219 resultados para laser scanning
Neuron-glia interaction is involved in physiological function of neurons, however, recent evidences have suggested glial cells as participants in neurotoxic and neurotrophic mechanisms of neurodegenerative/neuroregenerative processes. Laser microdissection offers a unique opportunity to study molecular regulation in specific immunolabeled cell types. However, an adequate protocol to allow morphological and molecular analysis of rodent spinal cord astrocyte, microglia and motoneurons remains a big challenge. In this paper we present a quick method to immunolabel those cells in flash frozen sections to be used in molecular biology analyses after laser microdissection and pressure catapulting.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the impact of atypical retardation patterns (ARP) on detection of progressive retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss using scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation (VCC). DESIGN: Observational cohort study. METHODS: The study included 377 eyes of 221 patients with a median follow-up of 4.0 years. Images were obtained annually with the GDx VCC (Carl Zeiss Med, itec Inc, Dublin, California, USA), along with optic disc stereophotographs and standard automated perimetry (SAP) visual fields. Progression was determined by the Guided Progression Analysis software for SAP and by masked assessment of stereophotographs by expert graders. The typical scan score (TSS) was used to quantify the presence of ARPs on GDx VCC images. Random coefficients models were used to evaluate the relationship between ARP and RNFL thickness measurements over time. RESULTS: Thirty-eight eyes (10%) showed progression over time on visual fields, stereophotographs, or both. Changes in TSS scores from baseline were significantly associated with changes in RNFL thickness measurements in both progressing and nonprogressing eyes. Each I unit increase in TSS score was associated with a 0.19-mu m decrease in RNFL thickness measurement (P < .001) over time. CONCLUSIONS: ARPs had a significant effect on detection of progressive RNFL loss with the GDx VCC. Eyes with large amounts of atypical patterns, great fluctuations on these patterns over time, or both may show changes in measurements that can appear falsely as glaucomatous progression or can mask true changes in the RNFL. (Am J Ophthalmol 2009;148:155-163. (C) 2009 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
Purpose: To compare the ability of Subjective assessment of optic nerve head (ONH) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) by general ophthalmologists and by a glaucoma expert with objective measurements by optical coherence tomography (Stratus OCT, Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc), confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (HRT III; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg. Germany), and scanning laser polarimetry (GDx enhanced corneal compensation; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, Dublin, CA) in discriminating glaucomatous and normal eyes. Methods: Sixty-one glaucomatous and 57 normal eyes or 118 subjects Were included in the study. Three independent general ophthalmologists and I glaucoma expert evaluated ONH stereo-photographs. Receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed for each imaging technique and sensitivity at fixed specificity was estimated. Comparisons or areas under these curves (aROCs) and agreement (k) were determined between stereophoto grading and best parameter from each technique. Results: Best parameter from each technique showed larger aROC (Stratus OCT RNFL 0.92; Stratus OCT ONH vertical integrated area = 0.86; Stratus OCT macular thickness = 0.82; GDx enhanced corneal compensation = 0.91, HRT3 global cup-to-disc ratio = 0.83; HRT3 glaucoma probability score numeric area score 0.83) compared with stereophotograph grading by general ophthalmologists (0.80) in separating glaucomatous and normal eyes. Glaucoma expert stereophoto grading provided equal or larger aROC (0.92) than best parameter of each computerized imaging device. Stereophoto evaluated by a glaucoma expert showed better agreement with best parameter of each quantitative imaging technique in classifying eyes either as glaucomatous or normal compared with stereophoto grading by general ophthalmologists, The combination Of Subjective assessment of the optic disc by general ophthalmologists with RNFL objective parameters improved identification of glaucoma patients in a larger proportion than the combination of these objective parameters with Subjective assessment of the optic disc by a glaucoma expert (29.5% vs. 19.7%, respectively). Conclusions: Diagnostic ability of all imaging techniques showed better performance than subjective assessment of the ONH by general ophthalmologists, but not by It glaucoma expert, Objective RNFL measurements may provide improvement in glaucoma detection when combined with subjective assessment of the optic disc by general ophthalmologists or by a glaucoma expert.
PURPOSE: To evaluate results of two surface excimer laser refractive surgery techniques-photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and butterfly laser epithelial keratomileusis (butterfly LASEK). METHODS: A prospective, randomized, double-masked study of 51 patients (102 eyes) who underwent laser refractive surgery. One eye of each patient was randomized to be operated with PRK and the fellow eye with butterfly LASEK Patients were followed for 1 year. RESULTS: No significant difference between groups for distance uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) (P=.559) was noted. At 1 year, 98% (50 eyes) in the PRK group and 96.1% (49 eyes) in the butterfly LASEK group reached UCVA of 20/20. Predictability, efficacy, safety, and stability were not statistically significant between groups. Safety index was 1.0 for PRK and 0.996 for butterfly LASEK, One eye in the butterfly LASEK group lost one line of best-spectacle corrected visual acuity. At 12 months, 94.1% (48 eyes) and 86.3% (44 eyes) in the PRK and butterfly LASEK groups (P=.188), respectively, had a spherical equivalent refraction of +/- 0.50 diopters. Slight haze was observed in both groups. A statistical difference in haze between the groups was observed only in the first postoperative month, with higher intensity in the butterfly LASEK group (0.18 +/- 0.39) compared to the PRK group (0.08 +/- 0.21) (P=.04). CONCLUSIONS: Butterfly LASEK had similar predictability, efficacy, safety, stability, and haze incidence to PRK for the treatment of low to moderate myopia. However, on the second postoperative day, PRK showed better UCVA than butterfly LASEK.
PURPOSE. To evaluate the effect of disease severity and optic disc size on the diagnostic accuracies of optic nerve head (ONH), retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), and macular parameters with RTVue (Optovue, Fremont, CA) spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) in glaucoma. METHODS. 110 eyes of 62 normal subjects and 193 eyes of 136 glaucoma patients from the Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study underwent ONH, RNFL, and macular imaging with RTVue. Severity of glaucoma was based on visual field index (VFI) values from standard automated perimetry. Optic disc size was based on disc area measurement using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II (Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany). Influence of disease severity and disc size on the diagnostic accuracy of RTVue was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and logistic regression models. RESULTS. Areas under ROC curve (AUC) of all scanning areas increased (P < 0.05) as disease severity increased. For a VFI value of 99%, indicating early damage, AUCs for rim area, average RNLI thickness, and ganglion cell complex-root mean square were 0.693, 0.799, and 0.779, respectively. For a VFI of 70%, indicating severe damage, corresponding AUCs were 0.828, 0.985, and 0.992, respectively. Optic disc size did not influence the AUCs of any of the SDOCT scanning protocols of RTVue (P > 0.05). Sensitivity of the rim area increased and specificity decreased in large optic discs. CONCLUSIONS. Diagnostic accuracies of RTVue scanning protocols for glaucoma were significantly influenced by disease severity. Sensitivity of the rim area increased in large optic discs at the expense of specificity. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;92:1290-1296) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-5516
Purpose: To evaluate retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), optic nerve head (ONH), and macular thickness measurements for glaucoma detection using the RTVue spectral domain optical coherence tomograph. Design: Diagnostic, case-control study. Participants: One hundred forty eyes of 106 glaucoma patients and 74 eyes of 40 healthy subjects from the Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study (DIGS). Methods: All patients underwent ocular imaging with the commercially available RTVue. Optic nerve head, RNFL thickness, and macular thickness scans were obtained during the same visit. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and sensitivities at fixed specificities (80% and 95%) were calculated for each parameter. Main Outcome Measures: Areas under the ROC curves (AUC) and sensitivities at fixed specificities of 80% and 95%. Results: The AUC for the RNFL parameter with best performance, inferior quadrant thickness, was significantly higher than that of the best-performing ONH parameter, inferior rim area (0.884 vs 0.812, respectively; P = 0.04). There was no difference between ROC curve areas of the best RNFL thickness parameters and the best inner macular thickness measurement, ganglion cell complex root mean square (ROC curve area = 0.870). Conclusions: The RTVue RNFL and inner retinal macular thickness measurements had good ability to detect eyes with glaucomatous visual field loss and performed significantly better than ONH parameters.
PURPOSE. To evaluate and compare rates of change in neuro-retinal rim area (RA) and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) measurements in glaucoma patients, those with suspected glaucoma, and normal subjects observed over time. METHODS. In this observational cohort study, patients recruited from two longitudinal studies (Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study-DIGS and African Descent and Evaluation Study-ADAGES) were observed with standard achromatic perimetry (SAP), optic disc stereophotographs, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (HRT-3; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany), and scanning laser polarimetry (GDx-VCC; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA). Glaucoma progression was determined by the Guided Progression Analysis software for standard automated perimetry [SAP] and by masked assessment of serial optic disc stereophotographs by expert graders. Random-coefficients models were used to evaluate rates of change in average RNFLT and global RA measurements and their relationship with glaucoma progression. RESULTS. At baseline, 194 (31%) eyes were glaucomatous, 347 (55%) had suspected glaucoma, and 88 (14%) were normal. Forty-six (9%) eyes showed progression by SAP and/or stereophotographs, during an average follow-up of 3.3 (+/-0.7) years. The average rate of decline for RNFLT measurements was significantly higher in the progressing group than in the non-progressing group (-0.65 vs. -0.11 mu m/y, respectively; P < 0.001), whereas RA decline was not significantly different between these groups (-0.0058 vs. -0.0073 mm(2)/y, respectively; P = 0.727). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves used to discriminate progressing versus nonprogressing eyes were 0.811 and 0.507 for the rates of change in the RNFLT and RA, respectively (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS. The ability to discriminate eyes with progressing glaucoma by SAP and/or stereophotographs from stable eyes was significantly greater for RNFLT than for RA measurements. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:3531-3539) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.09-4350
Purpose: To evaluate the ability of the GDx Variable Corneal Compensation (VCC) Guided Progression Analysis (GPA) software for detecting glaucomatous progression. Design: Observational cohort study. Participants: The study included 453 eyes from 252 individuals followed for an average of 46 +/- 14 months as part of the Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study. At baseline, 29% of the eyes were classified as glaucomatous, 67% of the eyes were classified as suspects, and 5% of the eyes were classified as healthy. Methods: Images were obtained annually with the GDx VCC and analyzed for progression using the Fast Mode of the GDx GPA software. Progression using conventional methods was determined by the GPA software for standard automated achromatic perimetry (SAP) and by masked assessment of optic disc stereophotographs by expert graders. Main Outcome Measures: Sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios (LRs) for detection of glaucoma progression using the GDx GPA were calculated with SAP and optic disc stereophotographs used as reference standards. Agreement among the different methods was reported using the AC(1) coefficient. Results: Thirty-four of the 431 glaucoma and glaucoma suspect eyes (8%) showed progression by SAP or optic disc stereophotographs. The GDx GPA detected 17 of these eyes for a sensitivity of 50%. Fourteen eyes showed progression only by the GDx GPA with a specificity of 96%. Positive and negative LRs were 12.5 and 0.5, respectively. None of the healthy eyes showed progression by the GDx GPA, with a specificity of 100% in this group. Inter-method agreement (AC1 coefficient and 95% confidence intervals) for non-progressing and progressing eyes was 0.96 (0.94-0.97) and 0.44 (0.28-0.61), respectively. Conclusions: The GDx GPA detected glaucoma progression in a significant number of cases showing progression by conventional methods, with high specificity and high positive LRs. Estimates of the accuracy for detecting progression suggest that the GDx GPA could be used to complement clinical evaluation in the detection of longitudinal change in glaucoma. Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references. Ophthalmology 2010; 117: 462-470 (C) 2010 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of variations in femtosecond laser energy level on corneal stromal cell death. and inflammatory cell influx following flap creation in a rabbit model. METHODS: Eighteen rabbits were stratified in three different groups according to level of energy applied for flap creation (six animals per group). Three different energy levels were chosen for both the lamellar and side cut; 2.7 mu J (high energy), 1.6 mu J (intermediate energy), and 0.5 mu J (low energy) with a 60 kHz, model II, femtosecond laser (IntraLase). The opposite eye of each rabbit served as a control. At the 24-hour time point after surgery, all rabbits were euthanized and the comeoscleral rims were analyzed for the levels of cell death and inflammatory cell influx with the terminal uridine deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and immunocytochemistry for monocyte marker CD11b, respectively. RESULTS: The high energy group (31.9 +/- 7.1 [standard error of mean (SEM) 2.9]) had significantly more TUNEL positive cells in the central flap compared to the intermediate (22.2 +/- 1.9 [SEM 0.8], P=.004), low (17.9 +/- 4.0 [SEM 1.6], P <= .001), and control eye (0.06 +/- 0.02 [SEM 0.009], P <= .001) groups. The intermediate and low energy groups also had significantly more TUNEL positive cells than the control groups (P <= .001). The difference between the intermediate and low energy levels was not significant (P=.56). The mean for CD11b-positive cells/400x field at the flap edge was 26.1 +/- 29.3 (SEM 11.9), 5.8 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), 1.6 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), and 0.005 +/- 0.01 (SEM 0.005) for high energy, intermediate energy, low energy, and control groups, respectively. Only the intermediate energy group showed statistically more inflammatory cells than control eyes (P = .015), most likely due to variability between eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Higher energy levels trigger greater cell death when the femtosecond laser is used to create corneal flaps: Greater corneal inflammatory cell infiltration is observed with higher femtosecond laser energy levels. [J Refract Surg. 2009;25:869-874.] doi:10.3928/1081597X-20090917-08
Therapeutic approaches to chronic actinic cheilitis focus on the removal or destruction of diseased epithelium. The CO(2) laser has become an important therapeutic alternative, achieving clinical resolution in around 90% of patients. Although many laser physical parameters have been reported, some are known for their low potential for scar induction without compromising the success of the results. The aim of this clinicohistological study was to compare the therapeutic responses to two low-morbidity protocols involving a single laser pass. A total of 40 patients with chronic multicentric and microscopically proven disease were randomly submitted to two conservative CO(2) laser protocols using a bilateral comparative model. The degree of histological atypia of the epithelium was determined in 26 patients both pre- and postoperatively for both protocols. Other histological phenomena were assessed in addition to this central analysis parameter. Clinical recurrence occurred in 12.5% of patients for each protocol, together with a significant reduction in the degree of epithelial atypia (p < 0.001), which was occasionally complete. However, no difference was found between the protocols (p > 0.05). Using these morphological parameters it was not possible to determine whether postoperative epithelial atypias in part of the sample were reactive or residual in nature. A few patients may show minor postoperative lesions. Due to their potential to achieve clinical and importantly microscopic resolution, the studied protocols may be used for mild through moderate dysplastic epithelium and clinically diffuse disease.
Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) is the commonest solid fetal tumor. Perinatal prognosis is usually favorable, but sometimes it can be complicated by fetal hydrops being responsible for high risk of mortality. Fetal therapy in such cases has so far not been established. We report a case with a giant solid SCT associated with fetal hydrops and severe heart failure. 2D- and 3D-Doppler ultrasonography revealed great vessels originated from the medial sacral artery. Percutaneous laser ablation of these vessels was performed at 24 weeks of gestation. During the procedure, severe anemia was also diagnosed (hemoglobin 4.3 g/dl). Two days later, the fetus died and pathological examination revealed local tumor necrosis and blood hemorrhage inside the mass. We suggest that in such cases, fetal surgery may not be enough, being too late, and perhaps fetal clinical therapy for anemia and heart failure could be the best option at a gestational age of less than 28 weeks. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
PURPOSE. To assess whether baseline Glaucoma Probability Score (GPS; HRT-3; Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany) results are predictive of progression in patients with suspected glaucoma. The GPS is a new feature of the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope that generates an operator-independent, three-dimensional model of the optic nerve head and gives a score for the probability that this model is consistent with glaucomatous damage. METHODS. The study included 223 patients with suspected glaucoma during an average follow-up of 63.3 months. Included subjects had a suspect optic disc appearance and/or elevated intraocular pressure, but normal visual fields. Conversion was defined as development of either repeatable abnormal visual fields or glaucomatous deterioration in the appearance of the optic disc during the study period. The association between baseline GPS and conversion was investigated by Cox regression models. RESULTS. Fifty-four (24.2%) eyes converted. In multivariate models, both higher values of GPS global and subjective stereophotograph assessment ( larger cup-disc ratio and glaucomatous grading) were predictive of conversion: adjusted hazard ratios (95% CI): 1.31 (1.15 - 1.50) per 0.1 higher global GPS, 1.34 (1.12 - 1.62) per 0.1 higher CDR, and 2.34 (1.22 - 4.47) for abnormal grading, respectively. No significant differences ( P > 0.05 for all comparisons) were found between the c-index values ( equivalent to area under ROC curve) for the multivariate models (0.732, 0.705, and 0.699, respectively). CONCLUSIONS. GPS values were predictive of conversion in our population of patients with suspected glaucoma. Further, they performed as well as subjective assessment of the optic disc. These results suggest that GPS could potentially replace stereophotograph as a tool for estimating the likelihood of conversion to glaucoma.
Background. Periodontal disease is often associated with systemic diseases and is characterized by destruction of the tissues supporting the teeth. Patients using immunosuppressive drugs such as tacrolimus are among those who suffer from tissue destruction. Objective. We sought to evaluate the effects of laser and photodynamic therapies (PDT; nonsurgical) as an adjunct to scaling and rootplaning (SRP) in the treatment of corona-induced periodontitis in rats immunosuppressed with tacrolimus (Prograf). Materials and Methods. The animals were divided into 5 groups. Each groups had 6 rats. Group I, the control group, received only saline solution throughout the study period of 42 days and did not receive periodontal treatment; group II received saline solution and SRP; group III received tacrolimus (1 mg/kg per day) and was treated with SRP; group IV animals were treated identically to group III and then administered laser treatment; and in group V, the animals were treated identically to group III and then administered PDT. Results. Statistical analysis indicated decreased bone loss with the progression of time (P = .035). There was no difference between the bone loss associated with the types of treatment administered to groups I, II, and III (P > .9) or groups IV and V (P > .6). The analysis also indicated that immunosuppression was not a bone loss-determining factor. Conclusion. Laser and PDT therapies were effective as an adjunctive treatment to SRP in reducing bone loss caused by experimental periodontitis induced in animals being treated systemically with tacrolimus.
Recent studies have investigated whether low level laser therapy (LLLT) can optimize human muscle performance in physical exercise. This study tested the effect of LLLT on muscle performance in physical strength training in humans compared with strength training only. The study involved 36 men (20.8 +/- 2.2 years old), clinically healthy, with a beginner and/or moderate physical activity training pattern. The subjects were randomly distributed into three groups: TLG (training with LLLT), TG (training only) and CG (control). The training for TG and TLG subjects involved the leg-press exercise with a load equal to 80% of one repetition maximum (1RM) in the leg-press test over 12 consecutive weeks. The LLLT was applied to the quadriceps muscle of both lower limbs of the TLG subjects immediately after the end of each training session. Using an infrared laser device (808 nm) with six diodes of 60 mW each a total energy of 50.4 J of LLLT was administered over 140 s. Muscle strength was assessed using the 1RM leg-press test and the isokinetic dynamometer test. The muscle volume of the thigh of the dominant limb was assessed by thigh perimetry. The TLG subjects showed an increase of 55% in the 1RM leg-press test, which was significantly higher than the increases in the TG subjects (26%, P = 0.033) and in the CG subjects (0.27%, P < 0.001). The TLG was the only group to show an increase in muscle performance in the isokinetic dynamometry test compared with baseline. The increases in thigh perimeter in the TLG subjects and TG subjects were not significantly different (4.52% and 2.75%, respectively; P = 0.775). Strength training associated with LLLT can increase muscle performance compared with strength training only.
Peripheral nerves are structures that, when damaged, can result in significant motor and sensory disabilities. Several studies have used therapeutic resources with the aim of promoting early nerve regeneration, such as the use of low-power laser. However, this laser therapy does not represent a consensus regarding the methodology, thus yielding controversial conclusions. The objective of our study was to investigate, by functional evaluation, the comparative effects of low-power laser (660 nm and 830 nm) on sciatic nerve regeneration following crushing injuries. Twenty-seven Wistar rats subjected to sciatic nerve injury were divided into three groups: group sham, consisting of rats undergoing simulated irradiation; a group consisting of rats subjected to gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) laser at 660 nm (10 J/cm(2), 30 mW and 0.06 cm(2) beam), and another one consisting of rats subjected to GaAlAs laser at 830 nm (10 J/cm(2), 30 mW and 0.116 cm(2)). Laser was applied to the lesion for 21 days. A sciatic functional index (SFI) was used for functional evaluation prior to surgery and on days 7, 14, and 21 after surgery. Differences in SFI were found between group 660 nm and the other ones at the 14th day. One can observe that laser application at 660 nm with the parameters and methods utilised was effective in promoting early functional recovery, as indicated by the SFI, over the period evaluated.