72 resultados para Bubb, Daniel K
Background: The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum exhibits abundant genetic diversity, and this diversity is key to its success as a pathogen. Previous efforts to study genetic diversity in P. falciparum have begun to elucidate the demographic history of the species, as well as patterns of population structure and patterns of linkage disequilibrium within its genome. Such studies will be greatly enhanced by new genomic tools and recent large-scale efforts to map genomic variation. To that end, we have developed a high throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping platform for P. falciparum. Results: Using an Affymetrix 3,000 SNP assay array, we found roughly half the assays (1,638) yielded high quality, 100% accurate genotyping calls for both major and minor SNP alleles. Genotype data from 76 global isolates confirm significant genetic differentiation among continental populations and varying levels of SNP diversity and linkage disequilibrium according to geographic location and local epidemiological factors. We further discovered that nonsynonymous and silent (synonymous or noncoding) SNPs differ with respect to within-population diversity, interpopulation differentiation, and the degree to which allele frequencies are correlated between populations. Conclusions: The distinct population profile of nonsynonymous variants indicates that natural selection has a significant influence on genomic diversity in P. falciparum, and that many of these changes may reflect functional variants deserving of follow-up study. Our analysis demonstrates the potential for new high-throughput genotyping technologies to enhance studies of population structure, natural selection, and ultimately enable genome-wide association studies in P. falciparum to find genes underlying key phenotypic traits.
Background: Plasmodium vivax malaria is a major public health challenge in Latin America, Asia and Oceania, with 130-435 million clinical cases per year worldwide. Invasion of host blood cells by P. vivax mainly depends on a type I membrane protein called Duffy binding protein (PvDBP). The erythrocyte-binding motif of PvDBP is a 170 amino-acid stretch located in its cysteine-rich region II (PvDBP(II)), which is the most variable segment of the protein. Methods: To test whether diversifying natural selection has shaped the nucleotide diversity of PvDBP(II) in Brazilian populations, this region was sequenced in 122 isolates from six different geographic areas. A Bayesian method was applied to test for the action of natural selection under a population genetic model that incorporates recombination. The analysis was integrated with a structural model of PvDBP(II), and T-and B-cell epitopes were localized on the 3-D structure. Results: The results suggest that: (i) recombination plays an important role in determining the haplotype structure of PvDBP(II), and (ii) PvDBP(II) appears to contain neutrally evolving codons as well as codons evolving under natural selection. Diversifying selection preferentially acts on sites identified as epitopes, particularly on amino acid residues 417, 419, and 424, which show strong linkage disequilibrium. Conclusions: This study shows that some polymorphisms of PvDBP(II) are present near the erythrocyte-binding domain and might serve to elude antibodies that inhibit cell invasion. Therefore, these polymorphisms should be taken into account when designing vaccines aimed at eliciting antibodies to inhibit erythrocyte invasion.
Using a sample of 68.3x10(6) K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) decays collected in 1996-1999 by the KTeV (E832) experiment at Fermilab, we present a detailed study of the K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) Dalitz plot density. We report the first observation of interference from K(L)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) decays in which pi(+)pi(-) rescatters to pi(0)pi(0) in a final-state interaction. This rescattering effect is described by the Cabibbo-Isidori model, and it depends on the difference in pion scattering lengths between the isospin I=0 and I=2 states, a(0)-a(2). Using the Cabibbo-Isidori model, and fixing (a(0)-a(2))m(pi)(+)=0.268 +/- 0.017 as measured by the CERN-NA48 collaboration, we present the first measurement of the K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) quadratic slope parameter that accounts for the rescattering effect: h(000)=(+0.59 +/- 0.20(stat)+/- 0.48(syst)+/- 1.06(ext))x10(-3), where the uncertainties are from data statistics, KTeV systematic errors, and external systematic errors. Fitting for both h(000) and a(0)-a(2), we find h(000)=(-2.09 +/- 0.62(stat)+/- 0.72(syst)+/- 0.28(ext))x10(-3), and m(pi)(+)(a(0)-a(2))=0.215 +/- 0.014(stat)+/- 0.025(syst)+/- 0.006(ext); our value for a(0)-a(2) is consistent with that from NA48.
The KTeV E799 experiment has conducted a search for the rare decay K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)gamma via the topology K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)(D)gamma (where pi(0)(D)->gamma e(+)e(-)). Because of Bose statistics of the pi(0) pair and the real nature of the photon, the K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)gamma decay is restricted to proceed at lowest order by the CP conserving direct emission (DE) of an E2 electric quadrupole photon. The rate of this decay is interesting theoretically since chiral perturbation theory predicts that this process vanishes at level O(p(4)). Therefore, this mode probes chiral perturbation theory at O(p(6)). In this paper we report a determination of an upper limit of 2.43x10(-7) (90% CL) for K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)gamma. This is approximately a factor of 20 lower than previous results.
Correlations of charged hadrons of 1< p(T) < 10 Gev/c with high pT direct photons and pi(0) mesons in the range 5< p(T) < 15 Gev/c are used to study jet fragmentation in the gamma + jet and dijet channels, respectively. The magnitude of the partonic transverse momentum, k(T), is obtained by comparing to a model incorporating a Gaussian kT smearing. The sensitivity of the associated charged hadron spectra to the underlying fragmentation function is tested and the data are compared to calculations using recent global fit results. The shape of the direct photon-associated hadron spectrum as well as its charge asymmetry are found to be consistent with a sample dominated by quark-gluon Compton scattering. No significant evidence of fragmentation photon correlated production is observed within experimental uncertainties.
The contribution of B meson decays to nonphotonic electrons, which are mainly produced by the semileptonic decays of heavy-flavor mesons, in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV has been measured using azimuthal correlations between nonphotonic electrons and hadrons. The extracted B decay contribution is approximately 50% at a transverse momentum of p(T) >= 5 GeV/c. These measurements constrain the nuclear modification factor for electrons from B and D meson decays. The result indicates that B meson production in heavy ion collisions is also suppressed at high p(T).
We report on K*(0) production at midrapidity in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV collected by the Solenoid Tracker at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider detector. The K*(0) is reconstructed via the hadronic decays K*(0) -> K(+)pi(-) and (K*(0)) over bar -> K(+)pi(-). Transverse momentum, p(T), spectra are measured over a range of p(T) extending from 0.2 GeV/c up to 5 GeV/c. The center-of-mass energy and system size dependence of the rapidity density, dN/dy, and the average transverse momentum, < p(T)>, are presented. The measured N(K*(0))/N(K) and N(phi)/N(K*(0)) ratios favor the dominance of rescattering of decay daughters of K*(0) over the hadronic regeneration for the K*(0) production. In the intermediate p(T) region (2.0 < p(T) < 4.0 GeV/c), the elliptic flow parameter, v(2), and the nuclear modification factor, R(CP), agree with the expectations from the quark coalescence model of particle production.
We report K/pi fluctuations from Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=19.6, 62.4, 130, and 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. K/pi fluctuations in central collisions show little dependence on incident energy and are on the same order as those from NA49 at the Super Proton Synchrotron in central Pb+Pb collisions at s(NN)=12.3 and 17.3 GeV. We report results for the collision centrality dependence of K/pi fluctuations and results for charge-separated fluctuations. We observe that the K/pi fluctuations scale with the charged particle multiplicity density.
We introduce an analytical approximation scheme to diagonalize parabolically confined two-dimensional (2D) electron systems with both the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. The starting point of our perturbative expansion is a zeroth-order Hamiltonian for an electron confined in a quantum wire with an effective spin-orbit induced magnetic field along the wire, obtained by properly rotating the usual spin-orbit Hamiltonian. We find that the spin-orbit-related transverse coupling terms can be recast into two parts W and V, which couple crossing and noncrossing adjacent transverse modes, respectively. Interestingly, the zeroth-order Hamiltonian together with W can be solved exactly, as it maps onto the Jaynes-Cummings model of quantum optics. We treat the V coupling by performing a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. This allows us to obtain an effective Hamiltonian to third order in the coupling strength k(R)l of V, which can be straightforwardly diagonalized via an additional unitary transformation. We also apply our approach to other types of effective parabolic confinement, e. g., 2D electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approximate eigensolutions, we obtain analytical expressions for the nth Landau-level g(n) factors in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings. For small values of the bulk g factors, we find that spin-orbit effects cancel out entirely for particular values of the spin-orbit couplings. By solving simple transcendental equations we also obtain the band minima of a Rashba-coupled quantum wire as a function of an external magnetic field. These can be used to describe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. This procedure makes it easier to extract the strength of the spin-orbit interaction in these systems via proper fitting of the data.
The local order and distribution of Na in the mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses K(x)Na(1-x)PO(3) were analyzed, with the aim to identify segregation or a random mixture of both cation species. X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy and several nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques were applied, including (31)P and (23)Na high-resolution spectroscopy, (23)Na triple quantum-MAS NMR, rotational echo double resonance between (31)P and (23)Na, and (23)Na NMR spin echo decay. The structural picture emerging from these results reveals the similarity in the local Na environments in the glasses but also subtle structural adjustments with increasing degree of K replacement. While both cations are intimately mixed at the atomic scale, the (23)Na spin echo decay data suggest a detectable like-cation preference in the spatial distribution of the ions. These structural properties are consistent with those determined in Li-Rb metaphosphates, indicating that the origin of the mixed alkali effect observed in the conductivity of Na-K metaphosphate glasses may also be explained by structurally blocked ion diffusion.
A planar k-restricted structure is a simple graph whose blocks are planar and each has at most k vertices. Planar k-restricted structures are used by approximation algorithms for Maximum Weight Planar Subgraph, which motivates this work. The planar k-restricted ratio is the infimum, over simple planar graphs H, of the ratio of the number of edges in a maximum k-restricted structure subgraph of H to the number edges of H. We prove that, as k tends to infinity, the planar k-restricted ratio tends to 1/2. The same result holds for the weighted version. Our results are based on analyzing the analogous ratios for outerplanar and weighted outerplanar graphs. Here both ratios tend to 1 as k goes to infinity, and we provide good estimates of the rates of convergence, showing that they differ in the weighted from the unweighted case.
This paper concerns the spaces of compact operators kappa(E,F), where E and F are Banach spaces C([1, xi], X) of all continuous X-valued functions defined on the interval of ordinals [1, xi] and equipped with the supremun norm. We provide sufficient conditions on X, Y, alpha, beta, xi and eta, with omega <= alpha <= beta < omega 1 for the following equivalence: (a) kappa(C([1, xi], X), C([1, alpha], Y)) is isomorphic to kappa(C([1,eta], X), C([1, beta], Y)), (b) beta < alpha(omega). In this way, we unify and extend results due to Bessaga and Pelczynski (1960) and C. Samuel (2009). Our result covers the case of the classical spaces X = l(p) and Y = l(q) with 1 < p, q < infinity.
Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effects of the 4-anilinoquinazoline derivative PD153035 on cardiac ischemia/reperfusion and mitochondrial function. Methodology/Principal Findings: Perfused rat hearts and cardiac HL-1 cells were used to determine cardioprotective effects of PD153035. Isolated rat heart mitochondria were studied to uncover mechanisms of cardioprotection. Nanomolar doses of PD153035 strongly protect against heart and cardiomyocyte damage induced by ischemia/reperfusion and cyanide/aglycemia. PD153035 did not alter oxidative phosphorylation, nor directly prevent Ca(2+) induced mitochondrial membrane permeability transition. The protective effect of PD153035 on HL-1 cells was also independent of AKT phosphorylation state. Interestingly, PD153035 activated K(+) transport in isolated mitochondria, in a manner prevented by ATP and 5-hydroxydecanoate, inhibitors of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) channels (mitoK(ATP)). 5-Hydroxydecanoate also inhibited the cardioprotective effect of PD153035 in cardiac HL-1 cells, demonstrating that this protection is dependent on mitoK(ATP) activation. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that PD153035 is a potent cardioprotective compound and acts in a mechanism involving mitoK(ATP) activation.
The k(0)-method instrumental neutron activation analysis (k(0)-INAA) was employed for determining chemical elements in bird feathers. A collection was obtained taking into account several bird species from wet ecosystems in diverse regions of Brazil. For comparison reason, feathers were actively sampled in a riparian forest from the Marins Stream, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, using mist nets specific for capturing birds. Biological certified reference materials were used for assessing the quality of analytical procedure. Quantification of chemical elements was performed using the k(0)-INAA Quantu Software. Sixteen chemical elements, including macro and micronutrients, and trace elements, have been quantified in feathers, in which analytical uncertainties varied from 2% to 40% depending on the chemical element mass fraction. Results indicated high mass fractions of Br (max=7.9 mgkg(-1)), Co (max= 0.47 mg kg(-1)), Cr (max =68 mg kg(-1)), Hg (max =2.79 mg kg(-1)), Sb (max= 0.20 mg kg(-1)), Se (max=1.3 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (max =192 mg kg(-1)) in bird feathers, probably associated with the degree of pollution of the areas evaluated. In order to corroborate the use of k(0)-INAA results in biomonitoring studies using avian community, different factor analysis methods were used to check chemical element source apportionment and locality clustering based on feather chemical composition. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The inorganic chemical characterization of suspended sediments is of utmost relevance for the knowledge of the dynamics and movement of chemical elements in the aquatic and wet ecosystems. Despite the complexity of the effective design for studying this ecological compartment, this work has tested a procedure for analyzing suspended sediments by instrumental neutron activation analysis, k(0) method (k(0)-INAA). The chemical elements As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, Fig, K, La, Mo, Na, Ni, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Yb and Zn were quantified in the suspended sediment compartment by means of k(0)-INAA. When compared with World Average for rivers, high mass fractions of Fe (222,900 mg/kg), Ba (4990 mg/kg), Zn (1350 mg/kg), Cr (646 mg/kg), Co (74.5 mg/kg), Br (113 mg/kg) and Mo (31.9 mg/kg) were quantified in suspended sediments from the Piracicaba River, the Piracicamirim Stream and the Marins Stream. Results of the principal component analysis for standardized chemical element mass fractions indicated an intricate correlation among chemical elements evaluated, as a response of the contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources of chemical elements for ecosystems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.