247 resultados para innovative drugs in Brazil
This study conducts a cost-effectiveness analysis of a childhood universal varicella vaccination program in Brazil. An age and time-dependent dynamic model was developed to estimate the incidence of varicella for 30 years. Assuming a single-dose schedule; vaccine efficacy of 85% and coverage of 80%, the program could prevent 74,422,058 cases and 2905 deaths. It would cost R$ 3,178,396,110 and save R$ 660,076,410 to the society and R$ 365,602,305 to the healthcare system. The program is cost-effective (R$ 14,749 and R$ 16,582 per life-year saved under the societal and the healthcare system`s perspective, respectively). The program`s cost-effectiveness is highly sensitive to the vaccine price and number of doses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent studies found that isolates of Toxoplasma gondii from Brazil were biologically and genetically different from those in North America and Europe. However, to date only a small number of isolates have been analysed from different animal hosts in Brazil. In the present study DNA samples of 46 T. gondii isolates from cats in 11 counties in Sao Paulo state, Brazil were genetically characterised using 10 PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism markers including SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, STUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PKI and Apico. An additional marker, CS3, that locates on chromosome VIIa and has previously been shown to be linked to acute virulence of T. gondii was also used to determine its association to virulence in mice. Genotyping of these 46 isolates revealed a high genetic diversity with 20 genotypes but no clonal Type I, II or III lineage was found. Two of the 46 isolates showed mixed infections. Combining genotyping data in this study with recent reported results from chickens, dogs and cats in Brazil (total 125 isolates) identified 48 genotypes and 26 of these genotypes had single isolates. Four of the 48 genotypes with multiple isolates identified from different hosts and locations are considered the common clonal lineages in Brazil. These lineages are designated as Types BrI, BrII, BrIII and BrIV. These results indicate that the T. gondii population in Brazil is highly diverse with a few successful clonal lineages expanded into wide geographical areas. In contrast to North America and Europe, where the Type II clonal lineage is overwhelmingly predominant, no Type II strain was identified from the 125 Brazil isolates. Analysis of mortality rates in infected mice indicates that Type BrI is highly virulent, Type BrIII is non-virulent, whilst Type BrII and BrIV lineages are intermediately virulent. In addition, allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse-virulence of the parasite. Thus, T. gondii has an epidemic population structure in Brazil and the major lineages have different biological traits. (C) 2007 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Serum samples from 248 adult dairy goats from 13 flocks with lowered fertility farmed in the Rio de Janeiro region of Brazil were examined for Leptospira antibodies by MAT with 24 serovars, cut off 100. A questionnaire was completed for each herd. Antibodies were detected in 20.8% of these goats, mainly to serovar Hardjo. Risk factors associated with seroprevalence to leptospirosis were the frequency of professional veterinary supervision (OR = 2.35), climate (OR = 2.63) and grazing for more than 2 h a day. Flock factors as size, type of milking and offering of food supplementation, as well as the location and topography, the type of animal housing or the presence of silos did not significantly affect seroprevalence. We suggest that a successful control program for goat leptospirosis should include a complete investigation of herd management practices, which could influence in the occurrence of the infection. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although dogs are considered to be the principal transmitter of rabies in Brazil, dog rabies had never been recorded in South America before European colonization. In order to investigate the evolutionary history of dog rabies virus (RABV) in Brazil, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of carnivore RABV isolates from around the world and estimated the divergence times for dog RABV in Brazil. Our estimate for the time of introduction of dog RABV into Brazil was the late-19th to early-20th century, which was later than the colonization period but corresponded to a period of increased immigration from Europe to Brazil. In addition, dog RABVs appeared to have spread to indigenous animals in Brazil during the latter half of the 20th century, when the development and urbanization of Brazil occurred. These results suggest that the movement of rabid dogs, along with human activities since the 19th century, promoted the introduction and expansion of dog RABV in Brazil.
In this study, serum samples of 203 animals from different locations, from zoos and breeding facilities from the north and northeast regions of Brazil, were analyzed for the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies by the modified agglutination test (MAT) with a cutoff of 1:25. Of the sampled animals, 184 were adult mammals of both sexes and 19 were birds. Antibodies were found in 61 of 184 mammals, and no association between sex and age of the animals and the presence of T. gondii antibodies was observed (P < 0.05). Anti-T gondii antibodies were not found in birds. Toxoplasma gondii was detected in Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) for the first time.
Multiple lineages of Brazilian strains from 2007 to 2008 of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were detected in flocks of breeders, broilers, and layers. Organs samples from 20 IBV-positive flocks with variable clinical signs were submitted to the partial amplification of S gene (nucleotides 726-1071) of IBV. Fifteen of the 20 sequenced strains segregated in a unique Brazilian cluster subdivided in three subclusters (Brazil 01, 02, and 03). Whereas three strains could be classified as Massachusetts (Mass) genotype, the remaining two strains, originating from flocks with reproductive and respiratory disorders, grouped within the 4/91-793B genotype, a genotype that has not been detected before in Brazil. The potential relevance of the findings to the poultry industry is discussed because the low level of identity of the sequenced part of the S gene from 17 of 20 detected field strains and the vaccines of the Massachusetts serotype used suggest that the level of cross-protection by the Massachusetts vaccines might be low.
Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly aggressive disease for poultry in terms of symptoms and economic losses, and the control of this disease is difficult if flocks are not protected against type-specific challenges by the Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). This article summarizes data presented by the author at the Workshop on Infectious Bronchitis 2009 on IB and IBV, including future developments on the field.
We have studied the variability of glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) and small subunit ribosomal (SSU) rRNA coding genes of Giardia species in fecal samples isolated from wild and exotic animals in Brazil, and compared with homologous sequences of isolates from human and domestic animals characterized in previous studies. Cysts of Giardia duodenalis were obtained from feces of naturally infected monkeys (Alouatta fusca) (n = 20), chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) (n = 3), ostriches (Struthio camelus) (n = 2) and jaguar (Panthera onca) (n = 1). Assemblage AI was assigned to the unique isolate of jaguar. All the samples from monkeys, chinchillas, and ostriches were assigned to Assemblage B. There was little evolutionary divergence between the referred isolates and isolates described elsewhere. The Assemblage B isolates identified in this study were closely related to Assemblage BIV isolated from humans. The molecular identification of Assemblages A and B of G. duodenalis isolates from exotic and wild animals demonstrates that such hosts may be a potential reservoir for zoonotic transmission of G. duodenalis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The low rates of nonsynonymous evolution observed in natural rabies virus (RABV) isolates are suggested to have arisen in association with the structural and functional constraints operating on the virus protein and the infection strategies employed by RABV within infected hosts to avoid strong selection by the immune response. In order to investigate the relationship between the genetic characteristics of RABV populations within hosts and the virus evolution, the present study examined the genetic heterogeneities of RABV populations within naturally infected dogs and foxes in Brazil, as well as those of bat RABV populations that were passaged once in suckling mice. Sequence analyses of complete RABV glycoprotein (G) genes showed that RABV populations within infected hosts were genetically highly homogeneous whether they were infected naturally or experimentally (nucleotide diversities of 0-0.95 x 10(-3)). In addition, amino acid mutations were randomly distributed over the entire region of the G protein, and the nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratios (d(N)/d(S)) for the G protein gene were less than 1. These findings suggest that the low genetic diversities of RABV populations within hosts reflect the stabilizing selection operating on the virus, the infection strategies of the virus, and eventually, the evolutionary patterns of the virus. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
After one clinical case that evidenced the outbreak, a complete screening by intradermal tuberculin test was performed in one goat herd in Brazil. The herd was composed by 500 animals and 83 of them (16.6%) showed to be reactive to the comparative double cervical intradermal test. Four months after the test, all the 83 reactive animals were slaughtered and blood samples were collected from 45 of them, for serological assays. From those 45, 32 were randomly chosen for necropsy and histopathological and bacteriological procedures were conducted. Histopathology evidenced at least one characteristic lesion of tuberculosis in each animal, with typical granulommas where acid-fast bacilli (AFB) could be observed. Bacteriology was positive for Mycobacterium bovis in 22 samples (68.7%), therefore confirming the etiology of the outbreak. Sera of 45 animals plus 20 other from a certified free tuberculosis farm were tested in an ELISA using the recombinant M.bovis protein MPB70 as capture antigens. From those, 43 were reactive to the test, with high ODs results, considering a cut-off point established by ROC curve analyzing results (cut-off = 0.8; mean = 0.55; range: 0.157-1.357). These results suggest that MPB70-ELISA can be considered as a reliable tool to diagnose tuberculosis in goat herds, since this assay was capable to correctly detect 95.6% of the animals here examined.
Free-living adult Amblyomma incisum ticks were collected in an Atlantic rainforest area at Intervales State Park, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From an A. incisum specimen, rickettsiae were successfully isolated in Vero cell culture by the shell vial technique. Rickettsial isolation was confirmed by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and PCRs targeting portions of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 on infected cells. Fragments of 1,089, 457, 1,362, and 443 nucleotides of the gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 genes, respectively, were sequenced. By BLAST analysis, the partial sequence of rrs of the A. incisum rickettsial isolate was closest to the corresponding sequence of Rickettsia bellii (99.1% similarity). The gltA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequences of ""Candidatus Rickettsia tarasevichiae"" (96.1% similarity) and Rickettsia canadensis (95.8% similarity). The htrA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (89.8% similarity). The sca1 partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (95.2% similarity). Since our rickettsial isolate was genetically distinct from other Rickettsia species, we propose a new species designated Rickettsia monteiroi sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that R. monteiroi belongs to the canadensis group within the genus Rickettsia, together with the species R. canadensis and ""Candidatus R. tarasevichiae"". Little or no antibody cross-reaction was observed between sera of R. monteiroi-inoculated guinea pigs and R. bellii-, Rickettsia rickettsii-, or R. canadensis-inoculated guinea pigs.
As part of an epidemiological study of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in Brazil, 252 samples from IBV-suspect flocks were tested and the IBV-positive samples were analysed by sequencing of hypervariable regions 1 and 2 of the S1 gene. A high prevalence of IBV variants was found and the sequence analysis of 41 samples revealed a high molecular similarity among the Brazilian isolates (from 90.2 to 100% and from 85.3 to 100% nucleotide and amino acid identity, respectively). The Brazilian isolates showed low genetic relationship with Massachusetts (63.4 to 70.7%), European (45.9 to 75.6%), American (49.3 to 76.4%) and other reference serotypes (67.5 to 78.8%). The Brazilian isolates branched into one unique cluster, separate from the reference serotypes used for infectious bronchitis control in other countries. The variants analysed in this work had a high similarity with all previously published Brazilian IBV isolates, suggesting the presence and high prevalence of a unique or predominant genotype circulating in Brazil. In addition, the virus neutralization test showed that the three Brazilian isolates analysed in the present study are antigenically related to one another but are different from the Massachusetts serotype. The present study shows that IBVs of a unique genotype can be associated with different clinical diseases, and that low genetic variation was detected in this genotype over a long period of time. The molecular characterization of the Brazilian variants isolated from 2003 to 2009 from different geographic regions of the country shows that only one predominant genotype is widespread in the Brazilian territory, denominated in this study as BR-I genotype.
Turkey coronavirus (TCoV) is a causative agent associated with poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) in turkeys worldwide. The disease is an acute, highly contagious enteric disease that is characterized by depression, anorexia, diarrhea, and high mortality in commercial turkey flocks. The presence of TCoV in 12 intestinal-content samples, from turkey flocks aged between 10 and 104 days and exhibiting severe enteritis, was monitored during the period of 2004 to 2006. TCoV detection was accomplished by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) through amplification of the 3` UTR region, followed by amplification of genes 3 and 5. Molecular characterization of the viruses was done through amplification of genes 3 and 5 and showed evidence of genetic similarity between them, although they differed from sequences of other TCoVs described in the literature. In relation to gene 3, samples showed a greater relationship with chicken infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), while gene 5 showed greater identity with pheasant coronavirus (PhCoV). Our results suggest that the strategy of amplification of the 3` UTR region, followed by sequencing of genes 3 and 5, has proven to be an effective means of detecting TCoV in intestinal contents.
Thirty-eight captive psittacine birds housed in a bird park in Foz do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil, died within a 15-month period as a result of infection with Sarcocystis falcatula. Although fatalities affected 16 species of psittacine birds, mortality was highest in Old World species, which were most susceptible to the pulmonary form of sarcocystosis. Along with the pathologic findings of this disease outbreak, a review of the pathophysiology of sarcosporidiosis is presented.