295 resultados para ISOLATED RAT ADIPOCYTES


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The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by using silver impregnation techniques, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) to observe the nerve fibers and their terminals. Silver impregnation was done according to Winkelman and Schmit, 1957. For TEM, small blocks were fixed in modified Karnovsky solution, postfixed in 1% buffered osmium tetroxide solution, and embedded in Spurr resin. For HRSEM, the parts were fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide solution with 1/15 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 4 degrees C for 2 h, according to the technique described by Tanaka, 1989. Thick myelinated nerve bundles were histologically observed among the muscular fibers. The intrafusal nerve fiber presented a tortuous pathway with punctiform terminal axons in clusters contacting the surface of sarcolemma. Several myelinated nerve fibers involved by collagen fibers of the endoneurium were observed in HRSEM in three-dimensional aspects. The concentric lamellae of the myelin sheath and the axoplasm containing neurofilaments interspersed among the mitochondria were also noted. In TEM, myofibrils, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi`s apparatus, and glycogen granules were observed in sarcoplasm. It is also noted that the sarcomeres constituted by myofilaments with their A, I, and H bands and the electron dense Z lines. In areas adjacent to muscular fibers, there were myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers involved by endoneurium and perineurium. In the region of the neuromuscular junction, the contact with the sarcolemma of the muscular cell occurs forming several terminal buttons and showing numerous evaginations of the cell membrane. In the terminal button, mitochondria and numerous synaptic vesicles were observed. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:464-470, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of infrared diode laser phototherapy (LP) on tissues of the submandibular gland (SMG) and parotid gland (PG). Wistar rats were randomly divided into experimental (A and B) and control (C) groups. A diode laser, 808 nm wavelength, in continuous wave mode, was applied to the PG, SMG and sublingual gland in the experimental groups on two consecutive days. The doses were 4 J/cm(2) and 8 J/cm(2), and total energy was 7 J and 14 J, respectively. The power output (500 mW) and power density (277 mW/cm(2)) were the same for both experimental groups. In order to visualize the area irradiated by the infrared laser, we used a red pilot beam (650 nm) with 3 mW maximum power for the experimental groups. For the control group, the red pilot beam was the only device used. The SMG and PG were removed after 1 week of the first irradiation. Total protein concentration, amylase, peroxidase, catalase and lactate dehydrogenase assays were performed, as well as histological analysis. Statistical tests revealed significant increase in the total protein concentration for groups A and B in the parotid glands (P < 0.05). Based on the results of this study, LP altered the total protein concentration in rats` parotid glands.


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Aim of the present study was to investigate the neuroprotective effect of dental pulp cells (DPCs) in in vitro models of Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Primary cultures of hippocampal and ventral mesencephalic neurons were treated for 24 h with amyloid beta (A beta(1-42)) peptide 1-42 and 6-OHDA, respectively. DPCs isolated from adult rat incisors were previously cultured in tissue culture inserts and added to the neuron cultures 2 days prior to neurotoxin treatment. Cell viability was assessed by the MTT assay. The co-culture with DPCs significantly attenuated 6-OHDA and A beta(1-42)-induced toxicity in primary cultures of mesencephalic and hippocampal neurons, and lead to an increase in neuronal viability in untreated cultures, suggesting a neurotrophic effect in both models. Furthermore, human dental pulp cells expressed a neuronal phenotype and produced the neurotrophic factors NGF, GDNF, BDNF, and BMP2 shown by microarray screening and antibody staining for the representative proteins. DPCs protected primary neurons in in vitro models of Alzheimer`s and Parkinson`s disease and can be viewed as possible candidates for studies on cell-based therapy.


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Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of clinical attachment loss (CAL) and to investigate the association of demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators with CAL in an untreated isolated population in Brazil. Methods: All subjects aged >= 12 years were identified by a census. Participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured, written questionnaire. Results: Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and examined clinically, CAL >= 5 mm in at least one site was observed in 8% of the 12- to 19-year-olds and in all dentate subjects >= 50 years of age; the age-dependent prevalence of CAL >= 7 mm in at least one site ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 83% among subjects >= 50 years old. Multivariate analysis identified plaque (odds ratio [OR] = 2.8), supragingival calculus (OR = 2.9 to 10.6), age >= 30 years (OR = 11.4), and smoking (OR = 2.4) as risk indicators for CAL >= 5 mm and smoking (OR = 8.2) as a risk indicator for CAL >= 7 mm. Conclusions: CAL is highly prevalent in this isolated population. The high occurrence of CAL in young age groups and the confirmation of traditional risk indicators for CAL in this study suggest that other factors, such as host susceptibility, may be needed to explain the high levels of CAL found. Age and behavioral factors were risk indicators associated significantly with the CAL found in this population and may be useful indicators of high-risk subjects for periodontal diseases.


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P>Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the possible associations between isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) and periodontal attachment loss (PAL) in adults affected by congenital IGHD. Materials and methods Forty-five previously identified IGHD subjects were eligible for this study. The final study sample comprised 32 cases (gender:20M/12F; age:44.8 +/- 17.5) matched for age, gender, diabetes, smoking status and income to 32 controls (non-IGHD subjects). Participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured, written questionnaire. Periodontitis was defined as proximal PAL >= 5 mm affecting >= 30% of teeth. Results No significant differences were observed in the percentage of sites with visible plaque between IGHD and non-IGHD subjects (59.4% versus 46.9%, p=0.32). IGHD subjects had significant less supragingival calculus (31.3% versus 59.4%, p=0.02) and more bleeding on probing (71.9% versus 18.8%, p < 0.01) than controls. PAL >= 5 mm was significantly more prevalent (100% versus 71.9%, p < 0.01) and affected more teeth (30.5% versus 6.7%, p < 0.01) in cases than in controls. After adjusting for supragingival calculus, IGHD cases had a higher likelihood of having periodontitis than controls (OR=17.4-17.8, 95% CI=2.3-134.9, p=0.004-0.005). Conclusion Congenital IGHD subjects have a greater chance of having PAL.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and risk indicators of tooth loss in an isolated population of Brazil. Material and methods. Two-hundred-and-forty-two subjects, ranging in age from 14 to 82 years (mean 36.2 years), were identified by census in an isolated population of Brazil. All consenting subjects received a full-mouth clinical (DFT index and information about missing teeth) and periodontal examination of 6 sites per tooth. Furthermore, they were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire in order to gather information about demographic, environmental, and biological variables. Results. Of the 200 subjects (80% response rate), 19 (9.5%) were edentulous, 90% had lost at least one tooth, and 39% had lost more than 8 teeth. The mean number of teeth lost was 9.5 (95% CI = 8.2-10.8). First mandibular molars were the most commonly missing teeth. In a multiple logistic regression analysis based on a theoretical hierarchical model of tooth loss, having more than 8 teeth lost was strongly associated with adult age (OR = 18.3-17.3, 95% CIs = 4.8-69.7 and 4.0-75.1) and female gender (OR = 5.9, 95% CI = 1.9-18.2) in the final model. Conclusions. Tooth loss was highly prevalent and extensive in this isolated population. Demographic and behavioral factors played an important role in tooth loss prevalence in this population.


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Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of probing depth (PD) and to investigate the associations between demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators and PD in a periodontally untreated and isolated population in Brazil. Methods: The target population consisted of all individuals aged >= 12 years as identified by a census. Consenting participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Results: Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and clinically examined, PD >= 4 mm was observed in 54% to 83% of the subjects, depending on age, whereas the age-dependent prevalence of PD :6 mm ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 50% among 40- to 49-year-olds, decreasing to 40% among subjects >= 50 years of age. Multivariate analyses identified supragingival calculus (odds ratio [OR] = 5.4 to 10.3; 95% confidence intervals [CIs]: 2.5 to 11.6 and 4.0 to 26.2 for 20% to 50% and > 50% of the sites, respectively) as a risk indicator for PD A mm, whereas age :40 years (OR = 9.0; 95% CI: 1.7 to 48.5), being a moderate/heavy smoker (OR = 3.7; 95% CI: 1.4 to 10. 1), and having supragingival calculus in 20% to 50% of sites (OR = 6.8; 95% CI: 1.4 to 32.4) or in >50% of sites (OR = 15.3; 95% CI: 3.2 to 73.6) were risk indicators for PD >= 6 mm. Having undergone urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for PD A and >= 6 mm (OR = 0.4; 95% CI: 0.2 to 0.8). Conclusions: Increased PD is highly prevalent in this isolated population. Behavioral factors played a significant role as risk indicators for increased PD in this isolated population.


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Objective: Although the general mechanisms of dentinogenesis are understood, several aspects regarding tertiary dentine formation still deserve investigation, especially regarding the presence and distribution of some noncollagenous matrix proteins. As dentine matrix protein 1 (DMP 1) is present in primary dentine, it is possible that this protein may also be present in the dentine matrix secreted after injury, but there are no immunocytochemical studies attempting its detection in tertiary dentine. The aim of this study was to examine the ultrastructural immunolocalization of DMP 1 in the tertiary dentine after extrusion of the rat incisor. Study design: Upper incisors were extruded 3 mm and then repositioned into their sockets. After several periods, the incisors were fixed and processed for transmission electron microscopy and for immunocytochemistry for DMP 1. Results: Extrusion yielded both types of tertiary dentine, which varied in aspect and related cells. DMP 1 was found in the mineralized matrix of all types of dentine, presenting high affinity for collagen, but rare colloidal gold particles over predentine. DMP 1 was evident in the supranuclear region and inside the nucleus of some odontoblast-like cells. Conclusion: The observed association between DMP 1 and collagen seem to be essential for reactionary and reparative dentine formation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glutatione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family of enzymes involved in detoxification of xenobiotics. Placental GST, known as GST-P, has been detected in tissues following exposure to carcinogenic agents being regarded a reliable biomarker of exposure and susceptibility in early phases of carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the expressivity of GST-P positive foci in the rat tongue mucosa exposed to cigarette smoke by means of immunohistochemistry. A total of twelve male Wistar rats were distributed into two groups: negative control and experimental group exposed to cigarette smoke during 75 days. After experimental period, no histopathological changes in the tongue mucosa were evidenced in the negative control and the experimental group. However, a total of five GST-P positive foci were detected in two out of six animals exposed to cigarrette smoke. None control animals were noticed GST-P positive foci. These data indicate that expression of GST-P may reflect the carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoke as well as the genetic susceptibility of animals in relation to continuous carcinogens exposure.


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Alendronate is a known inhibitor of root resorption and the development of alendronate paste would enhance its utilization as intracanal medication. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the biocompatibility of experimental alendronate paste in subcutaneous tissue of rats, for utilization in teeth susceptible to root resorption. The study was conducted on 15 male rats, weighing similar to 180-200 grams. The rats` dorsal regions were submitted to one incision on the median region and, laterally to the incision, the subcutaneous tissue was raised and gently dissected for introduction of two tubes, in each rat. The tubes were sealed at one end with gutta-percha and taken as control. The tubes were filled with experimental alendronate paste. The animals were killed at 7, 15 and 45 days after surgery and the specimens were processed in laboratory. The histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. Scores were assigned to the in. ammatory process and statistically compared by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). Alendronate paste promoted severe inflammation process at 7 days, with statistically significant difference compared to the control (P < 0.05%). However, at 15 days, there was a regression of in. ammation and the presence of connective tissue with collagen fibers, fibroblasts and blood vessels was observed. After 45 days, it was observed the presence of well-organized connective tissue, with collagen fibers and fibroblasts, and few in. ammatory cells. No statistical difference was observed between the control and experimental paste at 15 and 45 days. The experimental alendronate paste was considered biocompatible with subcutaneous tissue of rat.


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To better understand the role of nitric oxide (NO) in mammal development, specifically in the transition of the fetal stages at birth, we studied the timing of cell-specific expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) isoform during gestational periods of rats, mainly at the late stages of intra-uterine development. Before experimentation, the samples were collected (from 17th to 21st gestational days), fixed in 10% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin for histological procedures. Hereafter, the sections (5 mu m thickness) obtained from different embryos were immunostained by avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase technique, by using antibody against iNOS isoform. The most of cell immunopositive was suggestive of granulocyte-like cells and those cells were resident close to the blood vessels in different organs, such as: lung, liver or bone marrow environment. Sometimes we noted immunopositive cells in the blood flow, as reported in the thymus. In agreement, iNOS expression, obtained by western blotting analysis, showed the same profile. Together, our data shows that iNOS expression increased gradually during the late stages of rat development (from E17 to E21) and it was executed by cells close to blood vessels. Thus, we can clearly to predict that this expression was finely modulated and it contributes for time-line dependent NO production during rat late development.


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MMPs are endopeptidases that play a pivotal role in ECM turnover. RECK is a single membrane-anchored MMP-regulator. Here, we evaluated the temporal and spatial expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, and RECK during alveolar bone regeneration. The maxillary central incisor of Wistar rats was extracted and the animals were killed at 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, and 42 days post-operatively (n = 3/period). The hemimaxillae were collected, demineralized and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed by the immunoperoxidase technique with polyclonal antibodies. On day 1, polymorphonuclear cells in the blood clot presented mild immunolabeling for MMPs. During bone remodeling, osteoblasts facing new bone showed positive staining for gelatinases and RECK in all experimental periods. MMPs were also found in the connective tissue and endothelial cells. Our results show for the first time that inactive and/or active forms of MMP-2, MMP-9 and RECK are differentially expressed by osteogenic and connective cells during several events of alveolar bone regeneration. This may be important for the replacement of the blood clot by connective tissue, and in the formation, maturation and remodeling of new bone.


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Reversion-inducing-cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK) is a single membrane-anchored MMP-regulator and regulates matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) 2, 9 and 14. In turn, MMPs are endopeptidases that play a pivotal role in remodeling ECM. In this work, we decided to evaluate expression pattern of RECK in growing rat incisor during, specifically focusing out amelogenesis process. Based on different kinds of ameloblasts, our results showed that RECK expression was conducted by secretory and post-secretory ameloblasts. At the secretory phase, RECK was localized in the infra-nuclear region of the ameloblast, outer epithelium, near blood vessels, and in the stellate reticulum. From the transition to the maturation phases, RECK was strongly expressed by non-epithelial immuno-competent cells (macrophages and/or dendritic-like cells) in the papillary layer. From the transition to the maturation stage, RECK expression was increased. RECK mRNA was amplified by RT-PCR from whole enamel organ. Here, we verified the presence of RECK mRNA during all stages of amelogenesis. These events were governed by ameloblasts and by non-epithelial cells residents in the enamel organ. Concluding, we found differential expression of MMPs-2, -9 and RECK in the different phases of amelogenesis, suggesting that the tissue remodeling is rigorously controlled during dental mineralization.


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Rafacho A, Cestari TM, Taboga SR, Boschero AC, Bosqueiro JR. High doses of dexamethasone induce increased beta-cell proliferation in pancreatic rat islets. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 296: E681-E689, 2009. First published January 21, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.90931.2008.-Activation of insulin signaling and cell cycle intermediates is required for adult beta-cell proliferation. Here, we report a model to study beta-cell proliferation in living rats by administering three different doses of dexamethasone (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg ip, DEX 0.1, DEX 0.5, and DEX 1.0, respectively) for 5 days. Insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, and histomorphometric data were investigated. Western blotting was used to analyze the levels of proteins related to the control of beta-cell growth. DEX 1.0 rats, which present moderate hyperglycemia and marked hyperinsulinemia, exhibited a 5.1-fold increase in beta-cell proliferation and an increase (17%) in beta-cell size, with significant increase in beta-cell mass, compared with control rats. The hyperinsulinemic but euglycemic DEX 0.5 rats also showed a significant 3.6-fold increase in beta-cell proliferation. However, DEX 0.1 rats, which exhibited the lowest degree of insulin resistance, compensate for insulin demand by improving only islet function. Activation of the insulin receptor substrate 2/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/serine-threoninekinase/ribosomalprotein S6 kinase pathway, as well as protein retinoblastoma in islets from DEX 1.0 and DEX 0.5, but not in DEX 0.1, rats was also observed. Therefore, increasing doses of dexamethasone induce three different degrees of insulin requirement in living rats, serving as a model to investigate compensatory beta-cell alterations. Augmented beta-cell mass involves beta-cell hyperplasia and, to a lower extent, beta-cell hypertrophy. We suggest that alterations in circulating insulin and, to a lesser extent, glucose levels could be the major stimuli for beta-cell proliferation in the dexamethasone-induced insulin resistance.


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Background: The systemic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) promotes the plasmatic production of angiotensin (Ang) II, which acts through interaction with specific receptors. There is growing evidence that local systems in various tissues and organs are capable of generating angiotensins independently of circulating RAS. The aims of this study were to investigate the expression and localization of RAS components in rat gingival tissue and evaluate the in vitro production of Ang II and other peptides catalyzed by rat gingival tissue homogenates incubated with different Ang II precursors. Methods: Reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction assessed mRNA expression. Immunohistochemical analysis aimed to detect and localize renin. A standardized fluorimetric method with tripeptide hippuryl-histidyl-leucine was used to measure tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, whereas high performance liquid chromatography showed products formed after the incubation of tissue homogenates with Ang I or tetradecapeptide renin substrate (TDP). Results: mRNA for renin, angiotensinogen, ACE, and Ang II receptors (AT(1a), AT(1b), and AT(2)) was detected in gingival tissue; cultured gingival fibroblasts expressed renin, angiotensinogen, and AT(1a) receptor. Renin was present in the vascular endothelium and was intensely expressed in the epithelial basal layer of periodontally affected gingival tissue. ACE activity was detected (4.95 +/- 0.89 nmol histidyl-leucine/g/minute). When Ang I was used as substrate, Ang 1-9 (0.576 +/- 0.128 nmol/mg/minute), Ang II (0.066 +/- 0.008 nmol/mg/minute), and Ang 1-7 (0.111 +/- 0.017 nmol/mg/minute) were formed, whereas these same peptides (0.139 +/- 0.031, 0.206 +/- 0.046, and 0.039 +/- 0.007 nmol/mg/minute, respectively) and Ang 1 (0.973 +/- 0.139 nmol/mg/minute) were formed when TDP was the substrate. Conclusion: Local RAS exists in rat gingival tissue and is capable of generating Ang II and other vasoactive peptides in vitro. J Periodontol 2009;80:130-139.