148 resultados para Sao Paulo state


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Anomalous concentrations of fluoride in groundwater were identified in 19 drilling wells in the Salto-Indaiatuba region, Sao Paulo State, with an average concentration of 3.03 mg dm(-3) and a maximum of 6.95 mg dm(-3), which constitute a restriction for the water`s usage in terms of human consumption. The wells exploit water from the Tubarao Aquifer (sedimentary, granular) and Crystalline Aquifer (granitic, fractured), used for sanitary or industrial purposes. These groundwaters are typically HCO(3) and HCO(3)-SO(4) types, with high concentrations of HCO(3) -and Na(+) and high pH-values between 7.5 and 10.0. The highest concentrations of F-are associated to the Tubarao and Tubarao/Crystalline aquifer drilling wells. The presence of F-in groundwater is controlled by these high pH-values, alkalinity, and fluorine availability. The source of fluoride in the Tubarao and Crystalline Aquifers can be related to the percolation of hydrothermal fluids associated with Mesozoic lava flow, emplaced due to the opening of Atlantic Ocean and/or hydrolysis of fluorine-rich minerals and clay minerals.


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The main purpose of this work is to study the behaviour of Skovgaard`s [Skovgaard, I.M., 2001. Likelihood asymptotics. Scandinavian journal of Statistics 28, 3-32] adjusted likelihood ratio statistic in testing simple hypothesis in a new class of regression models proposed here. The proposed class of regression models considers Dirichlet distributed observations, and the parameters that index the Dirichlet distributions are related to covariates and unknown regression coefficients. This class is useful for modelling data consisting of multivariate positive observations summing to one and generalizes the beta regression model described in Vasconcellos and Cribari-Neto [Vasconcellos, K.L.P., Cribari-Neto, F., 2005. Improved maximum likelihood estimation in a new class of beta regression models. Brazilian journal of Probability and Statistics 19,13-31]. We show that, for our model, Skovgaard`s adjusted likelihood ratio statistics have a simple compact form that can be easily implemented in standard statistical software. The adjusted statistic is approximately chi-squared distributed with a high degree of accuracy. Some numerical simulations show that the modified test is more reliable in finite samples than the usual likelihood ratio procedure. An empirical application is also presented and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was addressed to investigate the composition and antifungal activity of essential oils from leaves of Piperaceae species (Piper aduncum, Piper amalago, Piper cernuum, Piper diospyrifolium, Piper crassinervium, Piper gaudichaudianum, Piper solmsianum, Piper regnellii, Piper tuberculatum, Piper umbelata and Peperomia obtusifolia) against Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei and Cryptococcus neoformans. The essential oils from P. aduncum, P. gaudichaudianum and P. solmsianum showed the highest antifungal activity against Cryptococcus neoformans with the MIC of 62.5, 62.5 and 3.9 mg.mL-1, respectively. The oil from P. gaudichaudianum showed activity against C. krusei with MIC of 31.25 mg.mL-1.


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The Cooks kinetic method has been very convenient to correlate the relative dissociation rates obtained by collision-induced fragmentation experiments with the energies of two related bonds in molecules and complexes in the gas phase. Reliable bond energy data are, however, not always available, particularly for polynuclear transition-metal complexes, such as the triruthenium acetate clusters of the general formula [Ru(3) (mu(3)-O)(mu-CH(3)COO)(6)(py)(2)(L)](+), where L = ring substituted N-heterocyclic ligands. Accordingly, their gas-phase collision-induced tandem mass spectrometry (CID MS/MS) dissociation patterns have been analyzed pursuing a relationship with the more easily accessible redox potentials (E(1/2)) and Lever`s E(L) parameters. In fact, excellent linear correlations of In(1/2A(L)/A(py)), where A(py) and A(L) are the abundance of the fragments retaining the pyridine (py) and L ligand, respectively, with E(1/2) and E(L) were found. This result shows that those electrochemical parameters are correlated with bond energies and can be used in the analysis of the dissociation data. Such modified Cooks method can be used, for example, to determine the electronic effects of substituents on the metal-ligand bonds for a series of transition-metal complexes. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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During sugar cane harvesting season, which occurs from May to November of each year, the crops are burnt, cut, and transported to the mills. There are reports showing that mutagenic activity and PAH content increase during harvesting season in some areas of Sao Paulo State in comparison with nonharvesting periods. The objective of this work was to preliminarily characterize the mutagenic activity of the total organic extracts as well as corresponding organic fractions of airborne particulate matter (PM) collected twice from two cities, Araraquara (ARQ) and Piracicaba (PRB), during sugar cane harvesting season using the Salmonella/microsome microssuspension assay. One sample collected in Sao Paulo metropolitan area was also included. The mutagenicity of the total extracts ranged from 55 to 320 revertants per cubic meter without the addition of S9 and from not detected to 57 revertants per cubic meter in the presence of S9 in areas with sugar cane plantations. Of the three fractions analyzed, the most polar ones (nitro and oxy) were the most potent. A comparison of the response of TA98 with YG1041 and the increased potencies without S9 indicated that nitro compounds are causing the observed effect. More studies are necessary to verify the sources of the mutagenic activity such as burning of vegetal biomass and combustion of heavy duty vehicles used to transport the sugar cane to the mills. The Salmonella/microsome assay can be an important tool to monitor the atmosphere for mutagenicity during sugar cane harvesting season.


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This study describes the antichagasic potential of five compounds isolated from leaves of Piper crassinervium (Piperaceae). Two prenylated benzoic acid derivatives, one prenylated hydroquinone and two flavanones, were evaluated. The in vitro trypanocidal activity was determined against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain), the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. The most active compound was the prenylated hydroquinone [1,4-dihydroxy-2-(3(0),7(0)-dimethyl-1(0)-oxo-2(0)-E,6(0)-octadienyl)benzene] with an IC(50) value of 6.10 g mL(-1), which was in the same order of activity if compared with the positive control benznidazole (IC(50) = 1.60 mu g mL(-1)). This is the first report of trypanocidal activity for prenylated hydroquinone and benzoic acid derivatives.


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The acylation of three cellulose samples by acetic anhydride, Ac(2)O, in the solvent system LiCl/N,N-dimethylacetamide, DMAc (4 h, 110 A degrees C), has been revisited in order to investigate the dependence of the reaction efficiency on the structural characteristics of cellulose, and its aggregation in solution. The cellulose samples employed included microcrystalline, MCC; mercerized cotton linters, M-cotton, and mercerized sisal, M-sisal. The reaction efficiency expresses the relationship between the degree of substitution, DS, of the ester obtained, and the molar ratio Ac(2)O/AGU (anhydroglucose unit of the biopolymer); 100% efficiency means obtaining DS = 3 at Ac(2)O/AGU = 3. For all celluloses, the dependence of DS on Ac(2)O/AGU is described by an exponential decay equation: DS = DS(o) - Ae(-[(Ac2O/AGU)/B]); (A) and (B) are regression coefficients, and DS(o) is the calculated maximum degree of substitution, achieved under the conditions of each experiment. Values of (B) are clearly dependent on the cellulose employed: B((M-cotton)) > B((M-sisal)) > B((MCC)); they correlate qualitatively with the degree of polymerization of cellulose, and linearly with the aggregation number, N(agg), of the dissolved biopolymer, as calculated from static light scattering measurements: (B) = 1.709 + 0.034 N(agg). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the latter correlation; it shows the importance of the physical state of dissolved cellulose, and serves to explain, in part, the need to use distinct reaction conditions for MCC and fibrous celluloses, in particular Ac(2)O/AGU, time, temperature.


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Social and economical development is closely associated with technological innovation and a well-developed biotechnological industry. In the last few years, Brazil`s scientific production has been steadily increasing; however, the number of patents is lagging behind, with technological and translational research requiring governmental incentive and reinforcement. The Cell and Molecular Therapy Center (NUCEL) was created to develop activities in the translational research field, addressing concrete problems found in biomedical and veterinary areas and actively searching for solutions by employing a genetic engineering approach to generate cell lines over-expressing recombinant proteins to be transferred to local biotech companies, aiming at furthering the development of a national competence for local production of biopharmaceuticals of widespread use and of life-saving importance. To this end, mammalian cell engineering technologies were used to generate cell lines over-expressing several different recombinant proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest, namely, recombinant human Amylin/IAPP for diabetes treatment, human FVIII and FIX clotting factors for hemophilia, human and bovine FSH for fertility and reproduction, and human bone repair proteins (BMPs). Expression of some of these proteins is also being sought with the baculovirus/insect cell system (BEVS) which, in many cases, is able to deliver high-yield production of recombinant proteins with biological activity comparable to that of mammalian systems, but in a much more cost-effective manner. Transfer of some of these recombinant products to local Biotech companies has been pursued by taking advantage of the Sao Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP) and Federal Government (FINEP, CNPq) incentives for joint Research Development and Innovation partnership projects.


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Bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) is a secreted multifunctional growth factor of the TGF-beta superfamily, which is predominantly known for its osteoinductive properties and emerging potential for treatment of kidney diseases. The mature 34-38 kDa disulfide-linked homodimer protein plays a key role in the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into bone and cartilage. In this study, the full-length sequence of hBMP-7 was amplified and, then, cloned, expressed, and purified from the conditioned medium of 293T cells stably transfected with a lentiviral vector. The mature protein dimer form was properly secreted and recognized by anti-BMP-7 antibodies, and the protein was shown to be glycosilated by treatment with exoglycosidase, followed by western blotting. Moreover, the activity of the purified protein was demonstrated both in vitro, by alkaline phosphatase activity in C2C12 cells, and in vivo by induction of ectopic bone formation in Balb/c Nude mice after 21 days, respectively. This recombinant protein platform may be very useful for expression of different human cytokines and other proteins for medical applications.


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In this study we examined the possible antigenotoxic effect of selenium (Se) in rats chronically exposed to low levels of methylmercury (MeHg) and the association between glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and DNA lesions (via comet assay) in the same exposed animals. Rats were divided into six groups as follows: (Group I) received water; (Group II) received MeHg (100 mu g/day); (Group III) received Se (2 mg/L drinking water); (Group IV) received Se (6 mg/L drinking water); (Group V) received MeHg (100 mu g/day) and Se (2 mg/L drinking water); (Group VI) received MeHg (100 mu g/day) and Se (6 mg/L drinking water). Total treatment time was 100 days. GSH-Px activity was determined spectrophotometrically and DNA damage was determined by comet assay. Mean GSH-Px activity in groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI were, respectively: 40.19 +/- A 17.21; 23.63 +/- A 6.04; 42.64 +/- A 5.70; 38.50 +/- A 7.15; 34.54 +/- A 6.18 and 41.39 +/- A 11.67 nmolNADPH/min/gHb. DNA damage was represented by a mean score from 0 to 300; the results for groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI were, respectively: 6.87 +/- A 3.27; 124.12 +/- A 13.74; 10.62 +/- A 3.81; 13.25 +/- A 1.76; 86.87 +/- A 11.95 and 76.25 +/- A 7.48. There was a significant inhibition of GSH-Px activity in group II compared with group I (P < 0.05). Groups V and VI did not show a difference in enzyme activity compared with groups III and IV, showing the possible protective action of Se. Comet assay presented a significant difference in DNA migration between group II and group I (P < 0.0001). Groups V and VI showed a significant reduction in MeHg-induced genotoxicity (P < 0.001) when compared with group II. A negative correlation (r = -0.559, P < 0.05) was found between GSH-Px activity and DNA lesion, showing that the greater the DNA damage, the lower the GSH-Px activity. Our findings demonstrated the oxidative and genotoxic properties of MeHg, even at low doses. Moreover, Se co-administration reestablished GSH-Px activity and reduced DNA damage.


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Cobalt catalysts were prepared on supports of SiO(2) and gamma-Al(2)O(3) by the impregnation method, using a solution of Co precursor in methanol. The samples were characterized by XRD, TPR, and Raman spectroscopy and tested in ethanol steam reforming. According to the XRD results, impregnation with the methanolic solution led to smaller metal crystallites than with aqueous solution, on the SiO(2) support. On gamma-Al(2)O(3), all the samples exhibited small crystallites, with either solvent, due to a higher Co-support interaction that inhibits the reduction of Co species. The TPR results were consistent with XRD results and the samples supported on gamma-Al(2)O(3) showed a lower degree of reduction. In the steam reforming of ethanol, catalysts supported on SiO(2) and prepared with the methanolic solution showed the best H(2), CO(2) and CO selectivity. Those supported on gamma-Al(2)O(3) showed lower H(2) selectivity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In recent years, Mg-Ni-based metastable alloys have been attracting attention due to their large hydrogen sorption capacities, low weight, low cost, and high availability. Despite the large discharge capacity and high activity of these alloys, the accelerated degradation of the discharge capacity after only few cycles of charge and discharge is the main shortcoming against their commercial use in batteries. The addition of alloying elements showed to be an effective way of improving the electrode performance of Mg-Ni-based alloys. In the present work, the effect of Ti and Pt alloying elements on the structure and electrode performance of a binary Mg-Ni alloy was investigated. The XRD and HRTEM revealed that all the investigated alloy compositions had multi-phase nanostructures, with crystallite size in the range of 6 nm. Moreover, the investigated alloying elements demonstrated remarkable improvements of both maximum discharge capacity and cycling life. Simultaneous addition of Ti and Pd demonstrated a synergetic effect on the electrochemical properties of the alloy electrodes. Among the investigated alloys, the best electrochemical performance was obtained for the Mg(51)Ti(4)Ni(43)Pt(2) composition (in at.%), which achieved 448 mAh g(-1) of maximum discharge capacity and retained almost 66% of this capacity after 10 cycles. In contrast, the binary Mg(55)Ni(45) alloy achieved only 248 mAh g(-1) and retained 11% of this capacity after 10 cycles. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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A method for the determination of pesticide residues in water and sediment was developed using the QuEChERS method followed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. The method was validated in terms of accuracy, specificity, linearity, detection and quantification limits. The recovery percentages obtained for the pesticides in water at different concentrations ranged from 63 to 116%, with relative standard deviations below 12%. The corresponding results from the sediment ranged from 48 to 115% with relative standard deviations below 16%. The limits of detection for the pesticides in water and sediment were below 0.003 mg L(-1) and 0.02 mg kg(-1), respectively.