234 resultados para cross-coupling reaction
This paper describes the manufacture of tubular ceramic membranes and the study of their performance in the demulsification of soybean oil/water emulsions. The membranes were made by iso-static pressing method and micro and macro structurally characterized by SEM, porosimetry by mercury intrusion and determination of apparent density and porosity. The microfiltration tests were realized on an experimental workbench, and fluid dynamic parameters, such as transmembrane flux and pressure were used to evaluate the process relative to the oil phase concentration (analysed by TOC measurements) in the permeate. The results showed that the membrane with pores` average diameter of 1.36 mu m achieved higher transmembrane flux than the membrane with pores` average diameter of 0.8 mu m. The volume of open pores (responsible for the permeation) was predominant in the total porosity, which was higher than 50% for all tested membranes. Concerning demulsification, the monolayer membranes were efficacious, as the rejection coefficient was higher than 99%.
The confined flows in tubes with permeable surfaces arc associated to tangential filtration processes (microfiltration or ultrafiltration). The complexity of the phenomena do not allow for the development of exact analytical solutions, however, approximate solutions are of great interest for the calculation of the transmembrane outflow and estimate of the concentration, polarization phenomenon. In the present work, the generalized integral transform technique (GITT) was employed in solving the laminar and permanent flow in permeable tubes of Newtonian and incompressible fluid. The mathematical formulation employed the parabolic differential equation of chemical species conservation (convective-diffusive equation). The velocity profiles for the entrance region flow, which are found in the connective terms of the equation, were assessed by solutions obtained from literature. The velocity at the permeable wall was considered uniform, with the concentration at the tube wall regarded as variable with an axial position. A computational methodology using global error control was applied to determine the concentration in the wall and concentration boundary layer thickness. The results obtained for the local transmembrane flux and the concentration boundary layer thickness were compared against others in literature. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents a critical analysis of methodologies to evaluate the effective (or generalized) electromechanical coupling coefficient (EMCC) for structures with piezoelectric elements. First, a review of several existing methodologies to evaluate material and effective EMCC is presented. To illustrate the methodologies, a comparison is made between numerical, analytical and experimental results for two simple structures: a cantilever beam with bonded extension piezoelectric patches and a simply-supported sandwich beam with an embedded shear piezoceramic. An analysis of the electric charge cancelation effect on the effective EMCC observed in long piezoelectric patches is performed. It confirms the importance of reinforcing the electrodes equipotentiality condition in the finite element model. Its results indicate also that smaller (segmented) and independent piezoelectric patches could be more interesting for energy conversion efficiency. Then, parametric analyses and optimization are performed for a cantilever sandwich beam with several embedded shear piezoceramic patches. Results indicate that to fully benefit from the higher material coupling of shear piezoceramic patches, attention must be paid to the configuration design so that the shear strains in the patches are maximized. In particular, effective square EMCC values higher than 1% were obtained embedding nine well-spaced short piezoceramic patches in an aluminum/foam/aluminum sandwich beam.
The most ordinary finite element formulations for 3D frame analysis do not consider the warping of cross-sections as part of their kinematics. So the stiffness, regarding torsion, should be directly introduced by the user into the computational software and the bar is treated as it is working under no warping hypothesis. This approach does not give good results for general structural elements applied in engineering. Both displacement and stress calculation reveal sensible deficiencies for both linear and non-linear applications. For linear analysis, displacements can be corrected by assuming a stiffness that results in acceptable global displacements of the analyzed structure. However, the stress calculation will be far from reality. For nonlinear analysis the deficiencies are even worse. In the past forty years, some special structural matrix analysis and finite element formulations have been proposed in literature to include warping and the bending-torsion effects for 3D general frame analysis considering both linear and non-linear situations. In this work, using a kinematics improvement technique, the degree of freedom ""warping intensity"" is introduced following a new approach for 3D frame elements. This degree of freedom is associated with the warping basic mode, a geometric characteristic of the cross-section, It does not have a direct relation with the rate of twist rotation along the longitudinal axis, as in existent formulations. Moreover, a linear strain variation mode is provided for the geometric non-linear approach, for which complete 3D constitutive relation (Saint-Venant Kirchhoff) is adopted. The proposed technique allows the consideration of inhomogeneous cross-sections with any geometry. Various examples are shown to demonstrate the accuracy and applicability of the proposed formulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of this paper is to provide and verify simplified models that predict the longitudinal stresses that develop in C-section purlins in uplift. The paper begins with the simple case of flexural stress: where the force has to be applied at the shear center, or the section braced in both flanges. Restrictions on load application point and restraint of the flanges are removed until arriving at the more complex problem of bending when movement of the tension flange alone is restricted, as commonly found in purlin-sheeting systems. Winter`s model for predicting the longitudinal stresses developed due to direct torsion is reviewed, verified, and then extended to cover the case of a bending member with tension flange restraint. The developed longitudinal stresses from flexure and restrained torsion are used to assess the elastic stability behavior of typical purlin-sheeting systems. Finally, strength predictions of typical C-section purlins are provided for existing AISI methods and a newly proposed extension to the direct strength method that employs the predicted longitudinal stress distributions within the strength prediction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, composites from polypropylene and Kraft pulp (from Pinus radiata) were prepared. Phenyl isocyanate, unblocked and phenol blocked derivatives of 4,4`-methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) (MDI) were used as coupling agents and the mechanical properties of the obtained composites analyzed. The results showed that the addition of such compatibilizers readily improved the tensile and flexural strengths of the composites. However, no significant variation in the mechanical properties was observed for composite formulations comprising different isocyanate compounds. Accordingly, the chemical structure of isocyanate derivatives did not affect extensively the mechanical properties of MDI-coupled pine fiber reinforced composites. These results were similar to those obtained in previous studies regarding the efficiency of organosilane coupling agents. In comparison to monoreactive isocyanates, the addition of MIDI increased considerably the mechanical properties of pine fiber-polypropylene composites. The mechanical anchoring of polymeric PP chains onto the irregular reinforcement surface supported this result. Non-isothermal DSC analysis showed a slowing effect of MDI on the crystallization kinetics of the coupled composites. This may have been the result of diminished polymer chain mobility in the matrix due to mechanical anchoring onto the fiber surface. Considering these results, the occurrence of strong bonds between the composite components was stated, rather than the unique existence of Van der Waals interactions among the non-polar structures. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The approach presented in this paper consists of an energy-based field-circuit coupling in combination with multi-physics simulation of the acoustic radiation of electrical machines. The proposed method is applied to a special switched reluctance motor with asymmetric pole geometry to improve the start-up torque. The pole shape has been optimized, subject to low torque ripple, in a previous study. The proposed approach here is used to analyze the impact of the optimization on the overall acoustic behavior. The field-circuit coupling is based on a temporary lumped-parameter model of the magnetic part incorporated into a circuit simulation based on the modified nodal analysis. The harmonic force excitation is calculated by means of stress tensor computation, and it is transformed to a mechanical mesh by mapping techniques. The structural dynamic problem is solved in the frequency domain using a finite-element modal analysis and superposition. The radiation characteristic is obtained from boundary element acoustic simulation. Simulation results of both rotor types are compared, and measurements of the drive are presented.
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of intermediate reaction products during iron ore reduction when iron ore and carbonaceous materials are agglomerated together with or without Portland cement. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and used small size samples in order to minimise heat transfer constraints. Coke breeze and pure graphite were the carbonaceous materials employed. Portland cement was applied as a binder, and pellet diameters were in the range 5.6-6.5 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellet weight loss, as well as the interruption of the reaction at different stages, in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. The experimental temperature was in the range 1423-1623 K, and the total reaction time varied from 240 to 1200 s. It was observed that above 1523 K the formation of liquid slag occurred inside the pellets, which partially dissolved iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ mol(-1) for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ mol(-1) for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
The trapezium is often a better approximation for the FinFET cross-section shape, rather than the design-intended rectangle. The frequent width variations along the vertical direction, caused by the etching process that is used for fin definition, may imply in inclined sidewalls and the inclination angles can vary in a significant range. These geometric variations may cause some important changes in the device electrical characteristics. This work analyzes the influence of the FinFET sidewall inclination angle on some relevant parameters for analog design, such as threshold voltage, output conductance, transconductance, intrinsic voltage gain (A V), gate capacitance and unit-gain frequency, through 3D numeric simulation. The intrinsic gain is affected by alterations in transconductance and output conductance. The results show that both parameters depend on the shape, but in different ways. Transconductance depends mainly on the sidewall inclination angle and the fixed average fin width, whereas the output conductance depends mainly on the average fin width and is weakly dependent on the sidewall inclination angle. The simulation results also show that higher voltage gains are obtained for smaller average fin widths with inclination angles that correspond to inverted trapeziums, i.e. for shapes where the channel width is larger at the top than at the transistor base because of the higher attained transconductance. When the channel top is thinner than the base, the transconductance degradation affects the intrinsic voltage gain. The total gate capacitances also present behavior dependent on the sidewall angle, with higher values for inverted trapezium shapes and, as a consequence, lower unit-gain frequencies.
The thermoelastic properties of ferropericlase Mg(1-x)Fe(x)O (x = 0.1875) throughout the iron high-to-low spin cross-over have been investigated by first principles at Earth`s lower mantle conditions. This cross-over has important consequences for elasticity such as an anomalous bulk modulus (K(S)) reduction. At room temperature the anomaly is somewhat sharp in pressure but broadens with increasing temperature. Along a typical geotherm it occurs across most of the lower mantle with a more significant K(S) reduction at approximate to 1,400-1,600 km depth. This anomaly might also cause a reduction in the effective activation energy for diffusion creep and lead to a viscosity minimum in the mid-lower mantle, in apparent agreement with results from inversion of data related with mantle convection and postglacial rebound.
Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was measured as evaporative heat flux from an irrigated acid lime orchard (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) using the aerodynamic method. Crop transpiration (T) was determined by a stem heat balance method. The irrigation requirements were determined by comparing the orchard evapotranspiration (ETc) and T with the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) derived from the Penman-Monteith equation, and the irrigation requirements were expressed as ETc/ETo (Kc) and T/ETo (Kcb) ratios. The influence of inter-row vegetation on the ETc was analyzed because the measurements were taken during the summer and winter, which are periods with different regional soil water content. In this study, the average Mc values obtained were 0.65 and 0.24 for the summer and winter, respectively. The strong coupling of citrus trees to the atmosphere and the sensitivity of citrus plants to large vapor pressure deficits and air/leaf temperatures caused variations in the Kcb in relation to the ETo ranges. During the summer, the Kcb value ranged from 0.34 when the ETo exceeded 5 mm d(-1) to 0.46 when the ETo was less than 3 mm d(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Expressed sequence tags derived markers have a great potential to be used in functional map construction and QTL tagging. In the present work, sugarcane genomic probes and expressed sequence tags having homology to genes, mostly involved in carbohydrate metabolism were used in RFLP assays to identify putative QTLs as well as their epistatic interactions for fiber content, cane yield, pol and tones of sugar per hectare, at two crop cycles in a progeny derived from a bi-parental cross of sugarcane elite materials. A hundred and twenty marker trait associations were found, of which 26 at both crop cycle and 32 only at first ratoon cane. A sucrose synthase derived marker was associated with a putative QTL having a high negative effect on cane yield and also with a QTL having a positive effect on Pol at both crop cycles. Fifty digenic epistatic marker interactions were identified for the four traits evaluated. Of these, only two were observed at both crop cycles.
Phaeosphaeria leaf spot (PLS) is an important disease in tropical and subtropical maize (Zea mays, L.) growing areas, but there is limited information on its inheritance. Thus, this research was conducted to study the inheritance of the PLS disease in tropical maize by using QTL mapping and to assess the feasibility of using marker-assisted selection aimed to develop genotypes resistance to this disease. Highly susceptible L14-04B and highly resistant L08-05F inbred lines were crossed to develop an F(2) population. Two-hundred and fifty six F(2) plants were genotyped with 143 microsatellite markers and their F(2:3) progenies were evaluated at seven environments. Ten plants per plot were evaluated 30 days after silk emergence following a rating scale, and the plot means were used for analyses. The heritability coefficient on a progeny mean basis was high (91.37%), and six QTL were mapped, with one QTL on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 6, and two QTL on chromosome 8. The gene action of the QTL ranged from additive to partial dominance, and the average level of dominance was partial dominance; also a dominance x dominance epistatic effect was detected between the QTL mapped on chromosome 8. The phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 2.91 to 11.86%, and the joint QTL effects explained 41.62% of the phenotypic variance. The alleles conditioning resistance to PLS disease of all mapped QTL were in the resistant parental inbred L08-05F. Thus, these alleles could be transferred to other elite maize inbreds by marker-assisted backcross selection to develop hybrids resistant to PLS disease.
Introduction: Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia are anaerobic bacteria commonly involved in root canal infections. Although previous investigations have assessed these species by strictly qualitative approaches, accurate determination of their cell levels by a sensitive quantitative technique may contribute with additional information regarding relevance in pain of endodontic origin. Method: The root canal levels of P gingivalis, T forsythia, and total bacteria were investigated by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay based on unique copy molecular markers. A total of 32 symptomatic (n = 14) and asymptomatic (n = 18) cases of endodontic infections were analyzed. Root canal samples were collected; genomic DNA was extracted and submitted to SYBR Green I real-time PCR targeting the rgpB (P gingivalis), bspA (T forsythia), and rpoB (total bacteria) single copy genes. Results: Overall, R gingivalis, T forsythia, and the coexistence of both species were encountered in 28%, 66%, and 22% of the subjects, respectively. P gingivalis and T forsythia levels ranged from 5.65 x 10(-6) to 1.20 x 10(-2) and from 5.76 x 10(-6) to 1.35 x 10(-1). T forsythia was highly prevalent and numerous in the study groups, whereas P gingivalis was moderately frequent and less abundant, displaying 19-fold lower average levels than the former. Conclusions: The endodontic levels of P gingivalis and T forsythia, individually or in conjunction, did not display significant associations with the manifestation of pain of endodontic origin. (J Endod 2009,35:1518-1524)
Background: Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) is a common molecular assay used for genotyping, and it requires validated quality control procedures to prevent mistyping caused by impaired endonuclease activity. We have evaluated the usefulness of a plasmid-based internal control in RFLP assays. Results: Blood samples were collected from 102 individuals with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 108 non-AMI individuals (controls) for DNA extraction and laboratory analyses. The 1196C> T polymorphism in the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) gene was amplified by mismatched-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplicons and pBluescript II SK-plasmid were simultaneously digested with endonuclease HincII. Fragments were separated on 2% agarose gels. Plasmid was completely digested using up to 55.2 nmL/L DNA solutions and 1 mu L PCR product. Nevertheless, plasmid DNA with 41.4 nM or higher concentrations was incompletely digested in the presence of 7 mL PCR product. In standardized conditions, TLR4 1196C> T variant was accurately genotyped. TLR4 1196T allele frequency was similar between AMI (3.1%) and controls (2.0%, p = 0.948). TLR4 SNP was not associated with AMI in this sample population. In conclusion, the plasmid-based control is a useful approach to prevent mistyping in RFLP assays, and it is validate for genetic association studies such as TLR4 1196C> T.