389 resultados para ALLERGIC AIRWAY DISEASE
Background and Aims: Although the metabolic risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progression have been recognized, the role of genetic susceptibility remains a field to be explored. The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of two polymorphisms in Brazilian patients with biopsy-proven simple steatosis or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): -493 G/T in the MTP gene, which codes the protein responsible for transferring triglycerides to nascent apolipoprotein B, and -129 C/T in the GCLC gene, which codes the catalytic subunit of glutamate-cystein ligase in the formation of glutathione. Methods: One hundred and thirty-one biopsy-proven NAFLD patients (n = 45, simple steatosis; n = 86, NASH) and 141 unrelated healthy volunteers were evaluated. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood cells, and the -129 C/T polymorphism of the GCLC gene was determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The -493 G/T polymorphism of the MTP gene was determined by direct sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction products. Results: The presence of at least one T allele in the -129 C/T polymorphism of the GCLC gene was independently associated with NASH (odds ratio 12.14, 95% confidence interval 2.01-73.35; P = 0.007), whereas, the presence of at least one G allele in the -493 G/T polymorphism of the MTP gene differed slightly between biopsy-proven NASH and simple steatosis. Conclusion: This difference clearly warrants further investigation in larger samples. These two polymorphisms could represent an additional factor for consideration in evaluating the risk of NAFLD progression. Further studies involving a larger population are necessary to confirm this notion.
Goals: To assess maternal and fetal outcomes and clinical management of pregnancy in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Background: There is a paucity of information about maternal and fetal outcomes, and AIH activity during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There is no consensus about the administration of azathioprine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Study: Retrospective analysis of 54 pregnancies (3 still in progress) in 39 AIH patients. Results: The median age at conception was 24 years, and 68.4% of women had liver cirrhosis. Before conception and in early pregnancy, azathioprine and prednisone were administered in 48.1%, but treatment regimen vas usually changed further to 20 mg/d prednisone and 20.4%, were off treatment. There were 36 livebirths, and fetal loss rates were 29.4% (13 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy). Preterm birth rate was 11.8%. In 2 cases, there was acute fetal distress; and in 2 others congenital malformations (3.9%). The rate of serious maternal complication was 7.8%, with no deaths. There were no flares in 41.2% pregnancies, but aminotransferase elevations occurred in 54.9%, 31.4% of which were true AIH relapses, only registered in the postpartum period. Conclusions: Despite the high fetal miscarriage rate, pregnancy in AIH was safe. Patients needed careful monitoring, especially in the postpartum period because of relapses. There was no evidence of a cause and effect relationship among azathioprine administration and premature births and congenital abnormalities, but more studies are necessary. Higher doses of prednisone may be an alternative option for those who prefer azathioprine withdrawal during pregnancy.
Background Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) has been found to be the most efficient way to lose weight and maintain the weight loss in morbid obesity. However, with the formation of a new stomach and the modification of intestinal anatomy, there are significant changes on physiological properties of these organs that lead to nutrient deficiency, including calcium. The objectives of this study were to evaluate calcium intake, bone metabolism, and prevalence of metabolic bone disease in women subjected to RYGBP after 8 years. Methods Food frequency questionnaire and 3-day dietary recall, laboratory tests of bone metabolism and bone mineral density were accessed. Results Calcium intake was below the recommendation in all women. Serum PTH and alkaline phosphatase were elevated, whereas vitamin D and urinary calcium were significantly lower. Also, a higher prevalence of metabolic bone disease than the one expected for the normal population at the same age was noted. Conclusion These data suggest that metabolic bone disease could be a complication of this type of surgery.
The successful elimination of vectorial and transfusional transmission of Chagas` disease from some countries is a result of the reduction of domestic density of the primary vector Triatoma infestans, of almost 100% of coverage in blood serological selection and to the fact that the basic reproductive number of Chagas` disease is very close to one (1.25). Therefore, congenital transmission is currently the only way of acquiring Chagas` Disease in such regions. In this paper we propose a model of congenital transmission of Chagas` disease. Its aim is to provide an estimation of the time period it will take to eliminate this form of transmission in regions where vetorial transmission was reduced to close to zero, like in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wilson`s disease: two treatment modalities. Correlations to pretreatment and posttreatment brain MRI
Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies on Wilson`s disease (WD) show lack of correlations between neurological and neuroimaging features. Long-term follow-up reports with sequential brain MRI in patients with neurological WD comparing different modalities of treatment are scarce. Eighteen patients with neurological WD underwent pretreatment and posttreatment brain MRI scans to evaluate the range of abnormalities and the evolution along these different periods. All patients underwent at least two MRI scans at different intervals, up to 11 years after the beginning of treatment. MRI findings were correlated with clinical picture, clinical severity, duration of neurological symptoms, and treatment with two different drugs. Patients were divided into two groups according to treatment: d-penicillamine (D-P), zinc (Zn), and Zn after the onset of severe intolerance to D-P. MRI scans before treatment showed, in all patients, hypersignal intensity lesions on T2- and proton-density-weighted images bilaterally and symmetrically at basal nuclei, thalamus, brain stem, cerebellum, brain cortex, and brain white matter. The most common neurological symptoms were: dysarthria, parkinsonism, dystonia, tremor, psychiatric disturbances, dysphagia, risus sardonicus, ataxia, chorea, and athetosis. From the neurological point of view, there was no difference on the evolution between the group treated exclusively with D-P and the one treated with Zn. Analysis of MRI scans with longer intervals after the beginning of treatment depicted a trend for neuroimaging worsening, without neurological correspondence, among patients treated with Zn. Neuroimaging pattern of evolution was more favorable for the group that received exclusively D-P.
Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most frequent cause of dementia in Western countries. Putative genetic risk factors for AD are polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene and in the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) gene. Our objective was to investigate the role of the APOE coding region polymorphisms epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4 and APOE promoter variants A/T at position -491 and G/T at -219, as well as LRP polymorphism C/T, as risk factors for AD in Brazilian individuals. One hundred and twenty patients with probable AD, along with 120 controls were analyzed. A significant difference between patients and controls for 64 alleles was observed: frequency of this allele in AD was 0.31, and 0.10 in controls. Individuals with 2 FA alleles had a higher risk for AD than subjects with only 1 such allele; presence of 1 epsilon 2 allele proved protective. The presence of the T allele of the -219 polymorphism was also associated with an increased risk of AD, but this polymorphism is in linkage disequilibrium with APOE F polymorphisms. No significant differences between patients and controls were observed for -491 APOE or LRP polymorphisms. In this Brazilian population, both the epsilon 4 allele and T -219 polymorphism were associated with an increased risk for AD.
Study Objective: To estimate the relationship between the depth of lesions of rectal endometriosis and the percentage of the circumference of the bowel segment affected by the disease. Design: A prospective pathologic analysis of 45 surgical specimens of bowel endometriosis obtained by laparoscopic segmental resection of the rectosigmoid (Canadian Task Force classification II-1). Setting: Tertiary referral hospital. Patients: forty-five patients were submitted to a segmental resection of the rectum due to endometriosis between July 2004 and September 2006. Interventions: Morphometric aspects of endometriotic lesions were analyzed, such as size and thickness of the lesion, deepest layer of bowel affected by lesion, and percentage of circumference of bowel affected by endometriosis. Measurements and Main Results: Results showed that in lesions that reached the submucous layer of the bowel, the circumference affected was 31.6% greater than in lesions that reached only the outer muscular layer, whereas in lesions that reached the mucous layer, the circumference affected was 52.5% greater than in those that reached the outer muscular layer of the bowel. In addition, 89.3% of lesions with an affected circumference greater than 40% were those affecting the submucous or mucous layers of the bowel. These results suggest that when a lesion reaches these 2 deepest layers of the rectosiamoid, risk increases that the circumference affected will be greater than 40% (relative risk = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.0-2.3; p =.03). Conclusion: In endometriotic lesions affecting the rectosigmoid beyond the inner muscular layer of the bowel wall, more than 40% of the circumference of the rectosigmoid is affected by the disease, confirming the recommendation of segmental resection of the bowel for this form of the disease.
Background: Age, developmental stage and gender are risk factors for paediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aims: The aim of this study was to identify differences in clinical or laboratory variables between sexes in adolescents with NAFLD. Methodology: Ninety obese adolescents including 36 males and 54 females were evaluated. Inclusion criteria for this study were a Body Mass Index above the 95th percentile, as set forth by the National Center for Health Statistics, and an age of 10-19 years. A clinical and laboratory evaluation was conducted for all adolescents. Results: The variables that were found to be predictive of NAFLD in adolescence were visceral fat, Aminotransferase, Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase, triglyderides, cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. We also observed that cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol variables were influenced by gender, i.e. there was a significant statistical difference in the values of these variables between male and female adolescents. With regard to cholesterol serum concentrations, the risk was 6.99 times greater for females, compared with 1.2 times for males; and for LDL-cholesterol serum concentrations the risk was 8.15 times greater for females, compared with and 1.26 times for males. Conclusion: Female adolescents with NAFLD showed a significantly different metabolic behaviour than males.
Introduction: Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a systemic granulomatous vasculitis rarely described in children, particularly associated with neurological involvement, exceptionally chorea. To our knowledge there are only 35 children and adolescent patients with CSS described in the literature. During a 25-year period 5283 patients were followed up at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of our University Hospital and only one (0.02%) presented CSS. Case report: A 7-year-old boy suffered from severe asthma, eosinophilia, history of allergy, recurrent non-fixed pulmonary infiltrates, several nodular lesions in both lungs and maxillary sinusitis. Transthoracic biopsy of the right lung revealed necrotizing extravascular eosinophilic infiltrates and the diagnosis of CSS was established. During the follow-up he had persistent vasculitis skin lesions and hemichorea. Despite the treatment with immunosuppressive drugs and intravenous immunoglobulin, he died because of pulmonary abscess and sepsis. Discussion: A rare case of CSS with chorea was reported, reinforcing the possibility of this disease in children with asthma, allergic rhinitis, hypereosinophilia and cutaneous vasculitis.
Because of the advent of a new influenza A H1N1. strain, many countries have begun mass immunisation programmes. Awareness of the background rates of possible adverse events will be a crucial part of assessment of possible vaccine safety concerns and will help to separate legitimate safety concerns from events that are temporally associated with but not caused by vaccination. We identified background rates of selected medical events for several countries. Rates of disease events varied by age, sex, method of ascertainment, and geography. Highly visible health conditions, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, spontaneous abortion, or even death, will occur in coincident temporal association with novel influenza vaccination. On the basis of the reviewed data, if a cohort of 10 million individuals was vaccinated in the UK, 21.5 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome and 5.75 cases of sudden death would be expected to occur within 6 weeks of vaccination as coincident background cases. In female vaccinees in the USA, 86.3 cases of optic neuritis per 10 million population would be expected within 6 weeks of vaccination. 397 per 1 million vaccinated pregnant women would be predicted to have a spontaneous abortion within 1 day of vaccination.
Pneumococcal vaccination has been recommended for immunocompromised children, including patients with chronic kidney disease. We determined pneumococcal immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies to serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F before and after 48 pediatric patients with chronic renal failure were administered heptavalent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine. The patients were between 1 and 9 years of age and were separated into a conservative treatment group (Group 1) and a dialysis group Group 2). The antibody response to the vaccinal serotypes was evaluated by measuring antibody concentrations before the first dose and 60 days after the second one. Pre-vaccinal IgG concentrations >= 0.35 mu g/ml were detected for all serotypes in at least 50% of the patients in both groups. Patients from both groups showed a statistically indistinguishable behavior in terms of the medians of post-vaccination IgG levels. An ""adequate"" vaccine response was defined as a post-immunization level of specific pneumococcal serotype antibody >= 0.35 mu g/ml, based on the World Health Organization`s (WHO) protective antibody concentration definition for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, or on a fourfold increase over baseline for at least five of the seven antigens of the vaccine. An ""adequate"" vaccinal response was obtained in 100% of the patients of both groups using WHO`s definition, or in 45.8% of Group 1 patients and 37.5% of Group 2 patients when the criterion was a fourfold antibody increase over baseline antibody concentrations.
Background: Upper airway stenosis (UAS) after endotracheal intubation is a common problem in children. Most literature refers to a surgical treatment for these lesions. Laryngotracheal reconstruction and cricotracheal resection are used for low- and high-grade stenosis, but decannulation is not always possible immediately after surgery. Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify the feasibility and results of endoscopic dilatations for treatment of subglottic stenosis. Method: The study encompassed a 12-year retrospective analysis of patients treated for UAS in a tertiary center. All children were symptomatic at the time of the endoscopic diagnosis. The stenosis was graded according to the Myer-Cotton criteria. Endoscopic dilatation was initiated immediately after the diagnosis. Children with grade IV stenosis underwent surgery. Results: Children with tracheal stenosis and no involvement of the subglottic area did not respond to endoscopic dilatations and underwent surgery. There were 45 children with grade I stenosis, 12 with grade II, 7 with grade III, and 4 with grade IV lesions. Patients with grade I, II, and III stenosis were a] I treated by endoscopic dilatations alone and were decannulated when asymptomatic. The average time for decannulation was 18.90 +/- 26.07 months for grade 1, 32.5 +/- 27.08 months for grade 11, and 27.57 +/- 20.60 months for grade III stenosis (P < .01, for grade II vs grade III). Conclusion: Grade I, II, and III subglottic stenoses can be safely managed by early endoscopic dilatations with a high rate of success and low rate of morbidity but require a significantly long period of treatment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Primary Immunodeficiencies (PIDs) represent unique opportunities to understand the operation of the human immune system. Accordingly, PIDs associated with autoimmune manifestations provide insights into the pathophysiology of autoimmunity as well as into the genetics of autoimmune diseases (AID). Epidemiological data show that there are PIDs systematically associated with AID, such as immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome (IPEX), Omenn syndrome, autoinunune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodertnal dystrophy (APECED), autoinumine lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), and C1q deficiency, while strong associations are seen with a handful of other deficits. Conclusion We interpret such stringent disease associations, together with a wealth of observations in experimental systems, as indicating first of all that natural tolerance to body components is an active, dominant process involving many of the components that ensure responsiveness, rather than, as previously believed, the result of the mere purge of autoreactivities. More precisely, it seems that deficits of Treg cell development, functions, numbers, and T cell receptor repertoire are among the main factors for autoimmunity pathogenesis in many (if not all) PIDs most frequently presenting with autoimmune features. Clearly, other pathophysiological mechanisms are also involved in autoimmunity, but these seem less critical in the process of self-tolerance. Comparing the clinical picture of IPEX cases with those, much less severe, of ALPS or APECED, provides some assessment of the relative importance of each set of mechanisms.
The activation of inflammatory cascades has been consistently demonstrated in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer`s disease (AD). Among several putative neuroinflammatory mechanisms, the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) signaling system has a central role in this process. Recent evidence indicates that the abnormal production of inflammatory factors may accompany the progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to dementia. We aimed to examine serum levels of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) in patients with MCI and AD as compared to cognitively unimpaired elderly subjects. We further aimed to investigate whether abnormal levels of these cytokines predict the progression from MCI to AD upon follow-up. We utilized cross-sectional determination of serum levels of TNF-alpha, sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 (ELISA method) in a test group comprising 167 older adults (31 AD, 72 MCI, and 64 healthy controls), and longitudinal reassessment of clinical status after 18.9 +/- 10.0 months. At baseline, there were no statistically significant differences in serum TNF-alpha, sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 between patients with MCI and AD as compared to controls. Nevertheless, patients with MCI who progressed to AD had significantly higher serum sTNFR1 levels as opposed to patients who retained the diagnosis of MCI upon follow-up (p = 0.03). Cox regression analysis showed that high serum sTNFR1 levels predicted the conversion from MCI to AD (p = 0.003), whereas no significant differences were found with respect to serum levels of TNF-alpha and sTNFR2. Abnormal activation of TNF-alpha signaling system, represented by increased expression of sTNFR1, is associated with a higher risk of progression from MCI to AD.