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Objective: To evaluate the relationship between ductus venosus Doppler findings on the day of delivery and postnatal outcomes in pregnancies with absent or reversed end-diastolic (ARED) flow in the umbilical arteries. Study design: Postnatal outcomes of 103 newborns of pregnancies with a diagnosis of ARED flow on Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical arteries were analyzed retrospectively between January 1997 and December 2004. Single pregnancies and fetuses without malformations were included. The cases were divided into two groups according to the flow during atrial contraction (a-wave) in the ductus venosus on the day of delivery: group A, 20 cases with absent or reversed flow in the ductus venosus and group B, 83 cases with positive flow. The results were analyzed statistically using the chi-square test, Fisher`s exact test and the Mann-Whitney U test with the level of significance set at 5%. Results: All newborns were delivered by cesarean section. Gestational age was similar in the two groups (group A: 30 weeks and group B: 30.9 weeks, P = 0.23). Absent or reversed ductus venosus flow was associated with the following adverse postnatal outcomes: lower birthweight (P < 0.001), lower Apgar scores in the first (P = 0.001) and fifth minute (P = 0.001), a higher frequency of orotracheal intubation (P = 0.001) and pH at birth less than 7.20 (P < 0.001), pulmonary hemorrhage (P = 0.03), thrombocytopenia (P = 0.02), hypoglycemia (P = 0.01), intracranial hemorrhage (P = 0.02), and postnatal death (P = 0.007). Conclusion: The study of ductus venosus flow may provide additional information regarding the best time for interruption of pregnancies with ARED flow in the umbilical arteries characterized by extreme prematurity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To analyze the effects of sildenafil citrate on clitoral blood flow and sexual response in postmenopausal women with orgasmic dysfunction. Method: In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 22 women received a 50-mg dose of sildenafil (n=11) or placebo (n=11) daily for 15 days. The Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS) was used for subjective evaluation of the sexual-response cycle. Clitoral blood flow was measured by color and pulse Doppler at baseline, after 1 hour of taking the first dose, and after 15 days of treatment. Results: Blood flow was significantly more improved in the sildenafit than in the placebo group (P<0.05), and a positive correlation between Doppler values and GRISS scores was noted in the sildenafil group after only 15 days of treatment. Conclusion: Sildenafil may improve clitoral blood flow and increase the GRISS scores in postmenopausal women with orgasmic dysfunction. (C) 2008 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) imposes many risks. TKA infection is not the most frequent complication, but is probably the most serious one. Two-step review is the procedure of choice in deep knee prosthesis infection. On the other hand, aseptic prosthesis detachment represents almost half of the primary arthroplasty review indications, Patient`s satisfaction level might diminish after reviews. Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the quality of life and final result of TKA review for septic and aseptic failures. Methods: The patients were assessed using the HSS and SF-36 scores. The patients were divided in two groups: one group submitted to two-step review (septic) and the other to one-step review (aseptic). The analysis of the data obtained shows better scores for the second group in HSS and in 06 of 08 domains of SF-36 classification. Conclusions: The on-step review of total knee arthroplasty leads to better functional outcomes.
Objective. Refractory, disabling pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) is usually treated with total knee replacement. However, pain in these patients might be associated with central nervous sensitization rather than peripheral inflammation and injury. We evaluated the presence of hyperalgesia in patients scheduled for a total knee replacement due to knee osteoarthritis with refractory pain, and we assessed the impact of pressure pain threshold measurements (PPT) on pain, disability, and quality of life of these patients. Methods. Sixty-two female patients were compared with 22 age-matched healthy controls without reported pain for the last year. PPT was measured at the lower extremities subcutaneous dermatomes, over the vastus medialis, adductor longus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, iliacus, quadratus lumborum and popliteus muscles and at the supraspinous ligaments from L1-L5, over the L5-S1 and S1-S2 sacral areas and at the pes anserinus bursae and patellar tendon. Results. Patients with knee OA had significantly lower PPT over all evaluated structures versus healthy control subjects (P < 0.001). Lower PPT values were correlated with higher pain intensity, higher disability scores, and with poorer quality of life, except for the role-emotional and general health status. Combined PPT values over the patellar tendon, at the S2 subcutaneous dermatome and at the adductor longus muscle were the best predictors for visual analog scale and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index pain scores. Conclusion. Patients with pain due to osteoarthritis who were scheduled for total knee replacement showed hyperalgesia of nervous system origin that negatively impacted pain, knee functional capacity, and most aspects of quality of life.
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the chronic pain grade
To verify the reliability and validity of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the chronic pain grade (CPG-Br). Cultural adaptation was made in accordance with established guidelines, with modifications aiming at improving this process. Adaptations were made based on interviews with 45 chronic pain patients from So Paulo city. Validation was studied by concurrent application of the short-form-36 health survey (SF-36) and other questionnaires to 283 participants with chronic pain from the general population. Temporal stability was verified by a second application to 131 individuals. Factor analysis resulted in a two-factor solution with factors named characteristic pain intensity and activity limitation due to pain. Alpha coefficients of 0.78 and 0.70 and intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.76 and 0.72 for each factor indicated good internal consistency and temporal stability. Significant correlations between CPG-Br and SF-36, Roland-Morris disability questionnaire and neck disability index scores were noted. A consistent linear trend was also observed between pain grades and SF-36 scores. Frequency of use of pain medications and of pain-related medical visits increased with pain grade. This Brazilian Portuguese version of the chronic pain grade, tested on a sample of the Brazilian population, demonstrated good reliability and validity.
Objective: To evaluate nutritional recovery patterns in 106 undernourished children assisted by the Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education (CREN, in Portuguese) between January 1995 and December 1999. Design: CREN assists undernourished children aged 0 to 72 months living in the southern regions of Sao Paulo, in an outpatient setting. Nutritional status was assessed by Z-scores of weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height. Nutritional recovery evaluation considered Z-score gains in weight-for-age and height-for-age, grouping into four categories (Z-score increment of 0.50 between groups). Children with birth weight less than 2500 g were classified as low birth weight (LBW), while those born at term and with LBW were classified as small for gestational age. Setting: CREN (Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education in Portuguese), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects: One hundred and six children from CREN. Results: Among the 106 evaluated children, ninety-eight (92.5%)recovered their weight or height and seventy-two (67.9%) recovered both. Nearly half of studied children presented a nutritional recovery (increase in Z-score) of more than 0.50 in height-for-age (46.2%) and about 40% in weight-for-age (38.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that treatment duration and initial weight-for-age contributed to weight-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 25% of the variation; and treatment duration, initial height-for-age and weight-for-age Z-score increment contributed to height-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 62% of the variation. Conclusions: Our findings show that nutritional recovery among children who attended CREN was influenced primarily by the degree of nutritional deficit at admission. It has also been shown that biological variables are more important than socio-economic status in determining the rate of nutritional recovery.
Several studies have suggested an important role for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the pathophysiology and therapeutics of bipolar disorder (BPD). The mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of lithium in BPD seem to involve a direct regulation of neurotrophic cascades. However, no clinical study evaluated the specific effects of lithium on BDNF levels in subjects with BPD. This study aims to investigate the effects of lithium monotherapy on BDNF levels in acute mania. Ten subjects with bipolar I disorder in a manic episode were evaluated at baseline and after 28 days of lithium therapy. Changes in plasma BDNF levels and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) scores were analyzed. A significant increase in plasma BDNF levels was observed after 28 days of therapy with lithium monotherapy (510.9 +/- 127.1 pg/mL) compared to pre-treatment (406.3 +/- 69.5 pg/mL) (p = 0.03). Although it was not found a significant association between BDNF levels and clinical improvement (YMRS), 87% of responders presented an increase in BDNF levels after treatment with lithium. These preliminary data showed lithium`s direct effects on BDNF levels in bipolar mania, suggesting that short-term lithium treatment may activate neurotrophic cascades. Further studies with larger samples and longer period may confirm whether this biological effect is involved in the therapeutic efficacy of lithium in BPD. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. Increased GSK3B activity has been reported as a state marker of major affective episodes in patients with depression and bipolar disorder. No study so far has addressed GSK3B activity in late-life depression. The aims of the present study were to determine GSK3B activity in platelets of elderly patients with major depression, and the association between GSK3B activity and the severity of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment. Methods. Forty drug-free elderly patients with major depressive episode were compared to healthy older adults (n == 13). Severity of the depressive episode and current cognitive state were determined by the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) and the Cambridge Cognitive Test (CAMCOG), respectively. Total- and ser-9-phosphorylated GSK3B (tGSK3B and pGSK3B) were determined in platelets by enzyme immunometric assays (EIA). GSK3B activity was indirectly inferred by the GSK3B ratio (i.e. pGSK3B/tGSK3B). Results. Elderly depressed patients had significantly lower pGSK3B levels (P == 0.03) and GSK3B ratio (P == 0.03), indicating higher GSK3B activity. Higher GSK3B activity were observed in patients with severe depressive episode (HAM-D scores > 22, P == 0.03) and with cognitive impairment (CAMCOG scores < 86, P == 0.01). Conclusion. The present findings provide additional evidence of the involvement of GSK3B in the pathophysiology of late-life major depression. Higher GSK3B activity may be more relevant in those patients with more severe depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment.
Objective: To identify the CAMCOG sub-items that best contribute for the identification of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and incipient Alzheimer`s disease (AD) in clinical practice. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of 272 older adults (98 MCI, 82 AD, and 92 controls) with a standardized neuropsychological battery and the CAMCOG schedule. Backward logistic regression analysis with diagnosis (MCI and controls) as dependent variable and the sub-items of the CAMCOG as independent variable was carried out to determine the CAMCOG sub-items that predicted the diagnosis of MCI. Results: Lower scores on Language, Memory, Praxis, and Calculation CAMCOG sub-items were significantly associated with the diagnosis of MCI. A composite score obtained by the sum of these scores significantly discriminated MCI patients from comparison groups. This reduced version of the CAMCOG showed similar diagnostic accuracy than the original schedule for the identification of patients with MCI as compared to controls (AUC = 0.80 +/- 0.03 for the reduced CAMCOG; AUC = 0.79 +/- 0.03 for the original CAMCOG). Conclusion: This reduced version of the CAMCOG had similar diagnostic properties as the original CAMCOG and was faster and easier to administer, rendering it more suitable for the screening of subtle cognitive deficits in general clinical practice. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Sensory and sensorimotor gating deficits characterize both Tourette syndrome (TS) and schizophrenia. Premonitory urges (PU) in TS can be assessed with the University of Sao Paulo Sensory Phenomena Scale (USP-SPS) and the Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale (PUTS). In 40 subjects (TS: n = 18; healthy comparison subjects [HCS]: n = 22), we examined the relationship between PU scores and measures of sensory gating using the USP-SPS, PUTS, Sensory Gating Inventory (SGI), and Structured Interview for Assessing Perceptual Anomalies (SIAPA), as well symptom severity scales. SGI, but not SIAPA, scores were elevated in TS subjects (p < 0.0003). In TS subjects, USP-SPS and PUTS scores correlated significantly with each other, but not with the SGI or SIAPA; neither PU nor sensory gating scales correlated significantly with symptom severity. TS subjects endorse difficulties in sensory gating and the SGI may be valuable for studying these clinical phenomena.
Objective: To compare the variability of patterns of depressive symptoms between two consecutive depressive episodes in patients with bipolar disorder type I. Methods: Review of prospectively collected data from 136 subjects of an out-patient bipolar unit from 1997 to 2007. Binomial statistics was used for the analysis of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)-31 items of the first and second episodes, and the correlation of the HDRS-31 item scores of both episodes was determined using the Spearman coefficient. Results: Ten depressive symptoms showed a significant correlation between index and subsequent episodes: psychological anxiety, somatic anxiety, somatic symptoms, diurnal variation, paranoid symptoms, obsessive and compulsive symptoms, hypersomnia, loss of appetite and helplessness. Only four symptoms were stable in both statistical tests: paranoid symptoms, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, loss of appetite and hypersomnia. Conclusions: Paranoid and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, loss of appetite and hypersomnia tended to be found in successive episodes. However, the moderate correlations of the symptoms across two depressive recurrences suggested that clinical presentations in bipolar depression may not be predicted by symptom profiles presented in previous episodes.
Background: The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) assesses everyday memory by means of tasks which mimic daily challenges. The objective was to examine the validity of the Brazilian version of the RBMT to detect cognitive decline. Methods: 195 older adults were diagnosed as normal controls (NC) or with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer`s disease (AD) by a multidisciplinary team, after participants completed clinical and neuropsychological protocols. Results: Cronbach`s alpha was high for the total sample for the RBMT profile (PS) and screening scores (SS) (PS=0.91, SS=0.87) and for the AD group (PS=0.84, SS=0.85), and moderate for the MCI (PS=0.62, SS=0.55)and NC (PS=0.62, SS=0.60) groups. RBMT total scores, Appointment, Pictures, Immediate and Delayed Story, Immediate and Delayed Route, Delayed Message and Date contributed to differentiate NC from MCI. ROC curve analyses indicated high accuracy to differentiate NC from AD patients, and, moderate accuracy to differentiate NC from MCI. Conclusions: The Brazilian version of the RBMT seems to be an appropriate instrument to identify memory decline in Brazilian older adults.
The magnitude Of functional impairment that may indicate the threshold between MCI and incipient Alzheimer`s disease (AD) has not been clearly defined. The objective was to examine the pattern of functional impairment in the continuum MCI-AD. Eighty-nine older adults (32 cognitively unimpaired, 31 MCI, and 26 AD patients) were examined with the Brazilian version of the Direct Assessment of Functional Status (DAFS-BR) at a University-based memory clinic. MCI patients were sub-divided according to the progression to AD upon follow-up, and had baseline cognitive, functional and biological variables analyzed. MCI patients displayed mild deficits in functional abilities, with intermediate scores as compared to controls and AD. The DAFS-BR items that differentiated MCI from controls involved the ability to deal with finances and shopping skills. At baseline, scores obtained by MCI patients who converted to AD were not significantly different from scores of nonconverters. The magnitude of functional deficits was associated with AD-like pathological findings in the CSF. In conclusion, MCI patients present with early functional changes in complex, instrumental abilities that require the integrity of memory and executive functions. The objective measurement of the functional state may help identify older adults with increased risk of developing dementia in the MCI-AD continuum. (JINS, 2010, 16, 297-305.)
Objective: To assess the serum levels of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) in elderly depressed patients in comparison with nondepressed healthy elderly subjects. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Tertiary memory clinic. Participants: Twenty-three antidepressant-free elderly depressed patients and 44 nondepressed healthy elderly comparison group were enrolled to this study. Measurement: Serum IL-1 beta levels were determined with highly sensitive colorimetric sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Severity of the depressive episode was determined by scores on the Hamilton Depression Scale-21 item and cognitive performance by the scores on the Cambridge Cognition Examination, Mini Mental State Examination clock drawing test, and verbal fluency. Results: IL-1 beta serum levels were increased in elderly patients versus nondepressed elderly (t = 2.21, df = 65, p = 0.04). After categorizing elderly depressed subjects into late onset (LOD) versus early onset (EOD), patients with EOD had the highest IL-1 beta levels, when compared with nondepressed elderly patients and patients with LOD in analysis of variance (F = 4.9, df = 2, 64, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Late-life depression is associated with higher IL-1 beta levels suggesting that increased proinflammatory state may play a role in the physiopathology of depression in the elderly. The authors further show that this might be more prominent in those patients with EOD geriatric depression. (Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010; 18: 172-176)
Muscle sympathetic nervous activity in depressed patients before and after treatment with sertraline
Background Sympathetic hyperactivity is one of the mechanisms involved in the increased cardiovascular risk associated with depression, and there is evidence that antidepressants decrease sympathetic activity. Objectives We tested the following two hypotheses: patients with major depressive disorder with high scores of depressive symptoms (HMDD) have augmented muscle sympathetic nervous system activity (MSNA) at rest and during mental stress compared with patients with major depressive disorder with low scores of depressive symptoms (LMDD) and controls; sertraline decreases MSNA in depressed patients. Methods Ten HMDD, nine LMDD and 11 body weight-matched controls were studied. MSNA was directly measured from the peroneal nerve using microneurography for 3 min at rest and 4 min during the Stroop color word test. For the LMDD and HMDD groups, the tests were repeated after treatment with sertraline (103.3 +/- 40 mg). Results Resting MSNA was significantly higher in the HMDD [29.1 bursts/min (SE 2.9)] compared with LMDD [19.9 (1.6)] and controls [22.2 (2.0)] groups (P=0.026 and 0.046, respectively). There was a significant positive correlation between resting MSNA and severity of depression. MSNA increased significantly and similarly during stress in all the studied groups. Sertraline significantly decreased resting MSNA in the LMDD group and MSNA during mental stress in LMDD and HMDD groups. Sertraline significantly decreased resting heart rate and heart rate response to mental stress in the HMDD group. Conclusion Moderate-to-severe depression is associated with increased MSNA. Sertraline treatment reduces MSNA at rest and during mental challenge in depressed patients, which may have prognostic implications in this group. J Hypertens 27:2429-2436 (c) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.