186 resultados para Genetic Risk


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Mercury (Hg) exposure causes health problems including cardiovascular diseases. Although precise mechanisms have not been precisely defined yet, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may be involved. The gene encoding MMP-9 presents genetic polymorphisms which affect the expression and activity level of this enzyme. Two polymorphisms in the promoter region [C(-1562)T and (CA)(n)] are functionally relevant, and are implicated in several diseases. This study aimed at examining how these polymorphisms affect the circulating MMP-9 levels and its endogenous inhibitor, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in 266 subjects environmentally exposed to Hg. Blood and plasma Hg concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). MMP-9 and TIMP-1 concentrations were measured in plasma samples by gelatin zymography and ELISA, respectively. Genotypes for the C(-1562)T and the microsatellite (CA)(n) polymorphisms were determined. We found a positive association (P<0.05) between plasma Hg concentrations and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio (an index of net MMP-9 activity). When the subjects were divided into tertiles with basis on their plasma Hg concentrations, we found that the (CA)(n) polymorphism modified MMP-9 concentrations and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in subjects with the lowest Hg concentrations (first tertile), with the highest MMP-9 levels being found in subjects with genotypes including alleles with 21 or more CA repeats (H alleles) (P<0.05). Conversely, this polymorphism had no effects on subjects with intermediate or high plasma Hg levels (second and third tertiles, respectively). The C(-1562)T polymorphism had no effects on MMP-9 levels. These findings suggest a significant interaction between the (CA)(n) polymorphism and low levels of Hg exposure, possibly increasing the risk of developing diseases in subjects with H alleles. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder caused by a single nucleotide substitution in the P-globin gene. The clinical heterogeneity observed in SCD patients has been attributed to environmental and genetic factors. The patients are subjected to increased oxidative stress, particularly during vaso-occlusive crises and acute chest pain. Another possible cause of oxidative stress in SCD is the high concentration of iron in the patients` plasma. The increase in oxidative stress could be a relevant risk factor for mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Studies on the frequency of basal chromosomal aberrations in cultured lymphocytes from SCD patients have not been reported so far. In order to contribute to the understanding of the role of the different biomarkers and their relationship with the extremely variable clinical manifestation of SCD, we investigated the frequency of chromosome damage in peripheral lymphocytes from sickle cells patients and healthy controls. We found an increased frequency of chromosome damage and percentage of aberrant metaphases in these patients when compared with control subjects, even at basal values (p < 0.05). In the cytogenetic sensitivity assay, the results showed that these patients presented a marked decrease in the mitotic index values compared with healthy controls. Cisplatin-induced chromosomal damage in lymphocytes from these patients was significantly higher than the frequency measured in healthy controls. The results obtained in the present study showed that more investigations are needed in order to elucidate the susceptibility to genomic instability of SCD patients.


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Uranium is a natural radioactive metallic element; its effect on the organism is cumulative, and chronic exposure to this element can induce carcinogenesis. Three cities of the Amazon region-Monte Alegre, Prainha, and Alenquer-in North Brazil, are located in one of the largest uranium mineralization areas of the world. Radon is a radioactive gas, part of uranium decay series and readily diffuses through rock. In Monte Alegre, most of the houses are built of rocks removed from the Earth`s crust in the forest, where the uranium reserves lie. The objective of the present work is to determine the presence or absence of genotoxicity and risk of carcinogenesis induced by natural exposure to uranium and radon in the populations of these three cities. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations (CA) showed no statistically significant differences between the control population and the three study populations (P > 0.05). MN was also analyzed using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, with a centromere-specific probe. No clastogenic and/or aneugenic effects were found in the populations. Using FISH analysis, other carcinogenesis biomarkers were analyzed, but neither the presence of the IGH/BCL2 translocation nor an amplification of the MYC gene and 22q21 region was detected. Clastogenicity and DNA damage were also not found in the populations analyzed using the alkaline comet assay. The mitotic index showed no cytotoxicity in the analyzed individuals` lymphocytes. Once we do not have data concerning radiation doses from other sources, such as cosmic rays, potassium, thorium, or anthropogenic sources, it is hard to determine if uranium emissions in this geographic region where our study population lives are too low to cause significant DNA damage. Regardless, genetic analyses suggest that the radiation in our study area is not high enough to induce DNA alterations or to interfere with mitotic apparatus formation. It is also possible that damages caused by radiation doses undergo cellular repair.


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Financial institutions are directly exposed to the credit risk, that is, the risk of the borrower not fulfill with their obligations, paying their debts in its stated periods established previously. The bank predict this type of risk, including them in their balance-sheets. In 2006/2007 there was the impact of a new financial crisis that spread around the world, known as the crisis of subprime. The objective of this study is to analyze if the provisions for credit risk or liquidation increased the sprouting of the crisis of subprime in ten major national banks, chosen accordant to their total assets. To answer this question, the balance-sheets of each one of these banks in the period of 2005 to 2007 were analyzed. This research is characterized, as for its objectives, as descriptive and as for the procedures as documentary research. It is also characterized as having a qualitative approach. The results show that the crisis of subprime has caused little impact in the credit risk provision of the analyzed institutions. It was noticed a slight increase in the provision indicators at the peak of the crisis in 2006. These percentages were reduced in, 2007, probably reflecting the economic stability of Brazil and the stagnation of the crisis Of subprime in that year, at least in relation to in our country.


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This article aims to identify the main and interaction effects of two country-level variables, namely national distance and country risk, on the survival of international joint ventures in emerging markets. Research hypotheses predicting the negative impact of national distance and country risk on survival of international joint ventures are formulated in this article. These research hypotheses are examined in a sample of 234 international joint ventures formed in Brazil between 1973 and 2004. These international joint ventures were subjected to an event history analysis over a period of time ranging from 1973 to 2006. The empirical results show that large national cultural differences between local and foreign partners increase the instability of international joint ventures, whereas the survival of these alliances does not seem to be affected either by the economic and political uncertainty of Brazil. Furthermore, the national distance between local and foreign partners has effects on survival that are variable according to the life cycle of international joint ventures. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study aims to elaborate a hierarchical risk scale (HRS) of agricultural and cattle breeding activities and to classify the main agricultural crops and cattle breeding activities according to their risk levels. The research is characterized as exploratory and quantitative and was based on previous risk assessment (MARKOWITZ, 1952) and capital cost calculation (SHARPE, 1964) work for other business segments. The calculations on agricultural and cattle breeding data were processed for the period from 2000 to 2006. The used methods considers simplifications and adaptations needed to achieve the proposed objective. The final result, pioneering and embryonic, provides support to improve the management of these activities that are so essential to produce food for society.


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The study aims to find the categories of risks disclosed in the Administration Reports of Brazilian companies with the issuance of ADR`s. The research is characterized as descriptive, accomplished through doucmentary analysis. The sample includes 28 Brazilian companies with the issuance of American Depository Receipt (ADR`s) in the Stock Exchange of New York (USA). We have tried to identify the categories of risk, presented by the companies surveyed in the Administration Reports (AR) of 2007. Seven categories of corporate risks were considered, identified through COSO (2004) methodology strategic risks, operational risks, legal risks and image risks,. The survey results show that in general there is no standaardization of the types sof risks disclosed by the companies. A total of 14 types of risks havd been identified. The predominant category in the disclosure was the operational risk, with 20.72% of the observations. There was no disclosre of image risk in the AR of the companies surveyed. It was found that 19 companies, 67.86% of the surveyed companies, demonstrate some kind of risk to which they are exposed. On the other hand, nine companies (32.14%) did not show any kind of risk.


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the Controllership relevance as support risk management in non-financial companies. Risk management is a widely discussed and disseminated subject amongst financial institutions. It is obvious that economic uncertainties and, consequently, prevention and. control must also exist in non-financial companies. To enable managers to take safe-decisions, it is essential for them to be able to count on instrumental support that provides timely and adequate information, to ensure lower levels of mistakes and risk exposure. However, discussion concerning risk management in non-financial companies is still in its early stages in Brazil. Considering this gap, this study aims at assessing how Controllership has been acting in? companies under the insight of risk and how it can contribute to risk management in non-financial companies. To achieve the proposed goal, a field research was. carried-out with non-financial companies that are located in the city Sao Paulo and listed in the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa). The research was carried out using questionnaires, which were sent do Risk Officers and Controllers of those companies with the purpose of evaluating their perception on the subject. The results,of the research allow us to conclude that Controllership offers support to risk management, through information that contributes to the mitigation of the risks in non-financial companies.


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We formulated a general unrestricted model of the Brazilian Emerging Markets Bond Index Plus (EMBI+) spreads, a proxy for the country`s default risk. Employing algorithms that perform automated model selection, we found that macroeconomic fundamentals, such as current account deficit ratio to gross domestic product, public deficit ratio to gross domestic product and imports over foreign exchange reserves, can explain a great part of the variation in EMBI+ spreads. There is also robust evidence of systematic contagion from Argentina and Mexico and that the variance of the spread also affects its mean.


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Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a phosphatidyl-3-kinase-related protein kinase that functions as a central regulator of the DNA damage response in eukaryotic cells. In humans, mutations in ATM cause the devastating neurodegenerative disease ataxia telangiectasia. Previously, we characterized the homolog of ATM (AtmA) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In addition to its expected role in the DNA damage response, we found that AtmA is also required for polarized hyphal growth. Here, we extended these studies by investigating which components of the DNA damage response pathway are interacting with AtmA. The AtmA(ATM) loss of function caused synthetic lethality when combined with mutation in UvsB(ATR). Our results suggest that AtmA and UvsB are interacting and they are probably partially redundant in terms of DNA damage sensing and/or repairing and polar growth. We identified and inactivated A. nidulans chkA(CHK1) and chkB(CHK2) genes. These genes are also redundantly involved in A. nidulans DNA damage response. We constructed several combinations of double mutants for Delta atmA, Delta uvsB, Delta chkA, and Delta chkB. We observed a complex genetic relationship with these mutations during the DNA replication checkpoint and DNA damage response. Finally, we observed epistatic and synergistic interactions between AtmA, and bimE(APCI), ankA(WEE1) and the cdc2-related kinase npkA, at S-phase checkpoint and in response to DNA-damaging agents.


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Loss of connectivity in impounded rivers is among the impacts imposed by dams, and mitigation measures such as fish passages might not accomplish their purpose of reestablishing an efficient bi-directional gene flow in the fish populations affected. As a consequence, fish populations remain fragmented, and a new interpopulational structure may develop, with increased risk of reduced genetic diversity and stochastic extinction. In order to evaluate the effects of the Gavio Peixoto Dam, which was constructed almost a century ago on the Jacar,-Gua double dagger u River in the Upper Parana River basin, Brazil, a comparative morphometric study was undertaken on the populations of the Neotropical migratory characid fish Salminus hilarii living up- and downstream of this dam. Population dynamics, spatial segregation, and habitat use by different age classes were monitored for 2 years. We found that segregation caused by the dam and long periods with no efficient connection by fish passages have led to fragmentation and interpopulational structuring of S. hilarii, as revealed by canonical variable analysis of morphometric features. The fish populations occupying the up- and downstream sections have succeeded in performing short-distance reproductive migrations in the main river and tributaries, have found suitable habitats for completing their life cycle, and have been able to maintain distinct small-sized populations so far.


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The objective of this study was to show the association patterns among seven types of dental anomalies (second pre-molar agenesis, upper side incisive reduced in size, lower first molar infra-ochlesis, enamel hypoplasia, first molar ectopic eruption, supra numerous teeth and upper canine ectopic eruption) in a population sample without dental treatment ranging in age from 7 to 14. A total of 172 patients were attended and underwent the clinical examination at the Clinica Infantil da Fundacao Educacional de Barretos. Eleven patients from this total were selected according to a first dental anomaly diagnosis and submitted to panoramic radiography. A significant association (p < 0.05) was detected among six pairs of anomalies (second pre-molar agenesis x first pre-molar ectopic eruption; second pre-molar agenesis x lower first molar infra-ochlesis; second pre-molar agenesis x upper side incisive reduced in size; supra numerous teeth x reduced size upper side incisive; first pre-molar ectopic eruption x enamel hypoplasia; lower first molar infra-ochlesis x upper side incisive reduced in size) suggesting a common genetic origin for these conditions. The association was not significant in only one case where there was anomaly sharing by the patients. The existence of an anomaly is clinically relevant for early diagnosis of a possible association and an anomaly can indicate an increased risk of other anomalies.


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Background: Interleukin 8 (IL-8) is a chemokine related to the initiation and amplification of acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Polymorphisms in the IL8 gene have been associated with inflammatory diseases. We investigated whether the - 845(T/C) and - 738(T/A) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL8 gene, as well as the haplotypes they form together with the previously investigated -353(A/T), are associated with susceptibility to chronic periodontitis. Methods: DNA was extracted from buccal epithelial cells of 400 Brazilian individuals (control n =182, periodontitis n=218). SNPs were genotyped by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Disease associations were analyzed by the chi(2) test, Exact Fisher test and Clump program. Haplotypes were reconstructed using the expectation-maximization algorithm and differences in haplotype distribution between the groups were analyzed to estimate genetic susceptibility for chronic periodontitis development. Results: When analyzed individually, no SNPs showed different distributions between the control and chronic periodontitis groups. Although, nonsmokers carrying the TTA/CAT (OR = 2.35, 95% CI = 1.03-5.36) and TAT/CTA (OR= 6.05, 95% CI = 1.32-27.7) haplotypes were genetically susceptible to chronic periodontitis. The ITT/TAA haplotype was associated with protection against the development of periodontitis (for nonsmokers OR= 0.22, 95% CI = 0.10-0.46). Conclusion: Although none of the investigated SNPs in the IL8 gene was individually associated with periodontitis, some haplotypes showed significant association with susceptibility to, or protection against, chronic periodontitis in a Brazilian population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To study the genetic structure of the Tikuna tribe, four major Native American mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) founder haplogroups were analyzed in 187 Amerindians from eight Tikuna villages located in the Brazilian Amazon. The central position of these villages in the continent makes them relevant for attempts to reconstruct population movements in South America. In this geographic region, there is particular concern regarding the genetic structure of the Tikuna tribe, formerly designated ""enigmatic"" due to its remarkable degree of intratribal homogeneity and the scarcity of private protein variants. In spite of its large population size and geographic distribution, the Tikuna tribe presents marked genetic and linguistic isolation. All individuals presented indigenous mtDNA haplogroups. An intratribal genetic heterogeneity pattern characterized by two highly homogeneous Tikuna groups that differ considerably from each other was observed. Such a finding was unexpected, since the Tikuna tribe is characterized by a social system that favors intratribal exogamy and patrilocality that would lead to a higher female migration rate and homogenization of the mtDNA gene pool. Demographic explosions and religious events, which significantly changed the sizes and compositions of many Tikuna villages, may be reflected in the genetic results presented here. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:526-531,2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc


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Ficus arpazusa Casaretto is a fig tree native to the Atlantic Rain Forest sensu lato. High levels of genetic diversity and no inbreeding were observed in Ficus arpazusa. This genetic pattern is due to the action of its pollinator, Pegoscapus sp., which disperses pollen an estimated distance of 5.6 km, and of Ficus arpazusa`s mating system which, in the study area, is allogamous. This study highlights the importance of adding both ecological and genetic data into population studies, allowing a better understanding of evolutionary processes and in turn increasing the efficacy of forest management and revegetation projects, as well as species conservation.