respiratory disease among children, the elderly and the intermediate age group, and due to childbirth. Data were obtained from the National Space Research Institute and the Ministry of Health for all of the microregions of the Brazilian Amazon region, for the years 2004 and 2005. Multiple regression models for the outcome variables in relation to the predictive variable AH% of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3 were analyzed. The Human Development Index (HDI) and mean number of complete blood counts per 100 inhabitants in the Brazilian Amazon region were the control variables in the regression analyses. RESULTS: The association of the exposure indicator (AH%) was higher for the elderly than for other age groups (β = 0.10). For each 1% increase in the exposure indicator there was an increase of 8% in child hospitalization, 10% in hospitalization of the elderly, and 5% for the intermediate age group, even after controlling for HDI and mean number of complete blood counts. No association was found between the AH% and hospitalization due to childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: The indicator of atmospheric pollution showed an association with occurrences of respiratory diseases in the Brazilian Amazon region, especially in the more vulnerable age groups. This indicator may be used to assess the effects of forest burning on human health.
Motivated by a recently proposed biologically inspired face recognition approach, we investigated the relation between human behavior and a computational model based on Fourier-Bessel (FB) spatial patterns. We measured human recognition performance of FB filtered face images using an 8-alternative forced-choice method. Test stimuli were generated by converting the images from the spatial to the FB domain, filtering the resulting coefficients with a band-pass filter, and finally taking the inverse FB transformation of the filtered coefficients. The performance of the computational models was tested using a simulation of the psychophysical experiment. In the FB model, face images were first filtered by simulated V1- type neurons and later analyzed globally for their content of FB components. In general, there was a higher human contrast sensitivity to radially than to angularly filtered images, but both functions peaked at the 11.3-16 frequency interval. The FB-based model presented similar behavior with regard to peak position and relative sensitivity, but had a wider frequency band width and a narrower response range. The response pattern of two alternative models, based on local FB analysis and on raw luminance, strongly diverged from the human behavior patterns. These results suggest that human performance can be constrained by the type of information conveyed by polar patterns, and consequently that humans might use FB-like spatial patterns in face processing.
Foram analisados efeitos de diferentes histórias de incontrolabilidade por perda ou ganho de pontos sobre o desempenho posterior de participantes humanos na construção de frases. Inicialmente, os participantes podiam ganhar ou perder pontos independentemente de qualquer característica da frase construída. Posteriormente, recebiam pontos por construir frases iniciadas apenas pelo pronome "ele". Os resultados mostram que a exposição à incontrolabilidade pode dificultar condições posteriores de novas aprendizagens sob reforçamento positivo. Interessantemente, essas dificuldades foram menos acentuadas e, em certos casos, até mesmo superadas, no caso de uma história de exposição a ganhos incontroláveis de pontos. Em contrapartida, no caso de uma história de perdas incontroláveis de pontos, aprendizagens subsequentes sob reforço positivo tenderam a ser prejudicadas. Esses resultados contribuem para os estudos de incontrolabilidade e desamparo aprendido, em particular por apresentar alternativas metodológicas passíveis de aplicação a respostas verbais em humanos.
O artigo apresenta um conjunto articulado de reflexões a respeito do livro Memória e Sociedade: Lembranças de Velhos, de Ecléa Bosi, aqui considerado como obra-prima da psicologia social e das ciências humanas. Procura destacar as originalidades de natureza teórico-metodológica do texto, a começar por uma composição singular que incorpora poesia na construção científica, passando por uma redefinição das relações entre sujeito e objeto do conhecimento, ao desenvolver a perspectiva de alternância da condição entre ambos, no desdobramento da pesquisa. Mostra, também, como o estudo de Ecléa Bosi se fundamenta em estreitos vínculos entre a pesquisadora e os velhos pesquisados, de modo a se formar entre eles uma comunidade de destino.