63 resultados para domestic sewage sludge
A long-term field experiment was carried out in the experiment farm of the Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, to evaluate the phytoavailability of Zn, Cd and Pb in a Typic Eutrorthox soil treated with sewage sludge for nine consecutive years, using the sequential extraction and organic matter fractionation methods. During 2005-2006, maize (Zea mays L.) was used as test plants and the experimental design was in randomized complete blocks with four treatments and five replicates. The treatments consisted of four sewage sludge rates (in a dry basis): 0.0 (control, with mineral fertilization), 45.0, 90.0 and 127.5 t ha(-1), annually for nine years. Before maize sowing, the sewage sludge was manually applied to the soil and incorporated at 10 cm depth. Soil samples (0-20 cm layer) for Zn, Cd and Pb analysis were collected 60 days after sowing. The successive applications of sewage sludge to the soil did not affect heavy metal (Cd and Pb) fractions in the soil, with exception of Zn fractions. The Zn, Cd and Pb distributions in the soil were strongly associated with humin and residual fractions, which are characterized by stable chemical bonds. Zinc, Cd and Pb in the soil showed low phytoavailability after nine-year successive applications of sewage sludge to the soil.
Along-term experiment was carried out under field conditions in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the concentration of Ba in soil and in maize plants grown in a soil treated with sewage sludge for nine consecutive years. During 2005/2006, maize was used as test plants and the experimental design was in randomized complete blocks with four treatments and five replicates. Treatments consisted of: 0.0, 45.0, 90.0 and 127.5 t ha(-1) sewage sludge (dry basis). Sewage sludge application increased soil Ba concentration. Barium accumulated in the parts of maize plants were generally affected by the successive applications of sewage sludge to the soil. However, the concentration of Ba in maize grain did not exceed the critical levels of Ba for human consumption. Sewage sludge applied to soil for a long time did not affect dry matter and grain production, nevertheless had the similar effect of mineral fertilization. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Superficial bottom samples were collected near diffusers of domestic sewage submarine outfalls at Araca and Saco da Capela, Sao Sebastiao Channel, Brazil. The goal of this study was to investigate the distribution and composition of live benthic foraminifera assemblages and integrate the results obtained with geochemical analyses to assess human-induced changes. According to the results obtained no environmental stress was observed near the Saco da Capela submarine outfall diffusers. The foraminifera assemblage is characterised by species typical of highly hydrodynamic environments, with well-oxygenated bottom waters and low nutrient contents. In contrast, near Araca submarine outfall, organic enrichment was denoted by high phosphorus, sulphur and, to a lesser extent, total organic carbon content. Harmful influences on foraminifera could be identified by low richness and specific diversity, as well as the predominance of detritivore feeder species, which are associated with higher organic matter flux and low oxygen in the interstitial pore water. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to determine the best performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR) based on the use of four different bed materials as support for biomass immobilization. The bed materials utilized were Polyurethane foam (PU), vegetal carbon (VC), synthetic pumice (SP), and recycled low-density polyethylene (PE). The AnSBBR. with I total volume Of 7.2 L, was operated in 8-h batch cycles over 10 months, and fed with domestic sewage with an average influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 358 +/- 110 mg/L. The average effluent COD values were 121 +/- 31, 208 +/- 54, 233 +/- 52, and 227 +/- 51 mg/L. for PU, VC, SP, and PE, respectively. A modified first-order kinetic model was adjusted to temporal profiles of COD during a batch cycle, and the apparent kinetic constants were 0.52 +/- 0.05, 0.37 +/- 0.05, 0.80 +/- 0.04, and 0.30 +/- 0.021h(-1) for PU, VC, SP, and PE, respectively. Specific substrate utilization rates of 1.08, 0.11, and 0.86 mg COD/mg VS day were obtained for PU, VC, and PE, respectively. Although SP yielded the highest kinetic coefficient, PU was considered the best support, since SP presented loss of chemical constituents during the reactor`s operational phase. In addition, findings oil the microbial community were associated with the reactor`s performance data. Although PE did not show a satisfactory performance, an interesting microbial diversity was found oil its surface. Based oil the morphology and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) results, PE showed the best capacity for promoting the attachment of methanogenic organisms, and is therefore a material that merits further analysis. PU was considered the Most suitable material showing the best performance in terms of efficiency of solids and COD removal. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of sewage sludge (SS) amendment on the general properties of the top layers of a sandy and a clayey oxisols and on the nature of their humic acid (HA) fractions was evaluated by chemical and physico-chemical techniques. The amended soils, especially the sandy soil, benefited of SS amendment by increasing their pH to above neutrality and enhancing the contents of C, N, P, and Ca and cation exchange capacity. The SS-HA-like sample showed larger H and N contents and a greater aliphatic character and humification degree than the HAs isolated from non-amerided soils. The composition and structure of amended soil HAs were affected by SS application as a function of soil type and layer. In particular, N-containing groups and aliphatic structures of SS-HA-like sample appears to be partially incorporated in the amended soil HAs, and these effects were more evident in the HAs from the sandy oxisol. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The increasing volume of urban sewage nowadays generates considerable amount of sludge to be disposed of. One environmentally adequate destination could be the application of treated and stabilized sludge (biosolids) to forest plantations as fertilizer and soil conditioner. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of applying sewage sludge, evaluating its effects on native tree seedlings. The species evaluated were aroeira-pimenteira (Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi), cabreuva-vermelha (Myroxy-Ion peruiferum L. f.), pau-de-viola (Cytarexyllum myrianthum Cham), unha-de-vaca (Bauhinia forficata Link), which are usually planted in forest restoration. Seedlings were cultivated in pots, containing a volume of 4 dm(3) of soil, within a greenhouse. The study was developed in the proximity of Campinas, SP, Brazil, and installed in November, 2003. The design was entirely randomized including seven treatments: control; mineral fertilization; and different doses of sewage sludge (biosolids) complemented with potassium, due to the low concentration of this element in the sludge produced by the wastewater treatment plant of Barueri (Metropolitan region of Sao Paulo city). The results showed that the application of different dosages of biosolids promoted different responses in stem height and biomass production. The treatment with 20 g/dm(3) of dry sewage sludge promoted both the highest growth and the highest seedling biomass production, compared to the control treatment. All native tree species treated with the highest dosage of sewage sludge showed a growth similar to that of mineral fertilization. The seedlings of aroeira-pimenteira, pau-de-viola, and unha-de-vaca, all typical species of the initial succession in natural forest ecosystems, grew and produced more biomass than cabreuva-vermelha, a typical species of the final forest succession.
Chemometric methods can contribute to soil research by permitting the extraction of more information from the data. The aim of this work was to use Principal Component Analysis to evaluate data obtained through chemical and spectroscopic methods on the changes in the humification process of soil organic matter from two tropical soils after sewage sludge application. In this case, humic acids extracted from Typic Eutrorthox and Typic Haplorthox soils with and without sewage sludge application for 7 consecutive years were studied. The results obtained for all of the samples and methods showed two clusters: samples extracted from the two soil types. These expected results indicated the textural difference between the two soils was more significant than the differences between treatments (control and sewage sludge application) or between depths. In this case, an individual chemometric treatment was made for each type of soil. It was noted that the characterization of the humic acids extracted from soils with and without sewage sludge application after 7 consecutive years using several methods supplies important results about changes in the humification degree of soil organic matter, These important result obtained by Principal Component Analysis justify further research using these methods to characterize the changes in the humic acids extracted from sewage sludge-amended soils. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment contains organic matter and plant nutrients that can play an important role in agricultural production and the maintenance of soil fertility, The present study has aimed to evaluate the degree of humification following sewage sludge application of soil organic matter by laser-induced fluorescence and humic acids using ultraviolet-visible fluorescence, and including comparison with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Sewage sludge applications to the soil caused a decrease in the degree of humification of the soil organic matter and humic acids for both a Typic Eutrorthox (clayey) soil and a Typic Haplorthox (sandy) soil of around 14 and 27%, respectively. This effect is probably clue to incorporation of newly formed humic substances from the sewage sludge into the characteristics of less humified material, and to the indigenous soil humic substances. The minor alterations observed in the clay soil probably occurred due to both the greater mineral association, which better stabilized the indigenous soil organic matter, and the higher microbial activity in this soil, which accelerated sewage sludge mineralization. Sewage sludge applications increased the C content for the clay and sandy soils by 7.4 and 15.4 g kg(-1), respectively, suggesting a positive effect on these two soils.
This research aims to monitor the humification process of domestic sewage sludge resulted from the vermicomposting, evaluating, also, the possibility of using the final product (vermicompost) in agricultural soils. The monitored chemical variables during the 90 days of vermicomposting were: humidity rate, organic matter content, nitrogen and phosphorus content, pathogenic organisms concentration, total organic carbon, acidity, CEC, C/N ratio, CEC/TOC ratio, and humic and fulvic acids content. The change in these variables during the vermicomposting process showed that this technique is effective for use in the maturation of the residue.
The specific methanogenic activity (SMA) test is an important tool for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion. This paper presents the behavior of the methanogenic archaea of an anaerobic sludge under different conditions of oxygenation in a fixed-bed anaerobic-aerobic reactor treating domestic sewage. The reactor was operated in a continuous manner under different liquid recycle ratios from aerobic to anaerobic zones in order to remove carbon and nitrogen. The application of the SMA test was adapted from several authors and the measurement of the accumulated methane in the reactor was carried out by means of gas chromatography. Methanogenic organisms were not inhibited by the presence of oxygen. In contrast, the values of CH, production rate by sludge exposed to oxygen were greater than those obtained for strictly anaerobic sludge.
This study evaluates the stability of hydrogen and organic acids production in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) that contains expanded clay (2.8-3.35 mm in diameter) as a support medium and is operated on a long-term basis. The reactor was inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT), from 8 h to 1 h, at a controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of about 3.8. Glucose (2000 mg L(-1)) was used as the substrate, generating conversion rates of 92-98%. Decreasing the HRT from 8 h to 1 h led to an increase in average hydrogen-production rates, with a maximum value of 1.28 L h(-1) L(-1) for an HRT of 1 h. In general, hydrogen yield production increased as HRT decreased, reaching 2.29 mol of H(2)/mol glucose at an HRT of 2 h and yielding a maximum hydrogen content of 37% in the biogas. No methane was detected in the biogas throughout the period of operation. The main soluble metabolites (SMP) were acetic acid (46.94-53.84% of SMP) and butyric acid (34.51-42.16% of SMP), with less than 15.49% ethanol. The steady performance of the AFBR may be attributed to adequate thermal treatment of the inoculum, the selection of a suitable support medium for microbial adhesion, and the choice of satisfactory environmental conditions imposed on the system. The results show that stable hydrogen production and organic acids production were maintained in the AFBR over a period of 178 days. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aiming the use of the sewage sludge produced in one of the largest Brazilian wastewater treatment stations as a raw material for the ceramic industry, the sintering process of the ashes produced from its calcination was evaluated by heating microscopy thermal analysis (HMTA). From the microprocessed images, a method was developed to obtain HMTA dimensional change curves as a function of temperature, equivalent to those usually obtained from dilatometers or by thermomechanical analysis (TMA). The final product after sintering at 1050 degrees C, characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray dispersive energy, indicates the presence of a vitreous phase containing phosphorus, which explains the good sintering properties of the studied calcined sludge, as shown from its HMTA dimensional change curve.
The utilization of tannery sludge in agricultural areas can be an alternative for its disposal and recycling. Despite this procedure may cause the loss of nitrogen by ammonia volatilization, there is no information about this process in tropical soils. For two years a field experiment was carried out in Rolandia (Parana State, Brazil), to evaluate the amount of NH(3) volatilization due to tannery sludge application on agricultural soil. The doses of total N applied varied from zero to 1200 kg ha(-1), maintained at the surface for 89 days, as usual in this region. The alkalinity of the tannery sludge used was equivalent to between 262 and 361 g CaCO(3) per kg. Michaelis-Menten equation was adequate to estimate NH(3)-N volatilization kinetics. The relation between total nitrogen applied as tannery sludge and the potentially volatilized NH(3)-N, calculated by the chemical-kinetics equation resulted in an average determination coefficient of 0.87 (P > 0.01). In this period, the amount of volatilized NH(3) was more intense during the first 30 days; the time to reach half of the maximum NH(3) volatilization (K(m)) was 13 an 9 days for the first and second experiments, respectively. The total loss as ammonia in the whole period corresponded in average to 17.5% of the total N applied and to 35% of the NH(4)(+)-N present in the sludge. If tannery sludge is to be surface applied to supply N for crops, the amounts lost as NH(3) must be taken into consideration. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos químicos do solo e a disponibilidade de cádmio (Cd), cromo (Cr), níquel (Ni), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e arsênio (As), por meio da extração pelo DTPA,em conseqüência da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodos de esgoto centrifugados e de biodigestores, nas doses 0 (testemunha), 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1 e um tratamento adicional composto pela calagem superficial na dose 2 Mg ha-1. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em condições de campo, em área sob sistema plantio direto, durante 2003 e 2004. A aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria,lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado e de biodigestor, até a dose 8 Mg ha-1, assim como o calcário na dose 2 Mg ha-1, não trazem problemas de disponibilidade ao ambiente, com relação aos metais pesados Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Ni e As, quando aplicados sobre a superfície em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, no sistema plantio direto. A fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados às culturas da soja e aveia-preta foi nula, quando foram aplicadas doses de até 8 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, escória e lama cal sobre a superfície do solo, no sistema plantio direto
The Corymbia citriodora is one of the most cultivated species in Brazil for wood and essential oil production. The oil is obtained by the leaves distillation and the yield is around 2%. For the sustainability of leaves extraction is necessary a good nutritional replacement, because the leaves contain a large quantity of nutrients. The sewage sludge application in Corymbia plantations is a way to apply organic fertilizer and is also a good alternative for the final disposal of this residue. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the sewage sludge use as fertilizer for the essential oil production in two different Spacing. The experiment was constituted by 4 blocks and the treatments were: i) Close spacing (1m x 1m) with sewage sludge + K and B; ii) Close spacing with mineral fertilization: iii) Regular spacing (3m x 1m) with sewage sludge + K and B; and iv) Regular spacing with mineral fertilization. When the C. citriodora plots were 12, 18, 24 and 30 months old, leaves and branches biomass and also essential oil production were quantified. It was observed that the system of close planting totalized a higher biomass, 3.8 times more than the conventional system, providing 3 times more essential oil production (363 l ha(-1) at the close spacing and 116 l ha(-1) at the regular Spacing during 30 months). No difference was found in the leaves or oil production with the use of sewage sludge or mineral fertilizer any of spacing studied The use of sewage sludge as fertilizer for Corymbia citriodora plantations may be an interesting alternative. because it supplies large quantities of nutrients and ensures a positive budget of nutrients in the ecosystem.