43 resultados para Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies.
Ethanol oxidation has been studied on stepped platinum single crystal electrodes in acid media using electrochemical and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques. The electrodes used belong to two different series of stepped surfaces: those having (111) terraces with (100) monoatomic steps and those with (111) terraces with (110) monoatomic steps. The behaviors of the two series of stepped surfaces for the oxidation of ethanol are very different. On the one hand, the presence of (100) steps on the (111) terraces provides no significant enhancement of the activity of the surfaces. On the other hand, (110) steps have a double effect on the ethanol oxidation reaction. At potentials below 0.7 V, the step catalyzes the C-C bond cleavage and also the oxidation of the adsorbed CO species formed. At higher potentials, the step is not only able to break the C-C bond, but also to catalyze the oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid and acetaldehyde. The highest catalytic activity from voltammetry for ethanol oxidation was obtained with the Pt(554) electrode.
This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures with regard to the behavior of transverse walls. The experimental program included seven specimens, for which the type of interface in contact with cast-in-place concrete, the load eccentricities and the embedded lengths were all varied, A design model was proposed to calculate the reinforcements of the transverse walls. Based on the obtained results, some conclusions can be drawn: (a) The top of the transverse wall on the compression side of the smooth connections and the top of the two transverse walls of the rough connections are submitted to a bending-tension and this tension prevails on the bending; (b) The design model proposed for the calculation of the reinforcement of the transverse wall on the compression side provides the best prediction of the experimental results for all specimens when compared to the current design models; (c) For rough interfaces, the top of the transverse wall on the tension side is more requested than the top of transverse wall on the compression side; (d) The results of the proposed design model for the reinforcement of the transverse wall on the tension side of rough connections were in close agreement with the experimental results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The photoinitiated polymerization of methyl methacrylate using the mixtures of camphorquinone (CQ) and acylphosphine oxides (monoacylphosphine oxide, MAPO or bisacylphosphine oxide,BAPO) was studied to determine the possible synergistic effects. The addition of the acylphosphines to CQ resulted in an increase of the polymerization rate compared with CQ alone. On the other hand, a significant decrease of the polymerization quantum yield is observed for the mixtures compared with the pure acylphosphines. Therefore, the increase in the polymerization efficiency of the two rnixtures studied, MAPO/CQ and BAPO/CQ (compared with CQ) can be traced to the larger light absorption range, rather than to the onset of new mechanisms. The presence of the coinitiator ethyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate, EDB, always present in CQ formulations, has no effect at all on the rates of polymerization photoinitiated by the acylphosphine oxides. From the point of view of photopolymerization quantum yields, an antagonistic effect is observed because Of the energy transfer of the M more efficient initiator (MAPO or BAPO) to the less efficient one (CQ). (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. j Appl Polym Sci 112: 129-134, 2009
The fatigue behavior of the SAE 1045 steel in four different conditions is reported in this paper. Four treatments were tested: polished surface, corrosive atmosphere (sugar cane juice), low quality roughness (typical equivalent surface of the shaft cane mill) and the combined condition of the two last treatments involved. Fatigue tests were performed in rotating bending conditions and the values of fatigue strength for the different situations from tests were obtained. The diminution in fatigue strength for the synergy condition of rough surface and corrosive atmosphere was of 8.7%, result statistically representative with less than 0.01% of uncertainty.
Neozygites tanajoae is an entomopathogenic fungus which has been used for biocontrol of the cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa, CGM) in Africa. Establishment and dispersal of Brazilian isolates which have been introduced into some African countries in recent years to improve CGM control was followed with specific PCR assays. Two primer pairs, NEOSSU_F/NEOSSU_R and 8DDC_F/8DDC_R, were used to differentiate isolates collected from several locations in Brazil and from three countries in Africa, Benin, Ghana and Tanzania. The first primer pair enabled the species-specific detection of Neozygites tanajoae, while the second differentiated the Brazilian isolates from those of other geographical origin. PCR assays were designed for detection of fungal DNA in the matrix of dead infested mites since N. tanajoae is difficult to isolate and culture on selective artificial media. Our results show that all isolates (Brazilian and African) that sporulated on mummified mites were amplified with the first primer pair confirming their Neozygites tanajoae identity. The second pair amplified DNA from all the Brazilian isolates, but did not amplify any DNA samples from the African isolates. None of the two primers showed amplification neither from any of the non-sporulating mite extracts nor from the dead uninfected mites used as negative controls. We confirmed that the two primer pairs tested are suitable for the detection and differential identification of N. tanajoae isolates from Brazil and Africa and that they are useful to monitor the establishment and spread of the Brazilian isolates of N. tanajoae introduced into Benin or into other African countries for improvement of CGM biocontrol.
During embryogenesis, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated in embryos. The production of embryos in vitro may affect epigenetic mechanisms that could alter the expression of genes related to embryo development and X chromosome inactivation (XCI). The aim of this study was to understand XCI during in vitro, pre-implantation bovine embryo development by characterizing the allele-specific expression pattern of the X chromosome-linked gene, monoamine oxidase A (MAOA). Two pools of ten embryos, comprised of the 4-, 8- to 16-cell, morula, blastocyst, and expanded blastocyst stages, were collected. Total RNA from embryos was isolated, and the RT-PCR-RFLP technique was used to observe expression of the MAOA gene. The DNA amplicons were also sequenced using the dideoxy sequencing method. MAOA mRNA was detected, and allele-specific expression was identified in each pool of embryos. We showed the presence of both the maternal and paternal alleles in the 4-, 8-to 16-cell, blastocyst and expanded blastocyst embryos, but only the maternal allele was present in the morula stage. Therefore, we can affirm that the paternal X chromosome is totally inactivated at the morula stage and reactivated at the blastocyst stage. To our knowledge, this is the first report of allele-specific expression of an X-linked gene that is subject to XCI in in vitro bovine embryos from the 4-cell to expanded blastocyst stages. We have established a pattern of XCI in our in vitro embryo production system that can be useful as a marker to assist the development of new protocols for in vitro embryo production. Mol. Reprod. Dev. MoL Reprod. Dev. 77: 615-621, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This study evaluated the influence of gastrointestinal environmental factors (pH, digestive enzymes, food components, medicaments) on the survival of Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Lactobacillus casei LC01, using a semi-dynamic in vitro model that simulates the transit of microorganisms through the human GIT. The strains were first exposed to different simulated gastric juices for different periods of time (0, 30, 60 and 120 min), and then to simulated intestinal fluids for zero, 120, 180 and 240 min, in a step-wise format. The number of viable cells was determined after each step. The influence of food residues (skim milk) in the fluids and resistance to medicaments commonly used for varied therapeutic purposes (analgesics, antiarrhythmics, antibiotics, antihistaminics, proton pump inhibitors, etc.) were also evaluated. Results indicated that survival of both cultures was pH and time dependent, and digestive enzymes had little influence. Milk components presented a protective effect, and medicaments, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, influenced markedly the viability of the probiotic cultures, indicating that the beneficial effects of the two probiotic cultures to health are dependent of environmental factors encountered in the human gastrointestinal tract.
Metarhizium spp. is an important worldwide group of entomopathogenic fungi used as an interesting alternative to chemical insecticides in programs of agricultural pest and disease vector control. Metarhizium conidia are important in fungal propagation and also are responsible for host infection. Despite their importance, several aspects of conidial biology, including their proteome, are still unknown. We have established conidial and mycelial proteome reference maps for Metarhizium acridum using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). In all, 1130 +/- 102 and 1200 +/- 97 protein spots were detected in ungerminated conidia and fast-growing mycelia, respectively. Comparison of the two protein-expression profiles reveled that only 35 % of the protein spots were common to both developmental stages. Out of 94 2-DE protein spots (65 from conidia, 25 from mycelia and two common to both) analyzed using mass spectrometry, seven proteins from conidia, 15 from mycelia and one common to both stages were identified. The identified protein spots exclusive to conidia contained sequences similar to known fungal stress-protector proteins (such as heat shock proteins (HSP) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) plus the fungal allergen Alt a 7, actin and the enzyme cobalamin-independent methionine synthase. The identified protein spots exclusive to mycelia included proteins involved in several cell housekeeping biological processes. Three proteins (HSP 90, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and allergen Alt a 7) were present in spots in conidial and mycelial gels, but they differed in their locations on the two gels. (c) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Antimicrobial photodynamic treatment (PDT) is a promising method that can be used to control localized mycoses or kill fungi in the environment. A major objective of the current study was to compare the conidial photosensitization of two fungal species (Metarhizium anisopliae and Aspergillus nidulans) with methylene blue (MB) and toluidine blue (TBO) under different incubation and light conditions. Parameters examined were media, photosensitizer (PS) concentration and light source. PDT with MB and TBO resulted in an incomplete inactivation of the conidia of both fungal species. Conidial inactivation reached up to 99.7%, but none of the treatments was sufficient to achieve a 100% fungicidal effect using either MB or TBO. PDT delayed the germination of the surviving conidia. Washing the conidia to remove unbound PS before light exposure drastically reduced the photosensitization of A. nidulans. The reduction was much smaller in M. anisopliae conidia, indicating that the conidia of the two species interact differently with MB and TBO. Conidia of green and yellow M. anisopliae mutants were less affected by PDT than mutants with white and violet conidia. In contrast to what occurred in PBS, photosensitization of M. anisopliae and A. nidulans conidia was not observed when PDT was performed in potato dextrose media.
The genus Cryptococcus includes free-developing species, a few of which are of medical importance. Some, such as C. neoformans and C. gattii, cause infections in man frequently and C. albidus and C. laurentii cause less so. The aims of this study were to evaluate organ colonization after inoculation of C. albidus and C. laurentii isolates in normal BALB/c mice, the virulence factors (growth at 37A degrees C, capsule, melanin, proteinase, and phospholipase production) and the molecular profile (PCR-fingerprinting) of the yeasts before and after infection. The importance of different profiles (virulence and molecular) was considered in relation to the distribution in different organs and to the time intervals of isolation from organs. C. albidus was isolated from animal organs 2 to 10 days after inoculation and C. laurentii from 2 to 120 days. Most isolates of the two species kept the virulence factors showed before inoculation. The high homogeneity of the molecular profile of C. albidus and the high heterogeneity of C. laurentii were kept through the passages in animals. It is concluded that most isolates of both species were recovered from the animal organs after 5 or more days, and phenotypes were not altered by inoculation. No molecular alteration was detected and the virulence factors were not related to the time intervals before isolation from organs.
The knowledge of thermochemical parameters such as the enthalpy of formation, gas-phase basicity, and proton affinity may be the key to understanding molecular reactivity. The obtention of these thermochemical parameters by theoretical chemical models may be advantageous when experimental measurements are difficult to accomplish. The development of ab initio composite models represents a major advance in the obtention of these thermochemical parameters,. but these methods do not always lead to accurate values. Aiming at achieving a comparison between the ab initio models and the hybrid models based on the density functional theory (DFT), we have studied gamma-butyrolactone and 2-pyrrolidinone with a goal of obtaining high-quality thermochemical parameters using the composite chemical models G2, G2MP2, MP2, G3, CBS-Q, CBS-4, and CBS-QB3; the DFT methods B3LYP, B3P86, PW91PW91, mPW1PW, and B98; and the basis sets 6-31G(d), 6-31+G(d), 6-31G(d,p), 6-31+G(d,p), 6-31++G(d,p), 6-311G(d), 6-311+G(d), 6-311G(d,p), 6-311+G(d,p), 6-311++G(d,p), aug-cc-pVDZ, and aug-cc-pVTZ. Values obtained for the enthalpies of formation, proton affinity, and gas-phase basicity of the two target molecules were compared to the experimental data reported in the literature. The best results were achieved with the use of DFT models, and the B3LYP method led to the most accurate data.
Background Long-term success of the implant restorations is based upon the biology and vasculature of the bone surrounding the implants, especially for the bone between two implants. Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate how loaded implants placed 2 or 3 mm apart influence bone vessel organization. Material and methods Six mongrel dogs were used for the study. The four mandibular premolars were extracted and 3 months later, four 4.5 x 10 mm implants were placed on each side of the mandible. The implants were placed so that two adjacent implants were 2 mm (group 1) or 3 mm (group 2) distant from each other. After 12 weeks, the implants were loaded with provisional prostheses, then metallic crowns were placed 4 weeks later. Both temporary and metallic restorations were made so that the distance between the contact point and the bone crest was 5 mm. The animals were sacrificed after 8 weeks. The hemi-mandibles were removed and prepared for analysis. The interimplant bone vasculature of the two groups was studied using scanning electron microscopic images fractal analysis. The fractal dimension (D(f)) was calculated using the box-counting method. Results The values of the D(f) for the blood vessels were significantly higher (P <.05) in the specimens of the group 2 (1.969 +/- 0.169) than the group 1 (1.556 +/- 0.246). Conclusion The presence of more blood vessels in the group 2 is another indication that 3 mm is a preferable distance for contiguous implants than the 2 mm distance. To cite this article:Traini T, Novaes AB, Piattelli A, Papalexiou V, Muglia VA. The relationship between interimplant distances and vascularization of the interimplant bone.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 822-829.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01926.x.
Paleomagnetic and rockmagnetic data are reported for the Floresta Formation (Santa Fe Group) of the Sanfranciscana Basin, central Brazil. This formation represents the Permo-Carboniferous glacial record of the basin and comprises the Brocoto (diamictites and flow diamictites), Brejo do Arroz (red sandstones and shales with dropstones and invertebrate trails), and Lavado (red sandstones) members, which crop out near the cities of Santa Fe de Minas and Canabrava, Minas Gerais State. Both Brejo do Arroz and Lavado members were sampled in the vicinities of the two localities. Alternating field and thermal demagnetizations of 268 samples from 76 sites revealed reversed components of magnetization in all samples in accordance with the Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Superchron. The magnetic carriers are magnetite and hematite with both minerals exhibiting the same magnetization component, suggesting a primary origin for the remanence. We use the high-quality paleomagnetic pole for the Santa Fe Group (330.9 degrees E 65.7 degrees S; N = 60; alpha(95) = 4.1 degrees; k = 21) in a revised late Carboniferous to early Triassic apparent polar wander path for South America. On the basis of this result it is shown that an early Permian Pangea A-type fit is possible if better determined paleomagnetic poles become available.
Gayralia K.L. Vinogr. is a monostromatic green alga of commercial importance in the southern Brazil, and its cultivation is being considered. This paper reports some basic aspects of the biology of this poorly known genus. Two populations of Gayralia spp., from outer and inner sectors of Paranagua Bay, showed an asexual life history with a distinct pattern of thallus ontogeny. In one population (Gayralia sp. 1), zooids developed an expanded monostromatic blade directly, while in the other (Gayralia sp. 2) zooids produced an intermediate saccate stage, before giving rise to a monostromatic blade. Thalli of the two species differ in size and in cell diameter. The effects of temperature (16-30 degrees C), irradiance (50-100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)), and salinity (5-40 psu) on the growth of both populations were assessed. Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 from in vitro cultures showed a broader tolerance to all salinity and irradiance levels tested, with the highest growth rate (GR; mean 17% day-1) at 21.5 degrees C and 100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 collected during the winter in the field showed higher GR, ranging from 5% day(-1) to 7.5% day(-1) in salinities from 20 to 40 psu, and 2.0% day(-1) and 4.3% day(-1) for plantlets collected during the summer. Gayralia sp. 2 from the field showed highest GR at salinity of 15 psu. These results suggest distinct physiological responses of the two species, in accordance with their distribution: Gayralia sp. 2 is limited to the inner areas of the estuary, while Gayralia sp. 1 grows in outer areas, where salinity values are higher than 20 psu. These data indicate that Gayralia sp. 1 has a higher potential for aquaculture than Gayralia sp. 2 due to its larger thalli, higher GR, and wider tolerance to environmental variations.
A cladistic analysis using parsimony under equal weights is applied to test the phylogenetic relationships of Itatiaya Mello-Leitao, previously described in Ctenidae. The data matrix comprised 25 taxa scored for a total of 47 characters. The cladistic analysis yielded two equally parsimonious trees of 124 steps. The consensus of the two most parsimonious trees is used to discuss the phylogenetic relationships and justify taxonomic modifications. The results indicate that this genus is a representative of Zoropsidae, which is newly recorded from the Neotropical region. The monophyly of Itatiaya is supported by three non-ambiguous synapomorphies and three homoplastic synapomorphies. A new diagnosis is provided for Itatiaya. Itatiaya pucupucu is placed as sister species to the remaining species of the genus. A polytomic clade composed of Itatiaya modesta, Itatiaya iuba, Itatiaya apipema and the clade formed by Itatiaya tacamby + Itatiaya pykyyra is supported by the presence of modified cylindrical gland spigots. Additionally, the male of I. pykyyra Polotow & Brescovit is described for the first time.