329 resultados para Plasma-Renin Activity
Plants synthesize a variety of molecules to defend themselves against an attack by insects. Talisin is a reserve protein from Talisia esculenta seeds, the first to be characterized from the family Sapindaceae. In this study, the insecticidal activity of Talisin was tested by incorporating the reserve protein into an artificial diet fed to the velvetbean caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis, the major pest of soybean crops in Brazil. At 1.5% (w/w) of the dietary protein, Talisin affected larval growth, pupal weight, development and mortality, adult fertility and longevity, and produced malformations in pupae and adult insects. Talisin inhibited the trypsin-like activity of larval midgut homogenates. The trypsin activity in Talisin-fed larvae was sensitive to Talisin, indicating that no novel protease-resistant to Talisin was induced in Talisin-fed larvae. Affinity chromatography showed that Talisin bound to midgut proteinases of the insect A. gemmatalis, but was resistant to enzymatic digestion by these larval proteinases. The transformation of genes coding for this reserve protein could be useful for developing insect resistant crops. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We studied a population of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae) identified by morphological and molecular techniques from the semiarid region of the Brazilian northeast. The influence of temperature and relative humidity on the survival and reproductive parameters of L. sativae in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) (Fabales: Fabaceae) was evaluated. We used temperatures of 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, and 32 +/- 1 degrees C (50 +/- 10% RH) and relative humidity values of 30,50,70, and 90 +/- 10% (25 +/- 1 degrees C) under a 14 L:10 D photoperiod. Adult longevity decreased as temperature and relative humidity increased and was greater, in general, for females. The preoviposition and oviposition periods also decreased as temperature increased, whereas relative humidity only caused reductions in the oviposition period at higher levels. Fecundity was similar in the range from 18 to 30 degrees C but decreased at 32 degrees C with respect to relative humidity; the best performances of L. sativae occurred at lower levels. The pattern of oviposition rate changed with temperature and relative humidity. Regardless of temperature and relative humidity, L, sativae laid between 75 and 92% of its eggs on the adaxial surface of the cowpea leaves. This information will be highly useful to design a leafminer production system aimed at the multiplication of natural enemies, as well as for pest management in the field.
Chitinase and peroxidase activity in different stages of eucalypt leaves after inoculation with Puccinia psidii and acibenzolar-S-metil To elucidate some biochemical processes during infection in the pathosystem Puccinia psidii x eucalyptus, the defense metabolism in different-stage leaves was compared between rust-resistant and susceptible clones, respectively. In addition, chitinase and peroxidase activities were assayed. Each treatment consisted of 4 replicates, in a completely randomized design: 2 clones, inoculated and not inoculated with P. psidii; sprayed with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and distilled water; and represented by the 1(st) leaf pair (size equivalent to 1/5 total leaf development), 2(nd) pair (2/5 total development), and 4(th) pair (4/5 total leaf length). Leaves were harvested in 4 periods: 0, 24, 72 and 96 hours after inoculation. Results indicated that ASM treatment or P. psidii action led to higher chitinase and peroxidase activity level but did not alter the expression of these activities in developed leaves (4(th) pair) during the experiment. Alterations in enzyme levels after inoculation were only observed in developing leaves (1(st) and 2(nd) pairs), which suggests that the response to infection was concomitant to chitinase and peroxidase synthesis. The highest increases in enzymatic activities were observed in resistant clones at 72 hours after inoculation and in susceptible ones previously treated with ASM and later inoculated with the pathogen.
The total protein content and activity of the enzymes glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) were evaluated in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans LR cells maintained in contact with the metal sulfide chalcopyrite for 1 and 10 days. A significant decrease in total protein content was observed in cells maintained for 10 days in the presence of chalcopyrite, suggesting proteolytic breakdown clue to exposure to the metal sulfide. Following 10 clays of contact with chalcopyrite, increases in GR, SOD and TrxR activities were detected, suggesting the formation of reactive oxygen species. After ten clays, there was a fivefold increase in GR activity, of which, isoenzyme IV represented approximately 82% of the total. An increase in Fe-SOD activity following ten days exposure to chalcopyrite was also determined, as measured on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Also, after 10 days. an approximately 31-fold increase was observed for TrxR activity. The presence of oxidative stress when A. ferrooxidans is in the presence of chalcopyrite could have a negative impact on bioleaching. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, supercritical technology was used to obtain extracts from Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) with CO(2) and the cosolvent H(2)O at 1, 10, and 20% (w/w). The raw material was obtained from hydroponic cultivation. The extract`s global yield isotherms, chemical compositions, antioxidant activity, and cost of manufacturing were determined. The extraction assays were done for pressures of 10 to 30 MPa at 303 to 323 K. The identification of the compounds present in the extracts was made by GC-MS and ESI-MS. The antioxidant activity of extracts was determined using the coupled reaction of beta-carotene and linolenic acid. At 1% of cosolvent, the largest global yield was obtained at 10 MPa and 303 K (2%, dry basis-d.b.); at 10% of cosolvent the largest global yield was obtained at 10 and 15 MPa (11%, d.b.), and at 20% of cosolvent the largest global yield was detected at 30 MPa and 303 K (24%, d.b.). The main components identified in the extracts were eugenol, germacrene-D, epi-alpha-cadinol, malic acid, tartaric acid, ramnose, caffeic acid, quinic acid, kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside. Sweet basil extracts exhibited high antioxidant activity compared to beta-carotene. Three types of SFE extracts from sweet basil were produced, for which the estimated cost of manufacturing (class 5 type) varied from US$ 47.96 to US$ 1,049.58 per kilogram of dry extract.
The application of tannery sludge to soils is a form of recycling; however, few studies have examined the impacts of this practice on soil microbial properties. We studied effects of two applications (2006 and 2007) of tannery sludge (with a low chromium content) on the structure of the bacterial community and on the microbial activity of soils. We fertilized an agricultural area in Rolandia, Parana state, Brazil with different doses of sludge based on total N content, which ranged from 0 to 1200 kg N ha(-1). Sludge remained on the soil surface for three months before being plowed. Soils were sampled seven times during the experiment. Bacterial community structure, assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), was modified by the application of tannery sludge. Soon after the first application, there was clear separation between the bacterial communities in different treatments, such that each dose of sludge was associated with a specific community. These differences remained until 300 days after application and also after the second sludge application, but 666 days after the beginning of the experiment no differences were found in the bacterial communities of the lowest doses and the control. The principal response curve (PRC) analysis showed that the first sludge application strongly stimulated biological activity even 300 days after application. The second application also stimulated activity, but at a lower magnitude and for a shorter time, given that 260 days after the second application there was no difference in biological activity among treatments. PRC also showed that the properties most influenced by the application of tannery sludge were enzymatic activities related to N cycling (asparaginase and urease). The redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that tannery sludge`s influence on microbial activity is mainly related to increases in inorganic N and soil pH. Results showed that changes in the structure of the bacterial community in the studied soils were directly related to changes of their biological activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of drying and rewetting (DRW) have been studied extensively in non-saline soils, but little is known about the impact of DRW in saline soils. An incubation experiment was conducted to determine the impact of 1-3 drying and re-wetting events on soil microbial activity and community composition at different levels of electrical conductivity in the saturated soil extract (ECe) (ECe 0.7, 9.3, 17.6 dS m(-1)). A non-saline sandy loam was amended with NaCl to achieve the three EC levels 21 days prior to the first DRW; wheat straw was added 7 days prior to the first DRW. Each DRW event consisted of 1 week drying and 1 week moist (50% of water holding capacity, WHC). After the last DRW, the soils were maintained moist until the end of the incubation period (63 days after addition of the wheat straw). A control was kept moist (50% of WHC) throughout the incubation period. Respiration rates on the day after rewetting were similar after the first and the second DRW, but significantly lower after the third DRW. After the first and second DRW, respiration rates were lower at EC17.6 compared to the lower EC levels, whereas salinity had little effect on respiration rates after the third DRW or at the end of the experiment when respiration rates were low. Compared to the continuously moist treatment, respiration rates were about 50% higher on day 15 (d15) and d29. On d44, respiration rates were about 50% higher at EC9.7 than at the other two EC levels. Cumulative respiration was increased by DRW only in the treatment with one DRW and only at the two lower EC levels. Salinity affected microbial biomass and community composition in the moist soils but not in the DRW treatments. At all EC levels and all sampling dates, the community composition in the continuously moist treatment differed from that in the DRW treatments, but there were no differences among the DRW treatments. Microbes in moderately saline soils may be able to utilise substrates released after multiple DRW events better than microbes in non-saline soil. However, at high EC (EC17.6), the low osmotic potential reduced microbial activity to such an extent that the microbes were not able to utilise substrate released after rewetting of dry soil.
A total of 202 fish, representing 16 species, were collected during 2008 (March-October) in the Tanquan region of the Piracicaba River using nets. Flesh samples were collected and analyzed, using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy for Al, As, Cd, Co Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Ph, Se, Sn, Sr, and Zn. The results showed that the flesh of these fish all contained extremely high levels of Al and Sr, and moderately high levels of Cr, As, Zn, Ni. Mn and Pb. The metals were higher in these fish during rainy season, with fish collected during the months of March and October being the highest. In addition, the accumulation of metals was species-dependent. Cascudos (Hypostomus punctatus) and piranhas (Serrasalmus spilopleura) exhibited high levels of almost all of the metals, while curimbata (Prochilodus lineatus) had moderate levels. A few species, including pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) and dourado (Salminus maxillosus), had very low levels of most metals. The results show that the Piracicaba River Basin is widely contaminated with high levels of many toxic heavy metals, and that human consumption of some fish species is a human health concern. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biological sources for the control of plant pathogenic fungi remain an important objective for sustainable agricultural practices. Actinomycetes are used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry and agriculture owing to their great diversity in enzyme production. In the present study, therefore, we evaluated chitinase production by endophytic actinomycetes and the potential of this for control of phytopathogenic fungi. Endophytic Streptomyces were grown on minimum medium supplemented with chitin, and chitinase production was quantified. The strains were screened for any activity towards phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes by a dual-culture in vitro assay. The correlation between chitinase production and pathogen inhibition was calculated and further confirmed on Colletotrichum sublineolum cell walls by scanning electron microscopy. This paper reports a genetic correlation between chitinase production and the biocontrol potential of endophytic actinomycetes in an antagonistic interaction with different phytopathogens, suggesting that this control could occur inside the host plant. A genetic correlation between chitinase production and pathogen inhibition was demonstrated. Our results provide an enhanced understanding of endophytic Streptomyces and its potential as a biocontrol agent. The implications and applications of these data for biocontrol are discussed.
In this study, 73 South American red wines (Vitis vinifera) from 5 varietals were classified based on sensory quality, retail price and antioxidant activity and characterised in relation to their phenolic composition. ORAC and DPPH assays were assessed to determine the antioxidant activity, and sensory analysis was conducted by seven professional tasters using the Wine Spirits Education Trust`s structured scales. The use of multivariate statistical techniques allowed the identification of wines with the best combination of sensory characteristics, price and antioxidant activity. The most favourable varieties were Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah produced in Chile and Argentina. Conversely, Pinot Noir wines displayed the lowest sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity. These results suggest that the volatile compounds may be the main substances responsible for differentiating red wines on the basis of sensory evaluation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Samples of 15 second generation soy-based products (n = 3), commercially available, were analyzed for their protein and isoflavone contents and in vitro antioxidant activity, by means of the Folin-Ciocalteu reducing ability, DPPH radical scavenging capacity, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity. Isoflavone identification and quantification were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Products containing soy and/or soy-based ingredients represent important sources of protein in addition to the low fat amounts. However, a large variation in isoflavone content and in vitro antioxidant capacity was observed. The isoflavone content varied from 2.4 to 18.1 mg/100 g (FW), and soy kibe and soy sausage presented the highest amounts. Chocolate had the highest antioxidant capacity, but this fact was probably associated with the addition of cocoa liquor, a well-known source of polyphenolics. This study showed that the soy-based foods do not present a significant content of isoflavones when compared with the grain, and their in vitro antioxidant capacity is not related with these compounds but rather to the presence of other phenolics and synthetic antioxidants, such as sodium erythorbate. However, they may represent alternative sources and provide soy protein, isoflavones, and vegetable fat for those who are not ready to eat traditional soy foods.
The phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity of seed and skin of pomace from the vinification of grape varieties widely produced in Brazil were investigated with a view to their exploitation as a potential source of natural antioxidants. There was a greater concentration of phenolic compounds in the seeds (2128 to 16,518 mg of catechin equivalents (CE)/100 g) than in the skins (660 to 1839 mg CE/100 g). The highest antioxidant activity values determined as DPPH radical-scavenging ability and ferric reducing-antioxidant power (FRAP) were found for the seeds of the Pinot Noir variety (16,925 mu mol Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 g and 21,492 mu mol Fe(2+)/100 g, respectively) and in the skin extracts of the Isabel variety (3640 mu mol TE/100 g and 4362 mu mol Fe(2+)/100 g, respectively). The skin of Cabernet Sauvignon and Primitivo varieties had the highest contents of anthocyanins (935 and 832 mg/100 g, respectively). The grape seed extracts were rich in oligomeric and polymeric flavanols. The data suggested that grape seed and skin extracts may be exploited as antioxidant agents. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic ingestion of free and protein-associated soy isoflavones on the antioxidant status in male Wistar rats. Free isoflavone (iso), protein-associated soy isoflavone (iso + prot) and soy protein (prot) extracts were administered for 30 days by gavage to the rats at a dosage of 1 mg aglycone isoflavones per 200 g body weight, adjusted daily, and the prot group was given the same concentration of soy protein received by the iso + prot group. Antioxidant capacity of plasma, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) levels and catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in plasma, erythrocytes and tissues and gene expression levels in liver and kidney were evaluated. RESULTS: Chronic ingestion of free but not of protein-associated soy isoflavones nor of solely soy protein increased plasma antioxidant capacity and GPx activity in erythrocytes. Soy protein increased CAT activity and gene expression in liver. SOD activity in erythrocytes was increased by all treatments. CONCLUSION: The overall results confirm that dietary soy isoflavones have a positive effect on antioxidant status, enhancing antioxidant capacity of plasma and antioxidant enzymes in various tissues, but the effects are dependent on the form of administration and on a complex mechanism of antioxidant status balance on the organism. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
The present work reports amounts of flavonoids and phenylpropanoids of culms of three sugarcane varieties and of raw juice, syrup, molasse and VHP sugar. The antioxidant activity of those materials was evaluated by the DPPH and beta-carotene/linoleic acid methods. The predominant phenolics in culms were phenylpropanoids (caffeic, chlorogenic and coumaric acids), while flavones (apigenin, tricin and luteolin derivatives) appeared in lower amounts. Differences were noted either among phenolic profiles of sugarcane culms or between culms and sugarcane products. The antioxidant activities of solutions from most samples were similar or higher than a 80 mu M Trolox solution. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: This study reported the effects of the daily intake of anthocyanins and ellagitannins (ET) extracted from blackberries on the markers for oxidative status in healthy rats. RESULTS: The phenolic compounds were administered from three different extracts: an aqueous extract of blackberry (BJ) and its two derived fractions: anthocyanin-enriched (AF) and ET-enriched (EF) fractions. After 35 days` administration, the AF and EF extracts significantly reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substance levels and increased glutathione levels in the liver, kidney and brain. Plasma antioxidant capacity increased only in the group that received AF. Antioxidant enzyme activity and expression did not follow a pattern of response varying according to the tissues and extracts. A significant increase in the catalase activity was observed only in the plasma of the groups administered anthocyanin-containing extracts, which were the BJ and AF groups. Glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly increased in the liver and brain after EF treatment, and the highest increase in its expression was observed in the livers and brains of rats that received AF and EF, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that long-term intake of anthocyanin and ET through diet affects antioxidant enzyme activity and expression, and enhances oxidative markers in healthy rats. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry