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This study aimed to compare the resting energy expenditure (REE) of white and non-white severely obese Brazilian women. REE was examined in 83 severely obese Brazilian women (n = 58 white and 25 non-white) with mean (+/- SD) age 42.99 +/- 11.35 and body mass index 46.88 +/- 6.22 kg/m(2) who were candidates for gastric bypass surgery. Body composition was assessed by air displacement plethysmography (ADP) BOD PODO body composition system (Life Measurement Instruments, Concord, CA) and REE was measured, under established protocol, with an open-circuit calorimeter (Deltatrac II MBM-200, Datex-Ohmeda, Madison, WI, USA). There was no significant difference between the REE of white and non-white severely obese women (1,953 +/- 273 and 1,906 +/- 271 kcal/d, respectively; p = 0.48). However, when adjusted for fat free mass (MLG), REE was significantly higher in non-white severely obese women (difference between groups of 158.4 kcal, p < 0.01). REE in white women was positively and significantly correlated to C-reactive protein (PCR) (r = 0.41.8; P < 0.001) and MLG (r = 0.771; P < 0.001). In the non-white women, REE was only significantly correlated to MLG (r = 0.753; P < 0.001). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that skin color, MLG and PCR were the significant determinants of REE (R(2) = 0.55). This study showed that, after adjustment for MLG, non-white severely obese women have a higher REE than the white ones. The association of body composition inflammation factors and REE in severely obese Brazilian women remains to be further investigated.
Compared with other specialties, the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine has not received the deserved recognition from clinicians and researchers in the scientific community. One of the reasons is the lack of sound evidence to support the traditional physical and rehabilitation medicine treatments. The best way to change this disadvantage is through a well conducted clinical research, such as standard placebo- or sham-controlled randomized clinical trials. Therefore, having placebo groups in clinical trials is essential to improve the level of evidence-based practice in physical and rehabilitation medicine that ultimately translates to better clinical care. To address the challenges for the use of placebo in physical and rehabilitation medicine and randomized clinical trials and to create useful recommendations, we convened a working group during the inaugural International Symposium in Placebo (February 2009, in Sao Paulo, Brazil) in which the following topics were discussed: (1) current status of randomized clinical trials in physical and rehabilitation medicine, (2) challenges for the use of placebo in physical and rehabilitation medicine, (3) bioethics, (4) use of placebo in acupuncture trials and for the treatment of low-back pain, (5) mechanisms of placebo, and (6) insights from other specialties. The current article represents the consensus report from the working group.
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is associated with environmental factors, especially tobacco and alcohol consumption. Most of the carcinogens present in tobacco smoke are converted into DNA-reactive metabolites by cytochrome P450 (CYPs) enzymes and detoxification of these substances is performed by glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). It has been suggested that genetic alterations, such as polymorphisms, play an important role in tumorigenesis and HNSCC progression. The aim of this study was to investigate CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms as risk factors in HNSCC and their association with clinicopathologic data. The patients comprised 153 individuals with HNSCC (cases) and 145 with no current or previous diagnosis of cancer (controls). Genotyping of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP2E1 genes was performed by PCR-RFLP and the GSTM1 and GSTT1 copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) were analyzed by PCR-multiplex. As expected, a significant difference was detected for tobacco and alcohol consumption between cases and controls (P < 0.001). It was observed that the CYP1A2*1D (OR = 16.24) variant and GSTM1 null alleles (OR = 0.02) confer increased risk of HNSCC development (P < 0.001). In addition, head and neck cancer alcohol consumers were more frequently associated with the CYP2E1*5B variant allele than control alcohol users (P < 0.0001, OR = 190.6). The CYP1A2*1C polymorphism was associated with tumor recurrence (log-rank test, P = 0.0161). The CYP2E1*5B and GSTM1 null alleles were significantly associated with advanced clinical stages (T3 + T4; P = 0.022 and P = 0.028, respectively). Overall, the findings suggested that the genetic polymorphisms studied are predictors of risk and are also associated with tumor recurrence, since they are important for determining the parameters associated with tumor progression and poor outcomes in HNSCC. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oligodendrogliomas are the second most common malignant brain tumor in adults and exhibit characteristic losses of chromosomes 1p and 19q. To identify the molecular genetic basis for this alteration, we performed exomic sequencing of seven tumors. Among other changes, we found that the CIC gene (homolog of the Drosophila gene capicua) on chromosome 19q was somatically mutated in six cases and that the FUBP1 gene [encoding far-upstream element (FUSE) binding protein] on chromosome 1p was somatically mutated in two tumors. Examination of 27 additional oligodendrogliomas revealed 12 and 3 more tumors with mutations of CIC and FUBP1, respectively, 58% of which were predicted to result in truncations of the encoded proteins. These results suggest a critical role for these genes in the biology and pathology of oligodendrocytes.
Purpose: The aversive nature of regenerative milieu is the main problem related to the failure of neuronal restoration in the injured spinal cord which however might be addressed with an adequate repair intervention. We evaluated whether glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) may increase the ability of sciatic nerve graft, placed in a gap promoted by complete transections of the spinal cord, to enhance motor recovery and local fiber growth. Methods: Rats received a 4 mm-long gap at low thoracic level and were repaired with a fragment of the sciatic nerve. GDNF was added (NERVE+GDNF) or not to the grafts (NERVE-GDNF). Motor behavior score (BBB) and sensorimotor tests-linked to the combined behavior score (CBS), which indicate the degree of the motor improvement and the percentage of functional deficit, respectively, and also the spontaneous motor behavior in an open field by means of an infrared motion sensor activity monitor were analyzed. At the end of the third month post surgery, the tissue composed by the graft and the adjacent regions of the spinal cord was removed and submitted to the immunohistochemistry of the neurofilament-200 (NF-200), growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43), microtubule associated protein-2 (MAP-2), 5-hidroxytryptamine (serotonin, 5-HT) and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). The immunoreactive fibers were quantified at the epicenter of the graft by means of stereological procedures. Results: Higher BBB and lower CBS levels (p < 0.001) were found in NERVE+GDNF rats. GDNF added to the graft increased the levels of individual sensorimotor tests mainly at the third month. Analysis of the spontaneous motor behavior showed decreases in the time and number of small movement events by the third month without changes in time and number of large movement events in the NERVE+GDNF rats. Immunoreactive fibers were encountered inside the grafts and higher amounts of NF-200, GAP-43 and MAP-2 fibers were found in the epicenter of the graft when GDNF was added. A small amount of descending 5-HT fibers was seen reentering in the adjacent caudal levels of the spinal cords which were grafted in the presence of GDNF, event that has not occurred without the neurotrophic factor. GDNF in the graft also led to a large amount of MAP-2 perikarya and fibers in the caudal levels of the cord gray matter, as determined by the microdensitometric image analysis. Conclusions: GDNF added to the nerve graft favored the motor recovery, local neuronal fiber growth and neuroplasticity in the adjacent spinal cord.
The human endometrium is a dynamic tissue that undergoes cycles of growth and regression with each menstrual cycle. Adult progenitor stem cells are likely responsible for this remarkable regenerative capacity; these same progenitor stem cells may also have an enhanced capacity to generate endometriosis if shed in a retrograde fashion. The progenitor stem cells reside in the uterus; however, less-committed mesenchymal stem cells may also travel from other tissues such as bone marrow to repopulate the progenitor population. Mesenchymal stem cells are also involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis and may be the principle source of endometriosis outside of the peritoneal cavity when they differentiate into endometriosis in ectopic locations. Finally, besides progenitor stem cells, recent publications have identified multipotent stem cells in the endometrium. These multipotent stem cells are a readily available source of cells that are useful in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Endometrial stem cells have been used to generate chondrocytes, myocytes, neurons, and adiposites in vitro as well as to replace dopaminergic neurons in a murine model of Parkinson`s disease.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the range of movement of the ankle and the vertical ground reaction force involved in gait among diabetic patients with and without peripheral neuropathy. Sample and Method: 36 individuals were divided into three groups: Control group - CG: 10 individuals without diabetes, Diabetic group - DG: 10 individuals with diabetes without peripheral neuropathy and Neuropathy, and Diabetic neuropathic group - DNG: 16 individuals with diabetes and peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Gait - AMTI (R) OR6/6m and range of tibiotarsal joint movement - System Vicom 640 (R) was carried out in all the participants. Results: The first and second vertical ground reaction force peaks were statistically higher in the neuropathy group, and the range of ankle motion was lower in the Diabetes and Neuropathy groups. Conclusion: The range of movement of the tibiotarsal joint is lower in diabetics, regardless of the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy, and diabetics with peripheral neuropathy show an increase in the first and second vertical ground reaction force peaks during walking.
Background Although fatigue is a ubiquitous symptom across countries, clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome have arisen from a limited number of high-income countries. This might reflect differences in true prevalence or clinical recognition influenced by sociocultural factors. Aims To compare the prevalence, physician recognition and diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome in London and Sao Paulo. Method Primary care patients in London (n=2459) and Sao Paulo n=3914) were surveyed for the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome. Medical records were reviewed for the physician recognition and diagnosis. Results The prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome according to Centers for Disease Control 1994 criteria was comparable in Britain and Brazil, 2.1% v. 1.6% (P=0.20). Medical records review identified 11 diagnosed cases of chronic fatigue syndrome in Britain, but none in Brazil (P<0.001). Conclusions The primary care prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome was similar in two Culturally and economically distinct nations. However, doctors are unlikely to recognise and label chronic fatigue syndrome as a discrete disorder in Brazil. The recognition of this illness rather than the illness itself may be culturally induced.
Objective: While in many Western affluent countries there is widespread awareness of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), little is known about the awareness of CFS/ME in low- and middle-income countries. We compared the awareness of CFS in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Methods: Recognition and knowledge of CFS were assessed among 120 Brazilian specialist doctors in two major university hospitals using a typical case vignette of CFS. We also surveyed 3914 and 2435 consecutive attenders in Brazilian and British primary care clinics, respectively, concerning their awareness of CFS. Results: When given a typical case vignette of CFS, only 30.8% [95% confidence interval (CI), 22.7-39.9%] of Brazilian specialist doctors mentioned chronic fatigue or CFS as a possible diagnosis, a proportion substantially lower than that observed in Western affluent countries. Similarly, only 16.2% (95% CI, 15.1-17.4%) of Brazilian primary care attenders were aware of CFS, in contrast to 55.1% (95% CI, 53.1-57.1%) of their British counterparts (P <.001). This difference remained highly significant after controlling for patients` sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics (P <.001). Conclusions: The awareness of CFS was substantially lower in Brazil than the United Kingdom. The observed difference may influence patients` help-seeking behavior and both doctors` and patients` beliefs and attitudes in relation to fatigue-related syndromes. Attempts to promote the awareness of CFS should be considered in Brazil, but careful plans are required to ensure the delivery of sound evidence-based information. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Recent studies support an important role for human papillomavirus (HPV) in a subgroup of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). We have evaluated the HPV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) prevalence as well as the association between serological response to HPV infection and HNSCC in two distinct populations from Central Europe (CE) and Latin America (LA). Methods Cases (n = 2214) and controls (n = 3319) were recruited from 1998 to 2003, using a similar protocol including questionnaire and blood sample collection. Tumour DNA from 196 fresh tissue biopsies was analysed for multiple HPV types followed by an HPV type-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol towards the E7 gene from HPV 16. Using multiplex serology, serum samples were analysed for antibodies to 17 HPV types. Statistical analysis included the estimation of adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and the respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results HPV16 E7 DNA prevalence among cases was 3.1% (6/196), including 4.4% in the oropharynx (3/68), 3.8% in the hypopharynx/larynx (3/78) and 0% among 50 cases of oral cavity carcinomas. Positivity for both HPV16 E6 and E7 antibodies was associated with a very high risk of oropharyngeal cancer (OR = 179, 95% CI 35.8-899) and hypopharyngeal/laryngeal cancer (OR = 14.9, 95% CI 2.92-76.1). Conclusions A very low prevalence of HPV DNA and serum antibodies was observed among cases in both CE and LA. The proportion of head and neck cancer caused by HPV may vary substantially between different geographical regions and studies that are designed to evaluate the impact of HPV vaccination on HNSCC need to consider this heterogeneity.
Although the number of genes known to be associated with bovine spermatogenesis has increased in the past few years, regulation of this biological process remains poorly understood. Therefore, discovery of new male fertility genetic markers is of great value for assisted selection in commercially important cattle breeds, e.g., Nelore, that have delayed reproductive maturation and low fertility rates. The objective of the present study was to identify sequences associated with spermatogenesis that could be used as fertility markers. With RT-PCR, the following five transcripts preferentially expressed in adult testis were detected: TET(656) detected only in adult testis; TET(868) and TET(515) expressed preferentially in adult testis but also detected in fetal gonads of both sexes; and TET(456) and TET(262). expressed primarily in the testis, but also present in very low amounts in somatic tissues. Based on their homologies and expression profiles, we inferred that they had putative roles in spermatogenesis. Detection of sequences differentially expressed in testis, ovary, or both, was a useful approach for identifying new genes related to bovine spermatogenesis. The data reported here contributed to discovery of gene pathways involved in bovine spermatogenesis, with potential for prediction of fertility. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that recruitment maneuvers (RMs) might act differently in models of pulmonary (p) and extrapulmonary (exp) acute lung injury (ALI) with similar transpulmonary pressure changes. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting. University research laboratory. Subjects: Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups. In control groups, sterile saline solution was intratracheally (0.1 mL, Cp) or intraperitoneally (1 mL, Cexp) injected, whereas ALI animals received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide intratracheally (100 jig, ALIp) or intraperitoneally (1 mg, ALIexp). After 24 hrs, animals were mechanically ventilated (tidal volume, 6 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm H2O) and three RMs (pressure inflations to 40 cm H2O for 40 secs, 1 min apart) applied. Measurements and Main Results. Pao(2), lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures, static elastance, lung histology (light and electron microscopy), and type III procollagen messenger RNA expression in pulmonary tissue were measured before RMs and at the end of 1 hr of mechanical ventilation. Mechanical variables, gas exchange, and the fraction of area of alveolar collapse were similar in both ALI groups. After RMs, lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures and static elastance decreased more in ALIexp (255%,180%, and 118%, respectively) than in ALIp (103%, 59%, and 89%, respectively). The amount of atelectasis decreased more in ALIexp than in ALIp (from 58% to 19% and from 59% to 33%, respectively). RMs augmented type III procollagen messenger RNA expression only in the ALIp group (19%), associated with worsening in alveolar epithelium injury but no capillary endothelium lesion, whereas the ALIexp group showed a minor detachment of the alveolar capillary membrane. Conclusions. Given the same transpulmonary pressures, RMs are more effective at opening collapsed alveoli in ALIexp than in ALIp, thus improving lung mechanics and oxygenation with limited damage to alveolar epithelium.
Background: CD8+ T cells and natural killer (NK) cells are involved in the immune response against some pathogens. For this purpose, we investigated the in situ paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) immune response addressing the participation of NK cells, CD8+ T cells, perforin and granzyme B expression. Methods: Sixty biopsies of PCM skin and mucosa were classified according to the presence of compact granulomas (G1), poorly organized granulomas (G2) and both kinds in the same lesion (G3). CD8+ T cells, NK cells, perforin and granzyme B were showed by immunohistochemistry. Results: CD8+ T cells were increased over NK cells in cutaneous G1 and G2 lesions. There was no difference regarding such cells in G3 lesions, although they were abundant in such lesions. In mucosa, CD8+ T cells were increased in number over NK cells in all groups. Granzyme B in skin increased in G2 and G3. The number of granzyme did not differ in mucosal lesions in the three groups. Conclusions: CD8+ T cells and NK cells play a role in PCM cutaneous and mucosal lesions. The predominance of CD8+ T cells over NK cells may represent an effective response against the fungi. Moreover, the high number of granzyme B expressing cells corroborates this possibility.
Storage at low temperature is the most frequently used method to extend the shelf life of banana fruit, and is fundamental for extended storage and transport over long distances. However, storage and transport conditions must be carefully controlled because of the high susceptibility of many commercial cultivars to chilling injury. The physiological behavior of bananas at low temperatures has been studied to identify possible mechanisms of resistance to chilling injury. The aim of this work was to evaluate differences in the starch-to-sucrose metabolism of a less tolerant and susceptible (Musa acuminata, AAA cv. Nanicao) and a more tolerant (M. acuminata x Musa balbusiana, AAB, cv. Prata) banana cultivar to chilling injury. Fruits of these cultivars were stored in chambers at 13 degrees C for 15 d, at which point they were transferred to 19 degrees C, where they were left until complete ripening. The low temperature induced significant changes in the metabolism of starch and sucrose in comparison to fruit ripened only at 19 degrees C. The sucrose accumulation was slightly higher in cv. Prata, and different patterns of starch degradation, sucrose synthesis, activity and protein levels of the alpha-and beta-amylases, starch phosphorylase, sucrose synthase and sucrose phosphate synthase were detected between the cultivars. Our results suggest that starch-to-sucrose metabolism is likely part of the mechanism for cold acclimation in banana fruit, and the cultivar-dependent differences contribute to their ability to tolerate cold temperatures. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: There is scarce information on the potential benefits of immunosuppression in children with myocarditis and viral genomes in myocardium. We investigated the occurrence of myocarditis in children with a preliminary diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy, the frequency of cardiotropic viruses in the myocardium, and the response to immunosuppression. Methods: Thirty patients (nine months to 12 years) with left ventricular ejection fraction of 22.8 +/- 4.1% were subjected to right cardiac catheterization and endomyocardial biopsy. Specimens were analyzed for the presence of inflammatory elements (Dallas criteria) and viral genome (polymerase chain reaction). Patients with active myocarditis received immunosuppressants (azatioprine and prednisone) and were recatheterized nine months later. A historical control group of nine patients with myocarditis who did not receive immunosuppressants was included. Results: Active myocarditis was diagnosed in ten patients (five with viral genomes detected). Immunosuppression resulted in a significant increase in left ventricular ejection fraction from 25.2 +/- 2.8% to 45.7 +/- 8.6% (versus 20.0 +/- 4.0% to 22.0 +/- 9.0% in historical controls, p < 0.01) and cardiac index from 3.28 +/- 0.51 L/min/m(2) to 4.40 +/- 0.49 L/min/m(2) (versus 3.50 +/- 0.40 L/min/m(2) to 3.70 +/- 0.50 L/min/m(2) in controls, p < 0.01), regardless of the presence of viral genomes (p - 0.98 and p - 0.22, respectively for the two variables). No relevant clinical events were observed. Non-inflammatory cardiomyopathy was diagnosed in 20 patients (seven with viral genomes). While on conventional therapy, there were four deaths and three assignments to transplantation, and no improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction in the remaining ones (22.5 +/- 3.6% to 27.5 +/- 10.6%). Conclusion: Children with chronic myocarditis seem to benefit from immunosuppressive therapy, regardless of the presence of viral genome in the myocardium. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.