32 resultados para Integrate
Biological systems have facility to capture salient object(s) in a given scene, but it is still a difficult task to be accomplished by artificial vision systems. In this paper a visual selection mechanism based on the integrate and fire neural network is proposed. The model not only can discriminate objects in a given visual scene, but also can deliver focus of attention to the salient object. Moreover, it processes a combination of relevant features of an input scene, such as intensity, color, orientation, and the contrast of them. In comparison to other visual selection approaches, this model presents several interesting features. It is able to capture attention of objects in complex forms, including those linearly nonseparable. Moreover, computer simulations show that the model produces results similar to those observed in natural vision systems.
Foram analisadas características da precipitação estimada a partir de 145.194 campos de refletividade, de um total de 827 dias entre 1998 e 2003, obtidos do Radar Meteorológico de São Paulo (RSP). Os eventos foram classificados de acordo com intensidades de precipitação; em Convectivos (EC) e Estratiformes (EE). Quanto à morfologia, cinco tipos de sistemas foram identificados; Convecção Isolada (CI), Brisa Marítima (BM), Linhas de Instabilidade (LI), Bandas Dispersas (BD) e Frentes Frias (FF). Eventos convectivos dominam na primavera e verão e estratiformes no outono e inverno. A CI e a BM tiveram maiores picos de atuação entre outubro e março enquanto as FF de abril a setembro. BD atuam durante todo o ano e as LI só não foram observadas nos meses de junho e julho. Uma comparação pontual entre a precipitação medida pela telemetria e estimada com o radar foi realizada e, mostrou haver, na maioria dos casos, um viés positivo do RSP, para acumulações de 10, 30 e 60 minutos. Com o objetivo de integrar as estimativas de precipitação do radar com as medidas da rede telemétrica, por meio de uma análise objetiva estatística, foram obtidas dos campos de precipitação do radar as estruturas das correlações espaciais em função da distância para acumulações de chuva de 15, 30, 60 e 120 minutos para os cinco tipos de sistemas precipitantes que foram caracterizados. As curvas das correlações espaciais médias de todos os eventos de precipitação de cada sistema foram ajustadas por funções polinomiais de sexta ordem. Os resultados indicam diferenças significativas na estrutura espacial das correlações entre os sistemas precipitantes.
Desde Fodor (1983) a modularidade comportamental tem gerado fortes controvérsias, especialmente em torno do quanto são especializados os módulos eventuais e do quanto são encapsulados, isto é, independentes de controles externos. No presente ensaio, depois de rever formulações precursoras a respeito de instinto e de aprendizagens especializadas e de expor as características básicas da modularidade, tomo, como estudo de caso, pesquisas sobre a percepção da expressão facial da emoção, mostrando tanto o lado especializado desse processo como a sua abertura para controles externos. Termino defendendo a necessidade de, junto à estratégia de delimitar processos comportamentais especializados, colocar a questão de como eles se integram e se controlam uns aos outros e são eventualmente gerenciados por processos gerais.
A regionalização tem sido apontada como um dos principais desafios para viabilizar a equidade e a integralidade do SUS. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o processo de implementação de um projeto de organização de regiões de saúde no município de São Paulo. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma região selecionada desse município, a partir do referencial da análise de implantação, utilizando-se como fonte de dados documentos da gestão e entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes-chave da gestão municipal 2005-2008. A análise temática evidenciou que o projeto de regionalização idealizado no início da gestão não foi efetivamente implementado. Dentre os fatores que interferiram nesse insucesso, destacam-se: a) a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS), além de seu caráter centralizador, manteve estruturas político-administrativas independentes para a gestão da atenção básica e da assistência hospitalar; b) a SMS não assumiu a gestão, de fato, de ambulatórios e hospitais estaduais; c) o poder institucional e a resistência dos hospitais em se integrar ao sistema de saúde. Discute-se, ainda, a necessidade de avançar na descentralização intramunicipal do SUS e buscar novas estratégias para a construção de pactos que consigam superar as resistências e articular instituições historicamente consolidadas, visando uma regionalização cooperativa e solidária.
Este estudo quanti-qualitativo objetivou identificar concepções sobre Medicina Convencional e Acu puntura que contribuem para entender os motivos que levam médicos a procurarem conhecer ou se especializar em Acupuntura. Foram pesquisados 175 médicos do Curso de Desenvolvimento em Me dicina Chinesa − Acupuntura, do Center-AO − Centro de Pesquisa e Estudo da Medicina Chinesa e Universidade Federal de São Paulo − Escola Paulista de Medicina (Unifesp - EPM), com questio nário composto por perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente, e as respostas foram analisadas com a técnica de análise de conteúdo, buscando desvelar unidades de significado. A partir disso, foram estabelecidas categorias gerais e específicas, que passaram a dar significado aos discursos. Dessa forma, foram obtidos três grupos categoriais: "aprimoramento profis sional", "ampliar seu próprio horizonte de vida" e "compreender o paciente em uma dimensão mais abrangente". Nossos dados revelaram que os médicos desejam exercer a Acupuntura de forma inte grada à Medicina Convencional, no bojo da qual a Acupuntura vem se firmando como especialidade médica.
Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Minas Gerais. O Estado foi estratificado em sete circuitos produtores. Em cada circuito foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades e, dentro dessas, foi escolhido, de forma aleatória, um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 20.643 animais, provenientes de 2.204 propriedades. Em cada propriedade visitada aplicou-se um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo, se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados do Estado foram de 6,0% [5,0-7,1%] e 1,1% [0,78-1,4%], respectivamente. Os resultados para os circuitos pecuários da prevalência de focos e de animais foram: circuito 1, 4,7% [2,7-7,7%] e 0,82% [0,06-1,6%]; circuito 2, 7,2% [4,6-10,6%] e 1,2% [0,53-1,8%]; circuito 3, 6,8% [4,3-10,0%] e 1,5% [0,47-2,4%]; circuito 4, 6,5% [4,1-9,8%] e 1,1% [0,39-1,7%]; circuito 5, 3,8% [2,0-6,5%] e 0,40% [0,11-0,69%]; circuito 6, 6,2% [3,8-9,6%] e 0,66% [0,29-1,0%]; circuito 7, 11,0% [7,7-15,0%] e 1,7% [0,92-2,6%], respectivamente. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: compra de reprodutores (OR = 1,66 [1,13-2,44]), ocorrência de aborto nos últimos 12 meses (OR = 1,81 [1,26-2,60]) e presença de cervídeos na propriedade (OR = 1,56 [1,08-2,27]). A vacinação contra brucelose foi identificada como fator protetor (OR = 0,38 [0,19-0,79]). Concluiu-se que o programa obrigatório de vacinação de bezerras, iniciado na década de 1990, está sendo eficaz ao reduzir a prevalência em todo o Estado e em todos os sistemas de produção animal. As autoridades sanitárias devem priorizar o controle da compra de animais para reprodução, que não apresentem garantias sanitárias e incorporar essa medida às ações de educativas.
This paper presents a, simple two dimensional frame formulation to deal with structures undergoing large motions due to dynamic actions including very thin inflatable structures, balloons. The proposed methodology is based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions. Velocity, acceleration and strain are achieved directly from positions, not. displacements, characterizing the novelty of the proposed technique. A non-dimensional space is created and the deformation function (change of configuration) is written following two independent mappings from which the strain energy function is written. The classical New-mark equations are used to integrate time. Dumping and non-conservative forces are introduced into the mechanical system by a rheonomic energy function. The final formulation has the advantage of being simple and easy to teach, when compared to classical Counterparts. The behavior of a bench-mark problem (spin-up maneuver) is solved to prove the formulation regarding high circumferential speed applications. Other examples are dedicated to inflatable and very thin structures, in order to test the formulation for further analysis of three dimensional balloons.
Background: Dermatomyositis (DM) and polymyositis (PM) are rare systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases with high fatality rates. There have been few population-based mortality studies of dermatomyositis and polymyositis in the world, and none have been conducted in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to employ multiple-cause of-death methodology in the analysis of trends in mortality related to dermatomyositis and polymyositis in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1985 and 2007. Methods: We analyzed mortality data from the Sao Paulo State Data Analysis System, selecting all death certificates on which DM or PM was listed as a cause of death. The variables sex, age and underlying, associated or total mentions of causes of death were studied using mortality rates, proportions and historical trends. Statistical analysis were performed by chi-square and H Kruskal-Wallis tests, variance analysis and linear regression. A p value less than 0.05 was regarded as significant. Results: Over a 23-year period, there were 318 DM-related deaths and 316 PM-related deaths. Overall, DM/PM was designated as an underlying cause in 55.2% and as an associated cause in 44.8%; among 634 total deaths females accounted for 71.5%. During the study period, age-and gender-adjusted DM mortality rates did not change significantly, although PM as an underlying cause and total mentions of PM trended lower (p < 0.05). The mean ages at death were 47.76 +/- 20.81 years for DM and 54.24 +/- 17.94 years for PM (p = 0.0003). For DM/PM, respectively, as underlying causes, the principal associated causes of death were as follows: pneumonia (in 43.8%/33.5%); respiratory failure (in 34.4%/32.3%); interstitial pulmonary diseases and other pulmonary conditions (in 28.9%/17.6%); and septicemia (in 22.8%/15.9%). For DM/PM, respectively, as associated causes, the following were the principal underlying causes of death: respiratory disorders (in 28.3%/26.0%); circulatory disorders (in 17.4%/20.5%); neoplasms (in 16.7%/13.7%); infectious and parasitic diseases (in 11.6%/9.6%); and gastrointestinal disorders (in 8.0%/4.8%). Of the 318 DM-related deaths, 36 involved neoplasms, compared with 20 of the 316 PM-related deaths (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Our study using multiple cause of deaths found that DM/PM were identified as the underlying cause of death in only 55.2% of the deaths, indicating that both diseases were underestimated in the primary mortality statistics. We observed a predominance of deaths in women and in older individuals, as well as a trend toward stability in the mortality rates. We have confirmed that the risk of death is greater when either disease is accompanied by neoplasm, albeit to lesser degree in individuals with PM. The investigation of the underlying and associated causes of death related to DM/PM broaden the knowledge of the natural history of both diseases and could help integrate mortality data for use in the evaluation of control measures for DM/PM.
We show that the one-loop effective action at finite temperature for a scalar field with quartic interaction has the same renormalized expression as at zero temperature if written in terms of a certain classical field phi(c), and if we trade free propagators at zero temperature for their finite-temperature counterparts. The result follows if we write the partition function as an integral over field eigenstates (boundary fields) of the density matrix element in the functional Schrodinger field representation, and perform a semiclassical expansion in two steps: first, we integrate around the saddle point for fixed boundary fields, which is the classical field phi(c), a functional of the boundary fields; then, we perform a saddle-point integration over the boundary fields, whose correlations characterize the thermal properties of the system. This procedure provides a dimensionally reduced effective theory for the thermal system. We calculate the two-point correlation as an example.
Biological neuronal networks constitute a special class of dynamical systems, as they are formed by individual geometrical components, namely the neurons. In the existing literature, relatively little attention has been given to the influence of neuron shape on the overall connectivity and dynamics of the emerging networks. The current work addresses this issue by considering simplified neuronal shapes consisting of circular regions (soma/axons) with spokes (dendrites). Networks are grown by placing these patterns randomly in the two-dimensional (2D) plane and establishing connections whenever a piece of dendrite falls inside an axon. Several topological and dynamical properties of the resulting graph are measured, including the degree distribution, clustering coefficients, symmetry of connections, size of the largest connected component, as well as three hierarchical measurements of the local topology. By varying the number of processes of the individual basic patterns, we can quantify relationships between the individual neuronal shape and the topological and dynamical features of the networks. Integrate-and-fire dynamics on these networks is also investigated with respect to transient activation from a source node, indicating that long-range connections play an important role in the propagation of avalanches.
The existence of loss and gain of chromosomes, known as aneuploidy, has been previously described within the central nervous system. During development, at least one-third of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) are aneuploid. Notably, aneuploid NPCs may survive and functionally integrate into the mature neural circuitry. Given the unanswered significance of this phenomenon, we tested the hypothesis that neural differentiation induced by all-trans retinoic acid (RA) in pluripotent stem cells is accompanied by increased levels of aneuploidy, as previously described for cortical NPCs in vivo. In this work we used embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells undergoing differentiation into NPCs. Ploidy analysis revealed a 2-fold increase in the rate of aneuploidy, with the prevalence of chromosome loss in RA primed stem cells when compared to naive cells. In an attempt to understand the basis of neurogenic aneuploidy, micronuclei formation and survivin expression was assessed in pluripotent stem cells exposed to RA. RA increased micronuclei occurrence by almost 2-fold while decreased survivin expression by 50%, indicating possible mechanisms by which stem cells lose their chromosomes during neural differentiation. DNA fragmentation analysis demonstrated no increase in apoptosis on embryoid bodies treated with RA, indicating that cell death is not the mandatory fate of aneuploid NPCs derived from pluripotent cells. In order to exclude that the increase in aneuploidy was a spurious consequence of RA treatment, not related to neurogenesis, mouse embryonic fibroblasts were treated with RA under the same conditions and no alterations in chromosome gain or loss were observed. These findings indicate a correlation amongst neural differentiation, aneuploidy, micronuclei formation and survivin downregulation in pluripotent stem cells exposed to RA, providing evidence that somatically generated chromosomal variation accompanies neurogenesis in vitro.
Recent fears of terrorism have provoked an increase in delays and denials of transboundary shipments of radioisotopes. This represents a serious constraint to sterile insect technique (SIT) programs around the world as they rely on the use of ionizing radiation from radioisotopes for insect sterilization. To validate a novel X ray irradiator, a series of studies on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were carried out, comparing the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) between X rays and traditional gamma radiation from (60)Co. Male C. capitata pupae and pupae of both sexes of A. fraterculus, both 24 - 48 h before adult emergence, were irradiated with doses ranging from 15 to 120 Gy and 10-70 Gy, respectively. Estimated mean doses of 91.2 Gy of X and 124.9 Gy of gamma radiation induced 99% sterility in C. capitata males, Irradiated A. fraterculus were 99% sterile at approximate to 40-60 Gy for both radiation treatments. Standard quality control parameters and mating indices were not significantly affected by the two types of radiation. The RBE did not differ significantly between the tested X and gamma radiation, and X rays are as biologically effective for SIT purposes as gamma rays are. This work confirms the suitability of this new generation of X ray irradiators for pest control programs that integrate the SIT.
Scientific literacy can be considered as a new demand of post-industrial society. It seems necessary in order to foster education for sustainability throughout students` academic careers. Universities striving to teach sustainability are being challenged to integrate a holistic perspective into a traditional undergraduate curriculum, which aims at specialization. This new integrative, inter- and transdisciplinary epistemological approach is necessary to cultivate autonomous citizenship, i.e., that each citizen be prepared to understand and participate in discussions about the complex contemporary issues posed by post-industrial society. This paper presents an epistemological framework to show the role of scientific literacy in fostering education for sustainability. We present a set of 26 collaborative concept maps (CCmaps) in order to illustrate an instance of theory becoming practice. During a required course for first-year undergraduate students (ACH 0011, Natural Sciences), climate change was presented and discussed in broad perspective by using CCmaps. We present students` CCmaps to show how they use concepts from quantitative and literacy disciplines to deal with the challenges posed by the need of achieving a sustainable development. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Superficial bottom samples were collected near diffusers of domestic sewage submarine outfalls at Araca and Saco da Capela, Sao Sebastiao Channel, Brazil. The goal of this study was to investigate the distribution and composition of live benthic foraminifera assemblages and integrate the results obtained with geochemical analyses to assess human-induced changes. According to the results obtained no environmental stress was observed near the Saco da Capela submarine outfall diffusers. The foraminifera assemblage is characterised by species typical of highly hydrodynamic environments, with well-oxygenated bottom waters and low nutrient contents. In contrast, near Araca submarine outfall, organic enrichment was denoted by high phosphorus, sulphur and, to a lesser extent, total organic carbon content. Harmful influences on foraminifera could be identified by low richness and specific diversity, as well as the predominance of detritivore feeder species, which are associated with higher organic matter flux and low oxygen in the interstitial pore water. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Main Objective: to identify ethical problems in primary care according to nurses` and doctors` perceptions. Secondary Objective: to know ethical issues of patient-professional relationships in primary care. Design: Synthesis to integrate and reinterpret primary results of qualitative studies. Setting: Primary healthcare centers, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Participants and/or context: Incidental sample of 34 nurses and 36 medical doctors working in primary healthcare centers selected by convenience. Methods: Individual, semi-structured interviews to identity situations considered as sources of ethical problems. The sample is socially representative of primary care health centers and professionals. Data collection assured discourse saturation. Hermeneutic-dialectical discourse analysis was used to study the results. Results: Patient-professional relationships and team work were the main sources of ethical problems. The most important problems were patient information, privacy, confidentiality, interpersonal relationship, linkage and patient autonomy. These issues reflect the recent changes in clinical relation ships and show the peculiarities of primary care with its continuous care which lasts a long time. Healthcare involves multiprofessional team work in the midst of the patient claims for autonomy. Good care of patients needs requires a relationship based on communication and cooperation, and includes feelings and values, with communication skills. Conclusions: Ethical problems in primary care are common situations. For quality and humane primary care the relationship should consist of dialogue, trust and cooperation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.