189 resultados para Power quality indices
Background: A previous study associated CD34(+) levels with NYHA functional class in heart failure patients. The aim of this study was to correlate CD34(+) levels to exercise capacity, functional class, quality of life and norepinephrine in heart failure patients. Methods: Twenty three sedentary patients (52 +/- 7 years, 78% male) answered the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire and rested for 20 minutes before an investigator collect a blood sample. After this, patients performed a cardiopulmonary exercise test to determine the heart rate at anaerobic and ventilatory threshold and oxygen consumption at peak effort, at anaerobic and ventilatory threshold. One other blood sample was collected during the peak effort to investigate the norepinephrine and CD34(+) levels. Results: Rest percentage of CD34(+) did not show correlation with: left ventricle ejection fraction (r = 0.03, p = 0.888), peakVO(2) (r = 0.32, p = 0.13), VO(2) at anaerobic threshold (VO(2)AT) (r = 0.03, p = 0.86), VO(2) at ventilatory threshold (VO(2)VT) (r = 0.36, p = 0.08), NYHA functional class (r = -0.2, p = 0.35), quality of life (Minnesota) (r = -0.17, p = 0.42). CD34(+) did not show correlation, either, with: peak VO(2) (r = 0.38, p = 0.06), VO(2)AT (r = 0.09, p = 0.65), VO(2)VT (r = 0.43, p = 0.4), NYHA functional class (r = -0.13, p = 0.54), quality of life (r = 0.00, p = 0.99). Conclusions: CD34(+) levels did not correlate with exercise capacity, functional class, quality of life and norepinephrine. Percentage of CD34(+) levels did not increase during the cardiopulmonary exercise test in heart failure patients. (Cardiol J 2009; 16, 5: 426-431)
Background: Color Doppler myocardial imaging (CDMI) allows the calculation of local longitudinal or radial strain rate (SR) and strain (epsilon). The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility and reproducibility of longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in neonates during the first hours of life and to establish reference values. Methods: Data were obtained from 55 healthy neonates (29 male; mean age, 20 +/- 14 hours; mean birth weight, 3,174 +/- 374 g). Apical and parasternal views quantified regional longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in differing ventricular wall segments. Values at peak systole, early diastole, and late diastole were calculated from the extracted curves. CDMI data acquired at 300 +/- 50 frames/s were analyzed offline. Three consecutive cardiac cycles were measured during normal respiration. The timing of specific systolic or diastolic regional events was determined. Multiple comparisons between walls and segments were made. Results: Left ventricular (LV) longitudinal deformation showed basal differences compared with apical segments within one specific wall. Right ventricular (RV) longitudinal deformation was not homogeneous, with significant differences between basal and apical segments. Longitudinal 3 values were higher in the RV free basal and middle wall segments compared with the left ventricle. In the RV free wall apical segment, longitudinal SR and 3 were maximal. LV systolic SR and epsilon values were higher radially compared with longitudinally (radial peak systolic SR midportion, 2.9 +/- 0.6 s(-1); radial peak systolic epsilon 53.8 +/- 19%; longitudinal peak systolic SR midportion, -1.8 +/- 0.5 s(-1); longitudinal peak systolic epsilon, -24.8 +/- 3%; P < .01). Longitudinal systolic epsilon and SR interobserver variability values were 1.2% and 0.7%, respectively. Conclusion: Ultrasound-based SR and 3 imaging is a practical and reproducible clinical technique in neonates, allowing the calculation of regional longitudinal and radial deformation in RV and LV segments. These regional SR and epsilon indices represent new, noninvasive parameters that can quantify normal neonate regional cardiac function. Independent from visual interpretation, they can be used as reference values for diagnosis in ill neonates. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009;22:369-375.)
BACKGROUND & AIMS: There is controversy over whether coagulation status predicts bleeding caused by ulceration after esophageal varices band ligation (EVL). METHODS: EVL was performed for primary (n = 45) or secondary (n = 105) prophylaxis in 150 patients with cirrhosis (Child A, n = 74, 49%; Child B, n = 42, 28%; Child C, n = 34, 23%). International normalized ratio (INR) and platelet counts were assessed in all. In 92 patients, levels of factor V, fibrinogen, D-dimer, protein C and protein S, von Willebrand factor, and thromboelastography (TEG) were assessed. Platelet count < 50 x 10(3)/mm(3) and INR > 1.5 were considered high-risk cutoff for bleeding. Conversely, platelet count >= 50 x 10(3)/mm(3) with INR <= 1.5 were safe cutoffs. RESULTS: Overall, 11 patients (7.3%) had post-EVL ulcer bleeding. Bleeding occurred in S patients with Child A/B (4.3%) and 6 patients with Child C (17%) (P = .0174 for Child A/B versus Child C). Eight patients with bleeding were among the 110 below the cutoff for INR and platelet count, whereas only 3 of the patients with bleeding were among the 40 patients with purported high-risk values (P = 1.0). Among the 92 patients with expanded coagulation tests, bleeding occurred in S. There was no difference in any of the coagulation parameters, including overall TEG patterns, between patients who did and did nor bleed. CONCLUSIONS: Post-EVL ulcer bleeding was associated with Child C status but not with conventional or expanded coagulation indices in cirrhotic patients without renal failure or infection undergoing elective EVL. These results call into question the common use of prophylactic procoagulants in the elective setting.
Background:The Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) instrument is a disease-specific questionnaire for assessing the outcome of an intervention in nasal obstruction in trials. This instrument is only available in the English language and cross-culturally valid questionnaires are very important for all research, including nasal obstruction. The aim of the current study was to reproduce the cross-cultural adaptation process for the NOSE questionnaire in the Portuguese language (NOSE-p). Methodology: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the instrument were divided into two stages. Stage I involved four bilingual professionals, an expert committee and the author of the original instrument. In Stage 2, the NOSE-p was tested on 33 patients undergoing septoplasty for internal consistency, test-retest reliability, construct validity. discriminant validity, criterion validity, and response sensitivity. Results: The cross-cultural adaptation process was completed and the NOSE-p was demonstrated to be a valid instrument with satisfactory construct validity. It showed an adequate internal consistency reliability and adequate test-retest reliability. It could discriminate between patients with and without nasal obstruction and it has a high response sensitivity to change. Conclusions: The cross-cultural adaptation and validation process demonstrated to be valid and the NOSE-p proved to be applicable in Brazil.
Objective. To correlate Doppler results with hematological indices at birth in small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetuses. Design. Prospective study. Setting. Tertiary teaching hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Population. One hundred singleton pregnancies with SGA fetuses of > 27 weeks gestational age. Methods. All women had Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical arteries, middle cerebral artery, and ductus venosus within < 72 hours prior to delivery. After birth, umbilical artery blood was collected for hematological analysis. Main outcome measures. The association between fetal Doppler velocimetry pulsatility index (PI) and some hematological indices. Results. Umbilical artery PI showed a positive correlation with nucleated red blood cell count in the umbilical cord (r = 0.46; p<0.01), and a negative correlation with platelet count (r = -0.53; p<0.01) and white blood cell count (r = -0.42; p<0.01). Middle cerebral artery PI was positively correlated with platelet count (r = 0.43; p<0.01) and white blood cell count (r = 0.38; p<0.01), and was negatively correlated with nucleated red blood cell count (r = -0.39; p<0.01). The ductus venosus pulsatility index showed a positive correlation with nucleated red blood cell count (r = 0.36; p<0.01), and a negative correlation with platelet count (r = -0.37; p<0.01) and white blood cell count (r = -0.26; p<0.01). Conclusion. A significant positive or negative correlation between nucleated red blood cell, platelet and white blood cell counts, and Doppler indices suggests an association between placental insufficiency and the fetal hematological response.
Objective. Refractory, disabling pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) is usually treated with total knee replacement. However, pain in these patients might be associated with central nervous sensitization rather than peripheral inflammation and injury. We evaluated the presence of hyperalgesia in patients scheduled for a total knee replacement due to knee osteoarthritis with refractory pain, and we assessed the impact of pressure pain threshold measurements (PPT) on pain, disability, and quality of life of these patients. Methods. Sixty-two female patients were compared with 22 age-matched healthy controls without reported pain for the last year. PPT was measured at the lower extremities subcutaneous dermatomes, over the vastus medialis, adductor longus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, iliacus, quadratus lumborum and popliteus muscles and at the supraspinous ligaments from L1-L5, over the L5-S1 and S1-S2 sacral areas and at the pes anserinus bursae and patellar tendon. Results. Patients with knee OA had significantly lower PPT over all evaluated structures versus healthy control subjects (P < 0.001). Lower PPT values were correlated with higher pain intensity, higher disability scores, and with poorer quality of life, except for the role-emotional and general health status. Combined PPT values over the patellar tendon, at the S2 subcutaneous dermatome and at the adductor longus muscle were the best predictors for visual analog scale and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index pain scores. Conclusion. Patients with pain due to osteoarthritis who were scheduled for total knee replacement showed hyperalgesia of nervous system origin that negatively impacted pain, knee functional capacity, and most aspects of quality of life.
Background: The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers amyloid beta (A beta)-42, total-tau (T-tau), and phosphorylated-tau (P-tau) demonstrate good diagnostic accuracy for Alzheimer`s disease (AD). However, there are large variations in biomarker measurements between studies, and between and within laboratories. The Alzheimer`s Association has initiated a global quality control program to estimate and monitor variability of measurements, quantify batch-to-batch assay variations, and identify sources of variability. In this article, we present the results from the first two rounds of the program. Methods: The program is open for laboratories using commercially available kits for A beta, T-tau, or P-tau. CSF samples (aliquots of pooled CSF) are sent for analysis several times a year from the Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory at the Molndal campus of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Each round consists of three quality control samples. Results: Forty laboratories participated. Twenty-six used INNOTEST enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits, 14 used Luminex xMAP with the INNO-BIA AlzBio3 kit (both measure A beta-(1-42), P-tau(181P), and T-tau), and 5 used Mesa Scale Discovery with the A beta triplex (A beta N-42, A beta N-40, and A beta N-38) or T-tau kits. The total coefficients of variation between the laboratories were 13% to 36%. Five laboratories analyzed the samples six times on different occasions. Within-laboratory precisions differed considerably between biomarkers within individual laboratories. Conclusions: Measurements of CSF AD biomarkers show large between-laboratory variability, likely caused by factors related to analytical procedures and the analytical kits. Standardization of laboratory procedures and efforts by kit vendors to increase kit performance might lower variability, and will likely increase the usefulness of CSF AD biomarkers. (C) 2011 The Alzheimer`s Association. All rights reserved.
Air pollution is an important environmental health risk factor that can result in many different gestational and reproductive negative outcomes. In this study, we have investigated the effects of two different times of exposure (before conception and during pregnancy) to urban ambient particulate matter on reproductive and pregnancy outcomes in mice. Using exposure chambers receiving filtered (F) and non-filtered (NF) air, we observed that exposed females exhibited changes in the length of estrus cycle and extended estrus and, therefore, a reduction in the number of cycles during the studied period (F2.6 +/- 0.22 and NF 1.2 +/- 0.29, p = 0.03). The mean number of antral follicles declined by 36% (p = 0.04) in NF mice (75 +/- 35.2) compared to F mice (118.6 +/- 18.4). our results further indicate a significant increase in time necessary for mating and decreased fertility and pregnancy indices (p = 0.003) in NF couples. Mean post-implantation loss rates were increased by 70% (p <= 0.005) in the NF2 group (exposed before and during pregnancy to NF air) compared to the F1 group (exposed before and during pregnancy to F air) and were influenced by both pre-gestational (p < 0.004) and gestational (p < 0.01) period exposure. Fetal weight was significantly higher in the F1 group when compared with the other groups (p < 0.001), at a 20% higher weight in the F1 group (0.86 +/- 0.18 g) than in the NF2 group (0.68 +/- 0.10g). Furthermore, fetal weight was influenced by both pre-gestational and gestational period exposure, and a significant interaction between these two factors was found (p < 0.001). This study demonstrated that exposure to ambient levels of urban traffic-generated particulate matter negatively affects different functions and stages of the reproductive process. Our results also reinforce the idea that maternal exposure to air pollution is linked to negative pregnancy outcomes, even if the exposure occurs only before conception. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii causes severe disease both to man and livestock and its detection in meat after slaughtering requires PCR or biological tests. Meat packages contain retained exudate that could be used for serology due to its blood content. Similar studies reported false negative assays in those tests. We standardized an anti-T. gondii IgG ELISA in muscle juices from experimentally infected rabbits, with blood content determination by cyanhemoglobin spectrophotometry. IgG titers and immunoblotting profiles were similar in blood, serum or meat juice, after blood content correction. These assays were adequate regardless of the storage time up to 120 days or freeze-thaw cycles, without false negative results. We also found 1.35% (1/74) positive sample in commercial Brazilian rabbit meat cuts, by this assay. The blood content determination shows ELISA of meat juice may be useful for quality control for toxoplasmosis monitoring. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dizziness is frequent in elderly people. Aims: To evaluate the Quality of Life (QoL) in elderly subjects with dizziness, relate it with gender and age. Material and Method: A prospective study comprising 120 elderly patients with dizziness evaluated with Brazilian versions of the Whoqol-bref and the dizziness handicap inventory (DHI). The factor analysis (FA), the Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests, and the Spearman correlation were applied to study the results. Results: The most compromised domains were the DHI physical domain and the Whoqol-bref physical and environment domains. FA resulted in 3 factors in the DHI and 5 factors in the Whoqol-bref. There was a moderate correlation (-0.596) in the total scores of both instruments. Males had a better QoL in the ""environment perception and introspectivity"" and ""health perception"" factors of the Whoqol-bref test. Females had a better QoL in the ""functionality perception"" factor of the Whoqol-bref test. There were no significant age differences. Conclusions: Elderly patients with dizziness have a worse QoL. Elderly females with dizziness have worse QoL scores in ""environment perception and introspectivity"" and ""health perception"" and better QoL in the ""functionality perception"" factor compared to elderly males.
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of the study was to investigate patient characteristics associated with image quality and their impact on the diagnostic accuracy of MDCT for the detection of coronary artery stenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Two hundred ninety-one patients with a coronary artery calcification (CAC) score of <= 600 Agatston units (214 men and 77 women; mean age, 59.3 +/- 10.0 years [SD]) were analyzed. An overall image quality score was derived using an ordinal scale. The accuracy of quantitative MDCT to detect significant (>= 50%) stenoses was assessed using quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) per patient and per vessel using a modified 19-segment model. The effect of CAC, obesity, heart rate, and heart rate variability on image quality and accuracy were evaluated by multiple logistic regression. Image quality and accuracy were further analyzed in subgroups of significant predictor variables. Diagnostic analysis was determined for image quality strata using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. RESULTS. Increasing body mass index (BMI) (odds ratio [OR] = 0.89, p < 0.001), increasing heart rate (OR = 0.90, p < 0.001), and the presence of breathing artifact (OR = 4.97, p = 0.001) were associated with poorer image quality whereas sex, CAC score, and heart rate variability were not. Compared with examinations of white patients, studies of black patients had significantly poorer image quality (OR = 0.58, p = 0.04). At a vessel level, CAC score (10 Agatston units) (OR = 1.03, p = 0.012) and patient age (OR = 1.02, p = 0.04) were significantly associated with the diagnostic accuracy of quantitative MDCT compared with QCA. A trend was observed in differences in the areas under the ROC curves across image quality strata at the vessel level (p = 0.08). CONCLUSION. Image quality is significantly associated with patient ethnicity, BMI, mean scan heart rate, and the presence of breathing artifact but not with CAC score at a patient level. At a vessel level, CAC score and age were associated with reduced diagnostic accuracy.
Our purpose was to retrospectively compare controlled ovarian stimulation(COH) in IVF cycles with administration of hCG on the day of menses (D1-hCG) with women not receiving hCG at day 1 of menses (Control). Data on maternal age, endocrine profile, amount of rFSH required, embryo characteristics, implantation and pregnancy rates were recorded for comparison between D1-hCG (n = 36) and Control (n = 64). Dose of rFSH required to accomplish COH was significantly lower in D1-hCG. Following ICSI, more top-quality embryos were available for transfer per patient in the D1-hCG and biochemical pregnancy rates per transfer were significantly higher in the D1-hCG. Significantly higher implantation and on-going pregnancy rates per embryo transfer were observed in D1-hCG (64%) compared to Control (41%). Administration of D1-hCG prior to COH reduces rFSH use and enhances oocyte developmental competence to obtain top quality embryos, and improves implantation and on-going pregnancy rates. At present it is not clear if the benefit is related to producing an embryo that more likely to implant or a more receptive uterus, or merely fortuitous and related to the relatively small power of the study.
The goal of the current study was to compare the quality of esophageal speech and voice to videofluoroscopic features of the esophagus and pharyngoesophageal (PE) segment. The speech and voice characteristics of 30 laryngectomized patients were rated by 5 speech-language pathologists. Based on these ratings, patients were divided into 3 categories: fluent (n = 9), moderately fluent (n = 10) and nonfluent (n = 11). Videofluoroscopy of the PE region was then performed during both swallowing and voice production. An insufflation test and percutaneous pharyngeal plexus block were required in 9 patients to determine the etiology of poor esophageal voice production. The strongest videofluoroscopic indicators of nonfluent speakers were: (1) small or absent air reservoir and (2) lack of a vibrating PE segment. Fluent speakers presented with shorter PE segments (1.17 mm) compared to moderately fluent speakers (17.1-29.9 mm). Perceptually, fluent speakers presented with a predominantly rough vocal quality. In contrast, moderately fluent speakers presented with a tense quality. In addition, stoma blast noise was reduced in fluent speakers. Videofluoroscopic findings highly correlated with the quality of esophageal speech. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the isolated and associated effects of estrogen therapy (estradiol valerate 1 mg/d orally) and physical exercise (moderate aerobic exercise, 3 h/wk) on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and menopausal symptoms among women who had undergone hysterectomy. Design: A 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 44 postmenopausal women who had undergone hysterectomy. The interventions were physical exercise and hormone therapy (n = 9), being sedentary and hormone therapy (n = 14), physical exercise and placebo (n = 11), and being sedentary and placebo (n = 10). HRQOL was assessed by a Brazilian standard version of the Medical Outcome Study Short-Forrn Health Survey and symptoms by Kupperman Index at baseline and after 6 months. Results: There was a decrease in symptoms in all groups, but only groups who performed physical exercise showed an increase in quality of life. Analysis of variance showed that changes in physical functioning (P = 0.001) and bodily pain (P = 0.012) scores over the 6-month period differed significantly between women who exercised and women who were sedentary, regardless of hormone therapy. Hormone therapy had no effect, and there was also no significant association between physical exercise and hormone therapy in HRQOL. Conclusions: Physical exercises can reduce menopausal symptoms and enhance HRQOL, independent of whether hormone therapy is taken.
Twenty-nine HCV-infected patients were treated with pegylated interferon alpha. Diagnosis was based on serum HCV RNA-PCR positive results and liver biopsy. All patients had elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase at the time of the study, but liver disease was compensated. Patients were evaluated at baseline treatment and after 4 and 12 weeks of antiviral treatment with the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to exclude previous or current psychiatric diagnoses. Both patients and psychiatrists were blind to the HCV RNA status, and serum HCV RNA test results only became available after the visit at week 12. After antiviral treatment, 16 patients (55.2%) were classified as nonresponders and 13 (44.8%) were classified as responders. When compared to nonresponders, responders had a greater improvement in the HRQOL scores for the mental health domain (P<.019). Differences in other domains were not significant. The present study confirms that active viral infection is one possible reason for the poor Health-Related Quality of Life in this population.