232 resultados para Authors, Urdu
Eyebrow positions differ in many ways. They vary in shape, thickness, length, and distance between the eyebrows, making the face more or less harmonious. When a large distance exists between the eyebrows and the medial brow is slanting downward, the glabellar area is larger, giving the face an awkward appearance. To correct this deformity, the authors propose using two Z-plasties to allow transposition of flaps in the region of the medial brow. The Z-shaped flap is outlined at the medial third of the brow, in the glabellar region, with the eyebrow centered in the lower portion of the ""Z"" and the hairless skin in the upper portion. The flaps then are transposed and sutured. Transposition of the flaps, lifting the brow flap to the glabellar region, results in horizontal positioning of the medial and central third of the eyebrow. The proposed transpositioning of ""Z"" flaps in this region corrects this type of deformity of the medial and central portions of the eyebrows, with an aesthetically satisfactory result.
After massive weight loss, one of the stigmas that afflict women is the remaining deformity of the breasts which become flaccid and ptotic, with an absent or flat upper pole. The authors propose the use of a well-established mammaplasty technique to fill the upper pole, reshape the breast cone, and correct ptosis with nipple-areola complex (NAC) repositioning. A total of 16 patients were analyzed; all underwent gastroplasty between 18 and 24 months prior to mammaplasty. The mean age was 41.6 years (range = 26-62) and the mean BMI previous to the mammaplasty was 29.2 kg/m(2) (range = 24.9-38.9). The technique included a dermo-lipo glandular flap pedicled on the inframammary fold (IMF) together with a superior flap containing the NAC. All patients who underwent surgery were satisfied with the outcomes since a more aesthetic breast shape was achieved, with projection of the upper pole and correction of ptosis. Adverse events included dehiscence at the junction point of the flaps in the inframammary fold, which resolved with secondary-intention wound healing in three patients; partial necrosis of the areola in one patient; epidermolysis in one of the NACs in one patient; and infection in one of the breasts in one patient, which resolved with proper antibiotic therapy. When compared to the current mammaplasty techniques performed in formerly obese patients, this is a good surgical option because it uses tissues adjacent to the breast itself and does not require silicone prosthesis for breast augmentation. The patients reported increased self-esteem and improvement in their quality of life.
Background: Since 1957, when the concept of rotation-advancement repair was introduced by Millard, this technique has become the procedure of choice for unilateral cleft lip worldwide. More recently, modifications described by Noordhoof, Mohler, Skoog, and McComb started being jointly performed so that better results could be obtained. In this study, the nasal position was evaluated and related to the size of the cleft. The primary unilateral cleft lip repair was performed through a modified technique. Methods: Forty-five patients with unilateral cleft lip underwent primary surgical repair through this technique. To analyze aesthetic results, a severity classification of deformities and a scoring system for evaluation of the results were established based on nasal alar lateralization, dome position, alignment of bone segments, and deviation of the columella. Results: By means of the established system, 26.6% of mild forms, 13.4% of moderate forms, and 60% of severe forms were observed. Among aesthetic results, 17.8% were found to be good, and 82.2% were considered excellent. Among aspects considered negative, late deformity of the lower lateral cartilage prevailed. Conclusions: Through the presented evaluation, the authors observed that there was no relation between severity of the cleft and final position of the nose. Among the 27 patients considered to have had severe forms of cleft deformity, 22 were classified as excellent results (81.5%). To obtain better results along time, technical refinements and the critical analysis of results must be performed on a routinely basis.
Background: Treatment of excessive gingival display usually involves procedures such as Le Fort impaction or maxillary gingivectomies. The authors propose an alternative technique that reduces the muscular function of the elevator of the upper lip muscle and repositioning of the upper lip. Methods: Fourteen female patients with excessive gingival exposure were operated on between February of 2008 and March of 2009. They were filmed before and at least 6 months after the procedure. They were asked to perform their fullest smile, and the maximum gingival exposures were measured and analyzed using ImageJ software. Patients were operated on under local anesthesia. Their gingival mucosa was freed from the maxilla using a periosteum elevator. Skin and subcutaneous tissue were dissected bluntly from the underlying musculature of the upper lip. A frenuloplasty was performed to lengthen the upper lip. Both levator labii superioris muscles were dissected and divided. Results: The postoperative course was uneventful in all of the patients. The mean gingival exposure before surgery was 5.22 +/- 1.48 mm; 6 months after surgery, it was 1.91 +/- 1.50 mm. The mean gingival exposure reduction was 3.31 +/- 1.05 mm (p < 0.001), ranging from 1.59 to 4.83 mm. Conclusion: This study shows that the proposed technique was efficient in reducing the amount of exposed gum during smile in all patients in this series. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 126: 1014, 2010.)
Hepatectomy may prolong the survival of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. Two-stage liver surgery is a valid option for the treatment of bilobar colorectal liver metastasis. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a two-stage pure laparoscopic hepatectomy for bilateral liver metastasis. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first description of a two-stage laparoscopic liver resection in the English literature. A 54-year-old man with right colon cancer and synchronous bilobar colorectal liver metastasis underwent laparoscopic right colon resection followed by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. The patient then was referred for surgical treatment of liver metastasis. Liver volumetry showed a small left liver remnant. Surgical planning was for a totally laparoscopic two-stage liver resection. The first stage involved laparoscopic resection of segment 3 and ligature of the right portal vein. The postoperative pathology showed high-grade liver steatosis. After 4 weeks, the left liver had regenerated, and volumetry of left liver was 43%. The second stage involved laparoscopic right hepatectomy using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach. Intrahepatic access to the main right Glissonian pedicle was achieved with two small incisions, and an endoscopic vascular stapling device was inserted between these incisions and fired. The line of liver transection was marked following the ischemic area. Liver transection was accomplished with the Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device. The specimen was extracted through a suprapubic incision. The falciform ligament was fixed to maintain the left liver in its original anatomic position, avoiding hepatic vein kinking and outflow syndrome. The operative time was 90 min for stage 1 and 240 min for stage 2 of the procedure. The recoveries after the first and second operations were uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative days 2 and 7, respectively. Two-stage liver resections can be performed safely using laparoscopy. The intrahepatic Glissonian approach is a useful tool for pedicle control of the right liver, especially after previous dissection of the hilar plate.
A 14-year-old patient had a low-energy facial blunt trauma that evolved to right facial paralysis caused by parotid hematoma with parotid salivary gland lesion. Computed tomography and angiography demonstrated intraparotid collection without pseudoaneurysm and without radiologic signs of fracture in the face. The patient was treated with serial punctures for hematoma deflation, resolving with regression and complete remission of facial paralysis, with no late sequela. The authors discuss the relationship between facial nerve traumatic injuries associated or not with the presence of facial fractures, emphasizing the importance of early recognition and appropriate treatment of such cases.
Background: Tessier no. 4 facial cleft is a rare, complex, and challenging craniofacial malformation. The present article aims to describe different clinical features evidenced in 21 cases of this malformation, discussing a 20-year experience with and evolution of its surgical treatment. Methods: Some demographic data, clinical features, and reconstructive results were evaluated retrospectively. These patients have been evaluated and treated in three specialized Brazilian craniofacial centers. Nineteen were already operated on, with a mean follow-up of 3.5 years (range, 1 to 20 years). Results: Sex distribution showed a male prevalence (2: 1). The average age of initial treatment was 5.4 years. Four cases were affected on the right side of the face, seven on the left, and 10 bilaterally. Six patients had other rare associated facial clefts, including nos. 5 (three patients), 7, 9, and 10. Cleft upper lip was evidenced in all patients, and maxillary hypoplasia was present in five and maxilla cleft in eight. Lower eyelid coloboma was seen in almost every case (19 patients); 10 of these had medial canthus dystopia. Four patients had amniotic bands in the limbs. Surgical repair was individualized to each patient. Surgical experience gained with these patients allowed the authors to develop some technical modifications, which have improved aesthetic results, camouflaging scars into natural folds and anatomical units, without compromising functional outcomes. Conclusions: The great majority of Tessier no. 4 facial clefts can be appropriately treated using local flaps. Classic techniques are extremely useful, but long-term results could be improved if the technical modifications described were adopted. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 122: 1505, 2008.)
Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a combination of various cardiovascular risk factors (age, gender, smoking, hypertension and dyslipidemia) that imply additional cardiovascular morbidity that is greater than the sum of the risks associated with each individual component. Herein, the authors review the rheumatological diseases in which metabolic syndrome has been studied: gout, osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren`s syndrome and ankylosing spondylitis. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in these disorders varies from 14% to 62.8%. The great majority of these studies demonstrated that this frequency was higher in rheumatological diseases than in the control populations, suggesting that either the presence or the treatment of those diseases seems to influence the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The authors describe herein the sixth lupus case that evolved with rhabdomyolysis. A 36-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus was admitted to our hospital with malaise, myalgia, dysphagia, fever, preserved muscle strength, leukocytosis (15,600 cells), and increased creatine kinase of 1,358 IU/L that reached 75,000 IU/L in few days. She denied the use of myotoxic drugs and alcohol. Urine 1 showed false positive for hemoglobinuria (myoglobin) without erythrocytes in the sediment, confirming the diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. Secondary causes were excluded. She was treated with hyperhydration and alkalinization of urine. Despite treatment, the patient developed pulmonary congestion and she died. The authors also review in this article rhabdomyolysis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Background: Xerostomia is a symptom that can be triggered by chronic diseases such as Sjogren`s syndrome (SS) and lupus erythematosus (LE). Many authors regard most cases of salivary hypofunction in LE to secondary SS. Others believe that salivary changes in patients with LE might reflect a multisystem presentation of the disease. The present study compared histopathological and direct immunofluorescence (DIF) alterations in salivary glands of patients with xerostomia and diagnosis of LE or SS. Methods: Twenty-eight salivary gland biopsies from patients with xerostomia and diagnosed with LE or SS were submitted to histopathological and DIF exams. Results: From the 28 patients, 16 had SS and 12 had LE. In SS, a moderate to intense sialadenitis was detected, with infiltration and destruction of excretory salivary ducts. In LE, mild/moderate sialadenitis with thickening and hyalinization of the ductal basement membrane was observed. DIF revealed that 50% of SS patients presented intercellular ductal IgA deposits, whereas 58% of LE patients showed deposits of IgG in the ductal basement membrane. Conclusions: Alterations in salivary glands of LE patients may be a specific manifestation of the disease (lupus sialadenitis), reflecting its multisystemic presentation, instead of an association of secondary SS and LE.
In this report, the authors describe the clinical case of a woman seeking care at this dermatology outpatient clinic with a verrucous plaque on her left elbow.
Fibroblastic rheumatism (FR) was first described in 1980 by Chaouat et al., and there have been few cases reported to date. The cause remains unknown. We report the first Latin-American patient with FR, to our knowledge, who is also the patient with the most striking dermatological features described in the literature. The diagnosis was based on the presence of a number of typical features. Clinically, the patient presented skin nodules and polyarthropathy with flexion contractures of the fingers. The histological findings compressed fibroblastic proliferation, thickened collagen fibres, dermal fibrosis and a decreased number of elastic fibres. Immunoreactivity for beta-catenin, alpha-smooth muscle actin and the monoclonal antibody HHF-35 showed myofibroblastic differentiation. Treatment with prednisone slightly reduced the number of nodules but did not improve the rheumatological symptoms. This condition has shown a poor response to many treatments proposed by previous authors. Further study will be necessary to identify effective treatment.
This special article is based on the contents of a lecture given by Sampaio and was written together with Bagatin. it is a summary of the authors` experience treating various forms of acne before and after the introduction of oral isotretinoin, which revolutionized the management of the disease. Nowadays, this drug is considered the unique option to obtain a prolonged remission or cure of acne due to its action in all etiopathogenic factors involved in the disease. Therefore it should be prescribed in accordance to current recommendations, as well as for difficult cases, including those showing tendency to scars or serious psychological and social repercussions. Other topical and/or systemic therapeutic modalities should be considered in the initial approach and for mild and moderate cases.
The present study aimed to evaluate the role of nitric oxide (NO) on hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction (HIB) and airway microvascular hyperpermeability (AMP). Sixty-four guinea pigs were anesthetized, tracheotonnized, cannulated, and connected to animal ventilator to obtain pulmonary baseline respiratory system resistance (Rrs). Animals were then submitted to 5 minutes hyperpnea and Rrs was evaluated during 15 minutes after hyperpnea. AMP was evaluated by Evans blue dye (25 mg/kg) extravasation in airway tissues. Constitutive and inductible NO was evaluated by pretreating animals with N(G)-nitro-1-arginine methyl ester (I-NAME) (50 mg/kg), aminoguadinine (AG) (50 mg/kg), and I-arginine (100 mg/kg) and exhaled NO (NOex) was evaluated before and after drug administration and hyperpnea. The results show that I-NAME potentiated (57%) HIB and this effect was totally reversed by I-arginine pretreatment, whereas AG did not have effect on HIB. I-NAME decreased basal AMP (48%), but neither I-NAME nor AG had any effect on hyperpnea-induced AMP. NOex levels were decreased by 50% with I-NAME, effect that was reversed by I-arginine treatment. These results suggest that constitutive but not inducible NO could have a bronchoprotective effect on HIB in guinea pigs. The authors also observed that neither constitutive nor inducible NO seems to have any effect on hyperpnea-induced AMP.
The authors developed an evaluation scale for sit-stand from the ground for children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and tested its reliability. The construction occurred in stages: (a) the characterization of the movement in healthy children, (b) the characterization of the movement in children with DMD, (c) the elaboration of the 1st version of the scale and the manual, (d) the evaluation by experts and readjustments, and (e) the analysis of inter- and intraexaminer reliability and correlation with the Vignos Scale, age, and time for the execution of the activity. The scale comprehended 3 phases for sitting and 5 for the standing. A very good repeatability of the measures of sitting and standing (ICC = 0.89 and 0.84, respectively) and excellent reproducibility (ICC = 0.93 and 0.92, respectively) was demonstrated. The Kappa coefficient for the 8 phases in the interexaminer analysis varied from 0.77 to 1.00 (excellent reliability), and in the intraexaminer analysis varied from 0.80 to 1.00 (excellent reliability). Good correlation was found between the variables on the Vignos Scale (age: r = 0.58; stand: r = 0.56). The scale is a reliability instrument that allows evaluation of the activity of sitting and standing in children with DMD.