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Lellis-Santos C, Giannocco G, Nunes MT. The case of thyroid hormones: how to learn physiology by solving a detective case. Adv Physiol Educ 35: 219-226, 2011; doi:10.1152/advan.00135.2010.Thyroid diseases are prevalent among endocrine disorders, and careful evaluation of patients' symptoms is a very important part in their diagnosis. Developing new pedagogical strategies, such as problem-based learning (PBL), is extremely important to stimulate and encourage medical and biomedical students to learn thyroid physiology and identify the signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. The present study aimed to create a new pedagogical approach to build deep knowledge about hypo-/hyperthyroidism by proposing a hands-on activity based on a detective case, using alternative materials in place of laboratory animals. After receiving a description of a criminal story involving changes in thyroid hormone economy, students collected data from clues, such as body weight, mesenteric vascularization, visceral fat, heart and thyroid size, heart rate, and thyroid-stimulating hormone serum concentration to solve the case. Nevertheless, there was one missing clue for each panel of data. Four different materials were proposed to perform the same practical lesson. Animals, pictures, small stuffed toy rats, and illustrations were all effective to promote learning, and the detective case context was considered by students as inviting and stimulating. The activity can be easily performed independently of the institution's purchasing power. The practical lesson stimulated the scientific method of data collection and organization, discussion, and review of thyroid hormone actions to solve the case. Hence, this activity provides a new strategy and alternative materials to teach without animal euthanization.


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It is well known that resonance can be induced by external noise or diversity. Here we show that resonance can be induced even by a phase disorder in coupled excitable neurons with subthreshold activity. In contrast to the case of identical phase, we find that phase disorder plays an active role in enhancing neuronal activity. We also uncover that the presence of phase disorder can induce a double resonance phenomenon: phase disorder and coupling strength both can enhance neuronal firing activity. A physical theory is formulated to help understand the mechanism behind this double resonance phenomenon.


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This article focuses on the identification of the number of paths with different lengths between pairs of nodes in complex networks and how these paths can be used for characterization of topological properties of theoretical and real-world complex networks. This analysis revealed that the number of paths can provide a better discrimination of network models than traditional network measurements. In addition, the analysis of real-world networks suggests that the long-range connectivity tends to be limited in these networks and may be strongly related to network growth and organization.


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A great part of the interest in complex networks has been motivated by the presence of structured, frequently nonuniform, connectivity. Because diverse connectivity patterns tend to result in distinct network dynamics, and also because they provide the means to identify and classify several types of complex network, it becomes important to obtain meaningful measurements of the local network topology. In addition to traditional features such as the node degree, clustering coefficient, and shortest path, motifs have been introduced in the literature in order to provide complementary descriptions of the network connectivity. The current work proposes a different type of motif, namely, chains of nodes, that is, sequences of connected nodes with degree 2. These chains have been subdivided into cords, tails, rings, and handles, depending on the type of their extremities (e.g., open or connected). A theoretical analysis of the density of such motifs in random and scale-free networks is described, and an algorithm for identifying these motifs in general networks is presented. The potential of considering chains for network characterization has been illustrated with respect to five categories of real-world networks including 16 cases. Several interesting findings were obtained, including the fact that several chains were observed in real-world networks, especially the world wide web, books, and the power grid. The possibility of chains resulting from incompletely sampled networks is also investigated.


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We describe the design and implementation of a high voltage pulse power supply (pulser) that supports the operation of a repetitively pulsed filtered vacuum arc plasma deposition facility in plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (Mepiiid) mode. Negative pulses (micropulses) of up to 20 kV in magnitude and 20 A peak current are provided in gated pulse packets (macropulses) over a broad range of possible pulse width and duty cycle. Application of the system consisting of filtered vacuum arc and high voltage pulser is demonstrated by forming diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films with and without substrate bias provided by the pulser. Significantly enhanced film/substrate adhesion is observed when the pulser is used to induce interface mixing between the DLC film and the underlying Si substrate. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3518969]


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We present the first simultaneous measurements of the Thomson scattering and electron cyclotron emission radiometer diagnostics performed at TCABR tokamak with Alfven wave heating. The Thomson scattering diagnostic is an upgraded version of the one previously installed at the ISTTOK tokamak, while the electron cyclotron emission radiometer employs a heterodyne sweeping radiometer. For purely Ohmic discharges, the electron temperature measurements from both diagnostics are in good agreement. Additional Alfven wave heating does not affect the capability of the Thomson scattering diagnostic to measure the instantaneous electron temperature, whereas measurements from the electron cyclotron emission radiometer become underestimates of the actual temperature values. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3494379]


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We consider finite-size particles colliding elastically, advected by a chaotic flow. The collisionless dynamics has a quasiperiodic attractor and particles are advected towards this attractor. We show in this work that the collisions have dramatic effects in the system's dynamics, giving rise to collective phenomena not found in the one-particle dynamics. In particular, the collisions induce a kind of instability, in which particles abruptly spread out from the vicinity of the attractor, reaching the neighborhood of a coexisting chaotic saddle, in an autoexcitable regime. This saddle, not present in the dynamics of a single particle, emerges due to the collective particle interaction. We argue that this phenomenon is general for advected, interacting particles in chaotic flows.


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A frequency scanning O-mode reflectometer was used for studies of plasma density oscillations during local Alfven wave (LAW) excitation in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien (TCABR) at the frequency f(A) = 5 MHz. It was found that the spectrum of the reflectometer output signal, which consists mainly of the ""beat"" frequency f(B), is modified by the LAW excitation, and two additional frequency peaks appear, which are symmetrical in relation to the LAW excitation frequency f = f(A) +/- f(B). This result opens the possibility to improve the efficiency of studying the LAW induced density oscillations. The symmetry of these frequency peaks yields the possibility of finding the microwave frequency at which the reflectometer cutoff layer coincides with radial position of the LAW resonance zone in the TCABR tokamak. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3541756]


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The melting temperature and the crystallization temperature of Bi nanoclusters confined in a sodium borate glass were experimentally determined as functions of the cluster radius. The results indicate that, on cooling, liquid Bi nanodroplets exhibit a strong undercooling effect for a wide range of radii. The difference between the melting temperature and the freezing temperature decreases for decreasing radius and vanishes for Bi nanoparticles with a critical radius R = 1.9 nm. The magnitude of the variation in density across the melting and freezing transitions for Bi nanoparticles with R = 2 nm is 40% smaller than for bulk Bi. These experimental results support a basic core-shell model for the structure of Bi nanocrystals consisting of a central crystalline volume surrounded by a structurally disordered shell. The volume fraction of the crystalline core decreases for decreasing nanoparticle radius and vanishes for R = 1.9 nm. Thus, on cooling, the liquid nanodroplets with R < 1.9 nm preserve, across the liquid-to-solid transformation, their homogeneous and disordered structure without crystalline core.


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The relativistic heavy ion program developed at RHIC and now at LHC motivated a deeper study of the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and, in particular, the study of perturbations in this kind of plasma. We are interested on the time evolution of perturbations in the baryon and energy densities. If a localized pulse in baryon density could propagate throughout the QGP for long distances preserving its shape and without loosing localization, this could have interesting consequences for relativistic heavy ion physics and for astrophysics. A mathematical way to prove that this can happen is to derive (under certain conditions) from the hydrodynamical equations of the QGP a Korteveg-de Vries (KdV) equation. The solution of this equation describes the propagation of a KdV soliton. The derivation of the KdV equation depends crucially on the equation of state (EOS) of the QGP. The use of the simple MIT bag model EOS does not lead to KdV solitons. Recently we have developed an EOS for the QGP which includes both perturbative and nonperturbative corrections to the MIT one and is still simple enough to allow for analytical manipulations. With this EOS we were able to derive a KdV equation for the cold QGP.


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The magnetized MINOS Near Detector, at a depth of 225 mwe, is used to measure the atmospheric muon charge ratio. The ratio of observed positive to negative atmospheric muon rates, using 301 days of data, is measured to be 1.266 +/- 0.001(stat)(-0.014)(+0.015)(syst). This measurement is consistent with previous results from other shallow underground detectors and is 0.108 +/- 0.019(stat + syst) lower than the measurement at the functionally identical MINOS Far Detector at a depth of 2070 mwe. This increase in charge ratio as a function of depth is consistent with an increase in the fraction of muons arising from kaon decay for increasing muon surface energies.


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We have studied some possible four-quark and molecule configurations of the X(3872) using double ratios of sum rules, which are more accurate than the usual simple ratios often used in the literature to obtain hadron masses. We found that the different structures ((3) over bar - (3) over bar and (6) over bar - 6 tetraquarks and D - D(*) molecule) lead to the same prediction for the mass (within the accuracy of the method), indicating that the alone prediction of the X mass may not be sufficient to reveal its nature. In doing these analyses, we also find that (within our approximation) the use of the (MS) over bar running (m) over bar (c)(m(c)(2)), rather than the on-shell mass, is more appropriate to obtain the J/psi and X meson masses. Using vertex sum rules to roughly estimate the X(3872) hadronic and radiative widths, we found that the available experimental data does not exclude a lambda - J/psi-like molecule current.


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We use QCD sum rules (QCDSR) to calculate the width of the radiative decay of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular [c (q) over bar][q (c) over bar] states with J(PC) = 1(++). We find that in a small range for the values of the mixing angle, 5 degrees <= theta <= 13 degrees, we get the branching ratio Gamma(X -> J/psi gamma)/Gamma(X -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-)) = 0.19 +/- 0.13, which is in agreement, with the experimental value. This result is compatible with the analysis of the mass and decay width of the mode J/psi(n pi) performed in the same approach.


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We consider a binary Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) described by a system of two-dimensional (2D) Gross-Pitaevskii equations with the harmonic-oscillator trapping potential. The intraspecies interactions are attractive, while the interaction between the species may have either sign. The same model applies to the copropagation of bimodal beams in photonic-crystal fibers. We consider a family of trapped hidden-vorticity (HV) modes in the form of bound states of two components with opposite vorticities S(1,2) = +/- 1, the total angular momentum being zero. A challenging problem is the stability of the HV modes. By means of a linear-stability analysis and direct simulations, stability domains are identified in a relevant parameter plane. In direct simulations, stable HV modes feature robustness against large perturbations, while unstable ones split into fragments whose number is identical to the azimuthal index of the fastest growing perturbation eigenmode. Conditions allowing for the creation of the HV modes in the experiment are discussed too. For comparison, a similar but simpler problem is studied in an analytical form, viz., the modulational instability of an HV state in a one-dimensional (1D) system with periodic boundary conditions (this system models a counterflow in a binary BEC mixture loaded into a toroidal trap or a bimodal optical beam coupled into a cylindrical shell). We demonstrate that the stabilization of the 1D HV modes is impossible, which stresses the significance of the stabilization of the HV modes in the 2D setting.


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The existence of multidimensional matter-wave solitons in a crossed optical lattice (OL) with a linear optical lattice (LOL) in the x direction and a nonlinear optical lattice (NOL) in the y direction, where the NOL can be generated by a periodic spatial modulation of the scattering length using an optically induced Feshbach resonance is demonstrated. In particular, we show that such crossed LOLs and NOLs allow for stabilizing two-dimensional solitons against decay or collapse for both attractive and repulsive interactions. The solutions for the soliton stability are investigated analytically, by using a multi-Gaussian variational approach, with the Vakhitov-Kolokolov necessary criterion for stability; and numerically, by using the relaxation method and direct numerical time integrations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Very good agreement of the results corresponding to both treatments is observed.