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Recently, stress myocardial computed tomographic perfusion (CTP) was shown to detect myocardial ischemia. Our main objective was to evaluate the feasibility of dipyridamole stress CTP and compare it to single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to detect significant coronary stenosis using invasive conventional coronary angiography (CCA; stenosis >70%) as the reference method. Thirty-six patients (62 +/- 8 years old, 20 men) with previous positive results with SPECT (<2 months) as the primary inclusion criterion and suspected coronary artery disease underwent a customized multidetector-row CT protocol with myocardial perfusion evaluation at rest and during stress and coronary CT angiography (CTA). Multidetector-row computed tomography was performed in a 64-slice scanner with dipyridamole stress perfusion acquisition before a second perfusion/CT angiographic acquisition at rest. Independent blinded observers performed analysis of images from CTP, CTA, and CCA. All 36 patients completed the CT protocol with no adverse events (mean radiation dose 14.7 +/- 3.0 mSv) and with interpretable scans. CTP results were positive in 27 of 36 patients (75%). From the 9 (25%) disagreements, 6 patients had normal coronary arteries and 2 had no significant stenosis (8 false-positive results with SPECT, 22%). The remaining patient had an occluded artery with collateral flow confirmed by conventional coronary angiogram. Good agreement was demonstrated between CTP and SPECT on a per-patient analysis (kappa 0.53). In 26 patients using CCA as reference, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 88.0%, 79.3%, 66.7%, and 93.3% for CTP and 68.8, 76.1%, 66.7%, and 77.8%, for SPECT, respectively (p = NS). In conclusion, dipyridamole CT myocardial perfusion at rest and during stress is feasible and results are similar to single-photon emission CT scintigraphy. The anatomical-perfusion information provided by this combined CT protocol may allow identification of false-positive results by SPECT. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2010;106:310-315)
Chemoradiation therapy is now considered the preferred initial treatment strategy for distal rectal cancer because of the observation of better local disease control and significant tumor downstaging. Downstaging has become an important clinical outcome as patients with complete pathological response are associated with improved survival. Even though radiation alone may result in low local recurrence rates, the use of additional radiosensitizing agents may provide an increase in local disease control in addition to improved tumor regression rates. Several compounds have been investigated in the setting of neoadjuvant multimodality treatment of rectal cancer with variable rates of treatment-related toxicity and complete pathological response. The balance between complete pathological response and toxicity should aid in the management decision for the use of radiosensitizing agents in the neoadjuvant setting for the treatment of rectal cancer. Anti-Cancer Drugs 22: 308-310 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Background: Detection of aquaporin-4-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) has expanded the spectrum of neuromyelitis optica (NMO). Rare reports of familial aggregation have suggested a component of genetic susceptibility but these reports mostly antedated the discovery of the NMO-IgG biomarker and recently updated diagnostic criteria. Methods: We report a case series describing the demographic, clinical, neuroimaging, and NMO-IgG serologic status of 12 multiplex NMO pedigrees with a total of 25 affected individuals. Results: Twenty-one patients (84%) were women. Families were Asian (n = 5), Latino (n = 4), white (n = 1), or African (n = 2). Apparent transmission was either maternal (n = 5) or paternal (n = 2). In 1 family, 3 individuals had NMO; in the others, 2 individuals were affected. Sibling pairs (n = 6), parent-child (n = 4), and aunt-niece (n = 3) pairs were observed. Nineteen patients (76%) were NMO-IgG positive. Twelve (48%) had clinical or serologic evidence of another autoimmune disease. Familial occurrence of NMO occurs in approximately 3% of patients with well-established diagnosis of NMO. Conclusions: A small proportion of patients with NMO have relatives with this condition, but familial occurrence is more common than would be expected from its frequency in the general population. Familial NMO is indistinguishable from sporadic NMO based on clinical symptoms, age at onset, sex distribution, and frequency of NMO-IgG detection. One or 2 generations were affected and affected individuals represented a small fraction of family members. Taken together, these data suggest complex genetic susceptibility in NMO. Neurology (R) 2010;75:310-315
Data are reported on the background and performance of the K6 screening scale for serious mental illness (SMI) in the World Health Organization (WHO) World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. The K6 is a six-item scale developed to provide a brief valid screen for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV) SMI based on the criteria in the US ADAMHA Reorganization Act. Although methodological studies have documented good K6 validity in a number of countries, optimal scoring rules have never been proposed. Such rules are presented here based on analysis of K6 data in nationally or regionally representative WMH surveys in 14 countries (combined N = 41,770 respondents). Twelve-month prevalence of DSM-IV SMI was assessed with the fully-structured WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Nested logistic regression analysis was used to generate estimates of the predicted probability of SMI for each respondent from K6 scores, taking into consideration the possibility of variable concordance as a function of respondent age, gender, education, and country. Concordance, assessed by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was generally substantial (median 0.83; range 0.76-0.89; inter-quartile range 0.81-0.85). Based on this result, optimal scaling rules are presented for use by investigators working with the K6 scale in the countries studied. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to characterize the first 48-hour evolution of metabolic acidosis of adult patients with diabetic ketoacidosis admitted to the intensive care unit. Materials and Methods: We studied 9 patients retrieved from our prospective collected database, using the physicochemical approach to acid-base disturbances. Results: Mean (SD) age was 34 (13) years; mean (SD) Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score was 16 (10); mean (SD) blood glucose level on admission was 480 (144) mg/dL; mean (SD) pH was 7.17 (0.18); and mean (SD) standard base excess was -16.8 (7.7) mEq/L. On admission, a great part of metabolic acidosis was attributed to unmeasured anions (strong ion gap [SIG], 20 +/- 10 mEq/L), with a wide range of strong ion difference (41 +/- 10 mEq/L). During the first 48 hours of treatment, 297 +/- 180 IU of insulin and 9240 +/- 6505 mL of fluids were used. Metabolic improvement was marked by the normalization of pH, partial correction of standard base excess, and a reduction of hyperglycemia. There was a significant improvement of SIG (7.6 +/- 6.2 mEq/L) and a worsening of strong ion difference acidosis (36 +/- 5 mEq/L) in the first 24 hours, with a trend toward recuperation between 24 and 48 hours (38 +/- 6 mEq/L). Conclusion: Initial metabolic acidosis was due to SIG, and the treatment was associated with a significant decrease of SIG with an elevation of serum chloride above the normal range. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: Hantaviruses are rodent-borne RNA viruses that have caused hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome in several Brazilian regions. In the present study, geographical distribution, seroprevalence, natural host range, and phylogenetic relations of rodent-associated hantaviruses collected from seven counties of Southeastern Brazil were evaluated. Methods: ELISA, RT-PCR and phylogenetic analysis were used in this study. Results: Antibodies to hantavirus were detected in Bolomys lasiurus, Akodon sp. and Oligoryzomys sp., performing an overall seroprevalence of 5.17%. All seropositive rodents were associated with grasslands or woods surrounded by sugar cane fields. Phylogenetic analysis of partial S- and M-segment sequences showed that viral sequences isolated from B. lasiurus specimens clustered with Araraquara virus. However, a sequence from Akodon sp. shared 100% similarity with Argentinian/Chilean viruses based on the partial S- segment amino acid sequence. Conclusion: These results indicate that there are associations between rodent reservoirs and hantaviruses in some regions of Southeastern Brazil, and suggest the existence of additional hantavirus genetic diversity and host ecology in these areas. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Objective: To evaluate the validity and applicability of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) used by family medicine residents in primary health care (PHC) in Brazil. Methods: Training for administrating the MINI was given as part of a broad psychiatry education program. Interviews were held with 120 PHC patients who were at least 15 years old. MINI was administered by 25 resident physicians, while the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis (SCID) was administered by a psychiatrist blind to patients` results on the MINI, and the diagnoses on both interviews were compared. The resident physicians answered questions on the applicability of the MINI. Results: Concordance levels for any mental disorder, the broader current diagnostic categories and the most common specific diagnoses were analyzed. Kappa coefficients ranged between 0.65 and 0.85; sensitivity, between 0.75 and 0.92; specificity, between 0.90 and 0.99; positive predictive values (PPV), between 0.60 and 0.86; negative predictive values (NPV), between 0.92 and 0.99; and accuracy, between 0.88 and 0.98. The resident physicians considered MINI comprehensibility and clinical relevance satisfactory. Conclusions: These good psychometric results in a real-world setting may be related to a special training program, which is more frequent, intensive and diversified. In these conditions, the MINI is a useful tool for general practitioners. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Can eccentric arterial plaques alone cause flow stagnation points and favour thrombus incorporation?
We have used an experimental model of aorta stenosis, with a Plexiglas plug, simulating a stable atheromatous plaque that promotes local turbulence and thrombosis. With animal survival of more than 24 h, we followed the partial fibrinolysis of the thrombus as well as its posterior organization and incorporation to the arterial wall as a neointima for up to 30 days. The mushroom plug form permitted the development of recirculation and stasis areas around it, favouring this evolution. Despite noted limitations, this study demonstrates that thrombus incorporation can contribute to plaque extension, as it can promote recirculation and stasis areas.
Background: The major stress response to critical illness leads to a catabolic state and loss of lean body mass. Aims: To test whether an increased rate of creatinine excretion might provide unique and timely information to monitor cell catabolism; to relate this information to balances of cell constituents (nitrogen, potassium, phosphate and magnesium); to evaluate the effectiveness of nutritional therapy to reverse this catabolic process. Design: Prospective observational study. Methods: Children with severe traumatic brain injury admitted to the paediatric critical care units of The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada and Hospital das Clnicas, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto, University of So Paulo, Brazil were studied. Complete 24 h urine collections were obtained for measurement of creatinine excretion rate and daily balances of nitrogen, potassium, phosphate and magnesium. Results: Seventeen patients were studied for 310 days. On Day 1, all had negative balances for protein and phosphate. Balances for these intracellular constituents became positive when protein intake was >= 1 g/kg/day and energy intake was >= 50% of estimated energy expenditure (P < 0.0001). Creatinine excretion rate was positively correlated with the urea appearance rate (r = 0.60; P < 0.0001), and negatively with protein balance (r = -0.45; P < 0.0001). Sepsis developed in four patients; before its clinical detection, there were negative balances for all intracellular markers and an abrupt rise in the excretion of creatinine. Conclusions: Negative balances of intracellular components and an increase in rate of creatinine excretion heralded the onset of catabolism.
Background: Noninvasive diagnosis of giant cell arteritis (GCA) remains challenging, particularly with regard to evaluation of extracranial arterial disease. Objectives: The objective of the study was to retrospectively review extracranial involvement in patients with GCA and/or polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially 3-dimensional contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography images of the aortic arch and its branches. Methods: Clinical information, biopsy status, and MRI examinations of 28 patients with GCA/PMR were reviewed. Patient images were mixed randomly with 20 normal control images and were independently reviewed by 2 radiologists. Interobserver agreement for detection of arterial stenosis was determined by the k coefficient. Results: Both readers described vascular alterations in keeping with extracranial GCA in 19 of 28 patients (67%) with good interobserver agreement (k = 0.73) and with even higher agreement on diagnosing nonocclusive versus occlusive disease (k = 1.00). The most common lesions were bilateral axillary stenosis or obstructions, observed by both readers in 8 patients (28%). Among the 19 patients with magnetic resonance angiography lesions in the subclavian/axillary arteries, 12 (75%) had biopsy-proven GCA, but only 5 (41%) of these patients had clinical features of large artery disease. Conclusions: In our series review, MRI could provide accurate information on involvement of the aortic arch and its branches in extracranial GCA, depicting different degrees of stenosis. Our analysis also illustrates that occult large artery vasculitis should be considered in patients without biopsy-proven GCA, patients with classic GCA but without clinical signs of large artery disease, and in patients initially diagnosed as having PMR.
The present study investigated Ehrlichia species in blood samples from dogs suspected of clinical ehrlichiosis, using molecular and isolation techniques in cell culture. From a total of 310 canine blood samples analyzed by 16S rRNA nested PCR, 148 (47.7%) were positive for Ehrlichia canis. DNA from Ehrlichia chaffeensis or Ehrlichia ewingii was not detected in any sample using species-specific primers in separated reactions. Leukocytes from five PCR-positive dogs were inoculated into DH82 cells; successful isolation of E. canis was obtained in four samples. Partial sequence of the dsb gene of eight canine blood samples (including the five samples for in vitro isolation) was obtained by PCR and their analyses through BLAST showed 100% of identity with the corresponding sequence of E. canis in GenBank. This study represents the first molecular diagnosis, isolation, and molecular characterization of E. canis in dogs from Costa Rica. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Individuals with cariogenic diet can also consume erosive beverages. Thus, it seems necessary to investigate a possible caries/erosion interaction. To test in situ/ex vivo a combination of these challenges, 11 subjects wore intraoral appliances containing four enamel blocks randomly assigned. In the first 2-week phase, the appliances were immersed in a cola drink 3 times/day. Two blocks were free of plaque (erosion only: EO) and two blocks were covered with plaque (erosion + plaque: EP). In the second 2-week phase, four new blocks were all covered with plaque and subjected to a sucrose solution 8 times/day. Among the four new blocks, two were also subjected to the cola drink 3 times/day (erosion + caries: EC) while the other two were not (caries only: CO). Thus, in EO, the specimens were fixed at the intraoral appliance level. In EP, EC and CO they were fixed 1.0 mm under the appliance level and covered with plastic meshes for dental plaque accumulation. Changes in wear and hardness were measured. Data were tested using ANOVA and Tukey`s test (p < 0.05). Mean values of wear (mu m) and change in hardness (kp/mm(2)) were: EO 4.82/310; EP 0.14/48; EC 0.34/245; CO 0.42/309. With respect to surface softening, EP and EC differed significantly from each other and from EO and CO, which did not differ significantly. EO presented significantly higher wear than the other groups. The data suggest that the presence of dental plaque can decrease the acid attack of an erosive drink and the association of erosive and cariogenic challenges showed less enamel alterations when compared to erosive or cariogenic challenges only. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of tooth wear in adolescents with Class II malocclusion, compared with those with normal occlusion. Methods: The sample consisted of dental casts obtained from 310 subjects, divided into 3 groups: group 1, 110 subjects with normal occlusion (mean age, 13.51 years); group 2, 100 complete Class II Division 1 patients (mean age, 13.44 years); and group 3, 100 half-cusp Class II Division 1 patients (mean age, 13.17 years). Dental wear was assessed by using a modified version of the tooth-wear index. The 3 groups were compared by means of the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests, considering the frequency and the severity of wear on each surface of each group of teeth. The level of statistical significance was set at 5%. Results: The normal occlusion group had statistically greater tooth wear on the palatal surfaces of the maxillary central incisors and the incisal surfaces of the maxillary canines than the corresponding surfaces in both Class II malocclusion groups. The complete and half-cusp Class II Division 1 malocclusion groups had statistically greater tooth wear on the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary second premolar and first molar, the occlusal surfaces of the mandibular premolars, and the buccal surfaces of the mandibular posterior teeth compared with the normal occlusion group. The half-cusp Class II Division 1 malocclusion group had significantly greater tooth wear on the incisal surfaces of the mandibular incisors compared with the complete Class II Division 1 malocclusion group. Conclusions: Subjects with normal occlusion and complete or half-cusp Class II Division 1 malocclusions have different tooth-wear patterns. Tooth wear on the malocclusion subjects should not be considered pathologic but rather consequent to the different interocclusal tooth arrangement. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010; 137: 14. e1-14.e7)
Background: Fibroblasts are considered important cells in periodontitis. When challenged by different agents, they respond through the release of cytokines that participate in the inflammatory process. The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the expression and production of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, stromal-derived factor (SDF)-1, and interleukin (IL)-6 by human cultured periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Methods: Fibroblasts were cultured from biopsies of gingival tissue and periodontal ligament of the same donors and used on the fourth passage. After confluence in 24-well plates, the culture medium alone (control) or with 0.1 to 10 mu g/ml of LPS from P. gingivalis was added to the wells, and after 1, 6, and 24 hours, the supernatant and the cells were collected and analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. Results: MIP-1 alpha, SDF-1, and IL-6 protein production was significantly greater in gingival fibroblasts compared to periodontal ligament fibroblasts. IL-6 was upregulated in a time-dependent manner, mainly in gingival fibroblasts (P<0.05), which secreted more MIP-1 alpha in the lowest concentration of LPS used (0.1 mu g/ml). In contrast, a basal production of SDF-1 that was inhibited with the increase of LPS concentration was detected, especially after 24 hours (P<0.05). Conclusion: The distinct ability of the gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts to secrete MIP-1 alpha, SDF-1, and IL-6 emphasizes that these cells may differently contribute to the balance of cytokines in the LPS-challenged periodontium. J Periodontol 2010;81:310-317.