32 resultados para Gecko-inspired
This paper compares the behaviour of two different control structures of automatic voltage regulators of synchronous machines equipped with static excitation systems. These systems have a fully controlled thyristor bridge that supplies DC current to the rotor winding. The rectifier bridge is fed by the stator terminals through a step-down transformer. The first control structure, named ""Direct Control"", has a single proportional-integral (PI) regulator that compares stator voltage setpoint with measured voltage and acts directly on the thyristor bridge`s firing angle. This control structure is usually employed in commercial excitation systems for hydrogenerators. The second structure, named ""Cascade Control"", was inspired on control loops of commercial DC motor drives. Such drives employ two PIs in a cascade arrangement, the external PI deals with the motor speed while the internal one regulates the armature current. In the adaptation proposed, the external PI compares setpoint with the actual stator voltage and produces the setpoint to the internal PI-loop which controls the field current.
This paper presents a family of algorithms for approximate inference in credal networks (that is, models based on directed acyclic graphs and set-valued probabilities) that contain only binary variables. Such networks can represent incomplete or vague beliefs, lack of data, and disagreements among experts; they can also encode models based on belief functions and possibilistic measures. All algorithms for approximate inference in this paper rely on exact inferences in credal networks based on polytrees with binary variables, as these inferences have polynomial complexity. We are inspired by approximate algorithms for Bayesian networks; thus the Loopy 2U algorithm resembles Loopy Belief Propagation, while the Iterated Partial Evaluation and Structured Variational 2U algorithms are, respectively, based on Localized Partial Evaluation and variational techniques. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The establishment of modern sociology in Brazil was part of a thoroughgoing modernization of the country that began in the 1930s and the years immediately following World War II. The founding of the University of Sao Paulo made possible the systematic training of scientists devoted to teaching and research and broadened the way learning was understood. Florestan Fernandes was the outstanding personality among the first social scientists that the university produced, and the picture of the Brazilian sociologist today is largely inspired by his career. Enthusiasm and scientific rigor were the hallmarks of his approach. His early work reflects intellectuals` shared belief in the power of ideas to regenerate the nation, freeing it from a past that they condemned. The mature reflection of his later works retreats from this optimistic view, recognizing the emergence of modern society in Brazil as a complex process with mixed results.
Introduction: Quantitative computed tomography (qCT)-based assessment of total lung weight (M(lung)) has the potential to differentiate atelectasis from consolidation and could thus provide valuable information for managing trauma patients fulfilling commonly used criteria for acute lung injury (ALI). We hypothesized that qCT would identify atelectasis as a frequent mimic of early posttraumatic ALI. Methods: In this prospective observational study, M(lung) was calculated by qCT in 78 mechanically ventilated trauma patients fulfilling the ALI criteria at admission. A reference interval for M(lung) was derived from 74 trauma patients with morphologically and functionally normal lungs (reference). Results are given as medians with interquartile ranges. Results: The ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen was 560 (506 to 616) mmHg in reference patients and 169 (95 to 240) mmHg in ALI patients. The median reference M(lung) value was 885 (771 to 973) g, and the reference interval for M(lung) was 584 to 1164 g, which matched that of previous reports. Despite the significantly greater median M(lung) value (1088 (862 to 1,342) g) in the ALI group, 46 (59%) ALI patients had M(lung) values within the reference interval and thus most likely had atelectasis. In only 17 patients (22%), Mlung was increased to the range previously reported for ALI patients and compatible with lung consolidation. Statistically significant differences between atelectasis and consolidation patients were found for age, Lung Injury Score, Glasgow Coma Scale score, total lung volume, mass of the nonaerated lung compartment, ventilator-free days and intensive care unit-free days. Conclusions: Atelectasis is a frequent cause of early posttraumatic lung dysfunction. Differentiation between atelectasis and consolidation from other causes of lung damage by using qCT may help to identify patients who could benefit from management strategies such as damage control surgery and lung-protective mechanical ventilation that focus on the prevention of pulmonary complications.
Introduction. Only about 15% of the potential candidates for lung donation are considered suitable for transplantation. A new method for ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) can be used to evaluate and recondition ""marginal,"" nonacceptable lungs. We have herein described an initial experience with ex vivo perfusion of 8 donor lungs deemed nonacceptable. Materials and Methods. After harvesting, the lungs were perfused ex vivo with Steen Solution, an extracellular matrix with high colloid osmotic pressure. A membrane oxygenator connected to the circuit received gas from a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, maintaining a normal mixed venous blood gas level in the perfusate. The lungs were gradually rewarmed, reperfused, and ventilated for evaluation through analyses of oxygenation capacity, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), lung compliance (LC), and biopsy. Results. The arterial oxygen pressure (with inspired oxygen fraction of 100%) increased from a mean of 206 mm Hg in the organ donor at the referring hospital to a mean of 498 mm Hg during the ex vivo evaluation. After 1 hour of EVLP, PVR varied from 440-1454 dynes/sec/cm(5); LC was in the range of 26-90 mL/cmH(2)O. There was no histological deterioration after 10 hours of cold ischemia and 1 hour of EVLP. Conclusions. The ex vivo evaluation model can improve oxygenation capacity of ""marginal"" lungs rejected for transplantation. It has great potential to increase lung donor availability and, possibly, reduce time on the waiting list.
Evidence indicates that endogenous opioids play a role in body temperature (Tb) regulation in mammals but no data exist about the involvement of the specific opioid receptors, mu, kappa and delta, in the reduction of Tb induced by hypoxia. Thus, we investigated the participation of these opioid receptors in the anteroventral preoptic region (AVPO) in hypoxic decrease of Th. To this end, Th of unanesthetized Wistar rats was monitored by temperature data loggers before and after intra-AVPO microinjection of the selective kappa-opioid receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine dihydrochloride (nor-BNI; 0.1 and 1.0 mu g/100 nL/animal), the selective mu-opioid receptor antagonist D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Arg-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH(2) cyclic (CTAP; 0.1 and 1.0 mu g/100 nL/animal), and the selective delta-opioid receptor antagonist Naltrindole (0.06 and 0.6 mu g/100 nL/animal) or saline (vehicle, 100 nu animal), during normoxia and hypoxia (7% inspired O(2)). Under normoxia, no effect of opioid antagonists on Th was observed. Hypoxia induced Th to reduce in vehicle group, a response that was inhibited by the microinjection intra-AVPO of nor-BNI. In contrast, CTAP and Naltrindole did not change Th during hypoxia but caused a longer latency for the return of Th to the normoxic values just after low O(2) exposure. Our results indicate the kappa-opioid receptor in the AVPO is important for the reduction of Th during hypoxia while the mu and delta receptors are involved in the increase of Th during normoxia post-hypoxia. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nitric oxide (NO) is thought to play a key role in the development of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia in mammals, acting on the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus to activate autonomic heat loss responses. Regarding behavioral thermoregulation, no data exists for NO modulation/mediation of thermoregulatory behavior changes during hypoxia. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that NO is involved in the preferred body temperature (Tb) reduction in the hypoxic toad Chaunus schneideri (formerly Bufo paracnemis), a primarily behavioral thermoregulator. Toads equipped with a temperature probe were placed in a thermal gradient chamber, and preferred Tb was monitored continuously. We analyzed the effect of intracerebroventricular injections of the nonselective NO synthase inhibitor L-NMMA (200, 400 and 800 microg per animal) or mock cerebrospinal fluid (mCSF, vehicle) on the preferred Tb of toads. No significant difference in preferred Tb was observed after L-NMMA treatments. Another group of toads treated with 2 mg kg(-1) (400 microg per animal) of L-NMMA or mCSF was submitted to hypoxia (3% inspired 02) for 8 h. The vehicle group showed a reduction of preferred Tb, a response that was inhibited by L-NMMA. A 3rd group of hypoxic animals was injected with Ringer or L-NMMA (2 mg kg(-1)) into the lymph sac and both treatments induced no change in the anapyretic response to hypoxia. These results indicate that NO acting on the central nervous system has an excitatory role for the development of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia in toads. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Coleodactylus amazonicus, a small leaf-litter diurnal gecko widely distributed in Amazon Basin has been, considered a single species with no significant morphological differences between populations along its range. A recent molecular study, however, detected large genetic differences between populations of central Amazonia and those in the easternmost part of the Amazon Basin, suggesting the presence of taxonomically unrecognised diversity. In this study, DNA sequences of three mitochondrial (165, cytb, and ND4) and two nuclear genes (RAG-1, c-mos) were used to investigate whether the species currently identified as C. amazonicus contains morphologically cryptic species lineages. The present phylogenetic analysis reveals further genetic subdivision including at least five potential species lineages, restricted to northeastern (lineage A), southeastern (lineage B), central-northern (lineage E) and central-southern (lineages C and D) parts of Amazon Basin. All clades are characterized by exclusive groups of alleles for both nuclear genes and highly divergent mitochondrial haplotype clades, with corrected pairwise net sequence divergence between sister lineages ranging from 9.1% to 20.7% for the entire mtDNA dataset. Results of this study suggest that the real diversity of ""C. amazonicus"" has been underestimated due to its apparent cryptic diversification. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In tetrapod squamates, the diversity of micro-ornamentations of the epidermis of the contact areas of hands and feet is generally associated with constraints and modalities related to locomotion. Polychrus acutirostris is a medium-sized lizard that occurs in open heterogeneous habitats in South America, such as the cerrados, caatingas, and fallow lands. It progresses slowly on branches of various diameters in its arboreal environment. It can also move more rapidly on the ground. The hands and feet are prehensile and may be considered an adaptation for grasping and climbing. Epidermal surfaces from the palmar and plantar areas of the hands and feet of P. acutirostris were prepared for SEM examination, and studied at various magnifications. They show three major levels of complexity: (1) scale types, organized in gradients of size and imbrication, (2) scalar ornamentations, organized by increasing complexity and polarity, and (3) presence of Oberhautchen showing typically iguanian honeycomb micro-ornamentations. The shape and surface structure of the scales with their pattern of micro-ornamental peaks, which improve grip, and the grasping hands and feet indicate that P. acutirostris is morpho-functionally specialized for arboreality. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Sociable robots are embodied agents that are part of a heterogeneous society of robots and humans. They Should be able to recognize human beings and each other, and to engage in social, interactions. The use of a robotic architecture may strongly reduce the time and effort required to construct a sociable robot. Such architecture must have structures and mechanisms to allow social interaction. behavior control and learning from environment. Learning processes described oil Science of Behavior Analysis may lead to the development of promising methods and Structures for constructing robots able to behave socially and learn through interactions from the environment by a process of contingency learning. In this paper, we present a robotic architecture inspired from Behavior Analysis. Methods and structures of the proposed architecture, including a hybrid knowledge representation. are presented and discussed. The architecture has been evaluated in the context of a nontrivial real problem: the learning of the shared attention, employing an interactive robotic head. The learning capabilities of this architecture have been analyzed by observing the robot interacting with the human and the environment. The obtained results show that the robotic architecture is able to produce appropriate behavior and to learn from social interaction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Inspired by the theory of semigroups of growth a, we construct an evolution process of growth alpha. The abstract theory is applied to study semilinear singular non-autonomous parabolic problems. We prove that. under natural assumptions. a reasonable concept of solution can be given to Such semilinear singularly non-autonomous problems. Applications are considered to non-autonomous parabolic problems in space of Holder continuous functions and to a parabolic problem in a domain Omega subset of R(n) with a one dimensional handle.
A novel mathematical framework inspired on Morse Theory for topological triangle characterization in 2D meshes is introduced that is useful for applications involving the creation of mesh models of objects whose geometry is not known a priori. The framework guarantees a precise control of topological changes introduced as a result of triangle insertion/removal operations and enables the definition of intuitive high-level operators for managing the mesh while keeping its topological integrity. An application is described in the implementation of an innovative approach for the detection of 2D objects from images that integrates the topological control enabled by geometric modeling with traditional image processing techniques. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
For many learning tasks the duration of the data collection can be greater than the time scale for changes of the underlying data distribution. The question we ask is how to include the information that data are aging. Ad hoc methods to achieve this include the use of validity windows that prevent the learning machine from making inferences based on old data. This introduces the problem of how to define the size of validity windows. In this brief, a new adaptive Bayesian inspired algorithm is presented for learning drifting concepts. It uses the analogy of validity windows in an adaptive Bayesian way to incorporate changes in the data distribution over time. We apply a theoretical approach based on information geometry to the classification problem and measure its performance in simulations. The uncertainty about the appropriate size of the memory windows is dealt with in a Bayesian manner by integrating over the distribution of the adaptive window size. Thus, the posterior distribution of the weights may develop algebraic tails. The learning algorithm results from tracking the mean and variance of the posterior distribution of the weights. It was found that the algebraic tails of this posterior distribution give the learning algorithm the ability to cope with an evolving environment by permitting the escape from local traps.
We consider bipartitions of one-dimensional extended systems whose probability distribution functions describe stationary states of stochastic models. We define estimators of the information shared between the two subsystems. If the correlation length is finite, the estimators stay finite for large system sizes. If the correlation length diverges, so do the estimators. The definition of the estimators is inspired by information theory. We look at several models and compare the behaviors of the estimators in the finite-size scaling limit. Analytical and numerical methods as well as Monte Carlo simulations are used. We show how the finite-size scaling functions change for various phase transitions, including the case where one has conformal invariance.
The logic of proofs (lp) was proposed as Gdels missed link between Intuitionistic and S4-proofs, but so far the tableau-based methods proposed for lp have not explored this closeness with S4 and contain rules whose analycity is not immediately evident. We study possible formulations of analytic tableau proof methods for lp that preserve the subformula property. Two sound and complete tableau decision methods of increasing degree of analycity are proposed, KELP and preKELP. The latter is particularly inspired on S4-proofs. The crucial role of proof constants in the structure of lp-proofs methods is analysed. In particular, a method for the abduction of proof constant specifications in strongly analytic preKELP proofs is presented; abduction heuristics and the complexity of the method are discussed.