163 resultados para Double-fed induction machine
Nine ruminally cannulated cows fed different energy sources were used to evaluate an avian-derived polyclonal antibody preparation (PAP-MV) against the specific ruminal bacteria Streptococcus bovis, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Clostridium aminophilum, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, and Clostridium stick-landii and monensin (MON) on ruminal fermentation patterns and in vivo digestibility. The experimental design was three 3 x 3 Latin squares distinguished by the main energy source in the diet [dry-ground corn grain (CG), high-moisture corn silage (HMCS), or citrus pulp (CiPu)]. Inside each Latin square, animals received one of the feed additives per period [none (CON), MON, or PAP-MV]. Dry matter intake and ruminal fermentation variables such as pH, total short-chain fatty acids (tSCFA), which included acetate, propionate, and butyrate, as well as lactic acid and NH(3)-N concentration were analyzed in this trial. Total tract DM apparent digestibility and its fractions were estimated using chromic oxide as an external marker. Each experimental period lasted 21 d. Ruminal fluid sampling was carried out on the last day of the period at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h after the morning meal. Ruminal pH was higher (P = 0.006) 4 h postfeeding in MON and PAP-MV groups when compared with CON. Acetate: propionate ratio was greater in PAP-MV compared with MON across sampling times. Polyclonal antibodies did not alter (P > 0.05) tSCFA, molar proportion of acetate and butyrate, or lactic acid and NH(3)-N concentration. Ruminal pH was higher (P = 0.01), 4 h postfeeding in CiPu diets compared with CG and HMCS. There was no interaction between feed additive and energy source (P > 0.05) for any of the digestibility coefficients analyzed. Starch digestibility was less (P = 0.008) in PAP-MV when compared with CON and MON. In relation to energy sources, NDF digestibility was greater (P = 0.007) in CG and CiPu vs. the HMCS diet. The digestibility of ADF was greater (P = 0.002) in CiPu diets followed by CG and HMCS. Feeding PAP-MV or monensin altered ruminal fermentation patterns and digestive function in cows; however, those changes were independent of the main energy source of the diet.
Neospora caninum is one of the most important causes of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide. The distribution of N. caninum in tissues of adult cattle is unknown and the parasite has not been demonstrated histologically in tissues of cows. In the present study the distribution of N. caninum in different tissues of adult cattle was evaluated by bioassays in dogs. Seventeen dogs (2-3 month-old) were fed different tissues of 4 naturally exposed adult cattle (indirect fluorescent antibody test N. caninum titer >= 400): 5 were fed with masseter: 5 with heart, 3 with liver, 4 with brain, and 3 pups were used as non-infected control. Two dogs fed masseter, 2 fed heart, 1 fed liver, and 3 fed brain shed oocysts, and all dogs presented no seroconvertion to N. caninum during the observation period of 4 weeks. The oocysts were confirmed as N. caninum based on the detection of N. caninum-specific DNA by PCR and sequencing. The results indicate that dogs can be infected by N. caninum with different tissues of infected cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to evaluate under controlled conditions the acquisition of Hepatozoon canis by Amblyomma ovale after feeding on infected dogs, and the subsequent induction of infection in uninfected dogs that ingested the experimentally infected ticks. Two H. canis naturally infected dogs were infested with A. ovate adult ticks derived from an uninfected laboratory tick colony. After feeding, two A. ovale females presented H. canis oocysts in the hemolymph at the first and fourth days after removal of ticks from dogs. The oocysts had an average size of 244.34 mu m x 255.46 mu m. Three uninfected dogs were fed with ticks previously fed on the infected dogs. Only one dog became infected 32 days after oral inoculation, presenting circulating gametocytes, parasitemia less than 1%, and positive PCR confirmed to be H. canis by DNA sequencing. The results obtained indicated A ovale ticks as potential vector of H. canis in rural areas of Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and connexin expression (Cx26 and Cx32) in mouse liver were studied after administration of 4-bis[2-(3,5 dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOBOP), a phenobarbital-like enzyme inducer. Female C57BI/6 mice were administered TCPOBOP (5.8 mg/kg BW) and euthanized 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours later. Liver samples were snap frozen, or fixed in formalin, or submitted to GJIC analysis. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemistry and the Western blotting for Cx26 and Cx32 were performed. After 48 and 72 h of drug administration the liver-to-body weight ratio was increased 70% and 117% (p < 0.0001), respectively. There were temporal-dependent alterations in liver histopathology and a significant increase in cell proliferation was noted after 48h and sustained after 72h, though to a lesser extent (p < 0.0001). In addition. TCPOBOP administration induced apoptosis, which appeared to be time-dependent showing statistical significance only after 72h (p < 0.0001). Interestingly, a transient disruption by nearly 50% of GJIC capacity was detected after 48 h of drug ingestion, which recovered after 72 h (p = 0.003). These GJIC changes were due to altered levels of Cx26 and Cx32 in the livers of TCPOBOP-treated mice. We concluded that a single administration of TCPOBOP transiently disrupted the levels of GJIC due to decreased expression of connexins and increased apoptotic cell death in mouse liver. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Two experiments evaluated the effects of the first GnRH injection of the 5-d timed artificial insemination (AI) program on ovarian responses and pregnancy per AT (P/AI), and the effect of timing of the final GnRH to induce ovulation relative to AT on P/AI. In experiment 1, 605 Holstein heifers were synchronized for their second insemination and assigned randomly to receive GnRH on study d 0 (n = 298) or to remain as untreated controls (n = 307). Ovaries were scanned on study d 0 and 5. All heifers received a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert containing progesterone on d 0, a single injection of PGF(2 alpha),, and removal of the CIDR on d 5, and GnRH concurrent with timed AT on d 8. Blood was analyzed for progesterone at AI. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 32 and 60 after AI. Ovulation on study d 0 was greater for GnRH than control (35.4 vs. 10.6%). Presence of a new corpus luteum (CL) at PGF(2 alpha),, injection was greater for GnRH than for control (43.1 vs. 20.8%), although the proportion of heifers with a CL at PGF(2 alpha) did not differ between treatments and averaged 87.1%. Progesterone on the day of AT was greater for GaRH than control (0.50 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.28 +/- 0.07 ng/mL). The proportion of heifers at AI with progesterone <0.5 ng/mL was less for GURH than for control (73.8 vs. 88.2%). The proportion of heifers in estrus at AI did not differ between treatments and averaged 66.8%. Pregnancy per AI was not affected by treatment at d 32 or 60 (GnRH = 52.5 and 49.8% vs. control = 54.1 and 50.0%), and pregnancy loss averaged 6.0%. Responses to GnRH were not influenced by ovarian status on study d 0. In experiment 2, 1,295 heifers were synchronized for their first insemination and assigned randomly to receive a CIDR on d 0, PGF(2 alpha) and removal of the CIDR on d 5, and either GnRH 56 h after PGF(2 alpha) and AI 16 h later (OVS56, n = 644) or GnRH concurrent with AI 72 h after PGF(2 alpha) (COS72; n = 651). Estrus at AI was greater for COS72 than for OVS56 (61.4 vs. 47.5). Treatment did not affect P/AI on d 32 in heifers displaying signs of estrus at AI, but COS72 improved P/AI compared with OVS56 (55.0 vs. 47.6%) in those not in estrus at AI. Similarly, P/AI on d 60 did not differ between treatments for heifers displaying estrus, but COS72 improved P/AI compared with OVS56 (53.0 vs. 44.7%) in those not in estrus at AI. Administration of GnRH on the first day of the 5-d timed AI program resulted in low ovulation rate and no improvement in P/AI when heifers received a single PGF(2 alpha) injection 5 d later. Moreover, extending the proestrus by delaying the finAI GnRH from 56 to 72 h concurrent with AI benefited fertility of dairy heifers that did not display signs of estrus at insemination following the 5-d timed AI protocol.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance, nutrients digestion and metabolism of three different genetic groups fed with the same diet based on corn silage. 30 heifers in growth were used of three groups of cattle, the following: Nellore (Bos taurus indicus) (n = 10), Holstein (Bos taurus taurus) (n = 10), and Mediterranean buffaloes (Bubalis bubalis) (n = 10). The animals were fed in groups and received the same experimental diet composed of corn silage and concentrate for growing heifers. In the evaluation of animals the performance, consumption and total apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients with the aid of internal markers (chromic oxide) and external (iADF), rumen fermentation, excretion of purine derivatives, nitrogen balance and blood metabolites were measured. No differences were observed in animal performance. There were differences in nutrient intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients in different groups of cattle. The concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the rumen were higher and lower, respectively, for the group of buffaloes in relation to other experimental groups evaluated. When considering the excretion of total purine derivatives, buffaloes showed the lowest value compared to other genetic groups evaluated; about 61.76% of the total genetic group Nellore and 57.62% of the total genetic group Holstein with an average of 33.67 mmol/day. For the buffaloes, the excretion of xanthine and hypoxanthine observed was of 5.11% of total purine derivatives. There was a better nitrogen balance (g/day) for groups of Holstein heifers and Nellore in relation to the group of buffalo heifers. There were differences in the concentrations of urea and urea nitrogen in serum and liver enzymes where the buffaloes had higher values in relation at the bovines. There is a great metabolic diversity among the experimental groups evaluated and it was more exacerbated among buffaloes and bovines, when submitted to the same diet and same management conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated whether the four gonadorelin products that are commercially available in the United States produce comparable ovulation responses in lactating cows. Dairy cows at 7 d after last gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) treatment of Ovsynch (Day 7), with a corpus luteum (CL) >= 15 mm and at least one follicle >= 10 mm, were evaluated for response to GnRH treatment. Selected cows were randomized to receive (100 mu g; im): (1) Cystorelin (n = 146): (2) Factrel (n = 132): (3) Fertagyl (n = 140); or (4) Ovacyst (n = 140). On Day 14, cows were examined for Ovulation by detection of an accessory CL. Circulating luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were also evaluated in some cows after treatment with 100 mu g (n = 10 per group) or 50 mu g (n = 5 per group) GnRH. Statistical analyses were performed with the procedures MIXED and GLIMMIX of the SAS program. Percentage of cows ovulating differed (P < 0.01) among groups, with that for Factrel being lower (55.3%) than that for Cystorelin (76.7%), Fertagyl (73.6%), or Ovacyst (85.0%), There was no effect of batch, parity, or follicle size on ovulation response. but increasing body condition score decreased Ovulation response. There was a much greater LH release in cows treated with 100 mu g than in those treated with 50 mu g, but there were no detectable differences among products in time to LH peak, peak LH concentration, or area under the LH curve and no treatment effects nor treatment by time interactions on circulating LH profile. Thus, ovulation response to Factrel on Day 7 of the cycle was lower than that for other commercial GnRH products, although a definitive mechanism for this difference between products was not demonstrated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic condition characterized by oral burning pain in the absence of clinical abnormalities and without established therapy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) in the management of BMS symptoms through a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Thirty-eight patients (34 women and four men, median age 62.9 years, range 36-78) were included and 31 completed the study. The patients were randomized into two cycles of treatment: one with alpha lipoic acid and one with placebo both administered in identical capsules. These cycles were separated by a washout period of 20 days. The oral symptoms and the treatment response were assessed using a 100-mm visual analog scale before and after each cycle and the global perceived effect score, using a 5-point scale after each treatment cycle. The level of reduction on burning was significant for both treatments (paired t-test: P < 0.05; rp = 0.011; ral < 0.001). Considering the two cycles together, 22 patients reported at least some improvement after ALA use and 23 patients after placebo. Comparison of the oral assessment scores of the two cycles failed to demonstrate the effectiveness of ALA over placebo (t-test: P > 0.05; r = 0.75).
Objectives: This study evaluated the immediate and 6-month resin-dentin mu-bond strength (mu TBS) of one-step self-etch systems (Adper Prompt L-Pop [AD] 3M ESPE; Xeno III [XE] Dentsply De Trey; iBond [iB] Heraeus Kulzer) under different application modes. Materials and methods: Dentin oclusal surfaces were exposed by grinding with 600-grit SiC paper. The adhesives were applied according to the manufacturer`s directions [MD], or with double application of the adhesive layer [DA] or following the manufacturer`s directions plus a hydrophobic resin layer coating [HL]. After applying the adhesive resins, composite crowns were built up incrementally. After 24-h water storage, the specimens were serially sectioned in ""x"" and ""y"" directions to obtain bonded sticks of about 0.8 mm 2 to be tested immediately [IM] or after 6 months of water storage [6M] at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The data from each adhesive was analyzed by a two-way repeated measures ANOVA (mode of application vs. storage time) and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The adhesives performed differently according to the application mode. The DA and HL either improved the immediate performance of the adhesive or did not differ from the MD. The resin-dentin bond strength values observed after 6 months were higher when a hydrophobic resin coat was used than compared to those values observed under the manufacturer`s directions. Conclusions: The double application of one-step self-etch system can be safety performed however the application of an additional hydrophobic resin layer can improve the immediate resin-dentin bonds and reduce the degradation of resin bonds over time. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: In this double-blind and randomized controlled trial, we analyzed whether a lower concentration of chlorhexidine in dentifrices could reduce the risk of tooth staining without compromising its effectiveness in controlling gingivitis, bleeding, and dental plaque. Methods: Volunteers with fixed orthodontic appliances were randomly divided into 3 groups: control, 1100 ppm F, NaF (n = 27); experimental, chlorhexidine 0.50% (n = 27); and experimental, chlorhexidine 0.75% (n = 27). At baseline, and after 6 and 12 weeks, clinical examinations were carried out. Staining, calculus, gingivitis, bleeding, and dental plaque data were analyzed with Friedman tests to evaluate intragroup changes over time. To detect intergroup differences after 12 months, the data were evaluated with Kruskal-Wallis tests. Dunn tests were used in both situations for necessary post-hoc analyses. Results: The groups were statistically similar for the stain, calculus, and plaque indexes, but there were statistically significant differences for the gingival and bleeding indexes. During the experimental periods, gingivitis and bleeding scores improved in all 3 groups. Only the 0.75% chlorhexidine dentifrice significantly increased the stain index, although most patients did not notice the stains. The intergroup comparison showed a statistically significant better performance of the experimental groups regarding the gingival and bleeding indexes. Conclusions: This study suggests that the use of dentifrices with lower concentration of chlorhexidine can reduce the risk of tooth staining without compromising its effectiveness in controlling gingivitis and bleeding in orthodontic patients. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009; 136: 651-6)
Locus coeruleus (LC) is involved in the LHRH regulation by gonadal steroids. We investigated the expression of progesterone and estrogen receptors (PR; ER) in LC neurons of ER alpha (alpha ERKO) or ER beta (beta ERKO) knockout mice, and their wild-type (alpha WT and beta WT). Immunocytochemical studies showed that LC expresses PR and both ERs, although ER beta was more abundant. Estradiol benzoate (EB) decreased ER alpha-positive cells in WT and beta ERKO mice, and progesterone caused a further reduction, whereas none of the steroids influenced ER beta expression. ER beta deletion increased ER alpha while ER alpha deletion did not alter ER beta expression. In both WT mice, EB increased PR expression, which was diminished by progesterone. These steroid effects were also observed in alpha ERKO animals but to a lesser extent, suggesting that ER alpha is partially responsible for the estrogenic induction of PR in LC. Steroid effects on PR in beta ERKO mice were similar to those in the alpha ERKO but to a lesser extent, probably because PR expression was already high in the oil-treated group. This expression seems to be specific of LC neurons, since it was not observed in other areas studied, the preoptic area and ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus. These findings show that LC in mice expresses alpha ER, beta ER, and PR, and that a balance between them may be critical for the physiological control of reproductive function.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of diode laser (GaAlAs - 780 nm) on pain to palpation and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles. The laser was applied on the temporalis and masseter muscles twice a week (four weeks). Forty-eight (48) patients with myofascial pain were randomly assigned between actual and placebo treatments and between the energetic doses of 25 J/cm(2) and 60 J/cm(2), and were evaluated using VAS before, immediately after the final application, and 30 days after the laser treatment. Surface electromyography was performed with maximum dental clenching before and after laser therapy. The results show there were no significant statistical differences in the EMG activity between the groups before and after laser treatment. With regard to the pain at palpation, although both groups presented a significant difference in the symptoms before and after the treatment, only the active doses showed statistically significant reductions in pain level in all the regions of the palpated muscles. However, there was no significant statistical difference between groups (experimental and placebo). In conclusion, low level laser did not promote any changes in EMG activity. The treatment did, however, lessen the pain symptoms in the experimental groups.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the analgesic effect of Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) and its influence on masticatory efficiency in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). This study was performed using a random, placebo-controlled, and double-blind research design. Fourteen patients were selected and divided into two groups (active and placebo). Infrared laser (780 nm, 70 mw, 60s, 105J/cm(2)) was applied precisely and continuously into five points of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area: lateral point (LP), superior point (SP), anterior point (AP), posterior point (PP), and posterior-inferior point (PIP) of the condylar position. This was performed twice per week, for a total of eight sessions, To ensure a double-blind study, two identical probes supplied by the manufacturer were used: one for the active laser and one for the inactive placebo laser. They were marked with different letters (A and B) by a clinician who did not perform the applications. A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and a colorimetric capsule method were employed. Data were obtained three times: before treatment (Ev1), shortly after the eighth session (Ev2), and 30 days after the first application (Ev3). Statistical tests revealed significant differences at one percent (1%) likelihood, which implies that superiority of the active group offered considerable TMJ pain improvement. Both groups presented similar masticatory behavior, and no statistical differences were found. With regard to the evaluation session, Ev2 presented the lowest symptoms and highest masticatory efficiency throughout therapy. Therefore, low intensity laser application is effective in reducing TMD symptoms, and has influence over masticatory efficiency [Ev2 (0.2423) and Ev3 (0.2043), observed in the interaction Evaluations x Probes for effective dosage].