64 resultados para Interleukin-1 beta


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Inflammatory cytokines such as interieukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) are involved in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. A high individual variation in the levels of IL-10 mRNA has been verified, which is possibly determined by genetic polymorphisms and/or by the presence of periodontopathogens such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. In this study, we investigated the role of an IL-10 promoter single-nucleotide polymorphism at position 3954 [IL-1 beta(3954) SNP] and the presence of the periodontopathogens in the determination of the IL-1 beta levels in the periodontal tissues of nonsmoking chronic periodontitis (CP) patients (n = 117) and control (C) subjects in = 175) and the possible correlations with the clinical parameters of the disease. IL-1 beta(3954) SNP was investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphism, while the IL-1 beta levels and the presence of the periodontopathogens were determined by real-time PCR. Similar frequencies of IL-1 beta(3954) SNP were found in the C and CP groups, in spite of a trend toward a higher incidence of T alleles in the CP group. The IL-1 beta (3954) SNP CT and TT genotypes, as well as P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola, were associated with higher IL-1 beta levels and with higher values of the clinical parameters of disease severity. Concomitant analyses demonstrate that IL-1 beta(3954) and the red complex periodontopathogens were found to independently and additively modulate the levels of IL-1 beta in periodontal tissues. Similarly, the concurrent presence of both factors was associated with increased scores of disease severity. IL-1 beta(3954) genotypes and red complex periodontopathogens, individually and additively, modulate the levels of IL-1 beta in the diseased tissues of nonsmoking CP patients and, consequently, are potentially involved in the determination of the disease outcome.


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Background and Objective. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a known anti-inflammatory therapy. Herein we studied the effect of LLLT on lung permeability and the IL-1 beta level in LPS-induced pulmonary inflammation. Study Design/Methodology. Rats were divided into 12 groups (n = 7 for each group). Lung permeability was measured by quantifying extravasated albumin concentration in lung homogenate, inflammatory cells influx was determined by myeloperoxidase activity, IL-1P in BAL was determined by ELISA and IL-1P mRNA expression in trachea was evaluated by RT-PCR. The rats were irradiated on the skin over the upper bronchus at the site of tracheotomy after LPS. Results. LLLT attenuated lung permeability. In addition, there was reduced neutrophil influx, myeloperoxidase activity and both IL-1 beta in BAL and IL-1 beta mRNA expression in trachea obtained from animals subjected to LPS-induced inflammation. Conclusion. LLLT reduced the lung permeability by a mechanism in which the IL-1 beta seems to have an important role.


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Amyloid P-peptide (A beta) likely causes functional alterations in neurons well prior to their death. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B), a transcription factor that is known to play important roles in cell survival and apoptosis, has been shown to be modulated by A beta in neurons and glia, but the mechanism is unknown. Because A beta has also been shown to enhance activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, we investigated the role of NMDA receptor-mediated intracellular signaling pathways in A beta-induced NF-kappa B activation in primary cultured rat cerebellar cells. Cells were treated with different concentrations of A beta 1-40 (1 or 2 mu M) for different periods (6, 12, or 24 hr). MK-801 (NMDA antagonist), manumycin A and FTase inhibitor 1 (farnesyltransferase inhibitors), PP1 (Src-family tyrosine kinase inhibitor), PD98059 [mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor], and LY294002 [phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-k) inhibitor] were added 20 min before A beta treatment of the cells. A beta induced a time- and concentration-dependent activation of NF-kappa B (1 mu M, 12 hr); both p50/p65 and p50/p50 NF-kappa B dimers were involved. This activation was abolished by MK-801 and attenuated by manumycin A, FTase inhibitor 1, PP1, PD98059, and LY294002. AP at 1 mu M increased the expression of inhibitory protein I kappa B, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, inducible nitric oxide synthase, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1 beta as shown by RTPCR assays. Collectively, these findings suggest that AP activates NF-kappa B by an NMDA-Src-Ras-like protein through MAPK and PI3-k pathways in cultured cerebellar cells. This pathway may mediate an adaptive, neuroprotective response to A beta. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of the neuregulins 1-alpha and 1-beta on the regeneration the sciatic nerves of male adult C57BL/6J mice, using the tubulization technique. Methods: Eighteen animals were used, divided into three groups. A polyethylene prosthesis was implanted in a 4.0 mm defect of the left sciatic nerve, as follows: group 1 containing only purified collagen (Vitrogen (R)); group 2, collagen with neuregulin 1-alpha; group 3, collagen with neuregulin 1-beta. The control group consisted of six segments of right sciatic nerves. After four weeks, the animals were sacrificed. A segment from the midpoint of the nerve regenerated inside the prostheses was extracted; histological sections were standardized, and slides were made up for histomorphometric analysis. Results: the results were statistically compared using the Tukey multiple comparisons test and The Student`s t test. The animals treated with neuregulins had greater numbers of myelinized axons, with a statistically significant difference in relation to the collagen-only group. There was no statistical difference between the neuregulin 1-alpha and 1-beta groups. Conclusion: The addition of neuregulins provided a significant increase in the number of myelinized fibers.


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Background. Microencapsulation of pancreatic islets with polymeric compounds constitutes an attractive alternative therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus. The major limiting factor is the availability of a biocompatible and mechanically stable polymer. We investigated the potential of Biodritin, a novel polymer constituted of alginate and chondroitin sulfate, for islet microencapsulation. Methods. Biodritin microcapsules were obtained using an air jet droplet generator and gelated with barium or calcium chloride. Microencapsulated rat insulinoma RINm5F cells were tested for viability using the [3-(4,5-dimetyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide] [MTT] colorimetric assay. Microencapsulated rat pancreatic islets were coincubated with macrophages derived from mouse peritoneal liquid to assess the immunomodulatory potential of the microcapsules, using quantitative real time-PCR (qPCR). Biodritin biocompatibility was demonstrated by subcutaneous injection of empty microcapsules into immunocompetent Wistar rats. Insulin secretion by microencapsulated human pancreatic islets was evaluated using an electrochemoluminescent assay. Microencapsulated human islets transplanted into chemically induced diabetic mice were monitored for reversal of hyperglycemia. Results. The metabolic activity of microencapsulated RINm5F cells persisted for at least 15 days. Interleukin-1 beta expression by macrophages was observed during coculture with islets microencapsulated with Biodritin-CaCl2, but not with Biodritin-BaCl2. No statistical difference in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was observed between nonencapsulated and microencapsulated islets. Upon microencapsulated islet transplantation, the blood glucose level of diabetic mice normalized; they remained euglycemic for at least 60 days, displaying normal oral glucose tolerance tests. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that Biodritin can be used for islet microencapsulation and reversal of diabetes; however, further investigations are required to assess its potential for long-term transplantation.


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Introduction: Orthodontic tooth movement uses mechanical forces that result in inflammation in the first days. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is an enzyme found in polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) granules, and it is used to estimate the number of PMN granules in tissues. So far, MPO has not been used to study the inflammatory alterations after the application of orthodontic tooth movement forces. The aim of this study was to determine MPO activity in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and saliva (whole stimulated saliva) of orthodontic patients at different time points after fixed appliance activation. Methods: MPO was determined in the GCF and collected by means of periopaper from the saliva of 14 patients with orthodontic fixed appliances. GCF and saliva samples were collected at baseline, 2 hours, and 7 and 14 days after application of the orthodontic force. Results: Mean MPO activity was increased in both the GCF and saliva of orthodontic patients at 2 hours after appliance activation (P<0.02 for all comparisons). At 2 hours, PMN infiltration into the periodontal ligament from the orthodontic force probably results in the increased MPO level observed at this time point. Conclusions: MPO might be a good marker to assess inflammation in orthodontic movement; it deserves further studies in orthodontic therapy. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:613-6)


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Alzheimer`s Disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia among the elderly, with devastating consequences for the patient, their relatives, and caregivers. More than 300 genetic polymorphisms have been involved with AD, demonstrating that this condition is polygenic and with a complex pattern of inheritance. This paper aims to report and compare the results of AD genetics studies in case-control and familial analysis performed in Brazil since our first publication, 10 years ago. They include the following genes/markers: Apolipoprotein E (APOE), 5-hidroxytryptamine transporter length polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR), brain-derived neurotrophin factor (BDNF), monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), and two simple-sequence tandem repeat polymorphisms (DXS1047 and D10S1423). Previously unpublished data of the interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) genes are reported here briefly. Results from others Brazilian studies with AD patients are also reported at this short review. Four local families studied with various markers at the chromosome 21, 19, 14, and 1 are briefly reported for the first time. The importance of studying DNA samples from Brazil is highlighted because of the uniqueness of its population, which presents both intense ethnical miscegenation, mainly at the east coast, but also clusters with high inbreeding rates in rural areas at the countryside. We discuss the current stage of extending these studies using high-throughput methods of large-scale genotyping, such as single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays, associated with bioinformatics tools that allow the analysis of such extensive number of genetics variables, with different levels of penetrance. There is still a long way between the huge amount of data gathered so far and the actual application toward the full understanding of AD, but the final goal is to develop precise tools for diagnosis and prognosis, creating new strategies for better treatments based on genetic profile.


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Inflammation is a crucial step for the wound healing process. The effect of linoleic and oleic acids on the inflammatory response of the skin during the healing process and on the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by rat neutrophils in vitro was investigated. A wound in the dorsal surface of adult rats was performed and fatty acids were then topically administered. Both oleic and linoleic acids increased the wound healing tissue mass. The total protein and DNA contents of the wounds were increased by the treatment with linoleic acid. The treatments with oleic and linoleic acids did not affect vascular permeability. However, the number of neutrophils in the wounded area and air pouches was increased and the thickness of the necrotic cell layer edge around the wound was decreased. A dose-dependent increase in vascular endothelial growth factor-alpha (VEGF-alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) by neutrophils incubated in the presence of oleic and linoleic acid was observed. Oleic acid was able to stimulate also the production of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant in inflammation 2 alphalbeta (CINC-2 alpha/beta). This pro-inflammatory effect of oleic and linoleic acids may speed up the wound healing process. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) are produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation. Increased concentrations of these fatty acids are observed in inflammatory conditions, such as periodontal disease, and at sites of anaerobic infection. In the present study, the effect of the SCFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate on neutrophil chemotaxis and migration was investigated. Experiments were carried out in rats and in vitro. The following parameters were measured: rolling, adherence, expression of adhesion molecules in neutrophils (L-selectin and beta 2 integrin), transmigration, air pouch influx of neutrophils and production of cytokines [CINC-2 alpha beta (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha beta), IL-1 beta (interleukin-1 beta), MIP-1 alpha (macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha) and TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-alpha)]. SCFAs induced in vivo neutrophil migration and increased the release of CINC-2 alpha beta into the air pouch. These fatty acids increased the number of rolling and adhered cells as evaluated by intravital microscopy. SCFA treatment increased L-selectin expression on the neutrophil surface and L-selectin mRNA levels, but had no effect on the expression of beta 2 integrin. Propionate and butyrate also increased in vitro transmigration of neutrophils. These results indicate that SCFAs produced by anaerobic bacteria raise neutrophil migration through increased L-selectin expression on neutrophils and CINC-2 alpha beta release.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The serine and cysteine peptidase inhibitor, BbCI, isolated from Bauhinia bauhinioides seeds, is similar to the classical plant Kunitz inhibitor, STI, but lacks disulphide bridges and methionine residues. BbCI blocks activity of the serine peptidases, elastase (K(iapp) 5.3 nM) and cathepsin G (K(iapp) 160.0 nM), and the cysteine peptidase cathepsin L (K(iapp) 0.2 nM). These three peptidases play important roles in the inflammatory process. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We measured the effects of BbCI on paw oedema and on leucocyte accumulation in pleurisy, both induced by carrageenan. Leucocyte-endothelial cell interactions in scrotal microvasculature in Wistar rats were investigated using intravital microscopy. Cytokine levels in pleural exudate and serum were measured by ELISA. KEY RESULTS Pretreatment of the animals with BbCI (2.5 mg.kg(-1)), 30 min before carrageenan-induced inflammation, effectively reduced paw oedema and bradykinin release, neutrophil migration into the pleural cavity. The number of rolling, adhered and migrated leucocytes at the spermatic fascia microcirculation following carrageenan injection into the scrotum were reduced by BbCI pretreatment. Furthermore, levels of the rat chemokine cytokine-induced neutrophil chemo-attractant-1 were significantly reduced in both pleural exudates and serum from animals pretreated with BbCI. Levels of interleukin-1 beta or tumour necrosis factor-alpha, however, did not change. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Taken together, our data suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of BbCI may be useful in investigations of other pathological processes in which human neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G and cathepsin L play important roles.


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Background and Objective: Cyclosporine A treatment is important in the therapy of a number of medical conditions; however, alveolar bone loss is an important negative side-effect of this drug. As such, we evaluated whether concomitant administration of simvastatin would minimize cyclosporine A-associated alveolar bone loss in rats subjected, or not, to experimental periodontal disease. Material and Methods: Groups of 10 rats each were treated with cyclosporine A (10 mg/kg/day), simvastatin (20 mg/kg/day), cyclosporine A and simvastatin concurrently (cyclosporine A/simvastatin) or vehicle for 30 days. Four other groups of 10 rats each received a cotton ligature around the lower first molar and were treated similarly with cyclosporine A, simvastatin, cyclosporine A/simvastatin or vehicle. Calcium (Ca(2+)), phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase levels were evaluated in serum. Expression levels of interleukin-1 beta, prostaglandin E(2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase were evaluated in the gingivomucosal tissues. Bone volume and numbers of osteoblasts and osteoclasts were also analyzed. Results: Treatment with cyclosporine A in rats, with or without ligature, was associated with bone loss, represented by a lower bone volume and an increase in the number of osteoclasts. Treatment with cyclosporine A was associated with bone resorption, whereas simvastatin treatment improved cyclosporine A-associated alveolar bone loss in all parameters studied. In addition, simvastatin, in the presence of inflammation, can act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Conclusion: This study shows that simvastatin therapy leads to a reversal of the cyclosporine A-induced bone loss, which may be mediated by downregulation of interleukin-1 beta and prostaglandin E(2) production.


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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an important clinical syndrome characterized by abnormalities in the hydroelectrolytic balance. Because of high rates of morbidity and mortality (from 15% to 60%) associated with AKI, the study of its pathophysiology is critical in searching for clinical targets and therapeutic strategies. Severe sepsis is the major cause of AKI. The host response to sepsis involves an inflammatory response, whereby the pathogen is initially sensed by innate immune receptors (pattern recognition receptors [PRRs]). When it persists, this immune response leads to secretion of proinflammatory products that induce organ dysfunction such as renal failure and consequently increased mortality. Moreover, the injured tissue releases molecules resulting from extracellular matrix degradation or dying cells that function as alarmines, which are recognized by PRR in the absence of pathogens in a second wave of injury. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and NOD-like receptors (NLRs) are the best characterized PRRs. They are expressed in many cell types and throughout the nephron. Their activation leads to translocation of nuclear factors and synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. TLRs` signaling primes the cells for a robust inflammatory response dependent on NLRs; the interaction of TLRs and NLRs gives rise to the multiprotein complex known as the inflammasome, which in turn activates secretion of mature interleukin 1 beta and interleukin 18. Experimental data show that innate immune receptors, the inflammasome components, and proinflammatory cytokines play crucial roles not only in sepsis, but also in organ-induced dysfunction, especially in the kidneys. In this review, we discuss the significance of the innate immune receptors in the development of acute renal injury secondary to sepsis.


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Lipopolysaccharides from gram-negative bacteria are amongst the most common causative agents of acute lung injury, which is characterized by an inflammatory response, with cellular infiltration and the release of mediators/cytokines. There is evidence that bradykinin plays a role in lung inflammation in asthma but in other types of lung inflammation its role is less clear. In the present study we evaluated the role of the bradykinin B(1) receptor in acute lung injury caused by lipopolysaccharide inhalation and the mechanisms behind bradykinin actions participating in the inflammatory response. We found that in C57BI/6 mice, the bradykinin B(1) receptor expression was up-regulated 24 h after lipopolysaccharide inhalation. At this time, the number of cells and protein concentration were significantly increased in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and the mice developed airway hyperreactivity to methacholine. In addition, there was an increased expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta and interferon-gamma and chemokines (monocytes chemotactic protein-1 and KC) in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and in the lung tissue. We then treated the mice with a bradykinin B, receptor antagonist, R-954 (Ac-Orn-[Oic(2), alpha-MePhe(5), D-beta Nal(7), Ile(8)]desArg(9)-bradykinin), 30 min after lipopolysaccharide administration. We observed that this treatment prevented the airway hyperreactivity as well as the increased cellular infiltration and protein content in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Moreover, R-954 inhibited the expression of cytokines/chemokines. These results implicate bradykinin, acting through B(1) receptor, in the development of acute lung injury caused by lipopolysaccharide inhalation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The signalling pathway CD40/CD40L (CD40 ligand) plays an important role in atherosclerotic plaque formation and rupture. AngII (angiotensin II), which induces oxidative stress and inflammation, is also implicated in the progression of atherosclerosis. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that AngII increases CD40/CD40L activity in vascular cells and that ROS (reactive oxygen species) are part of the signalling cascade that controls CD40/CD40L expression. Human CASMCs (coronary artery smooth muscle cells) in culture exposed to IL (interleukin)-1 beta or TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-a) had increased superoxide generation and enhanced CD40 expression, detected by EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) and immunoblotting respectively. Both phenomena were abolished by previous incubation with membrane-permeant antioxidants or cell transfection with P22(phox) antisense. AngII (50-200 nmol/l) induced an early and sustained increase in CD40 mRNA and protein expression in CASMCs, which was blocked by treatment with antioxidants. Increased CD40 expression led to enhanced activity of the pathway, as AngII-treated cells stimulated with recombinant CD40L released higher amounts of IL-8 and had increased COX-2 (cyclo-oxygenase-2) expression. We conclude that AngII stimulation of vascular cells leads to a ROS-dependent increase in CD40/CD40L signalling pathway activity. This phenomenon may be an important mechanism modulating the arterial injury observed in atherosclerosis-related vasculopathy.


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This study reports the in vivo stimulatory effects of Cramoll 1,4 on rat spleen lymphocytes as evidenced by an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, Ca(2+) levels, and interleukin (IL)-1 beta expression. Cramoll 1,4 extracted from seeds of the Leguminosae Cratylia mollis Mart., is a lectin with antitumor and lymphocyte mitogenic activities. Animals (Nine-week-old male albino Wistar rats, Rattus norvegicus) were treated with intraperitoneal injection of Cramoll 1,4 (235 mu g ml(-1) single dose) and, 7 days later, spleen lymphocytes were isolated and analyzed for intracellular ROS, cytosolic Ca(2+), and IL-6, IL-10, and IL-1 mRNAs. Cell viability was investigated by annexin V-FITC and 7-amino-actinomycin D staining. The data showed that in lymphocytes activated by Cramoll 1,4 the increase in cytosolic and mitochondrial ROS was related to higher cytosolic Ca(2+) levels. Apoptosis and necrosis were not detected in statistically significant values and thus the lectin effector activities did not induce lymphocyte death. In vivo Cramoll 1,4 treatment led to a significant increase in IL-1 beta but IL-6 and -10 levels did not change. Cramoll 1,4 had modulator activities on spleen lymphocytes and stimulated the Th2 response.