24 resultados para Acesso radial
We consider brightness/contrast-invariant and rotation-discriminating template matching that searches an image to analyze A for a query image Q We propose to use the complex coefficients of the discrete Fourier transform of the radial projections to compute new rotation-invariant local features. These coefficients can be efficiently obtained via FFT. We classify templates in ""stable"" and ""unstable"" ones and argue that any local feature-based template matching may fail to find unstable templates. We extract several stable sub-templates of Q and find them in A by comparing the features. The matchings of the sub-templates are combined using the Hough transform. As the features of A are computed only once, the algorithm can find quickly many different sub-templates in A, and it is Suitable for finding many query images in A, multi-scale searching and partial occlusion-robust template matching. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evaluations of the effect of the climatic conditions and of the intensity of forest management in the trunk of the Gmelina arborea Linn. Roxb. trees are restricted to its physical-mechanical properties and use. The present work has as objective to study the radial variations of the wood anatomy of the gmelina trees sampled in plantations of 30 sites in Costa Rica, characterized by two climatic conditions (tropical dry and humid) and three intensities of forest management (intensive, moderate and without management). The results of the analyses demonstrated the existence of radial variation of the different anatomical parameters, except for the fiber lumen diameter and multiple vessels in the wood of the gmelina trees. For the wood anatomical elements, fibers (width, lumen diameter, and length), vessels (multiple vessels, diameter and frequency) and radial parenchyma (height) relationships were observed with the climate (tropical humid and dry). The radial variations of the wood anatomical elements were, also, influenced by the management regimes of the gmelina trees.
Many tropical tree species produce growth rings in response to seasonal environmental factors that influence the activity of the vascular cambium. We applied the following methods to analyze the annual nature of treering formation of 24 tree species from a seasonal semi-deciduous forest of southeast Brazil: describing wood anatomy and phenology, counting tree rings after cambium markings, and using permanent dendrometer bands. After 7 years of systematic observations and measurements, we found the following: the trees lost their leaves during the dry season and grew new leaves at the end of the same season; trunk increment dynamics corresponded to seasonal changes in precipitation, with higher increment (active period) during the rainy season (October-April) and lower increment (dormant period) during the dry season (May-September); the number of tree rings formed after injuries to the cambium coincided with the number of years since the extraction of the wood samples. As a result of these observations, it was concluded that most study trees formed one growth ring per year. This suggests that tree species from the seasonal semi-deciduous forests of Brazil have an annual cycle of wood formation. Therefore, these trees have potential for use in future studies of tree age and radial growth rates, as well as to infer ecological and regional climatic conditions. These future studies can provide important information for the management and conservation of these endangered forests.
Background: Significant hemodynamic changes, including preload and afterload modifications, occur during the transition from the fetal to the neonatal environment. The ductus arteriosus closes, pulmonary vascular resistance decreases, and pulmonary blood flow increases. Strain rate (SR) and strain (e) have been proposed as ultrasound indices for quantifying regional wall deformation. This study was designed to determine if these indices can detect variations in regional deformation between early and late neonatal periods. Methods: Data were obtained from 30 healthy neonates (15 male). The initial study was performed at a mean age of 20.1614 hours (exam 1) and the second at 31.962.9 days (exam 2). Apical and parasternal views were used to quantify regional left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) longitudinal and radial SR and e, and systolic, early, and late diastolic values were calculated from these curves. A paired-samples t test was performed comparing the two groups. Results: Compared with exam 1, LV radial deformation showed significant reductions in peak systolic e in the basal and mid segments (51615% vs 4669%, P < .01). LV longitudinal deformation behaved similarly, showing significant peak systolic e reductions in all measured segments. Systolic SR showed reductions only in the basal and apical segments of the lateral wall and in the mid portion of the inferior wall (-1.9 +/- 0.5 vs -1.7 +/- 0.3 s(-1) and -1.9 +/- 0.4 vs -1.7 +/- 0.2 s(-1), respectively, P = .03). RV longitudinal free and inferior wall systolic SR and e values were significantly higher in exam 2. Conclusions: LV peak systolic e decreases in exam 2 were possibly due to afterload increase and preload decrease. The lower RV initial deformation indices could be attributed to increased afterload caused by physiologic pulmonary hypertension or immature RV contractile properties. SR seemed to be a more robust index than e and less influenced by preload and afterload hemodynamic alteration. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23:294-300.)
PURPOSE: To evaluate topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for correcting hyperopia and astigmatism after radial keratotomy (RK). METHODS., Prospective study of 12 consecutive patients (19 eyes) who were treated with topography-guided PRK with 0.02% mitomycin C using an Asclepion-Meditec MEL-70 excimer laser with a 9.5-mm ablation zone. All eyes were operated by the same surgeon and followed for 1 year. RESULTS: Thirteen eyes had complete epithelialization by day 7 and all eyes by day 10. At 1 year, uncorrected visual acuity was 20/25 or better in 42.1% of eyes and 20/40 or better in 68.4%. Preoperative mean spherical equivalent refraction was +3.80 +/- 2.47 diopters (D) and +0.24 +/- 2.36 D (P <.001) 1 year postoperative, with 47.4% of eyes being within +/- 1.00 D and 73.7% within +/- 2.00 D. Preoperative mean cylinder was -2.30 +/- 1.41 D and -0.62 +/- 0.73 D (P <.1001) 1 year postoperative. At 1 year, 68.4% of eyes gained at least 1 line of best-spectacle corrected visual acuity, 36.8% gained more than 1 line, and only 2 eyes lost 1 line (one due to corneal haze). Three eyes developed central haze. Mean regression from 6 to 12 months in these 3 eyes was +1.83 D and in the remaining 16 eyes was -0.50 D. CONCLUSIONS: Topography-guided PRK with mitomycin C was safe and reasonably effective for the treatment of hyperopia after RK [J Refract Surg. 2008;24:911-922.]
The correlation between the breaks in the metallicity distribution and the corotation radius of spiral galaxies has been already advocated in the past and is predicted by a chemodynamical model of our Galaxy that effectively introduces the role of spiral arms in the star formation rate. In this work, we present photometric and spectroscopic observations made with the Gemini Telescope for three of the best candidates of spiral galaxies to have the corotation inside the optical disc: IC 0167, NGC 1042 and NGC 6907. We observed the most intense and well-distributed H ii regions of these galaxies, deriving reliable galactocentric distances and oxygen abundances by applying different statistical methods. From these results, we confirm the presence of variations in the gradients of metallicity of these galaxies that are possibly correlated with the corotation resonance.
Recently, it has been proposed that there are two type Ia supernova progenitors: short-lived and long-lived. On the basis of this idea, we develop a theory of a unified mechanism for the formation of the bimodal radial distribution of iron and oxygen in the Galactic disc. The underlying cause for the formation of the fine structure of the radial abundance pattern is the influence of the spiral arms, specifically the combined effect of the corotation resonance and turbulent diffusion. From our modelling, we conclude that in order to explain the bimodal radial distributions simultaneously for oxygen and iron and to obtain approximately equal total iron output from different types of supernovae, the mean ejected iron mass per supernova event should be the same as quoted in the literature if the maximum mass of stars, which eject heavy elements, is 50 M(circle dot). For the upper mass limit of 70 M(circle dot), the production of iron by a type II supernova explosion should increase by about 1.5 times.
This paper describes a new mechanical samples positioning system that allows the safe placement and removal of biological samples for prolonged irradiation, in a nuclear reactor during full-power continuous operation. Also presented herein the materials of construction and operating principles. Additionally, this sample positioning system is compared with an existing pneumatic and automated transfer system, already available at the research reactors. The system consists of a mechanical arm with a claw, which can deliver the samples for irradiations without reactor shutdown. It was installed in the lEA-R1 research reactor at Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, Brazil, and for the past 5 years, the system has successfully operated and allowed the conducting of important experiments. As a result of its introduction, the facility has been in a position to positively respond to the increased demand in studies of biology, medicine, physics, engineering, detector/dosimeter calibrations, etc. It is one example of the appropriated technologies that save energy and resources. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Radial glia in the developing optic tectum express the key guidance molecules responsible for topographic targeting of retinal axons. However, the extent to which the radial glia are themselves influenced by retinal inputs and visual experience remains unknown. Using multiphoton live imaging of radial glia in the optic tectum of intact Xenopus laevis tadpoles in conjunction with manipulations of neural activity and sensory stimuli, radial glia were observed to exhibit spontaneous calcium transients that were modulated by visual stimulation. Structurally, radial glia extended and retracted many filopodial processes within the tectal neuropil over minutes. These processes interacted with retinotectal synapses and their motility was modulated by nitric oxide (NO) signaling downstream of neuronal NMDA receptor (NMDAR) activation and visual stimulation. These findings provide the first in vivo demonstration that radial glia actively respond both structurally and functionally to neural activity, via NMDAR-dependent NO release during the period of retinal axon ingrowth.