151 resultados para EXTENSOR MUSCLES


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Lipins constitute a novel family of Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphatases that catalyze the dephosphorylation of phosphatidic acid to yield diacylglycerol, an important intermediate in lipid metabolism and cell signaling. Whereas a single lipin is detected in less complex organisms, in mammals there are distinct lipin isoforms and paralogs that are differentially expressed among tissues. Compatible with organism tissue complexity, we show that the single Drosophila Lpin1 ortholog (CG8709, here named DmLpin) expresses at least three isoforms (DmLpinA, DmLpinK and DmLpinJ) in a temporal and spatially regulated manner. The highest levels of lipin in the fat body, where DmLpinA and DmLpinK are expressed, correlate with the highest levels of triacylglycerol (TAG) measured in this tissue. DmLpinK is the most abundant isoform in the central nervous system, where TAG levels are significantly lower than in the fat body. In the testis, where TAG levels are even lower, DmLpinJ is the predominant isoform. Together, these data suggest that DmLpinA might be the isoform that is mainly involved in TAG production, and that DmLpinK and DmLpinJ could perform other cellular functions. In addition, we demonstrate by immunofluorescence that lipins are most strongly labeled in the perinuclear region of the fat body and ventral ganglion cells. In visceral muscles of the larval midgut and adult testis, lipins present a sarcomeric distribution. In the ovary chamber, the lipin signal is concentrated in the internal rim of the ring canal. These specific subcellular localizations of the Drosophila lipins provide the basis for future investigations on putative novel cellular functions of this protein family.


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PURPOSE. Surgical recession of an extraocular muscle (EOM) posterior to its original insertion is a common form of strabismus surgery, weakening the rotational force exerted by the muscle on the globe and improving eye alignment. The purpose of this study was to assess myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression and satellite cell activity as defined by Pax7 expression in recessed EOMs of adult rabbits compared with that in muscles tenotomized but not recessed and with that in normal control muscles. METHODS. The scleral insertion of the superior rectus muscle was detached and sutured either 7 mm posterior to its original insertion site (recession surgery) or at the same site (tenotomy). One day before euthanatization, the rabbits received bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injections. After 7 and 14 days, selected EOMs from both orbits were examined for changes in fast, slow, neonatal, and developmental MyHC isoform expression, Pax7 expression, and BrdU incorporation. RESULTS. Recession and tenotomy surgery resulted in similar changes in the surgical EOMs. These included a decreased proportion of fast MyHC myofibers, an increased proportion of slow MyHC myofibers, and increased BrdU-positive satellite cells. Similar changes were seen in the non-operated contralateral superior rectus muscles. The ipsilateral inferior rectus showed reciprocal changes to the surgical superior rectus muscles. CONCLUSIONS. The EOMs are extremely adaptive to changes induced by recession and tenotomy surgery, responding with modulations in fiber remodeling and myosin expression. These adaptive responses could be manipulated to improve surgical success rates. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:5646-5656) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-5523


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Senna occidentalis is a weed toxic to different animal species. Very little is known about the effects of prolonged exposure to low doses of S. occidentalis on developmental toxicology. Thus, the present study proposes an approach to evaluate the perinatal toxicity of S. occidentalis seeds in goats. Twenty-one pregnant goats were fed rations containing 0% (control), 1% (Sol group), 2% (So2 group) and 4% (So4 group) mature S. occidentalis seeds from pregnancy detection on day 27 after mating until parturition; weight gains and serum biochemistry were evaluated. Fetuses were evaluated using ultrasonographic measurements; neonates were evaluated by body morphometry, weight gains, and serum biochemistry. Fetal resorption occurred in 2 So4 dams and one dam died. Only a few minor alterations in serum biochemistry occurred in dams and kids; even so one So4 group dam had tissue lesions as vacuolations in hepatocytes and kidneys; necrosis in skeletal and cardiac muscles and for the first time lesions were observed in sciatic nerve cells. No relevant alterations in body morphometry were observed. This study suggests that 4% S. occidentalis seeds is toxic for pregnant goats, but levels of seeds less than 4% have little impact on fetal and post birth body development. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we aimed at determining whether human immature dental pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) would be able to contribute to different cell types in mouse blastocysts without damaging them. Also, we analysed whether these blastocysts would progress further into embryogenesis when implanted to the uterus of foster mice, and develop human/mouse chimaera with retention of hIDPSC derivates and their differentiation. hIDPSC and mouse blastocysts were used in this study. Fluorescence staining of hIDPSC and injection into mouse blastocysts, was performed. Histology, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization and confocal microscopy were carried out. hIDPSC showed biological compatibility with the mouse host environment and could survive, proliferate and contribute to the inner cell mass as well as to the trophoblast cell layer after introduction into early mouse embryos (n = 28), which achieved the hatching stage following 24 and 48 h in culture. When transferred to foster mice (n = 5), these blastocysts with hIDPSC (n = 57) yielded embryos (n = 3) and foetuses (n = 6); demonstrating presence of human cells in various organs, such as brain, liver, intestine and hearts, of the human/mouse chimaeras. We verified whether hIDPSC would also be able to differentiate into specific cell types in the mouse environment. Contribution of hIDPSC in at least two types of tissues (muscles and epithelial), was confirmed. We showed that hIDPSC survived, proliferated and differentiated in mouse developing blastocysts and were capable of producing human/mouse chimaeras.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare 2 different interventions, global postural reeducation (GPR) and static stretching exercises (SS), in the treatment of women with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Methods: A total of 28 subjects with TMDs were randomized into 2 treatment groups: GPR, where therapy involved muscle global chain stretching, or SS, with conventional static stretching; but only 24 completed the study. Eight treatment sessions lasting 40 minutes each (weekly) were performed. Assessments were conducted at baseline, immediately after treatment end, and 2 months later. Measurements included pain intensity at the temporomandibular joint, headache, cervicalgia, teeth clenching, ear symptoms, restricted sleep, and difficulties for mastication, using a visual analogue scale. In addition, electromyographic activity and pain thresholds were measured at the masseter, anterior temporalis, stemocleidomastoid, and upper trapezius muscles. Two-way analysis of variance with Tukey post hoc test was used for between-group comparisons. Significance level was .05. Results: Comparing the pain assessments using the visual analogue scale, no significant differences were seen with the exception of severity of headaches at treatment end (GPR, 3.92 +/- 2.98 cm; SS, 1.64 +/- 1.66 cm; P < .024). In addition, no significant differences were seen for pain thresholds and for electromyographic activity (P > .05). Conclusions: For the subjects in this study, both GPR and SS were similarly effective for the treatment of TMDs with muscular component. They equally reduced pain intensity, increased pain thresholds, and decreased electromyographic activity. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33:500-507)


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Objectives: The aim was to verify the concordance of CT evaluation among four radiologists (two oral and maxillofacial and two medical radiologists) at the TN (tumour/node) stage and in the follow-up of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer patients. The study also compared differences between clinical and CT examinations in determining the TN stage. Methods: The following clinical and tomographic findings of 15 non-treated oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer patients were compared: tumour size, bone invasion and lymph node metastases. In another 15 patients, who had previously been treated, a clinical and tomographic analysis comparison for the presence of tumoural recurrence, post-therapeutic changes in muscles and lymph node metastases was performed. The concordances of tomographic evaluation between the radiologists were analysed using the kappa index. Results: Significant agreement was verified between all radiologists for the T stage, but not for the N stage. In the group of treated patients, CT disclosed post-therapeutic changes in muscles, tumour recurrence and lymph node metastases, but no concordance for the detection of lymph node metastases was found between radiologists. In the first group, for all radiologists, no concordance was demonstrated between clinical and tomographic staging. CT was effective for delimitating advanced lesions and for detecting lymph node involvement in N0 stage patients. CT revealed two cases of bone invasion not clinically detected. Conclusions: Interprofessional relationships must be stimulated to improve diagnoses, and to promote a multidisciplinary approach to oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer. Although CT was important in the diagnosis and follow-up of cancer patients, differences between medical and dental analyses should be acknowledged. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2010) 39, 140-148. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/69910245


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The progress of science in search of new techniques of the nerve regeneration and the functional repair in reinnervated muscle has been the target of many researchers around the world. Consequently, nerves and muscles in different body segments asked for more enlightenment of their morphology, their interrelation with other anatomic structures and their peculiarities. One of the most significant areas that need deeper studies is the region of the head and neck, since they are often affected by important pathologies. In order to offer the researcher`s community a morphological myoneural interaction model, this study elected the levator labii superioris muscle and its motor nerve, the buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII pair) not only for its special characteristics, but also its value on the facial expression. The rat was chosen for this investigation for being easy to obtain, to keep, to manipulate and to compare this experiment with many others studies previously published. The techniques used were Mesoscopic (dissection), histoenzymologic and morphometric ones. In the results the muscle proved to have a predominance of fast twich fibers (FG and FOG) and superficial location, with a proximal bone and a distal cutaneous insertion. Its motor nerve, the buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII pair), breaks through the muscle belly into its deep face, and comprised a heterogeneous group of myelinic nerve fibers disposed in a regular form in all fascicle. Near the motor point, the nerve showed to be composed of two fascicles with different sizes. Due to the small nerve dimensions, the nerve fibers have a smaller diameter if compared to the motor nerve of pectineus muscle of the cat. Further studies with neural tracers have already had a start in order to provide more information about the distribution and the architecture of these fibers.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of stress and anxiety on the pressure pain threshold (PPT) of masticatory muscles and on the subjective pain report. Forty-five women, students, with mean age of 19.75 years, were divided into two groups: group 1:29 presenting with masticatory myofascial pain (MFP), according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders and group 2: 16 asymptomatic controls. An electronic algometer registered the pain thresholds on four different occasions throughout the academic year. To measure levels of stress, anxiety and pain, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were used. Three-way anova and Tukey`s tests were used to verify differences in PPT between groups, times and sites. Levels of anxiety and VAS were compared using Mann-Whitney test, while Friedman`s test was used for the within-groups comparison at different times (T1 to T4). The chi-squared and Cochran tests were performed to compare groups for the proportion of subjects with stress (alpha = 0.05). Differences in PPT recordings between time (P = 0.001) and sites (P < 0.001) were detected. Higher levels of anxiety and lower PPT figures were detected at T2 (academic examination) (P = 0.001). There was no difference between groups for anxiety and stress at any time (P > 0.05). The MFP group also has shown significant increase of VAS at the time of academic examination (P < 0.001). External stressors such as academic examinations have a potential impact on masticatory muscle tenderness, regardless of the presence of a previous condition such as masticatory myofascial pain.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to identify the behavior of masticatory muscles after fractures of the zygomatico-orbital complex (ZOC) and subsequent surgical treatment, by using analyses of bite force, electromyography (EMG), and mandible mobility during a 6-month period after surgery. Study design. Five patients with fractured ZOCs treated surgically by using an intraoral approach and fixation exclusively in the region of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress were evaluated. The control group included 12 other patients. During postoperative follow-up, bite force, mandible mobility, and EMG analysis of the masticatory muscles were evaluated. Results. There was an increase in bite force with time, but a decline in EMG activity during the same period. In the mandible mobility analysis, only maximum mouth-opening values increased significantly after the surgical treatment. Conclusions. The masticatory musculature, according to bite force and EMG, returned to its normal condition by the second month after surgery, and maximum mouth opening was observed after the first month. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;111:e1-e7)


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Clinical feasibility of mandibular implant overdenture retainers submitted to immediate load Introduction: Millions of people around the world do not have access to the benefits of osseointegration. Treatments involving oral rehabilitation with overdentures have been widely used by specialists in the oral medicine field. This is an alternative therapy for retention and stability achievement in total prosthesis with conventional treatment, and two implants are enough to establish a satisfactory overdenture. Objective: The objectives of the study were to evaluate 16 patients of both sexes, with an average age of 47.4 +/- 4 years, using electromyographic analysis of masseter and temporal muscles and analyse the increase of incisive and molar maximal bite force with their existing complete dentures and following mandibular implant overdenture therapy to assess the benefits of this treatment. Materials and methods: For these tests, the Myosystem-BR1 electromyograph and the IDDK Kratos dynamometer were used. Statistical analysis was performed using the repeated measures test (SPSS 17.0). Results: A decrease in electromyographic activity during the rest, lateral and protrusion movements and increase of the maximal incisive and molar bite force after 15 months with a mandibular implant overdenture was observed. Conclusion: All the patients in this study reported a considerable improvement in the masticatory function and prostheses stability following treatment. It is possible to propose that the use of mandibular implants overdenture should become the selected treatment for totally edentulous patients to facilitate oral function and quality of life.


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The masseter and temporal muscles of patients with maxillary and mandibular osteoporosis were submitted to electromyographic analysis and compared with a control group. In conclusion, individuals with osteoporosis did not show significantly lower masticatory cycle performance and efficiency compared to the control group during the proposal mastications. This study aimed to examine electromyographically the masseter and temporal muscles of patients with maxillary and mandibular osteoporosis and compare these patients with control patients. Sixty individuals of both genders with an average age of 53.0 +/- 5 years took part in the study, distributed in two groups with 30 individuals each: (1) individuals with osteoporosis; (2) control patients during the habitual and non-habitual mastication. The electromyographic apparel used was a Myosystem-BR1-DataHomins Technology Ltda., with five channels of acquisition and electrodes active differentials. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using SPSS version 15.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). The result of the Student`s t test indicated no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the normalized values of the ensemble average obtained in masticatory cycles in both groups. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that individuals with osteoporosis did not show significantly lower masticatory cycle performance and efficiency compared to control subjects during the habitual and non-habitual mastications. This result is very important because it demonstrates the functionality of the complex physiological process of mastication in individuals with osteoporosis at the bones that compose the face.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy after using a 2.0 miniplate system. Nine adult mongrel dogs were subjected to unilateral continuous defect through an osteotomy between the mandibular 3rd and 4th premolars. Two four-hole miniplates were placed in accordance with the Arbeitgeimeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen Manual. Miniplates adapted to the alveolar processes were fixed monocortically with 6.0-mm-length titanium alloy self-tapping screws, whereas miniplates placed near the mandible bases were fixed bicortically. At 2, 6 and 12 weeks, three dogs were sacrificed per period, and the osteotomy sites were removed, divided into three thirds (Tension Third, TT; Intermediary Third, IT; Compression Third, CT) and prepared for conventional and polarized light microscopy. At 6 weeks, while the CT repaired faster and showed bone union by woven bone formation, the TT and IT exhibited a ligament-like fibrous connective tissue inserted in, and connecting, newly formed woven bone overlying the parent lamellar bone edges. At 12 weeks, bone repair took place at all thirds. Histometrically, proportions of newly formed bone did not alter at TT, IT and CT, whereas significantly enhanced bone formation was observed for the 12-week group, irrespective of the third. The results demonstrated that although the method used to stabilize the mandibular osteotomy allowed bone repair to occur, differences in the dynamics of bone healing may take place along the osteotomy site, depending on the action of tension and compression forces generated by masticatory muscles.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the electromyographic (EMG) data, before and after normalization. One hundred (100) normal subjects (with no signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders) participated in this study. A surface EMG of the masticatory muscles was performed. Two different tests were performed: maximum voluntary clench (MVC) on cotton rolls and MVC in intercuspal position. The normalization was done using the mean value of the EMG signal of the first examination. The coefficient of variation CV showed lower values for the standardized data. The standardization was effective in reducing the differences between records from the same subject and in different subjects.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the immediate effect of resilient splints through surface electromyography testing and to compare the findings with the electromyographic profiles of asymptomatic subjects. The participants were 30 subjects, 15 patients with TMD (TMD Group) and 15 healthy subjects (Control Group), classified according to Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC/TMD) Axis I. A resilient occlusal splint was made for each patient in the TMD Group from two mm thick silicon to cover all teeth. The EMG examination was performed before and immediately after installing the splint. Three tests were performed as follows: 1. Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC) using cotton rolls (standards test); 2. MVC in maximal intercuspation position; and 3. MVC with the splint in position. The EMG signal was recorded for five seconds. EMG indices were calculated to assess muscle symmetry, jaw torque, and impact. There was a statistically significant difference when comparing the results among the study groups. The symmetry index values in the Control Group were higher than the TMD Initial Group and similar to the TMD Group after the installation of the splint. The index values of torque were higher in TMD Initial Group when compared with the Controls. Impact values were lower than normal values in the TMD Initial Group and restored upon installation of the splint. The resilient occlusal splints may be used as complementary or adjunctive treatment of temporomandibular disorders.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of diode laser (GaAlAs - 780 nm) on pain to palpation and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles. The laser was applied on the temporalis and masseter muscles twice a week (four weeks). Forty-eight (48) patients with myofascial pain were randomly assigned between actual and placebo treatments and between the energetic doses of 25 J/cm(2) and 60 J/cm(2), and were evaluated using VAS before, immediately after the final application, and 30 days after the laser treatment. Surface electromyography was performed with maximum dental clenching before and after laser therapy. The results show there were no significant statistical differences in the EMG activity between the groups before and after laser treatment. With regard to the pain at palpation, although both groups presented a significant difference in the symptoms before and after the treatment, only the active doses showed statistically significant reductions in pain level in all the regions of the palpated muscles. However, there was no significant statistical difference between groups (experimental and placebo). In conclusion, low level laser did not promote any changes in EMG activity. The treatment did, however, lessen the pain symptoms in the experimental groups.