221 resultados para Riboflavin Deficiency
Bariatric surgery before pregnancy may help prevent obesity-related gestational complications. However, maternal malnutrition is not without potential risks during pregnancy. The objective was to evaluate the influence of time to conception after silastic ring Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (SRYGB) on maternal anemia. Patients who underwent SRYGB for morbid obesity and who subsequently became pregnant were followed up at the prenatal. Thirty pregnancies occurred between July 2001 and September 2009. The patients were analyzed according to time to conception after bariatric surgery: 17 patients with time to conception < 4 years (48 months) and 13 patients with a parts per thousand yen4 years. First trimester hemoglobin levels were significantly lower in patients with time to conception a parts per thousand yen4 years (48 months) (median 9.6 g/dL, range 5.8-13.2 g/dL) than in patients with time to conception < 4 years (median 11.1 g/dL, range 9.8-13.6 g/dL; p = 0.047). The need for intravenous iron therapy or packed red cell transfusion was significantly more frequent among women who became pregnant a parts per thousand yen4 years after SRYGB compared to < 4 years (30.8% vs. 0%, p = 0.026). Pregnancy after 4 years of SRYGB is associated with maternal anemia and the need for more strict iron supplementation.
Objective. The objective of this study was to report our experience with pediatric orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) with living related donors. Methods. We performed a retrospective chart analysis of 121 living related donor liver transplantations (LRDLT) from June 1998 to June 2010. Results. Indications were biliary atresia (BA; n = 81), primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 5), alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (n = 4); cholestasis (n = 9), fulminant hepatic failure (n = 8), autoimmune hepatitis (n = 2), Alagille syndrome (n = 4), hepatoblastoma (n = 3), tyrosinemia (n = 2), and congenital hepatic fibrosis (n = 3). The age of the recipients ranged from 7-174 months (median, 22) and the weights ranged from 6-58 kg (median, 10). Forty-nine children (40.5%) weighed <= 10 kg. The grafts included the left lateral segment (n = 108), the left lobe (n = 12), and the right lobe (n = 1). The donors included 71 mothers, 45 fathers, 2 uncles, 1 grandmother, 1 grandfather, and 1 sister with a median age of 29 years (range, 16-53 ys) and a median weight of 68 kg (range, 47-106). Sixteen patients (12.9%) required retransplantation, most commonly due to hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT; n = 13; 10.7%). The other complications were biliary stenosis (n = 25; 20.6%), portal vein thrombosis (PVT; n = 11; 9.1%), portal vein stenosis (n = 5; 4.1%), hepatic vein stenosis (n = 6; 4.9%), and lymphoproliferative disorders (n = 8; 6.6%). The ultimate survival rate of recipients was 90.3% after 1 year and 75.8% after 3 years. Causes of early death within 1 month were HAT (n = 6), PVT (n = 2), severe graft dysfunction (n = 1), sepsis (n = 1), and intraoperative death in children with acute liver failure (n = 2). Causes of late deaths included lymphoproliferative disease (n = 3), chronic rejection (n = 2), biliary complications (n = 3), and recurrent disease (n = 3; hepatoblastoma and primary sclerosing cholangitis). Conclusions. Despite the heightened possibility of complications (mainly vascular), LRDLT represented a good alternative to transplantation from cadaveric donors in pediatric populations. It was associated with a high survival ratio.
Background & aims: Hypovitaminosis D [serum 25 vitamin D < 30 ng/ml] is related to the development of metabolic bone disease and greater risk of chronic illnesses. However, it is frequently under-diagnosed, mainly in countries where UV radiation is abundant. We prospectively determined the prevalence and the predictors of serum 25 vitamin D (s25(OH)D) in a healthy Brazilian population after the winter and after the summer. Methods: 603 (118M and 485F) healthy Brazilian volunteers aged 18-90 years from a universitary hospital were selected after the winter of 2006. From the initial sample, 209 volunteers (31M and 178F) accepted to participate in a second health check after the subsequent summer. Results: After the winter, median s25(OH)D was 21.4 ng/mL and 77.4% of the population presented hypovitaminosis D. s25(OH)D was significantly related to age, BMI, PTH and race. In multivariate linear regression analysis, s25(OH)D was significantly and independently dependent on age, glycemia and skin color. Significant increase in s25(OH)D was verified after summer [10.6 (3.7-19.3 ng/ml); p < 0.001] and this improvement was dependent on age. We also observed a significant decrease in hyperparathyroidism prevalence (20.8% vs. 4.9%; P < 0.0001). Conclusion: In Sao Paulo, at the end of winter, we observed a high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and secondary hyperparathyroidism in healthy adults. s25(OH)D was dependent on age and skin color. After summer, we observed a decrease in the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D. This unexpected finding emphasizes the need for a strong recommendation to monitor s25(OH)D, even in a sunny country such as Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.
Background Livedoid vasculopathy (LV) is a chronic idiopathic disease characterized by painful purpuric macules on lower extremities. Its exact aetiology remains uncertain, but thrombotic and microcirculatory phenomena have been implicated as possible pathogenic factors. Objectives To assess prospectively the frequency of thrombophilia and to verify the effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy among LV patients. Methods Thirty-four LV patients were tested for prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, antithrombin activity, protein C and S activity, anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant, prothrombin gene mutation, factor V Leiden mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation, plasma homocysteine and fibrinogen. Thirteen of these patients were treated with anticoagulant drugs (either warfarin or heparin). Results Of 34 patients, 18 (52%) presented laboratory abnormalities of procoagulant conditions. Positive treatment response to anticoagulant therapy was observed in 11 patients. Improvement of pain was obtained in 1-3 weeks, an average of 1.8 week. Complete healing of the lesions was observed in about 2.3 months. Remission was sustained even after treatment interruption and lasted an average 7.8 months. No severe adverse effects were noticed. Conclusion The authors suggest all patients with diagnosis of LV to be investigated for thrombophilic status. Anticoagulant drugs were well tolerated and seemed to be effective in treating not only LV symptoms but also its ulcerations.
The aim of the study was to characterize clinically and biochemically mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) heterozygotes. Fifty-two women at risk to be a carrier, with a mean age of 34.1 years (range 16-57 years), were evaluated through pedigree analysis, medical history, physical examination, measurement of iduronate sulfatase (IDS) activities in plasma and in leukocytes, quantification of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in urine, and analysis of the IDS gene. Eligibility criteria for the study also included being 16 years of age or older and being enrolled in a genetic counselling programme. The pedigree and DNA analyses allowed the identification of 40/52 carriers and 12/52 non-carriers. All women evaluated were clinically healthy, and their levels of urinary GAGs were within normal limits. Median plasma and leukocyte IDS activities found among carriers were significantly lower than the values found for non-carriers; there was, however, an overlap between carriers` and non-carriers` values. Our data suggests that MPS II carriers show lower plasma and leukocyte IDS activities but that this reduction is generally associated neither with changes in levels of urinary GAGs nor with the occurrence of clinical manifestations.
Kabuki syndrome is a genetic disorder of unknown etiology characterized by mental retardation, growth deficiency, and peculiar face (i.e., long palpebral fissures, eversion of the lateral third of the lower eyelids, prominent ears, and broad and depressed nasal tip). Oral manifestations commonly observed in Kabuki syndrome may comprise cleft lip/palate, bifid tongue and uvula, malocclusion, and dental abnormalities. We evaluated the dental findings of eight patients with Kabuki syndrome. One presented cleft palate; three presented caries; and seven had missing teeth, with the upper lateral incisors and inferior central incisors being the most commonly absent. All missing teeth were permanent, and there was no alteration of dental chronology or morphology. Because most patients had mixed dentition, the presence or absence of primary teeth was assessed through the parents` reports. One patient presented an absent upper canine, which had not been reported previously in the literature. Dental findings may be helpful for clinical diagnosis, or they may be an additional finding to substantiate the diagnosis of Kabuki syndrome in children with mild phenotype.
Mutations in PKD1 cause the majority of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Because polycystin 1 modulates cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and apoptosis, its lower biologic activity observed in ADPKD might influence the degree of injury after renal ischemia/reperfusion. We induced renal ischemia/reperfusion in 10- to 12-wk-old male noncystic Pkd1(+/-) and wild-type mice. Compared with wild-type mice, heterozygous mice had higher fractional excretions of sodium and potassium and higher serum creatinine after 48 h. In addition, in heterozygous mice, also cortical damage, rates of apoptosis, and inflammatory infiltration into the interstitium at time points out to 14 d after injury all increased, as well as cell proliferation at 48 h and 7 d. The mRNA and protein expression of p21 was lower in heterozygous mice than wild-type mice at 48 h. After 6 wk, we observed dilated tubules, microcysts, and increased renal fibrosis in heterozygotes. The early mortality of heterozygotes was significantly higher than that of wild-type mice when we extended the duration of ischemia from 32 to 35 min. In conclusion, ischemia/reperfusion induces a more severe injury in kidneys of Pkd1-haploin-sufficient mice, a process that apparently depends on a relative deficiency of p2l activity, tubular dilation, and microcyst formation. These data suggest the possibility that humans with ADPKD from PKD1 mutations may be at greater risk for damage from renal ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Studies that have investigated ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations in cord blood have pointed to significant associations with maternal blood AA concentrations. smoking, age, diet, type of delivery, duration of gestation, fetal distress and birth weight. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between cord blood AA concentrations in newborns and maternal characteristics. A total of 117 Brazilian healthy parturients were included in this cross-sectional study. The concentrations of AA in blood were determined by the HPLC method. Data concerning socio-economic, demographic, obstetric, nutritional and health characteristics of the parturients, including alcohol consumption and smoking habit, were assessed by a standardised questionnaire. A FFQ was used to investigate the intake of foods rich in vitamin C. Cord blood AA concentration was significantly correlated with per capita income (r 0.26; P=0.005), maternal blood AA concentration (r 0.48; P<0.001) and maternal vitamin C-rich food intake score (r 0.36; P<0.001). The linear regression model including maternal AA concentration, alcohol consumption, smoking, parity, vitamin C-rich food intake score and per capita income explained 31.13% of the variation in cord blood AA concentrations in newborns. We recommend further experimental studies to assess the effects of ethanol on placental AA uptake, and epidemiological cohort studies to evaluate in detail the influence of maternal alcohol consumption on cord blood AA concentrations.
Background. Prior to the introduction of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), management of Fabry disease (FD) consisted of symptomatic and palliative measures. ERT has been available for several years using recombinant human agalsidase alfa, an analogue of alpha-galactosidase A (GALA). However, the limitations of ERT in improving kidney function have not been established. This study evaluates the safety and therapeutic effect of agalsidase alfa replacement in terms of kidney function and reduction in 24-hour proteinuria. Methods. During the period between January 1, 2002, and August 1, 2005, nine Fabry patients (7 male, 2 female) were treated according to protocol, receiving 0.2 mg/kg agalsidase alfa IV every two weeks. Kidney function was evaluated by measuring the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using chromium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate clearance ((51)Cr-EDTA mL/min/1.73 m(2)) at baseline, 12, 24, and 36 months. 24-hour proteinuria was measured at baseline, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of ERT. Kidney disease was classified according to National Kidney Foundation Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (NKF/DOQI) Advisory Board criteria, which define stage I chronic kidney disease (CKD) as GFR >= 90mL/min/1.73 m(2), stage II as 60-89 mL/min/1.73m(2), stage III as 30-59 mL/min/1.73 m(2), stage IV as 15-29 mL/min/1.73m(2), and stage V as < 15 mL/min/1.73m(2). Results. Six patients completed 36 months of therapy, 2 patients completed 18 months, and 1 patient completed 12 months. Mean patient age at baseline was 34.6 +/- 11.3 years. During the study period, kidney function remained stable in patients with stages I, II, or III CKD. One patient, who entered the study with stage IV CKD, progressed to end-stage chronic kidney disease, beginning hemodialysis after 7 months and receiving a kidney transplant after 12 months of ERT. Proteinuria also remained stable in the group of patients with pathologic proteinuria. The use of agalsidase alfa was well tolerated in 99.5% of the infusions administered. Conclusion. Over the course of 36 months of ERT, there was no change in kidney function and 24-hour proteinuria. This suggests thatagalsidase alfa may slow or halt the progression of kidney disease when used before extensive kidney damage occurs. No significant side effects were observed with ERT during the course of the study.
Pruritus is still one of the most common and disturbing symptoms of end-stage renal disease. The objective of this study is to analyze the prevalence of pruritus in hemodialysis patients and the possible factors implicated in its genesis. In a cross-sectional study, 101 patients on hemodialysis at our center were screened for pruritus. The relationship of various factors with pruritus was evaluated. Of the 101 patients included, 31(30.7%) had pruritus at the time of examination. Patients with pruritus were significantly older than those without pruritus (P=0.0027). Pruritus tended to be more prevalent in patients undergoing dialysis 3 times a week than in those undergoing daily dialysis, but the difference did not reach statistical significance (P=0.0854). Lower transferrin saturation levels were found in patients with pruritus than in those without pruritus (P=0.0144). C-reactive protein levels were significantly higher in patients with pruritus than in those without pruritus (P=0.0013). There was no significant difference between the groups in the levels of the other inflammatory biomarkers measured. However, there was a tendency toward a correlation between the levels of alpha-1-glycoprotein and the intensity of pruritus (P=0.0834). Our results suggest a possible relationship of the inflammatory response upregulation to pruritus. Additionally, there was a positive relationship between pruritus and iron deficiency, possibly associated with inflammatory elevation of hepcidin. A better understanding of the factors implicated in the genesis of pruritus related to end-stage renal disease is crucial in the development of more effective treatments for this symptom.
We report the identification of a novel mutation at a highly conserved residue within the N-terminal region of spermine synthase (SMS) in a second family with Snyder-Robinson X-linked mental retardation syndrome ( OMIM 309583). This missense mutation, p.G56S, greatly reduces SMS activity and leads to severe epilepsy and cognitive impairment. Our findings contribute to a better delineation and expansion of the clinical spectrum of Snyder-Robinson syndrome, support the important role of the N-terminus in the function of the SMS protein, and provide further evidence for the importance of SMS activity in the development of intellectual processing and other aspects of human development.
Background and Purpose-Plasma glutathione peroxidase (GPx-3) is a major antioxidant enzyme in plasma and the extracellular space that scavenges reactive oxygen species produced during normal metabolism or after oxidative insult. A deficiency of this enzyme increases extracellular oxidant stress, promotes platelet activation, and may promote oxidative posttranslational modification of fibrinogen. We recently identified a haplotype (H-2) in the GPx-3 gene promoter that increases the risk of arterial ischemic stroke among children and young adults. Methods-The aim of this study is to identify possible relationships between promoter haplotypes in the GPx-3 gene and cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). We studied the GPx-3 gene promoter from 23 patients with CVT and 123 young controls (18 to 45 years) by single-stranded conformational polymorphism and sequencing analysis. Results-Over half of CVT patients (52.1%) were heterozygous (H1H2) or homozygous (H2H2) carriers of the H-2 haplotype compared with 12.2% of controls, yielding a more than 10-fold independent increase in the risk of CVT (OR=10.7; 95% CI, 2.70 to 42.36; P<0.0001). Among women, the interaction of the H2 haplotype with hormonal risk factors increased the OR of CVT to almost 70 (P<0.0001). Conclusions-These findings show that a novel GPx-3 promoter haplotype is a strong, independent risk factor for CVT. As we have previously shown that this haplotype is associated with a reduction in transcriptional activity, which compromises antioxidant activity and antithrombotic benefits of the enzyme, these results suggest that a deficiency of GPx-3 leads to a cerebral venous thrombophilic state.
Background. Fabry disease (FD) is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of -Galactosidase A (-Gal A). Fabry nephropathy typically progresses throughout the fifth decade to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), requiring hemodialysis and/or kidney transplantation. Objective. To estimate the prevalence of FD among ESRD males on hemodialysis treatment in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil. Methods. Screening for -Gal A activity was performed by a dried blood spot (normal reference value: 1.5 nmoles/hour/mL). Positive screening results were confirmed by plasma -Gal A activity assay (reference value: 3.3 nmoles/hour/mL). Results. Five hundred fifty-eight male patients on hemodialysis were evaluated. Of these, only two had low -Gal A activity and were diagnosed with Fabry disease (0.36%). One of these, age 42, had left ventricular hypertrophy and renal manifestations of Fabry disease without the classic symptoms. The other, age 46, had the classical manifestations of angiokeratomas, acroparesthesias, hypohidrosis, and ocular opacities. Conclusions. Although the prevalence of Fabry disease was very low in our study (0.36%), routine screening of male hemodialysis patients would enable earlier identification of many other affected relatives in their families who might benefit from specific clinical treatment.
Background Surgical treatment has proved to be effective for weight loss, improving the quality of life of obese individuals. However, metabolic and nutritional deficiencies may occur during the late postoperative period. The objective of the present study was to assess the metabolic and nutritional profile of grade III obese individuals for 12 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Methods Forty-eight patients with mean body mass index (BMI) of 51.9 +/- 7.8 kg/m(2) were submitted to RYGBP. Anthropometric, food intake, and biochemical data were obtained before and for 12 months after surgery. Results There was an average weight and body fat reduction of 35% and 46%, respectively. Calorie intake was reduced, ranging from 773 +/- 206 to 1035 +/- 345 kcal during the study. Protein intake remained below recommended values throughout follow-up, corresponding to 0.5 +/- 0.3 g/kg/current body weight/day during the 12th month. Iron and fiber intake was significantly reduced, remaining below recommended levels throughout the study. Serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycemia were reduced. Albumin deficiency was present in 15.6% of subjects at the beginning of the study vs 8.9% at the end, calcium deficiency was present in 3.4% vs 16.7%, and iron deficiency was present in 12.2% vs 14.6%. Conclusions RYGBP was effective for weight loss and for the reduction of obesity rates and risk factors for comorbidities. The diet of these patients, who frequently present inadequate intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, should receive special attention. Patient follow-up and assessment at short intervals are necessary for an early correction of nutritional deficiencies.
Purpose To compare the process of myelination in the developing optic nerve (ON) of anaemic rats with the subsequent recovery after being fed an iron-recovery diet. Methods In this study, the morphometrical parameters in the ON were assessed by electron microscopy in Wistar rats that were on an iron-deficient diet for 32 days or for 21 days followed by 10 days on an iron-recovery diet. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed using representative electron ultramicrographs. Data were analysed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). When differences were detected, comparisons were made using Tukey`s post hoc test (P<0.05 was considered to be significant). Results Qualitative analysis of the ONs in anaemic and recovered animals showed a higher rate of deformed axons and increased lamellar separation in the myelin sheath when compared with the respective control group. The ON of the anaemic group showed a reduced mean density of myelinated fibres when compared with the control group. The fibre area ratio, axon area ratio, and myelin area ratio of large axons/small axons in the ONs of the control group showed the highest values for the myelin areas, axon areas, and total fibre areas. The control group showed a significantly higher myelin sheath thickness when compared with the anaemic and recovered groups. Conclusions Our data indicate that iron is necessary for maintenance of the ON cell structure, and that morphological damage from iron deficiency is not easily reverted by iron repletion. Eye (2010) 24, 901-908; doi:10.1038/eye.2009.205; published online 14 August 2009