312 resultados para TWO-PHOTON ABSORPTION
In this paper, we propose an approach to the transient and steady-state analysis of the affine combination of one fast and one slow adaptive filters. The theoretical models are based on expressions for the excess mean-square error (EMSE) and cross-EMSE of the component filters, which allows their application to different combinations of algorithms, such as least mean-squares (LMS), normalized LMS (NLMS), and constant modulus algorithm (CMA), considering white or colored inputs and stationary or nonstationary environments. Since the desired universal behavior of the combination depends on the correct estimation of the mixing parameter at every instant, its adaptation is also taken into account in the transient analysis. Furthermore, we propose normalized algorithms for the adaptation of the mixing parameter that exhibit good performance. Good agreement between analysis and simulation results is always observed.
In this work, the structure and morphology of silicon oxynitride films deposited by the PECVD technique were studied. The films were deposited under two different conditions: (a) SiOxNy with chemical compositions varying from SiO2 to Si3N4 via the control of a N2O + N-2 + SiH4 gas mixture, and (b) Si-rich SiOxNy films via the control of a N2O + SiH4 gas mixture. The analyses were performed using X-ray near edge spectroscopy (XANES) at the Si-K edge, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS). For samples with chemical composition varying from SiO2 to Si3N4, the diffraction patterns obtained by TEM exhibited changes with the chemical composition, in agreement with the XANES results. For silicon-rich silicon oxynitride samples, the formation of a-Si clusters was observed and the possibility of obtaining Si nanocrystals after annealing depending on the composition and temperature was realized. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The crosstalk phenomenon consists in recording the volume-conducted electromyographic activity of muscles other than that under study. This interference may impair the correct interpretation of the results in a variety of experiments. A new protocol is presented here for crosstalk assessment between two muscles based on changes in their electrical activity following a reflex discharge in one of the muscles in response to nerve stimulation. A reflex compound muscle action potential (H-reflex) was used to induce a silent period in the muscle that causes the crosstalk, called here the remote muscle. The rationale is that if the activity recorded in the target muscle is influenced by a distant source (the remote muscle) a silent period observed in the electromyogram (EMG) of the remote muscle would coincide with a decrease in the EMG activity of the target muscle. The new crosstalk index is evaluated based on the root mean square (RMS) values of the EMGs obtained in two distinct periods (background EMG and silent period) of both the remote and the target muscles. In the present work the application focused on the estimation of the degree of crosstalk from the soleus muscle to the tibialis anterior muscle during quiet stance. However, the technique may be extended to other pairs of muscles provided a silent period may be evoked in one of them. (C) 2009 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The paper presents a number of numerical simulations of the transverse vibrations of two (or one) imbalanced rotors forced by an electric motor with limited power supply, during the passage through of the two resonance zones (increasing and decreasing input voltages). The predominant presence of the Sommerfeld effect. when the rotational velocity of the motor is captured, in the second resonance frequency is demonstrated. We have shown that the hysteretic jump phenomenon exists in a rotor system with two (or one) disks, and with this, we have shown that a torque is influenced by the dynamical behavior of die rotor [DOI: 10.1115/1.3007979]
This work investigates the effects of photodegradation on the environmental stress cracking resistance of polycarbonate (PC). Injection molded samples were exposed to the ultraviolet (UV) light for various times in the laboratory prior to solvent contact. The bars were then stressed with two different loads in a tensile testing machine under the presence of ethanol. During this period, the stress relaxation was monitored and, after unloading, the ultimate properties were evaluated. Complementary tests were done by size exclusion chromatography, UV-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and light microscopy. The results indicated that ethanol causes significant modification in PC, with extensive surface crazing as well as reduction in mechanical properties. The previous degraded samples showed a higher level of stress relaxation and a greater loss in tensile strength in comparison with the undegraded ones. The synergist action of photodegradation and stress cracking in PC may be a consequence of the chemical changes caused by oxidation.
This study was aimed to evaluate the penetration behaviour of different brines with tumbled beef steaks from the biceps femoris muscle, specifically their interactions with pH and effects on yield. Six muscles from different animals, divided into origin (OP) and insertion (IP) portions, were cut into 60 steaks of 2.5 cm thickness and tumbled for 30 or 60 min. The steaks were tumbled with two brines, with (WTB/HSP) or without (WTB) hydrolysed soy protein (HSP), and steaks that were not tumbled with brine or water were used as controls. Brine penetration was verified by measuring the amount of dye-containing brine (absorbance at 627 nm) recovered from homogenates of four thin (2 mm) slices from the surface of the beef steaks after tumbling. The WTB/HSP steaks exhibited greater (P < 0.05) brine penetration when tumbled for 60 min than for 30 min. The OP steaks showed greater yield and lower pH (P < 0.05) than IP steaks. HSP-added brine increased the water absorption and retention in the first slices of the steaks, and its efficiency was increased with a longer tumbling time. The portion of the biceps femoris muscle used influenced brine absorption and retention, impacting meat yield. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of sewage sludge (SS) amendment on the general properties of the top layers of a sandy and a clayey oxisols and on the nature of their humic acid (HA) fractions was evaluated by chemical and physico-chemical techniques. The amended soils, especially the sandy soil, benefited of SS amendment by increasing their pH to above neutrality and enhancing the contents of C, N, P, and Ca and cation exchange capacity. The SS-HA-like sample showed larger H and N contents and a greater aliphatic character and humification degree than the HAs isolated from non-amerided soils. The composition and structure of amended soil HAs were affected by SS application as a function of soil type and layer. In particular, N-containing groups and aliphatic structures of SS-HA-like sample appears to be partially incorporated in the amended soil HAs, and these effects were more evident in the HAs from the sandy oxisol. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tree-rings have frequently been used for dating of trees and to determine annual growth increments and forest dynamics, but little is known in tropical conditions about their utilization for environmental monitoring. This paper presents the results of Araucaria columnaris tree-ring characterization by wood anatomy and X-ray densitometric analysis and the determination of Pb concentration. Core samples from twelve araucaria trees were extracted from two sites exposed to air pollution due to intense traffic of vehicles and industrial activities. The tree-rings distinctly presented radial variation in early-latewood thickness and density, and characteristics of juvenile and mature wood. Anatomical and X-ray densitometric analysis were useful to delimit the tree-ring boundaries and to date the tree-rings, as well as to prove the annual formation. The lead concentration in annual araucaria tree-rings, analyzed with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, indicated the seasonal presence of the heavy metal in the environment during the 30 years studied, although the Pb did not affect tree growth. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and to estimate costs of two round baling systems for harvesting understory biomass. One system was a cutter-shredderbaler prototype (Bio-baler). The other system required two successive operations. The first operation was cutting and shredding with a Supertrak tractor equipped with a Fecon mulcher head. The second operation was baling with a Claas baler. The machines were evaluated in three different pine stands on the Osceola National Forest in Florida, United States. Data collection included time study, fuel consumption and bale measurements. Material was collected from a sample of bales for heat and moisture content determination. On the most representative site (Site 2), the Bio-baler recovered 8.05 green t ha(-1) while the mulcher and the Claas baler recovered 9.75 green t ha(-1) (43 and 52 percent of original understory biomass, respectively). Productivity was 0.30 ha h(-1) for the Bio-baler and 0.51 ha h(-1) for the Claas baler. Density of the bales was 321 green kg m(-3) for the Bio-baler and 373 green kg m(-3) for the Claas baler. Average net heat content was 6263 MJ bale(-1) for the Bio-baler and 6695 MJ bale(-1) for the Claas baler with biomass containing 38 percent of moisture content on a wet basis. cost per unit area was less with the Bio-baler (US$320.91 ha(-1)) than with the mulcher-baler system (US$336.62-US$596.77 ha(-1)). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Two species of Neocypholaelaps Vitzthum are reported from Sri Lanka. One of them, Neocypholaelaps ceylonicus Narita & Moraes, n. sp., is described based on adult females. The other, Neocypholaelaps ampullula (Berlese), originally described from Indonesia, is reported for the first time in Sri Lanka. Complementary morphological information about this species is provided based on the specimens collected in this study. A discussion is presented about the spermathecal apparatus of Neocypholaelaps species.
In a previous study, we observed no spatial genetic structure in Mexican populations of the parasitoids Chelonus insularis Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Campoletis sonorensis Cameron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) by using microsatellite markers In the current study, we Investigated whether for these important parasitoids of the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) there is any genetic structure at a larger scale Insects of both species were collected across the American continent and their phylogeography was Investigated using both nuclear and mitochondria] markers Our results suggest an ancient north-south migration of C insularis, whereas no clear pattern] could be determined for C sonorensis. Nonetheless, the resulting topology indicated the existence of a cryptic taxon within this later species. a few Canadian specimens determined as C. sonorensis branch outside a clack composed of the Argentinean Chelonus grioti Blanchard, the Brazilian Chelonus flavicincta Ashmead, and the rest of the C sonorensis individuals The individuals revealing the cryptic taxon were collected from Thichoplusia in (Hubner) (Lepidoptera. Noctuidae) on tomato (Lycopersicon spp) and may represent a biotype that has adapted to the early season phenology of its host. Overall, the loosely defined spatial genetic structure previously shown at a local fine scale also was found at the larger scale, for both species Dispersal of these insects may be partly driven by wind as suggested by genetic similarities between Individuals coming from very distant locations.
Two new species of spider mites (Tetranychidae) found on Solanaceae in Peru are described: Tetranychus singularis n. sp. from Datura stramonium L. and T. amazonensis n. sp. from Solanum caricaefolium Rusby.
This paper reports the mites of the subfamilies Phytoseiinae and Typhlodrominae (Phytoseiidae) from Peru, providing descriptions of 2 new species, Phytoseius ortegae Guanilo and Moraes, n. sp. and Phytoseius poripherus Guanilo and Moraes, n. sp., and a taxonomic key to separate the species reported.
Citriculture normally uses high application volumes in pesticide solutions (of 2.000 to 5.000 L ha(-1)) to control pests and diseases that affect the crop, which generates an increase in operational costs. For this reason, diverse systems of application are being developed to reduce application volumes and improve the uniformity of pesticide deposition. The goal of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of two application systems of pesticides in citrus trees. One system used a prototype for terrestrial application with rotary disc atomizers that are widely used in agricultural aviation, and the other system used hollow cone tip hydraulics. For the treatment of the trees the insecticide Metidation was used at the dose of 180 gr per hectare. To study the droplet spectrum, water-sensitive papers were installed at different positions in the trees canopy, and for the study of insecticide deposition leaves of the treated plants were collected. The water-sensitive papers were collected and analyzed using a computerized image analysis system (e-Sprinkle, EMBRAPA, Sao Paulo, Brazil), and the leaves analyzed by the technique of gas chromatography. Pesticide deposition was similar in both application system, although the solution volume used by the application system equipped with rotary disc atomizers was one quarter of the volume used by the application system equipped with hydraulic tips, reducing considerably the cost of the phytosanitary treatments.
Fluoride (F) is an air pollutant that causes phytotoxicity. Besides the importance of this, losses of agricultural crops in the vicinity of F polluting industries in Brazil have been recently reported. Injuries caused to plant leaf cell structures by excess F are not well characterized. However, this may contribute to understanding the ways in which plant physiological and biochemical processes are altered. A study evaluated the effects of the atmospheric F on leaf characteristics and growth of young trees of sweet orange and coffee exposed to low (0.04 mol L(-1)) or high (0.16 mol L(-1)) doses of HF nebulized in closed chamber for 28 days plus a control treatment not exposed. Gladiolus and ryegrass were used as bioindicators in the experiment to monitor F exposure levels. Fluoride concentration and dry mass of leaves were evaluated. Leaf anatomy was observed under light and electron microscopy. High F concentrations (similar to 180 mg kg(-1)) were found in leaves of plants exposed at the highest dose of HF. Visual symptoms of F toxicity in leaves of citrus and coffee were observed. Analyses of plant tissue provided evidence that F caused degeneration of cell wall and cytoplasm and disorganization of bundle sheath, which were more evident in Gladiolus and coffee. Minor changes were observed for sweet orange and ryegrass. Increase on individual stomatal area was also marked for the Gladiolus and coffee, and which were characterized by occurrence of opened ostioles. The increased F absorption by leaves and changes at the structural and ultrastructural level of leaf tissues correlated with reduced plant growth.