200 resultados para Axima noyesi species group


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This study aimed to evaluate species level taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship among Thorea species in Brazil and other regions of the world using two molecular markers - RUBISCO large subunit plastid gene (rbcL) and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA). Three samples of Thorea from Brazil (states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo) and one sample from Dominican Republic (DR) were sequenced. Analyses based on partial sequences of rbcL (1,282 bp) and complete sequences of SSU (1,752 bp) were essentially congruent and revealed that Thoreales formed a distinct monophyletic clade, which had two major branches with high support, representing the genera Thorea and Nemalionopsis. Thorea clade had four main branches with high support for all analyses, each one representing the species: 1) T. gaudichaudii C. Agardh from Asia (Japan and Philippines) - this clade occurred only in the rbcL analyses; 2) T. violacea Bory from Asia (Japan) and North America (U.S.A. and DR); 3) T. hispida (Thore) Desvaux from Europe (England) and Asia (Japan); 4) a distinct group with the three Brazilian samples (sequence identity: rbcL 97.2%, 1,246 bp; SSU 96.0-98.1%, 1,699-1,720 bp). The Brazilian samples clearly formed a monophyletic clade based on both molecular markers and was interpreted as a separate species, for which we resurrected the name T. bachmannii Pujals. Morphological and molecular evidences indicate that the Thoreales is well-resolved at ordinal and generic levels. In contrast, Thorea species recognized by molecular data require additional characters (e.g. reproductive and chromosome numbers) to allow consistent and reliable taxonomic circumscription aiming at a world revision based on molecular and morphological evidences.


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Artificial reproduction and gamete fertilization were evaluated in Salminus hilarii wild and domesticated broodstocks. Wild and domesticated broodstocks were artificially induced to reproduction using a carp pituitary treatment. Four groups were considered: Group 1 (G1), fish caught in the wild maintained for three years in the same conditions as the domesticated broodstocks and spawned naturally; Group 2 (G2), broodstock born and raised in captivity and spawned naturally; Group 3 (G3), wild broodstocks, which were manually stripped for gamete collection and dry fertilization; and Group 4 (G4), domesticated males and females, also manually stripped. Oocytes, eggs, and larvae were sampled at different time intervals throughout embryonic development. Yolk sac absorption occurred approximately 24-29 h after hatching. Twenty-six h after hatching, the larvae mouths opened. Cannibalism was identified just 28-30 h after hatching. There was no morphological difference in embryonic development among all groups. The number of released eggs per gram of female was: G1: 83.3 ± 24.5 and G2: 103.8 ± 37.4; however, the fertilization success was lower in G2 (42.0 ± 6.37 %) compared with G1 (54.7 ± 3.02%) (P = 0.011). Hand-stripping of oocytes was not successful and the fertilization rate was zero. The reproduction of this species in captivity is viable, but it is necessary to improve broodstock management to enhance fertilization rates and obtain better fingerling production for restocking programs.


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Diapoma is reviewed and four species are recognized: (1) Diapoma thauma, new species, from streams of the rio Jacuí basin, state of Rio Grande do Sul; (2) D. pyrrhopteryx, new species collected from the rio Canoas and streams flowing into this basin in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil; (3) Diapoma terofali, from streams flowing into rio Uruguay in Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and streams flowing into rio de la Plata, Argentina; and (4) Diapoma speculiferum, from lowland coastal streams in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Uruguay. Diapoma pyrrhopteryx possess the posteroventral opercular elongation typical of D. speculiferum, type species of the genus, but which is absent in D. thauma and D. terofali. Nonetheless, all the diapomin species have the caudal pouch organ about equally developed in both sexes and the dorsal portion of the pouch opening bordered by a series of 3 to 8 elongated scales, the two derived features that characterize the group. The two previously described species, D. speculiferum and D. terofali, are redescribed. Previous hypotheses of relationships among the diapomin genera Planaltina, Diapoma and Acrobrycon are discussed on the basis of preliminary morphological information. It is proposed that the Diapomini is a monophyletic group. An identification key, information on sexual dimorphism, gonad anatomy, reproductive mode and distribution of the species of Diapoma are provided.


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A new species of the formerly monotypic genus Trichogenes is described from a high-altitude stream of the rio Itapemirim system, an isolated Atlantic drainage in the State of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Trichogenes claviger, new species, differs from all other trichomycterids by the sexually dimorphic posterior process of the opercle, much elongated in males; the terminal mouth; the deeply bifurcated anterior neural spines and the presence of a large anterodorsal claw-like process on the neural arches of the anterior four free vertebrae. The new species also differs from its only congener, T. longipinnis, by a number of additional traits, including the the lack of branched anal-fin rays in specimens of any size; the broader than long posterior nostril; the deeper head (head depth 72.9-86.6% HL); the presence of a fine dark line along the base of the anal fin; the lack of dark spots on cheeks; the shape of the interopercle; the presence of odontodes on a bony expansion on the posterodorsal margin of the interopercle; the fewer vertebrae (35); the absence of an antorbital; and the fewer pleural ribs (eight). Small juveniles of the new species are also strikingly different from those of all other Trichomycteridae, including T. longipinnis, having a very large lateral eye, an upturned mouth, and compressed head. Trichogenes claviger occurs in shaded sectors of a blackwater sluggish stream with sandy substrate and patchy accumulations of vegetable debris, a habitat markedly different from the rocky torrential environment known for T. longipinnis. A comparison of the internal anatomy of the two species provides the basis for a hypothesis of a monophyletic Trichogenes. Data from the new species further support a sister-group relationship between Trichogeninae and Copionodontinae, as well as the position of that clade as sister group to all remaining Trichomycteridae.


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A new species of the rare copionodontine genus Glaphyropoma is described from subterranean waters in the Diamantina Plateau, Bahia State, central northeastern Brazil. This is the first troglomorphic species in the subfamily Copionodontinae. It is distinguished from all other copionodontines by the presence of opercular odontodes, and further distinguished from its only congener, G. rodriguesi, by the reduction of dark integumentary pigmentation. The new species shares the single synapomorphy previously proposed for Glaphyropoma, the marked narrowing of the first hypobranchial and indirect character evidence also supports its inclusion in the genus. The presence of opercular odontodes in the new species, in combination with a reviewed hypothesis of sister group relationship between Copionodontinae and Trichogeninae, indicate that the absence of opercular odontodes in previously-known copionodontines is secondary, rather than primitive.


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A new species of Trichomycterus is described for the rio Iguaçu drainage in Southern Brazil. Trichomycterus igobi, new species, is readily distinguishable from all other species currently in the genus by its extremely large head (23.8-26.8 % SL), which is proportionally the largest head in any Trichomycteridae. That characteristic plus the relatively deep body result in a very short-bodied overall aspect, the most extremely such case in the genus Trichomycterus. Other diagnostic features that distinguish the new species from most or all of its congeners include a short caudal peduncle (15.4-19.7 % SL); an almost entirely cartilaginous second hypobranchial (with only vestigial ossification); a mesial expanded palatine ossification; a narrow cleithrum, falciform in shape; and the lack of a proximal posterior concavity on the third ceratobranchial. The new species seems to form a monophyletic group with T. stawiarski and other undescribed species (T. sp. C), also endemic to the rio Iguaçu. As putative synapomorphies, the three species share a rigid spine-like morphology of individual procurrent caudal-fin rays, an extended area of dorsal caudal-fin procurrent rays, and numerous branchiostegal rays (ten or eleven).


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A new species of the genus Hypostomus Lacépède (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from rio Tocantins and rio Xingu basins in central Brazil, is described. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by a unique combination of pale blotches over a darker background on head, body and fins, and conspicuous keels on head, predorsal region and lateral plates. Comments on the pale-spotted species of Hypostomus are provided.


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INTRODUCTION: Spotted fevers are emerging zoonoses caused by Rickettsia species in the spotted fever group (SFG). Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) and it is transmitted by Amblyomma spp. ticks. METHODS: The study aimed to investigate SFG rickettsiae in the Arthur Thomas Municipal Park in Londrina, PR, by collecting free-living ticks and ticks from capybaras and blood samples from personnel working in these areas. Samples from A. dubitatum and A. cajennense were submitted for PCR in pools to analyze the Rickettsia spp. gltA (citrate synthase gene). RESULTS: All the pools analyzed were negative. Human sera were tested by indirect immunofluorescence assay with R. rickettsii and R. parkeri as antigens. Among the 34 sera analyzed, seven (20.6%) were reactive for R. rickettsii: four of these had endpoint titers equal to 64, 2 titers were 128 and 1 titer was 256. None of the samples were reactive for R. parkeri. An epidemiological questionnaire was applied to the park staff, but no statistically significant associations were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The serological studies suggest the presence of Rickettsiae related to SFG that could be infecting the human population studied; however, analysis of the ticks collected was unable to determine which species may be involved in transmission to humans.


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Intergenic spacers of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) are very useful in phylogenetic and population genetic studies of plant species, to study their potential integration in phylogenetic analysis. The non-coding trnE-trnT intergenic spacer of cpDNA was analyzed to assess the nucleotide sequence polymorphism of 16 Solanaceae species and to estimate its ability to contribute to the resolution of phylogenetic studies of this group. Multiple alignments of DNA sequences of trnE-trnT intergenic spacer made the identification of nucleotide variability in this region possible and the phylogeny was estimated by maximum parsimony and rooted with Convolvulaceae Ipomoea batalas, the most closely related family. Besides, this intergenic spacer was tested for the phylogenetic ability to differentiate taxonomic levels. For this purpose, species from four other families were analyzed and compared with Solanaceae species. Results confirmed polymorphism in the trnE-trnT region at different taxonomic levels.


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Background: Group I introns are found in the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) of some species of the genus Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Size polymorphisms in group I introns has been interpreted as the result of the degeneration of homing endonuclease genes (HEG) inserted in peripheral loops of intron paired elements. In this study, intron size polymorphisms were characterized for different Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia (PSA) populations on the Southern Brazilian coast, and were used to infer genetic relationships and genetic structure of these PSA populations, in addition to cox2-3 and rbcL-S regions. Introns of different sizes were tested qualitatively for in vitro self-splicing. Results: Five intron size polymorphisms within 17 haplotypes were obtained from 80 individuals representing eight localities along the distribution of PSA in the Eastern coast of South America. In order to infer genetic structure and genetic relationships of PSA, these polymorphisms and haplotypes were used as markers for pairwise Fst analyses, Mantel's test and median joining network. The five cox2-3 haplotypes and the unique rbcL-S haplotype were used as markers for summary statistics, neutrality tests Tajima's D and Fu's Fs and for median joining network analyses. An event of demographic expansion from a population with low effective number, followed by a pattern of isolation by distance was obtained for PSA populations with the three analyses. In vitro experiments have shown that introns of different lengths were able to self-splice from pre-RNA transcripts. Conclusion: The findings indicated that degenerated HEGs are reminiscent of the presence of a full-length and functional HEG, once fixed for PSA populations. The cline of HEG degeneration determined the pattern of isolation by distance. Analyses with the other markers indicated an event of demographic expansion from a population with low effective number. The different degrees of degeneration of the HEG do not refrain intron self-splicing. To our knowledge, this was the first study to address intraspecific evolutionary history of a nuclear group I intron; to use nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA for population level analyses of Porphyra; and intron size polymorphism as a marker for population genetics.


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Mariner-like elements are widely present in diverse organisms. These elements constitute a large fraction of the eukaryotic genome; they transpose by a ""cut-and-paste"" mechanism with their own transposase protein. We found two groups of mobile elements in the genus Rhynchosciara. PCR using primers designed from R. americana transposons (Ramar1 and Ramar2) were the starting point for this comparative study. Genomic DNA templates of four species: R. hollaenderi, R. millerii, R. baschanti, and Rhynchosciara sp were used and genomic sequences were amplified, sequenced and the molecular structures of the elements characterized as being putative mariner-like elements. The first group included the putative full-length elements. The second group was composed of defective mariner elements that contain a deletion overlapping most of the internal region of the transposase open reading frame. They were named Rmar1 (type 1) and Rmar2 (type 2), respectively. Many conserved amino acid blocks were identified, as well as a specific D,D(34) D signature motif that was defective in some elements. Based on predicted transposase sequences, these elements encode truncated proteins and are phylogenetically very close to mariner-like elements of the mauritiana subfamily. The inverted terminal repeat sequences that flanked the mariner-like elements are responsible for their mobility. These inverted terminal repeat sequences were identified by inverse PCR.


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Phaethornis longuemareus aethopyga was described by John T. Zimmer in 1950 and treated as a valid subspecies until it was proposed that the three known specimens were hybrids between R ruber and P. rupurumii amazonicus. On the basis of some recently collected specimens, we reevaluated the validity of P. l. aethopyga. Despite showing some differences related to age and sex, all specimens agree in the general plumage pattern and are fully diagnosable when compared with any other taxon of the genus. The hypothesis of a hybrid origin becomes unsustainable when one notes that (1) P. l. aethopyga has characters that are unique and absent in the purported parental species, such as the white outer margins at the base of the rectrices; and (2) P. l. aethopyga occurs far from the distribution of one of the alleged parental species. Furthermore, field data show that P. l. aethopyga has attributes typical of a valid and independent taxon, such as lekking behavior. Therefore, given its overall diagnosis, P. aethopyga could at least be treated as a phylogenetic species. Yet its morphological and vocal distinctiveness with respect to other Phaethornis spp. in the ""Pygmornis group"" is greater than that observed between some species pairs traditionally regarded as separate biological species within the group, which supports its recognition as a species under the biological species concept. Received 13 July 2008, accepted 9 March 2009.


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Medusae and polyps of Clytia are abundantly found in coastal marine environments and one species in the genus-Clytia hemisphaerica (Linnaeus, 1767)-has become an important experimental model. Yet, only 10 species in the genus have had their life cycle investigated. Most species of Clytia are also poorly described, and detailed life cycle and morphological studies are needed for accurate species-level identifications. Here, we investigated the life cycle of Clytia elsaeoswaldae Stechow, 1914, a species described for the tropical western Atlantic and subsequently considered conspecific to the nearly-cosmopolitan species Clytia gracilis (Sars, 1850) and Clytia hemisphaerica, originally described for the temperate North Atlantic. Based on observations of mature medusae and multiple colonies from southeastern Brazil and the U. S. Virgin Islands (type locality), our results show that C. elsaeoswaldae is morphologically distinct from C. gracilis and C. hemisphaerica. The morphological results are corroborated by a multigene phylogenetic analysis of the genus Clytia, which shows that C. gracilis-like species form a polyphyletic group of several species. These results suggest that the nearly-cosmopolitan distribution attributed to some species of Clytia may be due to the non-recognition of morphologically similar species with more restricted ranges.


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MARTINS, A. R. (Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil), N. PUT, (Division of Biology and Education, University of Vechta, 49377 Vechta, Germany), A. N. SOARES, A.B BOMB, and B. APPEZZATO DA GLORIA (Biological Science Department, Escola Superior de Agricultura `Luiz de Queiroz`, University of Sao Paulo, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 137: 220-235. 2010.-New approaches to underground systems in Brazilian Smilax species (Smilacaceae). Scientific studies show that the watery extract of the thickened underground stem and its adventitious roots of the genus Smilax can act as a therapeutic agent in immunoinflammatory disorders, such as rheumatic arthritis. Brazilians have used this genus of plants in folk medicine, however it is very hard to identify these species, since the morphology of the underground systems is very similar in this group. For better identification of those systems, we studied six species of Smilax L. (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana, S. oblongifolia and S. rufescens), collected in different regions of Brazil with different physiognomies and soil characteristics. The main purpose is to describe the morpho-anatomy of the underground systems and to analyze if their structure depends on environmental conditions. The underground stem (rhizophore) is of brown color and it is knotty, massive, slender (S. rufescens) or tuberous (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana and S. oblongifolia). The tuberization is a result of primary thickened meristem (PTM) activity. The color and thickness of the adventitious roots change during development because the epidermis and outer cortex are disposed of, so the inner cortex becomes the new covering tissue with lignified and dark color cells. There are differences in starch grain shapes in mature roots. The chemical attributes of the soil are very similar in all studied environments and, even when soil characteristics varied, all the species` underground system was distributed close to the soil surface (10 to 15 cm deep). The species exhibited clonal growth hence their underground system functions as storage structures and the axillary buds can sprout into new stems. Only Smilax rufescens, collected in sandy soil of Restinga, has vegetative dispersal due to the runners.


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A new species of Gesneriaceae discovered in remnants of deciduous forests on limestone outcrops in Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and compared with morphologically related taxa. This plant presents the diagnostic features of the tribe Gloxinieae, but a unique combination of morphological traits distinguishes this taxon from previously described genera. Its phylogenetic position was inferred based on analyzing DNA sequences variation of five loci: the rpl1 intron, rps16 intron, trnL-F intron-spacer, a portion of the plastid-expressed glutamine synthetase gene (ncpGS) and the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm the position of this new species in the Gloxinieae, as a sister lineage of a clade including the Brazilian genera Mandirola and Goyazia. However, tests using topological constraints do not reject the alternative relationship that places this taxon with Gloxiniopsis in a monophyletic group. To accomodate this species in the current generic circumscription of gloxinieae, the new genus chautemsia A.O. Araujo V.C. Souza is created.