185 resultados para Weak Decays
A fully conserving algorithm is developed in this paper for the integration of the equations of motion in nonlinear rod dynamics. The starting point is a re-parameterization of the rotation field in terms of the so-called Rodrigues rotation vector, which results in an extremely simple update of the rotational variables. The weak form is constructed with a non-orthogonal projection corresponding to the application of the virtual power theorem. Together with an appropriate time-collocation, it ensures exact conservation of momentum and total energy in the absence of external forces. Appealing is the fact that nonlinear hyperelastic materials (and not only materials with quadratic potentials) are permitted without any prejudice on the conservation properties. Spatial discretization is performed via the finite element method and the performance of the scheme is assessed by means of several numerical simulations.
The applicability of a meshfree approximation method, namely the EFG method, on fully geometrically exact analysis of plates is investigated. Based on a unified nonlinear theory of plates, which allows for arbitrarily large rotations and displacements, a Galerkin approximation via MLS functions is settled. A hybrid method of analysis is proposed, where the solution is obtained by the independent approximation of the generalized internal displacement fields and the generalized boundary tractions. A consistent linearization procedure is performed, resulting in a semi-definite generalized tangent stiffness matrix which, for hyperelastic materials and conservative loadings, is always symmetric (even for configurations far from the generalized equilibrium trajectory). Besides the total Lagrangian formulation, an updated version is also presented, which enables the treatment of rotations beyond the parameterization limit. An extension of the arc-length method that includes the generalized domain displacement fields, the generalized boundary tractions and the load parameter in the constraint equation of the hyper-ellipsis is proposed to solve the resulting nonlinear problem. Extending the hybrid-displacement formulation, a multi-region decomposition is proposed to handle complex geometries. A criterium for the classification of the equilibrium`s stability, based on the Bordered-Hessian matrix analysis, is suggested. Several numerical examples are presented, illustrating the effectiveness of the method. Differently from the standard finite element methods (FEM), the resulting solutions are (arbitrary) smooth generalized displacement and stress fields. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper addresses the development of several alternative novel hybrid/multi-field variational formulations of the geometrically exact three-dimensional elastostatic beam boundary-value problem. In the framework of the complementary energy-based formulations, a Legendre transformation is used to introduce the complementary energy density in the variational statements as a function of stresses only. The corresponding variational principles are shown to feature stationarity within the framework of the boundary-value problem. Both weak and linearized weak forms of the principles are presented. The main features of the principles are highlighted, giving special emphasis to their relationships from both theoretical and computational standpoints. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper a bond graph methodology is used to model incompressible fluid flows with viscous and thermal effects. The distinctive characteristic of these flows is the role of pressure, which does not behave as a state variable but as a function that must act in such a way that the resulting velocity field has divergence zero. Velocity and entropy per unit volume are used as independent variables for a single-phase, single-component flow. Time-dependent nodal values and interpolation functions are introduced to represent the flow field, from which nodal vectors of velocity and entropy are defined as state variables. The system for momentum and continuity equations is coincident with the one obtained by using the Galerkin method for the weak formulation of the problem in finite elements. The integral incompressibility constraint is derived based on the integral conservation of mechanical energy. The weak formulation for thermal energy equation is modeled with true bond graph elements in terms of nodal vectors of temperature and entropy rates, resulting a Petrov-Galerkin method. The resulting bond graph shows the coupling between mechanical and thermal energy domains through the viscous dissipation term. All kind of boundary conditions are handled consistently and can be represented as generalized effort or flow sources. A procedure for causality assignment is derived for the resulting graph, satisfying the Second principle of Thermodynamics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents concentration inequalities and laws of large numbers under weak assumptions of irrelevance that are expressed using lower and upper expectations. The results build upon De Cooman and Miranda`s recent inequalities and laws of large numbers. The proofs indicate connections between the theory of martingales and concepts of epistemic and regular irrelevance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles prepared by a polymer precursor method have been characterized structurally and magnetically. Ni doping (up to 10 mol%) does not significantly affect the crystalline structure of SnO(2), but stabilizes smaller particles as the Ni content is increased. A notable solid solution regime up to similar to 3 mol% of Ni, and a Ni surface enrichment for the higher Ni contents are found. The room temperature ferromagnetism with saturation magnetization (MS) similar to 1.2 x 10(-3) emu g(-1) and coercive field (H(C)) similar to 40 Oe is determined for the undoped sample, which is associated with the exchange coupling of the spins of electrons trapped in oxygen vacancies, mainly located on the surface of the particles. This ferromagnetism is enhanced as the Ni content increases up to similar to 3 mol%, where the Ni ions are distributed in a solid solution. Above this Ni content, the ferromagnetism rapidly decays and a paramagnetic behavior is observed. This finding is assigned to the increasing segregation of Ni ions (likely formed by interstitials Ni ions and nearby substitutional sites) on the particle surface, which modifies the magnetic behavior by reducing the available oxygen vacancies and/or the free electrons and favoring paramagnetic behavior.
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a very promising biopolymer. In order to improve its processability and decrease its brittleness, PHB/elastomer blends can be prepared. In the work reported, the effect of the addition of a rubbery phase, i.e. ethylene - propylene-diene terpolymer (EPDM) or poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB), on the properties of PHB was studied. The effects of rubber type and of changing the PHB/elastomer blend processing method on the crystallinity and physical properties of the blends were also investigated. For blends based on PHB, the main role of EPDM is its nucleating effect evidenced by a decrease of crystallization temperature and an increase of crystallinity with increasing EPDM content regardless of the processing route. While EPDM has a weak effect on PHB glass transition temperature, PVB induces a marked decrease of this temperature thank to its plasticizer that swells the PHB amorphous phase. A promising solution to improve the mechanical properties of PHB seems to be the melt-processing of PHB with both plasticizer and EPDM. In fact, the plasticizer is more efficient than the elastomer in decreasing the PHB glass transition temperature and, because of the nucleating effect of EPDM, the decrease of the PHB modulus due to the plasticizer can be counterbalanced. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
Magnetic energy losses and permeability have been investigated in laboratory prepared and commercial Mn-Zn sintered ferrites from quasi-static conditions up to 10 MHz. The mechanisms leading to energy dissipation, either due to domain wall displacements or magnetization rotations, have been quantitatively assessed and their respective roles have been clarified. Domain wall processes dissipate energy by pure relaxation effects, while rotations display resonant absorption of energy over a broad range of frequencies. Their specific contributions to the permeability and its frequency dispersion are thus identified and separately evaluated. It is shown that eddy currents are always too weak to appreciably contribute to the losses over the whole investigated frequency range and that rotations are the dominant magnetization and loss producing mechanisms on approaching the MHz range, as predicted by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with distributed anisotropy fields. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lysozyme precipitation induced by the addition of the volatile salt ammonium carbamate was studied through cloud-point measurements and precipitation assays. Phase equilibrium experiments were carried out at 5.0, 15.0 and 25.0 degrees C and the compositions of the coexisting phases were determined. A complete separation of the coexisting liquid and solid phases could not be achieved. Nevertheless it was possible to determine the composition of the solid precipitate through the extensions of experimental tie lines. The same precipitate was found at all temperatures. Lysozyme enzymatic activities of the supernatant and precipitate phases were also determined. The activity balance suggests that ammonium carbamate preserves lysozyme activity after the salting-out precipitation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent works have pointed to the use of volatile electrolytes such as carbon dioxide (CO(2)) dissolved in aqueous solutions as a promising alternative to the precipitating agents conventionally used for protein recovery in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In this work we investigated experimental and theoretical aspects of the precipitation of porcine insulin, a biomolecule of pharmaceutical interest, using CO(2) as an acid- precipitating agent. The Solubility of porcine insulin in NaHCO(3) solutions in pressurized CO(2) was determined as a function of temperature and pressure, with a minimum being observed close to the protein isoclectric point. A thermodynamic model was developed and successfully utilized to correlate the experimental data. Insulin was considered a polyelectrolyte in the model and its self-association reactions were also taken into account. The biological activity of insulin was maintained after precipitation With CO(2), although some activity can be lost if foam is formed in the depressurization step. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 909-919. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We report on the detection of the transport Barkhausen-like noise (TBN) in polycrystalline samples of Bi(1.65)Pb(0.35)Sr(2)Ca(2) Cu(3)O(10+delta) (Bi-2223) which were subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. The transport Barkhausen-like noise was measured when the sample was subjected to an ac triangular-shape magnetic field (f similar to 1 Hz) with maximum amplitude B(max) approximate to 5.5 mT, in order to avoid the flux penetration within the superconducting grains. Analysis of the TBN signal, measured for several values of excitation current density, indicated that the applied magnetic field in which the noise signal first appears, B(a)(t(i)), is closely related to the magnetic-flux pinning capability of the material. The combined results are consistent with the existence of three different superconducting levels within the samples: (i) the superconducting grains; (ii) the superconducting clusters; and (iii) the weak-links. We finally argue that TBN measurements constitute a powerful tool for probing features of the intergranular transport properties in polycrystalline samples of high-T(c) superconductors. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study was carried out on six different ore types from the Salitre Alkaline Complex aiming to determine their mineralogical composition and the major features that are relevant in the mineral processing. The P(2)O(5) grades vary from 9 to 25%. The slime content (-0, 020 mm) varies between 20 and 34% (w/w) and carries 17-22% of the P(2)O(5) content. The samples essentially consist of apatite, iron oxi-hydroxides, ilmenite, clay minerals, carbonate, quartz, pyroxene, perovskite, secondary phosphates and other minor accessory minerals. Below 0.21 mm, apatite essentially occurs in free particles showing a clean surface or a weak coating of it-on oxi-hydroxides; the highly covered apatite (not recoverable by flotation) varies from 6 to 9%. In the deslimed fraction (above 0.020 mm) more than 97% of the total phosphor content occurs as apatite; the estimated P 2 0 5 potential recovery in flotation concentration is over 90% (71-76% overall recovery).
Experiments carried out to study changes induced by hard-to-cook (HTC) phenomenon in the non-starch polysaccharides of beans stored at 30 degrees C and 75% RH for 8 months showed that the development of HTC did not affect the amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre in cooked seeds but changed their carbohydrates physical properties. Aged beans non-starch polysaccharides presented lower water-solubility and underwent lower degradation of galacturonans and arabinose-rich polysaccharides when submitted to cooking. The decrease in non-starch polysaccharides water-solubility produced a shift in the polymers fractionation profile which resulted in an increase of weak and middle-alkali soluble polymers bulk as well as in their arabinose and uronic acid contents. Uronic acid contents were higher in polymers released by 1 M NaOH and in the cellulose-rich residues while the arabinose contents were higher in the mild-alkali soluble polymers of aged seeds. Methylation analysis showed no evident alterations in the xyloglucans and arabinans branching degree with beans ageing. However, both, the molecular mass of water-soluble pectins and CDTA-soluble pectins, increased. Even though changes in the non-starch polysaccharide solubility were not related to the decrease in the arabinan and xyloglucan degree of branching they may be related to the formation of new chemical interactions other than hydrogen bond. There was a correlation between acidic and neutral polysaccharides insolubilisation in beans ageing and probably in beans hardening. After processing, aged seeds present higher amounts of insoluble fibre when compared to normal beans. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clavulanic acid (CA) is a beta-lactam antibiotic that alone exhibits only weak antibacterial activity, but is a potent inhibitor of beta-lactamases enzymes. For this reason it is used as a therapeutic in conjunction with penicillins and cephalosporins. However, it is a well-known fact that it is unstable not only during its production phase, but also during downstream processing. Therefore, the main objective of this study was the evaluation of CA long-term stability under different conditions of pH and temperature, in the presence of variable levels of different salts, so as to suggest the best conditions to perform its simultaneous production and recovery by two-phase polymer/salt liquid-liquid extractive fermentation. To this purpose, the CA stability was investigated at different values of pH (4.0-8.0) and temperature (20-45 degrees C), and the best conditions were met at a pH 6.0-7.2 and 20 degrees C. Its stability was also investigated at 30 degrees C in the presence of NaCl, Na(2)SO(4), CaCl(2) and MgSO(4) at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 M in Mcllvaine buffer (pH 6.5). All salts led to increased CA instability with respect to the buffer alone, and this effect decreased in following sequence: Na(2)SO(4) > MgSO(4) > CaCl(2) > NaCl. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of CA degradation were calculated adopting a new model that took into consideration the equilibrium between the active and a reversibly inactivated form of CA after long-time degradation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The polymetallic [Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(py)(2)(BPE)Ru( bpy)(2)Cl](PF(6))(2) complex (bpy = 2,2`-bipyridine, BPE = trans- 1,2-bis(4-pyridil) ethylene and py = pyridine) was assembled by the combination of an electroactive [Ru(3)O] moiety with a [ Ru( bpy) 2( BPE) Cl] photoactive centre, and its structure was determined using positive ion electrospray (ESI-MS) and tandem mass (ESI-MS/MS) spectrometry. The [Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(py)(2)(BPE)Ru(bpy)(2)Cl] (2+) doubly charged ion of m/z 732 was mass-selected and subject to 15 eV collision-induced dissociation, leading to a specific dissociation pattern, diagnostic of the complex structure. The electronic spectra display broad bands at 409, 491 and 692 nm ascribed to the [Ru(bpy)(2)(BPE)] charge-transfer bands and to the [Ru(3)O] internal cluster transitions. The cyclic voltammetry shows five reversible waves at - 1.07 V, 0.13 V, 1.17 V, 2.91 V and - 1.29 V (vs SHE) assigned to the [Ru(3)O](-1/0/+ 1/+ 2/+3) and to the bpy (0/-1) redox processes; also a wave is observed at 0.96 V, assigned to the Ru (+2/+ 3) pair. Despite the conjugated BPE bridge, the electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical results indicate only a weak coupling through the pi-system, and preliminary photophysical essays showed the compound decomposes under visible light irradiation.