213 resultados para Complementary Therapies


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The foramen of Vesalius (FV) is located in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone between the foramen ovale (FO) and the foramen rotundum in an intracranial view. The FO allows the passage of the mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve, which is the target of the trigeminal radiofrequency rhizotomy. We analyzed its location, morphology, morphometry and interrelation among other foramina. 400 macerated adult human skulls were examined. A digital microscope (Dino-Lite plus(A (R))) was used to capture images from the FV. A digital caliper was used to perform the measurements of the distance between the FV and other foramina (FO, foramen spinosum and the carotid canal) in an extracranial view of the skull base. In the 400 analyzed skulls, the FV was identified in 135 skulls (33.75%) and absent on both sides in 265 skulls (66.25%). The FV was observed present bilaterally in 15.5% of the skulls. The incidence of unilateral foramen was 18.25% of the skulls of which 7.75% on right side and 10.5% on left side. The diameter of the FV was measured and we found an average value of 0.65 mm, on right side 0.63 mm and on the left side 0.67 mm. We verified that positive correlations were statistically significant among the three analyzed distances. This study intends to offer specific anatomical data with morphological patterns (macroscopic and mesoscopic) to increase the understanding of the FV features as frequency, incidence and important distances among adjacent foramina.


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In this paper we propose a new lifetime distribution which can handle bathtub-shaped unimodal increasing and decreasing hazard rate functions The model has three parameters and generalizes the exponential power distribution proposed by Smith and Bain (1975) with the inclusion of an additional shape parameter The maximum likelihood estimation procedure is discussed A small-scale simulation study examines the performance of the likelihood ratio statistics under small and moderate sized samples Three real datasets Illustrate the methodology (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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In this paper, we proposed a new two-parameter lifetime distribution with increasing failure rate, the complementary exponential geometric distribution, which is complementary to the exponential geometric model proposed by Adamidis and Loukas (1998). The new distribution arises on a latent complementary risks scenario, in which the lifetime associated with a particular risk is not observable; rather, we observe only the maximum lifetime value among all risks. The properties of the proposed distribution are discussed, including a formal proof of its probability density function and explicit algebraic formulas for its reliability and failure rate functions, moments, including the mean and variance, variation coefficient, and modal value. The parameter estimation is based on the usual maximum likelihood approach. We report the results of a misspecification simulation study performed in order to assess the extent of misspecification errors when testing the exponential geometric distribution against our complementary one in the presence of different sample size and censoring percentage. The methodology is illustrated on four real datasets; we also make a comparison between both modeling approaches. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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FUNDAMENTOS: O tratamento da hanseníase é definido pela classificação de pacientes em paucibacilares (PB) e multibacilares (MB). A OMS (Organização Mundial de Saúde) classifica os doentes de acordo com o número de lesões, mas Ridley-Jopling (R&J) utiliza também exames complementares, porém é de difícil utilização fora dos serviços de referência. Em 2003 foi desenvolvido um teste denominado ML-Flow, uma alternativa à sorologia por ELISA para auxiliar na classificação de pacientes em PB e MB e auxiliar na decisão terapêutica. OBJETIVOS: Observar a concordância entre o teste de ML-Flow e baciloscopia de linfa, exame já consagrado para detecção de MB. Analisar a utilidade do teste de ML-Flow em campo. MATERIAL E MÃTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo avaliando prontuário de 55 pacientes virgens de tratamento, diagnosticados como PB ou MB por R&J. Submetidos à baciloscopia e ao teste de ML-Flow. RESULTADOS: Nos MB, a baciloscopia foi positiva em 80% dos casos, o ML-flow foi positivo em 82,5%. Entre os PB, o ML-Flow foi positivo em 37,5% e a baciloscopia do esfregaço foi negativa em 100% dos casos. A concordância entre os resultados da baciloscopia do esfregaço e ML-Flow foi de 87,5%, kappa=0,59, p<0,001. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhum teste laboratorial é 100% sensível e específico para a correta classificação de todas as formas de hanseníase. O ML-Flow é um teste rápido, de fácil manuseio em campo, menos invasivo que a baciloscopia podendo ser útil para auxiliar na decisão terapêutica em locais de difícil acesso a serviços de referência.


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A recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde é que todo recém nascido deva ser alimentado exclusivamente no seio materno até o sexto mês e, de forma complementar, até o segundo ano de vida. Assim, algumas técnicas são realizadas para facilitar a alimentação ao seio, dentre elas o uso do copo e, recentemente, a utilização da técnica "sonda-dedo". Tal prática é bastante controversa e há escassez de estudos na literatura sobre a descrição da técnica, sua indicação e uso. O objetivo do presente trabalho é relatar a experiência clínica para indicação e uso da técnica "sonda-dedo". A técnica "sonda-dedo" consiste no oferecimento do leite, de preferência humano, utilizando sonda gástrica conectada a uma seringa com êmbolo e fixada em dedo mínimo enluvado com fita adesiva. A sonda é posicionada na cavidade oral do recém nascido e deve servir como uma técnica de auxílio para adequação do padrão de sucção. Desta forma, sugere-se que sua indicação deve ser apenas nos casos em que seja caracterizada uma disfunção oral, seja em recém nascidos a termo ou pré-termo. Diante da avaliação específica, realizada pelo fonoaudiólogo, indica-se a técnica "sonda-dedo" com objetivo de adequar as alterações obtidas na avaliação da sucção não nutritiva ou em seio materno. Acredita-se que, para que a técnica "sonda-dedo" seja indicada como complemento do aleitamento materno, devam ser realizados novos estudos para esclarecer quais as repercussões da técnica "sonda-dedo" na prevalência do aleitamento materno e no desenvolvimento motor oral de recém nascidos.


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The prosthetic rehabilitation of an atrophic mandible is usually unsatisfactory due to the lack of support tissues, mainly bone and keratinized mucosa for treatment with osseointegrated implants or even conventional prosthesis. The prosthetic instability leads to social and functional limitations and chronic physical trauma decreasing the patient's quality of life. A 53-year-old female patient sought care at our surgical service complaining of impairment of her masticatory function associated with the instability of the lower total prosthetic denture. The clinical and complementary exams revealed edentulism in both arches, while the mandibular arch presented severe reabsorption resulting in denture instability and chronic trauma to the oral mucosa. The proposed treatment plan consisted in the mandibular rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants and fixed Brånemark's protocol prosthesis after mandibular reconstruction applying the modified visor osteotomy technique. The proposed technique offered predictable results for reconstruction of the severely resorbed edentulous mandible and posterior rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.


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Several impression materials are available in the Brazilian marketplace to be used in oral rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of different impression materials used for fixed partial dentures following the manufacturers' instructions. A master model representing a partially edentulous mandibular right hemi-arch segment whose teeth were prepared to receive full crowns was used. Custom trays were prepared with auto-polymerizing acrylic resin and impressions were performed with a dental surveyor, standardizing the path of insertion and removal of the tray. Alginate and elastomeric materials were used and stone casts were obtained after the impressions. For the silicones, impression techniques were also compared. To determine the impression materials' accuracy, digital photographs of the master model and of the stone casts were taken and the discrepancies between them were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan's complementary test. Polyether and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were statistically different from alginate, condensation silicone and addition silicone following the double-mix technique (p < .05), presenting smaller discrepancies. However, condensation silicone was similar (p > .05) to alginate and addition silicone following the double-mix technique, but different from polysulfide. The results led to the conclusion that different impression materials and techniques influenced the stone casts' accuracy in a way that polyether, polysulfide and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were more accurate than the other materials.


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The aim of this study was to compare different treatments for dentin hypersensitivity in a 6-month follow-up. One hundred and one teeth exhibiting non carious cervical lesions were selected. The assessment method used to quantify sensitivity was the cold air syringe, recorded by the visual analogue scale (VAS), prior to treatment (baseline), immediately after topical treatment, after 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months. Teeth were randomly assigned to five groups (n = 20): G1: Gluma Desensitizer (GD); G2: Seal&Protect (SP); G3: Oxa-gel (OG); G4: Fluoride (F); G5: Low intensity laser-LILT (660 nm/3.8 J/cm²/15 mW). Analysis was based on the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test that demonstrated statistical differences immediately after the treatment (p = 0.0165). To observe the individual effects of each treatment, data was submitted to Friedman test. It was observed that GD and SP showed immediate effect after application. Reduction in the pain level throughout the six-month follow-up was also observed. In contrast, LILT presented a gradual reduction of hypersensitivity. OG and F showed effects as of the first and third month respectively. It can be concluded that, after the 6-month clinical evaluation, all therapies showed lower VAS sensitivity values compared with baseline, independently of their different modes of action.


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Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle has been found in the oral and maxillofacial region rarely. This paper describes a case of osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle in a 20-year-old woman, who was referred to our service with facial asymmetry, prognathic deviation of chin, cross-bite to the contralateral side, changes in condylar morphology, limited mouth opening, and malocclusion. Computed tomography (CT) was performed for better evaluation to the pathological conditions on the temporomandibular joint. Based on the clinical examination, patient history, and complementary exams, the hypothesis of osteochondroma was established. Condylectomy was performed using a preauricular approach with total removal of the lesion. After 3 years of postoperative follow up and orthodontic therapy, the patient is symptom-free, and has normal mouth opening with no deviation in the opening pattern.


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O tratamento convencionalmente preconizado para cães acometidos pela CMD consiste na prescrição de vasodilatadores, agentes inotrópicos positivos (digitálico), diuréticos, dieta hipossódica e, quando necessário, antiarrítmicos. O carvedilol é um &#946;-bloqueador de 3ª geração, não seletivo, que bloqueia igualmente e competitivamente os receptores (&#946;1, &#946;2 e &#945;1). Produz uma evidente vasodilatação periférica, exerce efeitos anti-oxidantes, removendo radicais livres de oxigênio e prevenindo a peroxidação lipídica nas membranas cardíacas, prevenindo a perda de miócitos e a ocorrência de arritmias e reduzindo a taxa de mortalidade em pacientes humanos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica, eletrocardiográfica, radiográfica e ecocardiograficamente a evolução de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) tratatos com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Para tal foram avaliados 49 cães com CMD divididos em: grupo NT, tratado com terapia convencional, e grupo T, tratado com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e a exames complementares durante o período de um ano. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia com carvedilol apresentou boa tolerabilidade na dose de 0,3mg kg-1 12-12horas, aumentou a sobrevida dos cães em 30,9%, não alterou as pressões sistólica e diastólica, reduziu a frequência cardíaca após três semanas de terapia, melhorou significantemente as frações de encurtamento e ejeção após seis meses de tratamento, não promoveu alterações radiográficas e da distância E-septo, diminuiu o índice de letalidade da doença, fato demonstrado pela melhora no escore clínico e na classe funcional dos animais, obtida após três semanas de terapia com carvedilol.


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Osmotic dehydration is becoming more popular as a complementary treatment in the processing of dehydrated foods, since it presents some advantages such as minimising heat damage to the colour and flavour, inhibiting enzymatic browning and thus dispensing the addition of sulphite and, mainly, reducing energy costs. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using inverted sugar and sucrose syrups as osmotic agents in the dehydration of mango. The conditions used in the dehydration process were: syrup/fruit ratio of 3:1 (v/w); temperature of 45ºC and constant stirring. The in natura and osmo-dehydrated fruits were evaluated in relation to pH, moisture content, water activity (a w) and soluble solids (ºBrix). Solids incorporation and loss in mass after the dehydration process were also determined. The sensory acceptance of the in natura and osmo-dehydrated fruits was determined for the attributes of aroma, flavour, texture and overall acceptance using a hedonic scale. Osmotic dehydration resulted in a reduction in moisture content and water activity, an increase in Brix and maintenance of the pH. The treatment with inverted sugar syrup resulted in more significant alterations in moisture content, a w, Brix, solids incorporation and loss in mass than the treatment with sucrose syrup. Mangos osmo-dehydrated with inverted sugar (55.3% inversion rate) syrup obtained acceptance similar to in natura mangos, this treatment being considered the most adequate for dehydration purposes.


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Neste trabalho foi avaliado o desempenho produtivo de nove animais jovens Zebu à Holandês em comparação a nove animais da raça Holandesa para produção de vitelos. Todos os animais foram mantidos em condições idênticas de ambiente, manejo e alimentação, com acompanhamento individual da ingestão de matéria seca. As medidas de avaliação do desenvolvimento animal, conversão e eficiência alimentar possibilitaram comparações entre os tratamentos, a partir de delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os bezerros Zebu à Holandês apresentaram maior ganho de perímetro torácico (23,3 cm) e ganho de peso diário (1,45 kg), além de conversão alimentar (2,77 kg de MS/kg de peso corporal), se comparados aos bezerros da raça Holandesa, com, respectivamente, 18,5 cm de perímetro torácico, 1,16 kg de ganho de peso diário e conversão alimentar de 3,48 kg de MS/kg de peso corporal. Não houve diferença na ingestão de matéria seca entre os animais avaliados. Quanto ao estudo econômico da produção de carne de vitelo, os animais mestiços apresentaram o menor custo de produção por quilo de carne produzida e, conseqüentemente, o melhor potencial de produção de vitelos a partir de animais Zebu à Holandês, como atividade complementar à produção de leite.


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In about 50% of first trimester spontaneous abortion the cause remains undetermined after standard cytogenetic investigation. We evaluated the usefulness of array-CGH in diagnosing chromosome abnormalities in products of conception from first trimester spontaneous abortions. Cell culture was carried out in short- and long-term cultures of 54 specimens and cytogenetic analysis was successful in 49 of them. Cytogenetic abnormalities (numerical and structural) were detected in 22 (44.89%) specimens. Subsequent, array-CGH based on large insert clones spaced at ~1 Mb intervals over the whole genome was used in 17 cases with normal G-banding karyotype. This revealed chromosome aneuplodies in three additional cases, giving a final total of 51% cases in which an abnormal karyotype was detected. In keeping with other recently published works, this study shows that array-CGH detects abnormalities in a further ~10% of spontaneous abortion specimens considered to be normal using standard cytogenetic methods. As such, array-CGH technique may present a suitable complementary test to cytogenetic analysis in cases with a normal karyotype.


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Em 1999, as células-tronco foram eleitas "Scientific Breakthrough of the Year" (avanço científico do ano) pela revista Science¹. Naquele ano, foi demonstrado que células-tronco de tecidos adultos mantinham a capacidade de se diferenciar em outros tipos de tecidos. No ano anterior, as primeiras linhagens de células-tronco embrionárias humanas foram estabelecidas. Desde então, o número de artigos científicos sobre células-tronco vem crescendo exponencialmente, onde novos paradigmas são estabelecidos. Neste artigo, farei uma revisão da área de células-tronco com um foco especial em seu uso como agente terapêutico em doenças comuns como diabetes e cardiopatias. As células-tronco serão tratadas em dois grupos distintos: as embrionárias e as adultas. Enquanto o potencial de diferenciação das primeiras está bem caracterizado em camundongos e em humanos, seu uso em terapia celular e em pesquisa tem sido dificultado por questões de histocompatibilidade, segurança e ética. Em contraste, células-tronco adultas não apresentam estes empecilhos, apesar da extensão de sua plasticidade ainda estar sob investigação. Mesmo assim, diversos testes clínicos em humanos estão em andamento utilizando células-tronco adultas, principalmente derivadas da medula óssea. Discutirei ainda a importância de se trabalhar com as duas classes de células-tronco humanas de forma a se cumprir suas promessas terapêuticas.


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PURPOSE: To study were to reproduce an alveolar bone defect model in Wistar rats to be used for testing the efficacy of stem cell therapies. Additionally, we also aimed to determine the osteogenesis process of this osseous defect in the 1 month period post-surgery. METHODS: The animals were randomly divided into two groups of 7 animals each. A gingivobuccal incision was made, and a bone defect of 28 mm² of area was performed in the alveolar region. Animals were killed at 2 weeks after surgery (n=7) and 4 weeks after surgery (n=7). RESULTS: The average area of the alveolar defect at time point of 2 weeks was 22.27 ± 1.31 mm² and the average area of alveolar defect at time point of 4 weeks was 9.03 ± 1.17 mm². The average amount of bone formation at time point of 2 weeks was 5.73 ± 1.31 mm² and the average amount of bone formation at time point of 4 weeks was 19 ± 1.17 mm². Statistically significant differences between the amount of bone formation at 2 weeks and 4 weeks after surgery were seen (p=0.003). CONCLUSION: The highest rate of ossification occurred mostly from 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. This observation suggests that 4 weeks after the bone defect creation should be a satisfactory timing to assess the potential of bone inductive stem cells to accelerate bone regeneration in Wistar rats.