The exacerbation of the oxidative stress and of the polyol pathway which impair damage myenteric plexus are metabolic characteristics of diabetes. The ascorbic acid (AA) is an antioxidant and an aldose reductase inhibitor, which may act as neuroprotector. The effects of AA supplementation on the density and cellular body profile area (CP) of myenteric neurons in STZ-induced diabetes in rats were assessed. Four groups with five animals each were formed: normoglycemic (C); diabetic (D); AA-treated diabetic (DS) and AA-treated normoglycemic (CS). Dosagen of 50mg of AA were given, three times a week, for each animal (group DS and CS). Ninety days later and after euthanasia, the ileum was collected and processed for the NADPH-diaphorase technique. There were no differences (P>0.05) in the neuronal density among the groups. The CP area was lower (P<0.05) in the DS and CS groups, with a higher incidence of neurons with a CP area exceeding 200µm² for groups C and D. The AA had no influence on the neuronal density in the ileum but had a neuroprotective effect, preventing the increase in the CP area and allowing a higher number of neurons with a CP area with less than 200µm².
Since the first experimental evidences of active conductances in dendrites, most neurons have been shown to exhibit dendritic excitability through the expression of a variety of voltage-gated ion channels. However, despite experimental and theoretical efforts undertaken in the past decades, the role of this excitability for some kind of dendritic computation has remained elusive. Here we show that, owing to very general properties of excitable media, the average output of a model of an active dendritic tree is a highly non-linear function of its afferent rate, attaining extremely large dynamic ranges (above 50 dB). Moreover, the model yields double-sigmoid response functions as experimentally observed in retinal ganglion cells. We claim that enhancement of dynamic range is the primary functional role of active dendritic conductances. We predict that neurons with larger dendritic trees should have larger dynamic range and that blocking of active conductances should lead to a decrease in dynamic range.
Introduction: The successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become a central issue in modern neuroscience. In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) lentivirus. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 50 young rats, into one neurogenic area (hippocampus), and into another nonneurogenic area (striatum). Animals were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells coexpressing NeuN (neuronal specific nuclear protein) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate neurons positive for microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), and neurofilament 200 (NF200) in vitro. Electrophysiology confirmed expression of voltage-gated ionic channels. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells survived for up to 12 weeks, migrated away from the graft, and gave rise to mature neurons able to synthesize neurotransmitters. By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration. Induction of neuronal differentiation with increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the culture medium before implantation favored differentiation in vivo. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs is strongly dependent upon a permissive microenvironment. Identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow for the integration of stem cells into nonpermissive areas of the central nervous system.
AIM: To investigate the effects of malnutrition and refeeding on the P2X(2) receptor, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), calretinin, calbindin and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in neurons of the rat ileum. METHODS: We analyzed the co-localization, numbers and sizes of P2X(2)-expressing neurons in relation to NOS-IR (immunoreactive), calbindin-IR, ChAT-IR, and calretinin-IR neurons of the myenteric and submucosal plexus. The experimental groups consisted of: (1) rats maintained on normal feed throughout pregnancy until 42 d post-parturition (N); (2) rats deprived of protein throughout pregnancy and 42 d post-parturition (D); and (3) rats undernourished for 21 d post-parturition and then given a protein diet from days 22 to 42 (DR). The myenteric and submucosal plexuses were evaluated by double labeling by immunohistochemical methods for P2X(2) receptor, NOS, ChAT, calbindin and calretinin. RESULTS: We found similar P2X(2) receptor immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm and surface membranes of myenteric and submucosal neurons from the N, D and DR groups. Double labeling of the myenteric plexus demonstrated that approximately 100% of NOS-IR, calbindin-IR, calretinin-IR and ChAT-IR neurons in all groups also expressed the P2X(2) receptor. In the submucosal plexus, the calretinin-IR, ChAT-IR and calbindinIR neurons were nearly all immunoreactive for the P2X(2) receptor. In the myenteric plexus, there was a 19% increase in numbers per cm(2) for P2X(2) receptor-IR neurons, 64% for NOS-IR, 84% for calretinin-IR and 26% for ChAT-IR neurons in the D group. The spatial density of calbindin-IR neurons, however, did not differ among the three groups. The submucosal neuronal density increased for calbindin-IR, calretinin-IR and ChAT-IR neurons. The average size of neurons in the myenteric plexus neurons in the D group was less than that in the controls and, in the re-fed rats; there was a 34% reduction in size only for the calretinin-IR neurons. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that expression of the P2X(2) receptor is present in inhibitory, intrinsic primary afferent, cholinergic secretomotor and vasomotor neurons. Undernutrition affected P2X(2) receptor expression in the submucosal plexus, and neuronal and size. These changes were rescued in the re-fed rats. (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Studies m hum ins and rodents indicate that a minimum amount of stored energy is required for normal pubertal development The adipocyte-derived hormone leptin is a key metabolic signal to the neuroendocrine reproductive axis Humans and mice lacking leptin or the leptin receptor (LepR) (ob/ob and db/db mice, respectively) are infertile and fail to enter puberty Leptin administration to leptin-deficient subjects and ob/ob mice induces puberty and restores fertility, but the exact site or sites of leptin action are unclear Here, we found that genetic deletion of LepR selectively from hypothalamic Kiss1 neurons m mice had no effect on puberty or fertility, indicating that direct leptin signaling m Kiss1 neurons is not required for these processes However, bilateral lesions of the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV) of ob/ob mice blunted the ability of exogenous leptin to induce sexual maturation Moreover, unilateral reexpression of endogenous LepR m PMV neurons was sufficient to induce puberty and improve fertility m female LepR-null mice This LepR reexpression also normalized the increased hypothalamic GnRH content characteristic of leptin-signaling deficiency These data suggest that the PMV is a key site for leptin's permissive action at the onset of puberty and support the hypothesis that the multiple actions of leptin to control metabolism and reproduction at e anatomically dissociated
Placentation starts with the formation of a spheroidal trophoblastic shell surrounding the embryo, thus facilitating both implantation into the uterine stroma and contact with maternal blood. Although it is known that diabetes increases the placental size and weight, the mechanisms responsible for this alteration are still poorly understood. In mammals, cellular proliferation occurs in parallel to placental development and it is possible that diabetes induces abnormal uncontrolled cell proliferation in the placenta similar to that seen in other organs (e.g. retina). To test this hypothesis, the objective of this work was to determine cell proliferation in different regions of the placenta during its development in a diabetic rat model. Accordingly, diabetes was induced on day 2 of pregnancy in Wistar rats by a single injection of alloxan (40 mg/kg i.v.). Placentas were collected on days 14, 17, and 20 postcoitum. Immunoperoxidase was used to identify Ki67 nuclear antigen in placental sections. The number of proliferating cells was determined in the total placental area as well as in the labyrinth, spongiotrophoblast and giant trophoblast cell regions. During the course of pregnancy, the number of Ki67 positive cells decreased in both control and diabetic rat placentas. However, starting from day 17 of pregnancy, the number of Ki67 positive cells in the labyrinth and spongiotrophoblast regions was higher in diabetic rat placentas as compared to control. The present results demonstrate that placentas from the diabetic rat model have a significantly higher number of proliferating cells in specific regions of the placenta and at defined developmental stages. It is possible that this increased cell proliferation promotes thickness of the placental barrier consequently affecting the normal maternal-fetal exchanges.
Biological neuronal networks constitute a special class of dynamical systems, as they are formed by individual geometrical components, namely the neurons. In the existing literature, relatively little attention has been given to the influence of neuron shape on the overall connectivity and dynamics of the emerging networks. The current work addresses this issue by considering simplified neuronal shapes consisting of circular regions (soma/axons) with spokes (dendrites). Networks are grown by placing these patterns randomly in the two-dimensional (2D) plane and establishing connections whenever a piece of dendrite falls inside an axon. Several topological and dynamical properties of the resulting graph are measured, including the degree distribution, clustering coefficients, symmetry of connections, size of the largest connected component, as well as three hierarchical measurements of the local topology. By varying the number of processes of the individual basic patterns, we can quantify relationships between the individual neuronal shape and the topological and dynamical features of the networks. Integrate-and-fire dynamics on these networks is also investigated with respect to transient activation from a source node, indicating that long-range connections play an important role in the propagation of avalanches.
Background: Worldwide distribution of surgical interventions is unequal. Developed countries account for the majority of surgeries and information about non-cardiac operations in developing countries is scarce. The purpose of our study was to describe the epidemiological data of non-cardiac surgeries performed in Brazil in the last years. Methods and Findings: This is a retrospective cohort study that investigated the time window from 1995 to 2007. We collected information from DATASUS, a national public health system database. The following variables were studied: number of surgeries, in-hospital expenses, blood transfusion related costs, length of stay and case fatality rates. The results were presented as sum, average and percentage. The trend analysis was performed by linear regression model. There were 32,659,513 non-cardiac surgeries performed in Brazil in thirteen years. An increment of 20.42% was observed in the number of surgeries in this period and nowadays nearly 3 million operations are performed annually. The cost of these procedures has increased tremendously in the last years. The increment of surgical cost was almost 200%. The total expenses related to surgical hospitalizations were more than $10 billion in all these years. The yearly cost of surgical procedures to public health system was more than $1.27 billion for all surgical hospitalizations, and in average, U$445.24 per surgical procedure. The total cost of blood transfusion was near $98 million in all years and annually approximately $10 million were spent in perioperative transfusion. The surgical mortality had an increment of 31.11% in the period. Actually, in 2007, the surgical mortality in Brazil was 1.77%. All the variables had a significant increment along the studied period: r square (r(2)) = 0.447 for the number of surgeries (P = 0.012), r(2) = 0.439 for in-hospital expenses (P = 0.014) and r(2) = 0.907 for surgical mortality (P = 0.0055). Conclusion: The volume of surgical procedures has increased substantially in Brazil through the past years. The expenditure related to these procedures and its mortality has also increased as the number of operations. Better planning of public health resource and strategies of investment are needed to supply the crescent demand of surgery in Brazil.
A key objective of developing countries is to provide affordable access to modern energy services in order to support economic and social development. The paper presents a number of arguments for why and in which way energy access and affordability can play a key role in national development programs and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Approaches for measuring accessibility and affordability are presented, drawing on case studies of Bangladesh. Brazil, and South Africa, countries with different rates of electrification. Affordability of using electricity is examined in relation to the energy expenditure burden for households and time consumption. Conclusions focus on lessons learned and recommendations for implementing policies, instruments, and regulatory measures to tackle the challenge of affordability. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest is internationally recognised as one of the most biodiverse and threatened tropical forests in the world [Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Kent, J., 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403, 853-858]. The Seasonal Semi-Deciduous Forest is among the most fragmented and threatened biomes of the Atlantic Rainforest Domain. The largest remnant of this biome (35,000 ha) is protected by the Morro do Diabo State Park (MDSP), situated in the area known as the Pontal do Paranapanema, in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Despite its environmental importance, the park is under political, economic and demographic pressure. The main aim of our research was to estimate the population`s willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of MDSP and for the Atlantic Rainforest`s remnants in Sao Paulo State as a whole, by means of the contingent valuation method (CVM). The results featured a high incidence of null WTP and of protest votes. Nevertheless, the population is willing to pay US$ 2,113,548.00/year (R$ 7,080,385.00/year) for the conservation of the MDSP (use and existence values), or US$ 60.39 ha/year (R$ 202.30/ha/year). The results indicate that the preservation value is strongly associated to the population`s ability to pay, increasing with income levels. Qualitative research questions showed that the population considers protected areas to be very important. Still, the valuation of MDSP revealed a gap between the government budget allotted to the park and the value assigned to the area by the public. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Support for interoperability and interchangeability of software components which are part of a fieldbus automation system relies on the definition of open architectures, most of them involving proprietary technologies. Concurrently, standard, open and non-proprietary technologies, such as XML, SOAP, Web Services and the like, have greatly evolved and been diffused in the computing area. This article presents a FOUNDATION fieldbus (TM) device description technology named Open-EDD, based on XML and other related technologies (XLST, DOM using Xerces implementation, OO, XMIL Schema), proposing an open and nonproprietary alternative to the EDD (Electronic Device Description). This initial proposal includes defining Open-EDDML as the programming language of the technology in the FOUNDATION fieldbus (TM) protocol, implementing a compiler and a parser, and finally, integrating and testing the new technology using field devices and a commercial fieldbus configurator. This study attests that this new technology is feasible and can be applied to other configurators or HMI applications used in fieldbus automation systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a rheological investigation of pure gypsum (PG) and a commercial gypsum-lime-filler plaster (CP) using the modified Vicat apparatus and squeeze flow method. The samples were tested at several different intervals after manual or mechanical mixing. The results confirmed squeeze flow to be more sensitive in determining fresh paste behavior than the modified Vicat apparatus. PG set faster when prepared in mechanical mixer than when manually mixed. Conversely, the CP composition presented longer setting when mixed mechanically. The study also included the analysis of two ready-to-use polymer-based products for leveling and rendering (drywall joint compound - DJC; acrylic putty - AP) measured by squeeze flow and compared to the commercial composition. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Defoliation by Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hubner), Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), Spodoptera eridania (Cramer), S. cosmioides (Walker) and S. frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was evaluated in four soybean genotypes. A multiple-species economic threshold (ET), based upon the species` feeding capacity, is proposed with the aim of improving growers` management decisions on when to initiate control measures for the species complex. RESULTS: Consumption by A. gemmatalis, S. cosmioides or S. eridania on different genotypes was similar. The highest consumption of P. includens was 92.7 cm(2) on Codetec 219RR; that of S. frugiperda was 118 cm(2) on Codetec 219RR and 115.1 cm(2) on MSoy 8787RR. The insect injury equivalent for S. cosmoides, calculated on the basis of insect consumption, was double the standard consumption by A. gemmatalis, and statistically different from the other species tested, which were similar to each other. CONCLUSIONS: As S. cosmioides always defoliated nearly twice the leaf area of the other species, the injury equivalent would be 2 for this lepidopteran species and 1 for the other species. The recommended multiple-species ET to trigger the beginning of insect control would then be 20 insect equivalents per linear metre. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
Fluorescent indication that nitric oxide formation in NTS neurons is modulated by glutamate and GABA
Nitric oxide (NO) in NTS plays an important role in regulating autonomic function to the cardiovascular system. Using the fluorescent dye DAF-2 DA, we evaluated the NO concentration in NTS. Brainstem slices of rats were loaded with DAF-2 DA, washed, fixed in paraformaldehyde and examined under fluorescent light. In different experimental groups, NTS slices were pre-incubated with 1 mM L-NAME (a non-selective NOS inhibitor), 1 MM D-NAME (an inactive enantiomere of L-NAME), 1 mM kynurenic acid (a nonselective ionotropic receptors antagonist) or 20 mu M bicuculline (a selective GABA(A) receptors antagonist) before and during DAF-2 DA loading. Images were acquired using a confocal microscope and the intensity of fluorescence was quantified in three antero-posterior NTS regions. In addition, slices previously loaded with DAF-2 DA were incubated with NeuN or GFAP antibody. A semi-quantitative analysis of the fluorescence intensity showed that the basal NO concentration was similar in all antero-posterior aspects of the NTS (rostral intermediate, 15.5 +/- 0.8 AU: caudal intermediate, 13.2 +/- 1.4 AU; caudal commissural, 13.8 +/- 1.4 AU, n = 10). In addition, the inhibition of NOS and the antagonism of glutamatergic receptors decreased the NO fluorescence in the NTS. On the other hand, D-NAME did not affect the NO fluorescence and the antagonism of GABAA receptors increased the NO fluorescence in the NTS. It is important to note that the fluorescence for NO was detected mainly in neurons. These data show that the fluorescence observed after NTS loading with DAF-2 DA is a result of NO present in the NTS and support the concept that NTS neurons have basal NO production which is modulated by L-glutamate and GABA. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper uses a unique new data set on manufacturing firms in Brazil and India to estimate production functions, augmented by information and communications technology (ICT). We find a strong positive association between ICT capital and productivity in both countries that is robust to several different specification tests. The paper also breaks new ground when using the Indian data to investigate the effect of the institutional and policy environment on ICT capital investment and productivity. We find that poorer infrastructure quality and labor market policy are associated with lower levels of ICT adoption, while poorer infrastructure is also associated with lower returns to investment.