203 resultados para Catecholaminergic Neurons


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Glucocorticoids have major effects on food intake, as demonstrated by the decrease of food intake following adrenalectomy (ADX); however, the mechanisms leading to these effects are not well understood. Oxytocin (OT) has been shown to reduce food intake. We evaluated the effects of glucocorticoids on OT neuron activation and OT mRNA expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei induced by feeding. We also evaluated the effect of pretreatment with OT-receptor antagonist ([d(CH2)5,Tyr(Me)2,Orn8]-vasotocin, OVT) on food intake in ADX rats. Fos/OT neurons in the posterior parvocellular subdivision of the PVN were increased after refeeding, with a higher number in the ADX group, compared with sham and ADX+corticosterone (B) groups, with no difference in the medial parvocellular and magnocellular subdivisions of the PVN. ADX increased OT mRNA expression in the PVN both in fasting and refeeding condition, compared with sham and ADX+B groups. In the SON, refeeding increased the number of Fos/OT neurons, with a higher number in the ADX+B group. In fasted condition, OT mRNA expression in the SON was increased in ADX and ADX+B, compared with sham group. Pretreatment with OVT reversed the ADX-induced hypophagia, with no difference between sham and ADX+B animals. The present results show that glucocorticoid withdrawal induces a higher activation of PVN OT neurons in response to feeding, and an increase of OT mRNA expression in the PVN and OT-receptor antagonist reverses the anorexigenic effect induced by ADX These data indicate that PVN OT neurons might mediate the hypophagic effect induced by adrenalectomy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Several studies suggest that hypothalamic cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) may interact with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in the control of neuroendocrine function and may also participate in cardiovascular regulation. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate, in experimental models of isotonic (I-EVE) and hypertonic (H-EVE) extracellular volume expansion and water deprivation (WD), the activation of CART- and corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF)-immunoreactive neurons, as well as the relative expression of CART and CRF mRNAs in the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei of the hypothalamus. Both H-EVE (0.30M NaCl, 2mL/100g of body weight, in 1 minute) and 24 hours of WD significantly increased plasma sodium concentrations, producing, respectively, either an increase or a decrease in extracellular volume. I-EVE (0.15M NaCl, 2mL/100g of body weight, in 1 minute) evoked a significant increase in the circulating volume accompanied by unaltered plasma concentrations of sodium. CART-expressing neurons of both magnocellular and parvocellular hypothalamic divisions were activated to produce Fos in response to H-EVE but not in response to I-EVE. Furthermore, increased expression of CART mRNA was found in the PVN of H-EVE but not I-EVE rats. These data show for the first time that EVE not only activates hypothalamic CRF neurons but also increases CRF mRNA expression in the PVN. In contrast, WD increases the number of CART-immunoreactive neurons activated to produce Fos in the PVN and SON but does not change the number of neurons double labeled for Fos and CRF or expression of CRF mRNA in the PVN. These findings provided new insights into the participation of CART in diverse processes within the PVN and SON, including its possible involvement in activation of the HPA axis and cardiovascular regulation in response to changes in extracellular volume and osmolality. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), both of which are synthesized by hypothalamic neurons, play an essential role in the control of energy homeostasis. Neuroendocrine and behavioural responses induced by lipopolyssacharide (LPS) have been shown to involve prostaglandin-mediated pathways. This study investigated the effects of prostaglandin on CRF and alpha-MSH neuronal activities in LPS-induced anorexia. Male Wistar rats were pretreated with indomethacin (10 mg kg(-1); i.p.) or vehicle; 15 min later they received LPS (500 mu g kg(-1); i.p.) or saline injection. Food intake, hormone responses and Fos-CRF and Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactivity in the paraventricular and arcuate nuclei, respectively, were evaluated. In comparison with saline treatment, LPS administration induced lower food intake and increased plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels, as well as an increase in Fos-CRF and Fos-alpha-MSH double-labelled neurons in vehicle-pretreated rats. In contrast, indomethacin treatment partly reversed the hypophagic effect, blunted the hormonal increase and blocked the Fos-CRF and Fos-alpha-MSH hypothalamic double labelling increase in response to the LPS stimulus. These data demonstrate that the activation of pro-opiomelanocortin and CRF hypothalamic neurons following LPS administration is at least partly mediated by the prostaglandin pathway and is likely to be involved in the modulation of feeding behaviour during endotoxaemia.


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Despite the well-established sympathoexcitation evoked by chemoreflex activation, the specific sub-regions of the CNS underlying such sympathetic responses remain to be fully characterized. In the present study we examined the effects of intermittent chemoreflex activation in awake rats on Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) in various subnuclei of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), as well as in identified neurosecretory preautonomic PVN neurons. In response to intermittent chemoreflex activation, a significant increase in the number of Fos-ir cells was found in autonomic-related PVN subnuclei, including the posterior parvocellular, ventromedial parvocellular and dorsal-cap, but not in the neurosecretory magnocellular-containing lateral magnocellular subnucleus. No changes in Fos-ir following chemoreflex activation were observed in the anterior PVN subnucleus. Experiments combining Fos immunohistochemistry and neuronal tract tracing techniques showed a significant increase in Fos-ir in rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM)-projecting (PVN-RVLM), but not in nucleus of solitarii tract (NTS)-projecting PVN neurons. In summary, our results support the involvement of the PVN in the central neuronal circuitry activated in response to chemoreflex activation, and indicate that PVN-RVLM neurons constitute a neuronal substrate contributing to the sympathoexcitatory component of the chemoreflex. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO.


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Atrial mechanoreceptors, sensitive to stretch, contribute in regulating heart rate and intravascular volume. The information from those receptors reaches the nucleus tractus solitarius and then the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), known to have a crucial role in the regulation of cardiovascular function. Neurons in the PVN synthesize CRF, AVP, and oxytocin (OT). Stimulation of atrial mechanoreceptors was performed in awake rats implanted with a balloon at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium. Plasma ACTH, AVP, and OT concentrations and Fos, CRF, AVP, and OT immunolabeling in the PVN were determined after balloon inflation in hydrated and water-deprived rats. The distension of the balloon increased the plasma ACTH concentrations, which were higher in water-deprived than in hydrated rats (P < 0.05). In addition, the distension in the water-deprived group decreased plasma AVP concentrations (P < 0.05), compared with the respective control group. The distension increased the number of Fos- and double-labeled Fos/CRF neurons in the parvocellular PVN, which was higher in the water-deprived than in the hydrated group (P < 0.01). There was no difference in the Fos expression in magnocellular PVN neurons after distension in hydrated and water-deprived groups, compared with respective controls. In conclusion, parvocellular CRF neurons showed an increase of Fos expression induced by stimulation of right atrial mechanoreceptors, suggesting that CRF participates in the cardiovascular reflex adjustments elicited by volume loading. Activation of CRF neurons in the PVN by cardiovascular reflex is affected by osmotic stimulation.


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In vitro, nitric oxide (NO) inhibits the firing rate of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and this effect has been attributed to GABAergic activation. However, little is known about the direct effects of NO in MNCs. We used the patch-clamp technique to verify the effect Of L-arginine, a precursor for NO synthesis, and N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME), an inhibitor of NOS, on spontaneous electrical activity of MNCs after glutamatergic and GABAergic blockade in Wistar rat brain slices. 6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) (10 mu M) and DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (DL-AP5) (30 mu M) were used to block postsynaptic glutamatergic currents, and picrotoxin (30 mu M) and saclofen (30 mu M) to block ionotropic and metabotropic postsynaptic GABAergic currents. Under these conditions, 500 mu M L-arginine decreased the firing rate from 3.7 +/- 0.6 Hz to 1.3 +/- 0.3 Hz. Conversely, 100 mu M L-NAME increased the firing rate from 3.0 +/- 0.3 Hz to 5.8 +/- 0.4 Hz. All points histogram analysis showed changes in resting potential from -58.1 +/- 0.8 mV to -62.2 +/- 1.1 mV in the presence of L-arginine and from -59.8 +/- 0.7 mV to -56.9 +/- 0.8 mV by L-NAME. Despite the nitrergic modulator effect on firing rate, some MNCs had no significant changes in their resting potential. In those neurons, hyperpolarizing after-potential (HAP) amplitude increased from 12.4 +/- 1.2 mV to 16.8 +/- 0.7 mV by L-arginine, but without significant changes by L-NAME treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that NO can inhibit MNCs independent of GABAergic inputs. Further, our results point to HAP as a potential site for nitrergic modulation. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inflammatory and infectious processes evoke neuroendocrine and behavioral changes known as acute-phase response that includes activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and reduction of food intake. Besides its action as the most important ACTH secretagogue, corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), synthesized in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), is also involved in the control of food intake. Alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) in the arcuate nucleus also plays a role in the energy homeostasis, possessing anorexigenic effects. To investigate the participation of neuropeptides involved in the regulation of food intake during endotoxemia, we administrated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in sham-operated and adrenalectomized (ADX) male Wistar rats to evaluate food intake, hormone responses and Fos-CRF and Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactivity in the PVN and arcuate nucleus, as well as CRF and POW mRNA expression in these hypothalamic nuclei. In sham-operated rats, treatment with LPS (100 mu g/kg) showed lower food intake, higher plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels, as well as an increase in Fos-CRF double labeled neurons and CRF mRNA expression in the PVN, with no changes in Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactivity and POW mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus, compared to saline treated rats. After LPS treatment, ADX rats showed further increase in plasma ACTH levels, marked decrease of food intake, higher Fos-CRF immunoreactive neurons in the PVN and CRF mRNA expression, as well as an increase in Fos-alpha-MSH immunoreactivity and POW mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus, compared to sham-operated rats treated with LPS. In conclusion, the present data indicate that the marked hypophagia during endotoxemia following ADX is associated with an increased activation of CRF and POW neurons in the hypothalamus and an increased mRNA expression of these neuropeptides. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Humans and mice with loss-of-function mutations of the genes encoding kisspeptins (Kiss1) or kisspeptin receptor (Kiss1r) are infertile due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Within the hypothalamus, Kiss1 mRNA is expressed in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) and the arcuate nucleus (Arc). In order to better study the different populations of kisspeptin cells we generated Kiss1-Cre transgenic mice. We obtained one line with Cre activity specifically within Kiss1 neurons (line J2-4), as assessed by generating mice with Cre-dependent expression of green fluorescent protein or beta-galactosidase. Also, we demonstrated Kiss1 expression in the cerebral cortex and confirmed previous data showing Kiss1 mRNA in the medial nucleus of amygdala and anterodorsal preoptic nucleus. Kiss1 neurons were more concentrated towards the caudal levels of the Arc and higher leptin-responsivity was observed in the most caudal population of Arc Kiss1 neurons. No evidence for direct action of leptin in AVPV Kiss1 neurons was observed. Me lanocortin fibers innervated subsets of Kiss1 neurons of the preoptic area and Arc, and both populations expressed melanocortin receptors type 4 (MC4R). Specifically in the preoptic area, 18-28% of Kiss1 neurons expressed MC4R. In the Arc, 90% of Kiss1 neurons were glutamatergic, 50% of which also were GABAergic. In the AVPV, 20% of Kiss1 neurons were glutamatergic whereas 75% were GABAergic. The differences observed between the Kiss1 neurons in the preoptic area and the Arc likely represent neuronal evidence for their differential roles in metabolism and reproduction. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) in mammals varies in structure according to developmental age, body size, gender, lateral asymmetry, the size and nuclear content of neurons and the complexity and synaptic coverage of their dendritic trees. In small and medium-sized mammals, neuron number and size increase from birth to adulthood and, in phylogenetic studies, vary with body size. However, recent studies on larger animals suggest that body weight does not, in general, accurately predict neuron number. We have applied design-based stereological tools at the light-microscopic level to assess the volumetric composition of ganglia and to estimate the numbers and sizes of neurons in SCGs from rats, capybaras and horses. Using transmission electron microscopy, we have obtained design-based estimates of the surface coverage of dendrites by postsynaptic apposition zones and model-based estimates of the numbers and sizes of synaptophysin-labelled axo-dendritic synaptic disks. Linear regression analysis of log-transformed data has been undertaken in order to establish the nature of the relationships between numbers and SCG volume (V(scg)). For SCGs (five per species), the allometric relationship for neuron number (N) is N=35,067xV (scg) (0.781) and that for synapses is N=20,095,000xV (scg) (1.328) , the former being a good predictor and the latter a poor predictor of synapse number. Our findings thus reveal the nature of SCG growth in terms of its main ingredients (neurons, neuropil, blood vessels) and show that larger mammals have SCG neurons exhibiting more complex arborizations and greater numbers of axo-dendritic synapses.


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Stellate ganglion (SG) represents the main sympathetic input to the heart. This study aimed at investigating physical exercise-related changes in the quantitative aspects of SG neurons in treadmill-exercised Wistar rats. By applying state-of-the-art design-based stereology, the SG volume, total number of SG neurons, mean perikaryal volume of SG neurons, and the total volume of neurons in the whole SG have been examined. Arterial pressure and heart rate were also measured at the end of the exercise period. The present study showed that a low-intensity exercise training program caused a 12% decrease in the heart rate of trained rats. In contrast, there were no effects on systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, or mean arterial pressure. As to quantitative changes related to physical exercise, the main findings were a 21% increase in the fractional volume occupied by neurons in the SG, and an 83% increase in the mean perikaryal volume of SG neurons in treadmill-trained rats, which shows a remarkable neuron hypertrophy. It seems reasonable to infer that neuron hypertrophy may have been the result of a functional overload imposed on the SG neurons by initial posttraining sympathetic activation. From the novel stereological data we provide, further investigations are needed to shed light on the mechanistic aspect of neuron hypertrophy: what role does neuron hypertrophy play? Could neuron hypertrophy be assigned to the functional overload induced by physical exercise? (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Strong evidence obtained from in vivo and ex-vivo studies suggests the existence of interaction between dopaminergic and nitrergic systems. Some of the observations suggest a possible implication of nitric oxide (NO) in dopamine (DA) uptake mechanism. The present work investigated the interaction between both systems by examining the effect of an NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), associated with the indirect DA agonist, amphetamine (AMPH) on tritiated DA uptake in cultures of embryonic mesencephalic neurons. Consistent with the literature, both AMPH (1, 3 and 10 mu M) and SNP (300 mu M and 1 mM) inhibited DA uptake in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the inhibition of DA uptake by AMPH (1 and 3 mu M) was significantly increased by the previous addition of SNP (300 mu M). The implication of NO in this interaction was supported by the fact that the free radical scavenger N-acetyl-L-Cysteine (500 mu M) significantly increased DA uptake and completely abolished the effect of SNP, leaving unaffected that from AMPH on DA uptake. Further, double-labeling immunohistochemistry showed the presence of tyrosine hydroxylase-(TH, marker for dopaminergic neurons) and neuronal NO synthase- (nNOS, marker for NO containing neurons) expressing neurons in mesencephalic cultures. Some dopaminergic neurons also express nNOS giving further support for a pre-synaptic interaction between both systems. This is the first work demonstrating in mesencephalic cultured neurons a combined effect of an NO donor and an indirect DA agonist on specific DA uptake. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Serotonergic (5-HT) neurons in the nucleus raphe obscurus (ROb) are involved in the respiratory control network. However, it is not known whether ROb 5-HT neurons play a role in the functional interdependence between central and peripheral chemoreceptors. Therefore, we investigated the role of ROb 5-HT neurons in the ventilatory responses to CO(2) and their putative involvement in the central-peripheral CO(2) chemoreceptor interaction in unanaesthetised rats. We used a chemical lesion specific for 5-HT neurons (anti-SERT-SAP) of the ROb in animals with the carotid body (CB) intact or removed (CBR). Pulmonary ventilation (V (E)), body temperature and the arterial blood gases were measured before, during and after a hypercapnic challenge (7% CO(2)). The lesion of ROb 5-HT neurons alone (CB intact) or the lesion of 5-HT neurons of ROb+CBR did not affect baseline V (E) during normocapnic condition. Killing ROb 5-HT neurons (CB intact) significantly decreased the ventilatory response to hypercapnia (p < 0.05). The reduction in CO(2) sensitivity was approximately 15%. When ROb 5-HT neurons lesion was combined with CBR (anti-SERT-SAP+CBR), the V (E) response to hypercapnia was further decreased (-31.2%) compared to the control group. The attenuation of CO(2) sensitivity was approximately 30%, and it was more pronounced than the sum of the individual effects of central (ROb lesion; -12.3%) or peripheral (CBR; -5.5%) treatments. Our data indicate that ROb 5-HT neurons play an important role in the CO(2) drive to breathing and may act as an important element in the central-peripheral chemoreception interaction to CO(2) responsiveness.


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Prolactin (PRL) is tonically inhibited by dopamine (DA) released from neurons in the arcuate and periventricular nuclei. Kisspeptin plays a pivotal role in LH regulation. In rodents, kisspeptin neurons are found mostly in the anteroventral periventricular and arcuate nuclei, but the physiology of arcuate kisspeptin neurons is not completely understood. We investigated the role of kisspeptin in the control of hypothalamic DA and pituitary PRL secretion in adult rats. Intracerebroventricular kisspeptin-10 (Kp-10) elicited PRL release in a dose-dependent manner in estradiol (E2)-treated ovariectomized rats (OVX+E2), whereas no effect was found in oil-treated ovariectomized rats (OVX). Kp-10 increased PRL release in males and proestrous but not diestrous females. Associated with the increase in PRL release, intracerebroventricular Kp-10 reduced Fos-related antigen expression in tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (ir) neurons of arcuate and periventricular nuclei in OVX+E2 rats, with no effect in OVX rats. Kp-10 also decreased 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid concentration and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid-DA ratio in the median eminence but not striatum in OVX+E2 rats. Double-label immunofluorescence combined with confocal microscopy revealed kisspeptin-ir fibers in close apposition to and in contact with tyrosine hydroxylase-ir perikarya in the arcuate. In addition, Kp-10 was not found to alter PRL release from anterior pituitary cell cultures regardless of E2 treatment. We provide herein evidence that kisspeptin regulates PRL release through inhibition of hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons, and that this mechanism is E2 dependent in females. These findings suggest a new role for central kisspeptin with possible implications for reproductive physiology. (Endocrinology 151: 3247-3257, 2010)


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Monoamines (noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (AD), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) are key neurotransmitters that are implicated in multiple physiological and pathological brain mechanisms, including control of respiration. The monoaminergic system is known to be widely distributed in the animal kingdom, which indicates a considerable degree of phylogenetic conservation of this system amongst vertebrates. Substantial progress has been made in uncovering the participation of the brain monoamines in the breathing regulation of mammals, since they are involved in the maturation of the respiratory network as well as in the modulation of its intrinsic and synaptic properties. On the other hand, for the non-mammalian vertebrates, most of the knowledge of central monoaminergic modulation in respiratory control, which is actually very little, has emerged from studies using anuran amphibians. This article reviews the available data on the role of brain monoaminergic systems in the control of ventilation in terrestrial vertebrates. Emphasis is given to the comparative aspects of the brain noradrenergic, adrenergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic neuronal groups in breathing regulation, after first briefly considering the distribution of monoaminergic neurons in the vertebrate brain. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Studies involving estrogen treatment of ovariectomized rats or mice have attributed to this hormone a neuroprotective effect on the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) neurons. We investigated the effect of estradiol replacement in ovariectomized rats on the survival of dopaminergic mesencephalic cell and the integrity of their projections to the striatum after microinjections of 1 mu g of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the right SNpc or medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Estradiol replacement did not prevent the reduction either in the striatal concentrations of DA and metabolites or in the number of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons following lesion with 1 mu g of 6-OHDA into the SNpc. Nevertheless, estradiol treatment reduced the decrease in striatal DA following injection of 1 mu g of 6-OHDA into the MFB. Results suggest therefore that estrogen protect nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons against a 6-OHDA injury to the MFB but not the SNpc. This may be due to the distinct degree of lesions promoted in these different rat models of Parkinson`s disease.