206 resultados para Extinction Probability


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The true incidence of infectious diseases is difficult to determine from surveillance or from notification data. The proportion of new infections of rubella yields a model from serological surveys. The discrepancy between results and official notification data before vaccination era leads one to suspect the presence of hidden infections. Simulation on 80% of effective vaccination coverage shows a similar discrepancy of the total number of infections compared to notification data.


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The population dynamics of stray dogs is simulated to assess the effects of sterilization and euthanasia. From simulations representing less than 5 years, sterilization is less efficient than euthanasia to reduce the stray dog population, considering similar rates, but the total number of sterilized dogs is less than the total number of euthanized dogs per km(2) per year. Over 20 years, both strategies have similar efficiency. Beyond a certain rate of dog abandonment, both strategies are inefficient.


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Alimentary habits of free-living Psittaciformes vary significantly among different species. Amazona pretrei is under risk of extinction and has very specific free-living dietary habits, which are based on Parana pine seeds. Hemosiderosis is a pathologic process characterized by intracellular accumulation of iron without other evident lesions. It is associated with increased prevalence of infections, neoplasms, and hepatopathies. The purpose of this study was to quantify hepatic hemosiderin deposits in captive A. pretrei and verify their association with nutritional parameters. Liver samples were processed for histopathology and stained with Prussian blue. The sections were analyzed by computerized morphometry to quantify the hepatic hemosiderin deposits. The hepatic hemosiderosis rates showed positive correlation with age and time in captivity. These results suggest that the menus and commercial rations for Psittacidae must be carefully revised.


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Although many carnivores are of conservation concern, most are poorly studied. The maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger, 1811 is the largest South American canid with a broad distribution; however, the largest portion of its range is in the Brazilian Cerrado savannah, where due to intensive agricultural expansion, it is threatened by habitat loss. Maned wolf population trends are virtually unknown. We analyzed radio telemetry data from a 13-year study in Emas National Park, central Brazil, with Burnham`s live recapture/dead recovery models in the program MARK to obtain the first analytically sound estimate of the apparent maned wolf survival rate. We constructed 16 candidate models including variation in survival rate and resighting probability associated with an individual`s sex or age and year of study. Apparent adult survival rate throughout the study ranged from 0.28 (se=0.08) to 0.97 (se=0.06). There was no evidence for sex specificity but strong support for time variation. Model weights supported an age effect and the subadult survival rate was 0.63 (se=0.15). Results indicate similar life patterns for male and female maned wolves and similar mortality risks for adults and subadults in the study area. The observed temporal fluctuations of adult survival rate are important for population dynamics as they decrease average population growth rates. Population dynamics are central for conservation planning and our results are an important step towards a better understanding of the maned wolf`s ecology.


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Objectives. To determine the effect of ion exchange on slow crack growth (SCG) parameters (n, stress corrosion susceptibility coefficient, and sigma(f0), scaling parameter) and Weibull parameters (m, Weibull modulus, and sigma(0), characteristic strength) of a dental porcelain. Methods. 160 porcelain discs were fabricated according to manufacturer`s instructions, polished through 1 mu m and divided into two groups: GC (control) and GI (submitted to an ion exchange procedure using a KNO(3) paste at 470 degrees C for 15 min). SCG parameters were determined by biaxial flexural strength test in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C using five constant stress rates (n =10). 20 specimens of each group were tested at 1 MPa/s to determine Weibull parameters. The SPT diagram was constructed using the least-squares fit of the strength data versus probability of failure. Results. Mean values of m and sigma(0) (95% confidence interval), n and sigma(f0) (standard deviation) were, respectively: 13.8 (10.1-18.8) and 60.4 (58.5 - 62.2), 24.1 (2.5) and 58.1 (0.01) for GC and 7.4 (5.3 -10.0) and 136.8 (129.1-144.7), 36.7 (7.3) and 127.9 (0.01) for GI. Fracture stresses (MPa) calculated using the SPT diagram for lifetimes of 1 day, 1 year and 10 years (at a 5% failure probability) were, respectively, 31.8, 24.9 and 22.7 for GC and 71.2, 60.6 and 56.9 for GI. Significance. For the porcelain tested, the ion exchange process improved strength and resistance to SCG, however, the material`s reliability decreased. The predicted fracture stress at 5% failure probability for a lifetime of 10 years was also higher for the ion treated group. (C) 009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the performances of observers in diagnosing proximal caries in digital images obtained from digital bitewing radiographs using two scanners and four digital cameras in Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and tagged image file format (TIFF) files, and comparing them with the original conventional radiographs. Method: In total, 56 extracted teeth were radiographed with Kodak Insight film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY) in a Kaycor Yoshida X-ray device (Kaycor X-707;Yoshida Dental Manufacturing Co., Tokyo, Japan) operating at 70 kV and 7 mA with an exposure time of 0.40 s. The radiographs were obtained and scanned by CanonScan D646U (Canon USA Inc., Newport News, VA) and Genius ColorPage HR7X (KYE Systems Corp. America, Doral, FL) scanners, and by Canon Powershot G2 (Canon USA Inc.), Canon RebelXT (Canon USA Inc.), Nikon Coolpix 8700 (Nikon Inc., Melville, NY), and Nikon D70s (Nikon Inc.) digital cameras in JPEG and TIFF formats. Three observers evaluated the images. The teeth were then observed under the microscope in polarized light for the verification of the presence and depth of the carious lesions. Results: The probability of no diagnosis ranged from 1.34% (Insight film) to 52.83% (CanonScan/JPEG). The sensitivity ranged from 0.24 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.53 (Insight film), the specificity ranged from 0.93 (Nikon Coolpix/JPEG, Canon Powershot/TIFF, Canon RebelXT/JPEG and TIFF) to 0.97 (CanonScan/TIFF and JPEG) and the accuracy ranged from 0.82 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.91 (CanonScan/JPEG). Conclusion: The carious lesion diagnosis did not change in either of the file formats (JPEG and TIFF) in which the images were saved for any of the equipment used. Only the CanonScan scanner did not have adequate performance in radiography digitalization for caries diagnosis and it is not recommended for this purpose. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2011) 40, 338-343. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/67185962


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Objectives To compare the reliability of the disto-facial (DF) and mesio-lingual (ML) cusps of an anatomically correct zirconia (Y-TZP) crown system The research hypotheses tested were (1) fatigue reliability and failure mode are similar for the ML and DF cusps, (2) failure mode of one cusp does not affect the failure of the other Methods The average dimensions of a mandibular first molar crown were imported into CAD software, a tooth preparation was modelled by 1 5 mm marginal high reduction of proximal walls and occlusal surface by 2 0 mm The CAD-based tooth preparation was milled and used as a die to fabricate crowns (n = 14) with porcelain veneer on a 0 5 mm Y-TZP core. Crowns were cemented on composite reproductions of the tooth preparation The crowns were step-stress mouth motion fatigued with sliding (0 7 mm) a tungsten-carbide indenter of 6 25 mm diameter down on the inclines of either the DF or ML cusps Use level probability Weibull curve with use stress of 200 N and the reliability for completion of a mission of 50,000 cycles at 200 N load were calculated Results Reliability for a 200 N at 50,000 cycles mission was not different between tested cusps SEM imaging showed large cohesive failures within the veneer for the ML and smaller for the DF Fractures originated from the contact area regardless of the cusp loaded Conclusion No significant difference on fatigue reliability was observed between the DF compared to the ML cusp Fracture of one cusp did not affect the other (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Purpose: The aim of this research was to evaluate the fatigue behavior and reliability of monolithic computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) lithium disilicate and hand-layer-veneered zirconia all-ceramic crowns. Materials and Methods: A CAD-based mandibular molar crown preparation, fabricated using rapid prototyping, served as the master die. Fully anatomically shaped monolithic lithium disilicate crowns (IPS e.max CAD, n = 19) and hand-layer-veneered zirconia-based crowns (IPS e.max ZirCAD/Ceram, n = 21) were designed and milled using a CAD/CAM system. Crowns were cemented on aged dentinlike composite dies with resin cement. Crowns were exposed to mouth-motion fatigue by sliding a WC-indenter (r = 3.18 mm) 0.7 mm lingually down the distobuccal cusp using three different step-stress profiles until failure occurred. Failure was designated as a large chip or fracture through the crown. If no failures occurred at high loads (> 900 N), the test method was changed to staircase r ratio fatigue. Stress level probability curves and reliability were calculated. Results: Hand-layer-veneered zirconia crowns revealed veneer chipping and had a reliability of < 0.01 (0.03 to 0.00, two-sided 90% confidence bounds) for a mission of 100,000 cycles and a 200-N load. None of the fully anatomically shaped CAD/CAM-fabricated monolithic lithium disilicate crowns failed during step-stress mouth-motion fatigue (180,000 cycles, 900 N). CAD/CAM lithium disilicate crowns also survived r ratio fatigue (1,000,000 cycles, 100 to 1,000 N). There appears to be a threshold for damage/bulk fracture for the lithium disilicate ceramic in the range of 1,100 to 1,200 N. Conclusion: Based on present fatigue findings, the application of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic in a monolithic/fully anatomical configuration resulted in fatigue-resistant crowns, whereas hand-layer-veneered zirconia crowns revealed a high susceptibility to mouth-motion cyclic loading with early veneer failures. Int J Prosthodont 2010; 23: 434-442.


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Objectives: This study compared the reliability and fracture patterns of zirconia cores veneered with pressable porcelain submitted to either axial or off-axis sliding contact fatigue. Methods: Forty-two Y-TZP plates (12 mm x 12 mm x 0.5 mm) veneered with pressable porcelain (12 mm x 12 mm x 1.2 mm) and adhesively luted to water aged composite resin blocks (12 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm) were stored in water at least 7 days prior to testing. Profiles for step-stress fatigue (ratio 3:2:1) were determined from single load to fracture tests (n = 3). Fatigue loading was delivered on specimen either on axial (n = 18) or off-axis 30 degrees angulation (n = 18) to simulate posterior tooth cusp inclination creating a 0.7 mm slide. Single load and fatigue tests utilized a 6.25 mm diameter WC indenter. Specimens were inspected by means of polarized-light microscope and SEM. Use level probability Weibull curves were plotted with 2-sided 90% confidence bounds (CB) and reliability for missions of 50,000 cycles at 200 N (90% CB) were calculated. Results: The calculated Weibull Beta was 3.34 and 2.47 for axial and off-axis groups, respectively, indicating that fatigue accelerated failure in both loading modes. The reliability data for a mission of 50,000 cycles at 200 N load with 90% CB indicates no difference between loading groups. Deep penetrating cone cracks reaching the core-veneer interface were observed in both groups. Partial cones due to the sliding component were observed along with the cone cracking for the off-axis group. No Y-TZP core fractures were observed. Conclusions: Reliability was not significantly different between axial and off-axis mouth-motion fatigued pressed over Y-TZP cores, but incorporation of sliding resulted in more aggressive damage on the veneer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the effect of core-design modification on the characteristic strength and failure modes of glass-infiltrated alumina (In-Ceram) (ICA) compared with porcelain fused to metal (PFM). Premolar crowns of a standard design (PFMs and ICAs) or with a modified framework design (PFMm and ICAm) were fabricated, cemented on dies, and loaded until failure. The crowns were loaded at 0.5 mm min(-1) using a 6.25 mm tungsten-carbide ball at the central fossa. Fracture load values were recorded and fracture analysis of representative samples were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. Probability Weibull curves with two-sided 90% confidence limits were calculated for each group and a contour plot of the characteristic strength was obtained. Design modification showed an increase in the characteristic strength of the PFMm and ICAm groups, with PFM groups showing higher characteristic strength than ICA groups. The PFMm group showed the highest characteristic strength among all groups. Fracture modes of PFMs and of PFMm frequently reached the core interface at the lingual cusp, whereas ICA exhibited bulk fracture through the alumina core. Core-design modification significantly improved the characteristic strength for PFM and for ICA. The PFM groups demonstrated higher characteristic strength than both ICA groups combined.


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Despite the increasing utilization of all-ceramic crown systems, their mechanical performance relative to that of metal ceramic restorations (MCR) has yet to be determined. This investigation tested the hypothesis that MCR present higher reliability over two Y-TZP all-ceramic crown systems under mouth-motion fatigue conditions. A CAD-based tooth preparation with the average dimensions of a mandibular first molar was used as a master die to fabricate all restorations. One 0.5-mm Pd-Ag and two Y-TZP system cores were veneered with 1.5 mm porcelain. Crowns were cemented onto aged (60 days in water) composite (Z100, 3M/ESPE) reproductions of the die. Mouth-motion fatigue was performed, and use level probability Weibull curves were determined. Failure modes of all systems included chipping or fracture of the porcelain veneer initiating at the indentation site. Fatigue was an acceleration factor for all-ceramic systems, but not for the MCR system. The latter presented significantly higher reliability under mouth-motion cyclic mechanical testing.