372 resultados para Sao Jorge
Rheumatic fever (RF) is an autoimmune disease caused by the gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes that follows a nontreated throat infection in susceptible children. The disease manifests as polyarthritis, carditis, chorea, erythema marginatum, and/or subcutaneous nodules. Carditis, the most serious complication, occurs in 30% to 45% of RF patients and leads to chronic rheumatic heart disease (RHD), which is characterized by progressive and permanent valvular lesions. In this review, we will focus on the genes that confer susceptibility for developing the disease, as well as the innate and adaptive immune responses against S. pyogenes during the acute rheumatic fever episode that leads to RHD autoimmune reactions. The disease is genetically determined, and some human leukocyte antigen class II alleles are involved with susceptibility. Other single nucleotide polymorphisms for TNF-alpha and mannan-binding lectin genes were reported as associated with RF/RHD. T cells play an important role in RHD heart lesions. Several autoantigens were already identified, including cardiac myosin epitopes, vimentin, and other intracellular proteins. In the heart tissue, antigen-driven oligoclonal T cell expansions were probably the effectors of the rheumatic heart lesions. These cells are CD4(+) and produced inflammatory cytokines (TNF alpha and IFN gamma). Molecular mimicry is the mechanism that mediated the cross-reactions between streptococcal antigens and human proteins. The elucidation of chemokines and their receptors involved with the recruitment of Th1, Th2, and Th17 cells, as well as the function of T regulatory cells in situ will certainly contribute to the delineation of the real picture of the heart lesion process that leads to RHD.
In Sao Paulo, Brazil, homicides to men aged 15-44 years increased with an annual percentage change (APC) of 4.7% from 1996 to 2001, and then decreased from 2001 to 2007 with an APC of -14.6%. Analyzing the intra-urban distribution according to family income, the increase in the homicide rate was restricted to men living in the poorest neighbourhoods. In contrast, the decline in homicide rates was observed to men living in all districts. The reasons for this `up and down` trend are not clear.
OBJECTIVES: Addition of chemotherapy in the resting period between radiotherapy completion and response assessment during neoadjuvant treatment for distal rectal cancer could potentially increase rates of complete tumor regression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate toxicity rates and the impact of an extended neoadjuvant chemoradiation regimen on complete response rates. METHODS: Thirty-four consecutive patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer were prospectively included. Patients were managed by 5,400 Gy of radiation and 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin-based chemotherapy given for three consecutive days every 21 days for six cycles (three cycles concomitant with radiotherapy). Tumor response assessment was performed at ten weeks from radiation completion. Patients with complete clinical response were strictly monitored and were not immediately operated on. Patients with incomplete clinical response were referred to surgery. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients had completed 12 months of follow-up and were included in this preliminary analysis. Twenty-eight (97%) successfully completed treatment. Fifteen of 16 patients had Grade III toxicities that were skin-related (93%). Median follow-up was 23 months. Fourteen patients (48%) were considered as complete clinical responders sustained for at least 12 months (median, 24 months) after chemoradiation completion by clinical assessment alone. An additional five patients (17%) were considered as complete responders with ypT0 results after full-thickness local excision. Overall, the complete response rate was 65%. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of chemotherapy during the resting period after neoadjuvant chemoradiation is associated with acceptable toxicity and high tolerability rates. The considerably high rates of complete response in this preliminary series requires further follow-up, but they may provide valuable information for future prospective, randomized trials.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic widespread pain (CWP) in community-dwelling elderly individuals living in Sao Paulo, to assess the spectrum of problems related to these diseases using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and to correlate the FIQ with the number of tender points and with pain threshold. Methods: Our sample consisted of 361 individuals (64% women, 36% men, mean age of 73.3 +/- 5.7 years). Individuals were classified into four groups: FM (according to American College of Rheumatology criteria), CWP, regional pain (RP) and no pain (NP). Pain characteristics and dolorimetry for 18 tender points and the FIQ were assessed. Results: The prevalence of FM was 5.5% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.4-5.7], and the prevalence of CWP was 14.1% (95% Cl: 10.5-17.7%). The frequency of RP was 52.6% and the prevalence of NP was 27.7%. FIQ scores were higher in people with FM (44.5), followed by CWP (31.4), RP (18.1) and NP (5.5) (p < 0.001). There was a positive correlation between the domains of the FIQ and the number of tender Points (p < 0.05), and a negative correlation between FIQ score and pain threshold (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In our elderly subjects, the prevalence of FM was slightly higher compared to previously reported studies, and CWP was around 14%. The spectrum of problems related to chronic pain was more severe in FM followed by CWP, strongly suggesting that these conditions should be diagnosed and adequately treated in older individuals. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The Traffic Engineering Company of the City of Sao Paulo (Brazil) observed a decrease in productivity, and an increase in sick leave, accidents and psychological distress among their parking inspection agents. To document this situation, qualitative research was undertaken to obtain an in-depth comprehension of work activity. Participants: Workers, managers and health and safety professionals contributed to the documentation of the problem and to the proposal of possible solutions. Methods: Ergonomic work analysis focusing on real work activity, as well as interviews with individual or groups of stakeholders, were conducted. Results: This research revealed that political-economic factors gradually contributed to: 1) an increasing work load; 2) growing fatigue throughout the day, increasing the workers` vulnerability to incidents and accidents and their tendency to react inappropriately to violence experienced on the street; and 3) excessive individual responsibility to manage dangerous situations. Conclusions: Recommendations to ameliorate the situation are proposed. These suggestions are discussed in terms of feasibility given the impact of macro social factors upon micro work activity, and the associated potential expansion of the ergonomist`s role.
Background: Using enzyme immunoassays and Western blot (Wb) tests, HTLV serodiagnosis yields indeterminate results in a significant number of cases. Objective: To determine the prevalence of HTLV infection among HTLV-seroindeterminate individuals. Study design: We studied peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 65 anti-HTLV Wb-seroindeterminate individuals by attempting to amplify proviral DNA sequences (tax and pot) to identify HTLV-I and HTLV-2 infections. Results: These 65 specimens exhibited predominantly (43%) anti-HTLV antibodies to gag-coded antigens in the absence of anti-p24 on Wb analysis. Tax proviral sequences were detected in 6 (9.2%) samples. According to restricted fragment polymorphism analysis (RFLP), we identified HTLV-1 proviral DNA in 4 samples. HTLV-2 in one and sequences from both in another. Nested PCR for the pot region was positive in 3 (4.6%) specimens, which were also positive for tax sequences. After hybridization HTLV-1 infection was confirmed in 2 samples (3.1%) and HTLV-2 in another (1.5%). Detection of a single HTLV DNA sequence may be due to infection by defective provirus, but its significance remains undefined. In this cohort, no Wb reactivity pattern was predictive of proviral detection. HTLV-I infection was demonstrated in an individual who had Wb reactivity to gag-coded antigens only. Conclusions: This emphasizes the importance of clinical and laboratory follow-up of HTLV-seroindeterminate individuals from endemic areas. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aims: The incidence of head and neck cancer (HNC) in Brazil has increased substantially in recent years. This increase is likely to be strongly associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption, but genetic susceptibility also should be investigated in this population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of polymorphisms in genes of alcohol metabolism enzymes and the risk of HNC. Methods: A hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We here investigated ADH1C Ile(350)Val, ADH1B Arg(48)His, ADH1B Arg(370)Cys and CYP2E1*5A PstI polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism in 207 histopathologically confirmed HNC cases (184 males and 23 females) and 244 cancer-free controls (225 males and 19 females) admitted as in-patients in the same hospital. Results: Chronic alcohol intake increased approximately four times the risk of HNC. The mutant genotype ADH1B Arg(48)His was more frequent in controls (12.7%) than HNC patients (5.8%) conferring protection for the disease (odds ratio (OR) = 0.42; 95% confidence interval (CI ), 0.21-0.85). Similar results were observed for individuals with ADH1B*2 (OR = 0.41; 95% CI , 0.20-0.82) or ADH1B*2/ADH1C*1 (OR = 0.32; 95% CI , 0.13-0.79) mutated haplotypes. Multiple regression analyses showed that individuals with the mutant genotype ADH1B Arg(48)His who consume alcohol > 30 g/L/day have more than four times the risk for HNC (OR = 4.42; 95% CI, 1.21-16.11). Conclusions: The fast alcohol metabolizing genotypes may prevent HNC when the amount of alcohol intake is < 30.655 g/L/day.
Liver transplantation was first performed at the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine in 1968. Since then, the patient waiting list for liver transplantation has increased at a rate of 150 new cases per month. Liver transplantation itself rose 1.84-fold (from 160 to 295) from 1988 to 2004. However, the number of patients on the liver waiting list jumped 2.71-fold (from 553 to 1500). Consequently, the number of deaths on the liver waiting list moved to a higher level, from 321 to 671, increasing 2.09-fold. We have applied a mathematical model to analyze the potential impact of using a donation after cardiac death (DCD) policy on our liver transplantation program and on the waiting list. Five thousand one hundred people died because of accidents and other violent causes in our state in 2004; of these, only 295 were donors of liver grafts that were transplanted. The model assumed that 5% of these grafts would have been DCD. We found a relative reduction of 27% in the size of the liver transplantation waiting list if DCD had been used by assuming that 248 additional liver transplants would have been performed annually. In conclusion, the use of DCD in our transplantation program would reduce the pressure on our liver transplantation waiting list, reducing it by at least 27%. On the basis of this model, the projected number of averted deaths is about 41,487 in the next 20 years. Liver Transpl 14:1732-1736, 2008. (C) 2008 AASLD.
Aims: The aims of the present study were to characterize fatal traffic accident victims in a major urban center in Brazil and their association with alcohol consumption. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 907 fatal traffic accident victims in Sao Paulo, in 2005. Results: Adult males between the ages of 25 and 54 represented the majority of cases with positive blood alcohol concentrations (BAC). Overall, males had a higher proportional BAC and mean BAC than females. Pedestrians, particularly those with no detectable BAC, were typically older than other victims. Most accidents (total and BAC-positive) happened on weekends between midnight and 6 a.m. Considering all victims, 39.4% were positive (BAC over 0.1 g/l). When only drivers (automobile, motorcycle and bicycle) were evaluated. 42.3% had BAC over the legal limit (0.6 g/l). Conclusions: Alcohol is associated with nearly half of all traffic accident deaths in the city of Sao Paulo. especially for days and times associated with parties and bars (weekends between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To investigate the sexual behavior and knowledge about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among undergraduate students in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Self-reported questionnaires were used. Results: Most of the 447 students in the study were single (97.3%), in their first year of university (87.7%), and the mean ages were 20.4 years (males) and 19.8 years (females). Vaginal intercourse was practiced by 69.7% of males and 48.4% of females, oral sex by 64.5% of males and 43.7% of females, and anal sex by 18.4% of males and 14.1% of females. Use of a condom during vaginal sex was practiced by 80.4% of males and 74.8% of females and during anal sex by 47.8% of males and 30.0% of females. Knowledge of transmission of STIs was greater than 90% for HIV, syphilis, genital herpes, and gonorrhea; 63%-76% for HPV and genital warts; 30%-34% for Trichomonas and only 16% for Chlamydia. Only 25%-34% knew that HIV was transmitted by breastfeeding; 56%-60% knew that HIV was transmitted by anal sex. Conclusion: Many students engage in high-risk sexual behavior with multiple partners and use condoms inconsistently. Knowledge of the acquisition and modes of sexual and vertical transmission of HIV are strikingly deficient. (C) 2010 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Data on epidemiology of HPV infection are needed for the development of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine recommendations, especially in countries where HPV vaccination is not yet included in public vaccination programs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of serum antibodies to HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 and associated factors among young women after birth of the first child. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Three hundred one women aged 15 to 24 years who gave birth to their first child were recruited between 43 and 60 days after delivery. Seroprevalence was performed using a type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on HPV Late protein 1 viruslike particles. The association of seroreactivity with these 4 HPV types with selected demographic and behavioral factors was assessed by Generalized Linear Model analysis. Results: Fifty-eight (19.3%) women (95% confidence interval, 15.0%-24.2%) had antibodies to any of the 4 viruslike particles tested. The overall seroprevalence rates of the HPV types were: HPV16, 9.0%; HPV18, 7.0%; and HPV 6+11, 7.7%, which are targeted by the HPV prophylactic vaccines. In the multivariate analysis, only age (inversely, P = 0.044 for trend) and previous sexually transmitted disease (P = 0.008) were 2 factors independently associated with HPV seropositivity. Conclusions: These data offer additional information on the epidemiology of HPV in a group of young Brazilian women after first delivery and contribute to establish a baseline of HPV seroprevalence against which post-HPV vaccine era seroprevalence can be compared.
Aims To assess the association between alcohol use and victimization by homicide in individuals autopsied at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Excessive consumption of alcohol is a serious public health issue and a major factor in triggering violent situations, which suggests a strong association between alcohol ingestion and becoming a victim of homicide. Participants Data from 2042 victims of homicides in 2005 were obtained from medical examiner reports. Measurements The victim`s gender, age, ethnicity and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) were collected. The method of death and homicide circumstances, as well as the date, time and place of death were also studied. Findings Alcohol was detected in blood samples of 43% of the victims, and mean BAC levels were 1.55 +/- 0.86 g/l. The prevalence of positive BAC levels was higher among men (44.1%) than women (26.6%), P < 0.01. Firearms caused most of the deaths (78.6%), and alcohol consumption was greater among victims of homicide by sharp weapons (P < 0.01). A greater proportion of victims with positive BAC were killed at weekends compared to weekdays (56.4 and 38.5%, respectively; P < 0.01), and the correlation between homicide rates and the average BAC for the central area of the city was positive (r(s) = 0.90; P < 0.01). Conclusions These results highlight alcohol as a contributing factor for homicide victimization in the greatest urban center in South America, supporting public strategies and future research aiming to prevent homicides and violence related to alcohol consumption.
To estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD) and factors associated with these disorders among pregnant women of low socio-economic status (SES) in Sao Paulo. We performed a cross-sectional study with 831 women in their 20th to 30th weeks of pregnancy, who were attending antenatal clinics in primary care in Sao Paulo, Brazil. CMD were assessed with the Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios and 95% CI were calculated to examine the association between CMD and exposure variables. The prevalence of CMD was 20.2% (95% CI 17.5 to 23.0). Age at current pregnancy and at first delivery, current obstetric complications, not having friends in the community, living in a crowded household, lower occupational status and history of previous psychiatric treatment were all independently associated with increased prevalence of CMD. CMD is highly prevalent among pregnant women of low SES seen in primary care settings in Sao Paulo. A combination of distal and proximal psychosocial factors increase the risk for CMD. Primary health care professionals need to be aware of how common CMD in such settings and properly trained to deal with CMD during pregnancy.
Background Factors affecting vulnerability to heat-related mortality are not well understood. Identifying susceptible populations is of particular importance given anticipated rising temperatures from climatic change. Methods We investigated heat-related mortality for three Latin American cities (Mexico City, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Santiago, Chile) using a case-crossover approach for 754 291 deaths from 1998 to 2002. We considered lagged exposures, confounding by air pollution, cause of death and susceptibilities by educational attainment, age and sex. Results Same and previous day apparent temperature were most strongly associated with mortality risk. Effect estimates remained positive though lowered after adjustment for ozone or PM(10). Susceptibility increased with age in all cities. The increase in mortality risk for those >= 65 comparing the 95th and 75th percentiles of same-day apparent temperature was 2.69% (95% CI: -2.06 to 7.88%) for Santiago, 6.51% (95% CI: 3.57-9.52%) for Sao Paulo and 3.22% (95% CI: 0.93-5.57%) for Mexico City. Patterns of vulnerability by education and sex differed across communities. Effect estimates were higher for women than men in Mexico City, and higher for men elsewhere, although results by sex were not appreciably different for any city. In Sao Paulo, those with less education were more susceptible, whereas no distinct patterns by education were observed in the other cities. Conclusions Elevated temperatures are associated with mortality risk in these Latin American cities, with the strongest associations in So Paulo, the hottest city. The elderly are an important population for targeted prevention measures, but vulnerability by sex and education differed by city.
Background: Dementia is now a major public health issue in low- and middle-income countries, and strategies for primary prevention are needed. This study aimed to estimate the proportion of cases of dementia attributable to illiteracy, non-skilled occupation and low income, which are common, potentially modifiable social adversities that occur along the lifespan in low- and middle-income countries. Methods: This report is based on data from the Sao Paulo Ageing & Health Study (SPAH) study (N = 2003). All individuals aged 65 years and older residing within pre-defined socially deprived areas of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were included. The outcome of interest was prevalent dementia. Indicators of socioeconomic position (SEP) were literacy (distal indicator), highest occupational attainment (intermediate indicator), and monthly personal income (proximal indicator). We estimated the proportion of prevalent dementia attributable to each SEP indicator (illiteracy, non-skilled occupations and low income) by calculating their population attributable fractions (PAF). Results: Dementia was more prevalent amongst participants who were illiterate, had non-skilled occupations and lower income. Illiteracy, poor occupational achievement and low income accounted for 22.0%, 38.5% and 38.5% of the cases of dementia, respectively. There was a cumulative effect of socioeconomic adversities during the lifespan, and nearly 50% of the prevalence of dementia could be potentially attributed to the combination of two or three of the socioeconomic adversities investigated. Conclusions: Public policies aimed at improving education, occupational skills and income could potentially have a role in primary prevention of dementia. Governments should address this issue in a purposeful and systematic way.