229 resultados para P genotypes
The objective was to evaluate the effect of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) polymorphism and seasonality on milk composition (fat, lactose, total solids, milk urea nitrogen, total protein, true protein, casein and somatic cell counts) of Holstein and Girolando cows. Milk and blood samples from 278 Holsteins cows and 156 Girolando cows were taken during two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, for milk composition analysis and to determine beta-lg genotypes, respectively. BB genotype was the most frequent for both breeds, followed by AA genotype for Holstein (BB>AA>AB) and by AB for Girolando cows (BB>AB>AA). No differences were found in milk compositional characteristics among genetic variants of beta-lg (AA, AB and BB) either between Holstein or Girolando cows. No association between milk composition and beta-lg genetic polymorphism was observed. During the dry season, independently of the breed considered, higher contents of lactose, true protein, casein and casein :true protein ratio were found.
Recent studies found that isolates of Toxoplasma gondii from Brazil were biologically and genetically different from those in North America and Europe. However, to date only a small number of isolates have been analysed from different animal hosts in Brazil. In the present study DNA samples of 46 T. gondii isolates from cats in 11 counties in Sao Paulo state, Brazil were genetically characterised using 10 PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism markers including SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, STUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PKI and Apico. An additional marker, CS3, that locates on chromosome VIIa and has previously been shown to be linked to acute virulence of T. gondii was also used to determine its association to virulence in mice. Genotyping of these 46 isolates revealed a high genetic diversity with 20 genotypes but no clonal Type I, II or III lineage was found. Two of the 46 isolates showed mixed infections. Combining genotyping data in this study with recent reported results from chickens, dogs and cats in Brazil (total 125 isolates) identified 48 genotypes and 26 of these genotypes had single isolates. Four of the 48 genotypes with multiple isolates identified from different hosts and locations are considered the common clonal lineages in Brazil. These lineages are designated as Types BrI, BrII, BrIII and BrIV. These results indicate that the T. gondii population in Brazil is highly diverse with a few successful clonal lineages expanded into wide geographical areas. In contrast to North America and Europe, where the Type II clonal lineage is overwhelmingly predominant, no Type II strain was identified from the 125 Brazil isolates. Analysis of mortality rates in infected mice indicates that Type BrI is highly virulent, Type BrIII is non-virulent, whilst Type BrII and BrIV lineages are intermediately virulent. In addition, allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse-virulence of the parasite. Thus, T. gondii has an epidemic population structure in Brazil and the major lineages have different biological traits. (C) 2007 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this paper was to genetically characterize Toxoplasma gondii isolates from free range chickens in regions of Brazilian territory in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) where T. gondii strains have never been studied. In total, T. gondii isolates from 22 free range chickens were included in this study. Fifty chickens from Eldorado, thirty from Rio Verde and ten from Aquidauana were sampled between January and April 2007. In relation to the genetic diversity of T. gondii isolates from chickens in MS, the magnitude of the diversity in the isolates sampled in this study was comparable to the overall diversity in a composite data set. These 22 isolates in MS revealed 11 genotypes, whereas the 321 isolates ever genotyped in Brazil have revealed 95 genotypes. The values of Simpson`s Diversity Index for the whole population of T. gondii isolates in Brazil, the whole population of T. gondii isolates from chickens in Brazil and the population surveyed in this study were 0.97, 0.95 and 0.90, respectively. Seven of the 11 genotypes revealed from chicken isolates from MS are newly described genotypes and six of them each have a single isolate. In conclusion, the results obtained from isolates in MS corroborate previous studies on T. gondii isolates in Brazil, thus confirming their diversity and atypicality. Nonetheless, the applicability of PCR-RFLP markers for epidemiological inferences remains controversial. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii isolates are highly diverse in domestic animals from Brazil. However, little is known about the genetics of this parasite from wild mammals in the same region. Reveal genetic similarity or difference of T. gondii among different animal populations is necessary for us to understand transmission of this parasite. Here we reported isolation and genetic characterisation of three T. gondii isolates from wild animals in Brazil. The parasite was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of a young male red handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), an adult male jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi), and an adult female black-eared opossum (Didelphis aurita). The monkey and the jaguarundi had inhabited the Zoo of Parque Estadual Dois Irmaos, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil, for 1 year and 8 years, respectively. The wild black-eared opossum was captured in Sao Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, and euthanised for this study because it was seropositive for T. gondii (titre 1:100 by the modified agglutination test, MAT). Ten PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico, were used to genotype the isolates. T. gondii was isolated from the brain and heart homogenate of the monkey, the muscle homogenate of the jaguarundi, and the heart homogenate of the black-eared opossum. This was the first isolation of T. gondii from a neotropical fetid from Brazil. The isolate from the monkey (TgRhHmBr1) was not virulent in mice, whereas the isolates from the jaguarundi (TgJagBr1) and the black-eared opossum (TgOpBr1) were virulent in mice. The genotype of the isolate from the monkey has been identified in isolates from a goat and ten chickens in the same region of Brazil, suggesting that it may be a common lineage circulating in this region. The genotypes of the isolates from the jaguarundi and the black-eared opossum have not been previously reported. Although there are already 88 genotypes identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, new genotypes are continuously being identified from different animal species, indicating an extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiple lineages of Brazilian strains from 2007 to 2008 of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were detected in flocks of breeders, broilers, and layers. Organs samples from 20 IBV-positive flocks with variable clinical signs were submitted to the partial amplification of S gene (nucleotides 726-1071) of IBV. Fifteen of the 20 sequenced strains segregated in a unique Brazilian cluster subdivided in three subclusters (Brazil 01, 02, and 03). Whereas three strains could be classified as Massachusetts (Mass) genotype, the remaining two strains, originating from flocks with reproductive and respiratory disorders, grouped within the 4/91-793B genotype, a genotype that has not been detected before in Brazil. The potential relevance of the findings to the poultry industry is discussed because the low level of identity of the sequenced part of the S gene from 17 of 20 detected field strains and the vaccines of the Massachusetts serotype used suggest that the level of cross-protection by the Massachusetts vaccines might be low.
Toxoplasma gondii isolates from Brazil are biologically and genetically different from European and North America isolates. Recently, four genotypes were considered the common clonal lineages in Brazil and were designated as types BrI, BrII, BrIII, and BrIV. The pathogenicity of two major Brazilian lineages was investigated after oral inoculation of queens in the middle third of their pregnancies with T. gondii cysts. Twelve pregnant queens without T. gondii antibodies were distributed in group A (infected with a type BrI isolate); group 2 (infected with type BrIII isolate), and group 3 (non-infected control). Infection with type BrI isolate caused toxoplasmosis manifestations and abortion from one litter. Toxoplasmosis manifestations besides premature stillbirth of one litter were observed in queens infected with type BrIII isolate. Indirect fluorescence antibody test showed T. gondii antibodies in all eight infected queens at 30 days after inoculation. In two 10-day-old kittens of the same litter (group 1), titers of 16 and 64 were detected. At the same time, titers of 16, 32, and 32 were detected in three kittens from the same litter (group 2). Experimental infection with tissue cysts from a type BrI and type BrIII isolates of T. gondii developed similar reproductive disturbance in primary infected pregnant queens.
Due to the scarcity of information related to the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium infection in passerine birds, this study aimed to determine the periodicity of fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts, after natural infection, and its clinical signs, mortality, and molecular characterization. Four hundred eighty fecal samples were collected from 40 birds, including 372 samples from 31 adult birds and 108 samples from nine young birds (up to 12 months old), housed in five aviaries, monthly from September 2007 to September 2008, with the exception of April. The birds originated from aviaries in which the following species were raised: great-billed seed-finch (Oryzoborus maximiliani), lesser seed-finch (Oryzoborus angolensis), ultramarine grosbeak (Cyanocompsa brissonii), and rusty-collared seedeater (Sporophila collaris). The samples were preserved in 2.5% potassium dichromate at 4A degrees C until processing. The oocysts were purified by centrifugal flotation in Sheather`s solution, followed by genomic DNA extraction and molecular characterization of oocysts using the nested polymerase chain reaction for amplification of fragments of the 18S subunit of rRNA gene. Intermittent shedding of oocysts was observed by positive amplification for Cryptosporidium spp. in 91 (24.5%) samples of adult birds and 14 (13%) of young birds. The sequencing of the amplified fragments enabled the identification of Cryptosporidium galli. Although all the aviaries had birds positive for C. galli, morbidity or mortality was observed in only one aviary and was associated with concomitant infection with Escherichia coli and Isospora sp.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium species and genotypes in birds kept in captivity in Brazil. A total of 966 samples from 18 families of birds was collected and stored in 5% potassium dichromate solution at 4 degrees C until processing. Oocysts were purified in Sheather sugar solution following extraction of genomic DNA. Molecular analyses were performed using nested-PCR for amplification of fragments of the 18S subunit of rRNA gene and of the actin gene. Amplification of Cryptosporidium DNA fragments was obtained in 47 (4.86%) samples. Sequencing of amplified fragments and phylogenetic analyses allowed the identification of Cryptosporidium baileyi in a black vulture (Coragyps atratus), a domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) and a saffron finch (Sicalis flaveola); Cryptosporidium galli in canaries (Serinus canaria), a cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) and lesser seed-finches (Oryzoborus angolensis); Cryptosporidium meleagridis in a domestic chicken (G. g. domesticus); Cryptosporidium parvum in a cockatiel (N. hollandicus); Cryptosporidium avian genotype I in a canary (S. canaria) and an Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus); Cryptosporidium avian genotype II in ostriches (Struthio camelus) and Cryptosporidium avian genotype III in a cockatiel (N. hollandicurs) and a peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicolis). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We compared diurnal patterns of vaginal temperature in lactating cows under grazing conditions to evaluate genotype effects on body temperature regulation. Genotypes evaluated were Holstein, Jersey, Jersey x Holstein and Swedish Red x Holstein. The comparison of Holstein and Jersey versus Jersey x Holstein provided a test of whether heterosis effects body temperature regulation. Cows were fitted with intravaginal temperature recording devices that measured vaginal temperature every 15 min for 7 days. Vaginal temperature was affected by time of day (P < 0.0001) and genotype x time (P < 0.0001) regardless of whether days in milk and milk yield were used as covariates. Additional analyses indicated that the Swedish Red x Holstein had a different pattern of vaginal temperatures than the other three genotypes (Swedish Red x Holstein vs others x time; P < 0.0001) and that Holstein and Jersey had a different pattern than Jersey x Holstein [(Holstein + Jersey vs Jersey x Holstein) x time, P < 0.0001]. However, Holstein had a similar pattern to Jersey [(Holstein vs Jersey) x time, P > 0.10]. These genotype x time interactions reflect two effects. First, Swedish Red x Holstein had higher vaginal temperatures than the other genotypes in the late morning and afternoon but not after the evening milking. Secondly, Jersey x Holstein had lower vaginal temperatures than other genotypes in the late morning and afternoon and again in the late night and early morning. Results point out that there are effects of specific genotypes and evidence for heterosis on regulation of body temperature of lactating cows maintained under grazing conditions and suggest that genetic improvement for thermotolerance through breed choice or genetic selection is possible.
Bovines present contrasting, heritable phenotypes of infestations with the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Tick salivary glands produce IgG-binding proteins (IGBPs) as a mechanism for escaping from host antibodies that these ectoparasites ingest during blood meals. Allotypes that occur in the constant region of IgG may differ in their capacity to bind with tick IGBPs; this may be reflected by the distribution of distinct allotypes according to phenotypes of tick infestations. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated the frequency of haplotypes of bovine IgG2 among tick-resistant and tick-susceptible breeds of bovines. Sequencing of the gene coding for the heavy chain of IgG2 from 114 tick-resistant (Bos taurus indicus, Nelore breed) and tick-susceptible (B. t. taurus, Holstein breed) bovines revealed SNPs that generated 13 different haplotypes, of which 11 were novel and 5 were exclusive of Holstein and 3 of Nelore breeds. Alignment and modeling of coded haplotypes for hinge regions of the bovine IgG2 showed that they differ in the distribution of polar and hydrophobic amino acids and in shape according to the distribution of these amino acids. We also found that there was an association between genotypes of the constant region of the IgG2 heavy chain with phenotypes of tick infestations. These findings open the possibility of investigating if certain IgG allotypes hinder the function of tick IGBPs. If so, they may be markers for breeding for resistance against tick infestations.
Background and Objective: Substance P may play a role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease; however, its mechanisms of modulation are not clear. This study evaluated the effect of two concentrations of Substance P on the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in cultured human gingival fibroblasts. Materials and Methods: Fibroblasts were stimulated for 48 h with 10(-4) or 10(-9) m Substance P; untreated fibroblasts served as controls. The expression of MMP-1, -2, -3, -7 and -11 and of TIMP-1 and -2 was evaluated using real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blotting. Resulsts: There was a significant, concentration-dependent stimulatory effect of Substance P on MMP-1, -2, -3 and -7 and TIMP-2 gene expression (p < 0.05), and a probable effect on MMP-11 (p = 0.06). At the higher concentration (10(-4) m Substance P), MMP-1, -2, -3, -7 and -11 and TIMP-2 showed the greatest up-regulation; at the lower concentration (10(-9) (M) Substance P), MMP-1, -3 and -7 and TIMP-2 exhibited diminished up-regulation, with MMP-2 and -11 showing down-regulation (p < 0.05). Expression of TIMP-1 was not affected by Substance P (p > 0.05). Western blotting confirmed that Substance P up-regulated MMP-1, -2, -3 and -11 and TIMP-2. MMP-1, -3 and -11 and TIMP-2 showed greater up-regulation at the higher Substance P concentration and diminished up-regulation at the lower concentration. MMP-2 was up-regulated to a similar degree at both Substance P concentrations. Conclusion: In gingival fibroblast cells, Substance P at the higher concentration (10(-4) m) induced greater up-regulation of MMP-1, -3 and -11 and TIMP-2 expression, but at the lower concentration (10(-9) (M)) induced diminished up-regulation, which may represent a mechanism for modulating periodontal breakdown.
Periodontal diseases are infectious diseases, in which periodontopathogens trigger chronic inflammatory and immune responses that lead to tissue destruction. It occurs through the generation of metalloproteinases and the activation of bone resorption mechanisms. Anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 seem to attenuate periodontal tissue destruction through the induction of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) and the inhibitor of osteoclastogenesis osteoprotegerin (OPG). A high individual variation in levels of IL-10 mRNA is verified in periodontitis patients, which is possibly determined by genetic polymorphisms. In this study, the IL-10 promoter -592C/A single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP), which is associated with a decrease in IL-10 production, was analyzed by RFLP in 116 chronic periodontitis (CP) patients and 173 control (C) subjects, and the IL-10, TIMPs, and OPG mRNA expression levels in diseased gingival tissues were determined by real-time-PCR. The IL-10-592 SNP CA (P=0.0012/OR=2.4/CI:1.4-4.1), AA (P=0.0458/OR=2.3/CI:1.1-4.9), and CA+AA (P=0.0006/OR=2.4/CI: 1.4-3.4) genotypes and the allele A (P=0.0036/OR=1.7/CI:1.2-2.4) were found to be significantly more prevalent in the CP group when compared with control subjects. Both CA and AA genotypes were associated with lower levels of IL-10, TIMP-3, and OPG mRNA expression in diseased periodontal tissues and were also associated with disease severity as mean pocket depth. Taken together, the results presented here demonstrate that IL10-592 SNP is functional in CP, being associated with lower levels of IL-10 mRNA expression, which is supposed to consequently decrease the expression of the downstream genes TIMP-3 and OPG, and influence periodontal disease outcome. J. Leukoc. Biol. 84: 1565-1573; 2008.
The objectives of this study were to investigate the presence and distribution of substance P and neurokinin 1 receptor in oral premalignant epithelium and their relation with the presence of dysplasia, and to analyze whether the expression of substance P can be considered an early oncogenic event in oral carcinogenesis. Substance P and neurokinin I receptor expression was immunohistochemically studied in 83 oral carcinomas and adjacent nontumor epithelia. The presence and degree of epithelial dysplasia was assessed according to WHO criteria. The nuclear, cytoplasmic, and membrane expression of substance P and the cytoplasmic and membrane expression of neurokinin 1 receptor were assessed in tumor and adjacent non-tumor epithelium. Nuclear and cytoplasmic expression of substance P in non-tumor epithelium was significantly associated with the presence of epithelial dysplasia (p<0.001) and carcinoma in. situ (p=0.021). Nuclear, cytoplasmic, and membrane expressions of substance P in non-tumor epithelium were significantly (p<0.001) associated with its expression in the corresponding tumor. These findings suggest that substance P plays a role in early oral carcinogenesis by promoting the proliferation and growth of premalignant fields.
Objective: To investigate the presence and distribution of substance P (SP) and neurokinin I receptor (NK-IR) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and their relationship with proliferation. Patients and Methods: Ninety OSCCs from 73 patients were immunohistochemically analyzed using monoclonal antibodies against SP, NK-IR and Ki-67 in a case and control study. Results: Seventy-one percent (n=49) of cases expressed SP on tumour cell membrane, 81.3% (n=69) in cytoplasm, 39.4% (n=28) in nucleus, 81.6% (n=71) in infiltrating lymphocytes, and 58.1% (n=43) in peritumoural or intratumoural blood vessels; 14% (n=12) of cases expressed NK-1R on tumour cell membrane, 50% (n=43) in cytoplasm, 48.3% (n=42) in infiltrating lymphocytes and 22.5% (n=18) in tumour blood vessels. All cases expressed Ki-67, which was expressed in >25% of tumour cells in 79.8% of cases (n=63). Direct significant associations were observed in SP expression between different tissue levels (p<0.01), between SP and NK-IR tumour cell membrane expression (p<0.01), and between joint,SP and NK-IR expression in tumour cell cytoplasm and a higher expression of Ki-67 (p<0.05). Conclusion: The ubiquitous presence of SP strongly suggests a role for SP/NK-1R complex in tumour development and progression and possibly for NK-IR antagonists, such as L-773060, in the management of patients with oral cancer.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)-gene polymorphism 434(G > C) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients and its association with tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia (TATE), demographic, clinical, and microscopic variables. Methods: The ECP genotypes of 165 healthy individuals and 157 OSCC patients were detected by PCR-RFLP analysis after cleavage of the amplified DNA sequence with enzyme PstI. TATE was obtained by morphometric analysis. Chi-square test or Fisher`s exact test was used to analyze the association of ECP-gene polymorphism 434(G > C) with TATE, demographic, clinical, and microscopic variables in OSCC patients. Disease-free survival and overall survival were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier product-limit actuarial method and the comparison of the survival curves were performed using log rank test. Results: Most of healthy individuals (53.33%) and OSCC patients (57.97%) were heterozygous for the ECP 434(G > C) polymorphism. Based on numerical differences, our results showed that OSCC patients with intense TATE and at least one C allele had a higher frequency of bilateral neck dissection, local recurrence, vascular embolization, involved resection margins, and postoperative radiotherapy. No statistically significant differences on survival rates were found in OSCC patients presenting different ECP 434(G > C) genotypes. Conclusions: These results suggest a tendency towards a poor clinical outcome in OSCC patients with intense TATE and 434GC/CC genotypes, probably due to an ECP genetic variant with altered cytotoxic activity.