36 resultados para Inherent Audiences
Background and Aim: There were strong evidences that nitric oxide has capital importance in the progressive vasodilatation associated with varied circulatory shock forms, including systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), in patients undergoing cardiac surgeries for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). If CPB procedures, per se, are the inciting stimulus for inflammation, plasma nitrate/nitrite (NOx) excretion would be expected to be higher in these patients rather than in patients operated without CPB. In consequence, we hypothesized that increased levels of NOx would be predictive for vasoplegic syndrome. Methods: Thirty patients were assigned to three groups: Group 1-coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) roller pump CPB; Group 2-CABG centrifugal vortex pump CPB; and Group 3-heart valve surgery roller pump CPB. Sampling of venous blood for chemiluminescence plasma NOx dosage was achieved at the following time points: (1) before anesthesia induction; (2) after anesthesia induction; (3) before heparin infusion; (4) after heparin infusion; (5) CPB-30 minutes; (6) CPB-60 minutes; (7) before protamine infusion; (8) after protamine infusion; and (9) on return to the recovery area. Results: There were no intergroup differences regarding age and anesthetic regimen, and the number of arteries grafted was not different between the CABG groups. There were no NOx statistic differences, neither among the three groups of patients or among the surgery time. In addition, there was no correlation among NOx, lactate, and hemoglobin. Conclusions: Considering the inflammatory process intrinsic to CPB, this study reinforces the idea that plasma NOx is not useful as a biomarker of inflammatory response onset, which may or may not lead to SIRS and/or vasoplegic syndrome.
Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with adverse metabolic effects. Some cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk markers are increased in women with PCOS. However, early markers of atherosclerosis are also associated with obesity and insulin resistance, which are related to PCOS. These markers may result either directly from PCOS or indirectly as a consequence of the comorbidities associated with the syndrome. Context To assess the presence of early CVD markers in young, nonobese women with PCOS. Patients Forty women with PCOS and 50 healthy women with regular menstrual cycles, matched for age and body mass index (BMI). Measurements The following CVD markers were assessed by ultrasonography: common carotid artery (CCA) stiffness index (beta), distensibility and intima-media thickness (IMT), and brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Inflammatory markers, including interleukin (IL)-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP), glycaemia, lipid profile and insulin, were also assessed. Results CCA beta was higher in PCOS than in control women (3 center dot 72 +/- 0 center dot 96 vs. 3 center dot 36 +/- 0 center dot 96, P = 0 center dot 04) and CCA distensibility was lower (0 center dot 31 +/- 0 center dot 08 vs. 0 center dot 35 +/- 0 center dot 09 mmHg(-1), P = 0 center dot 02). Waist circumference, total testosterone and the Free Androgen Index (FAI) were higher in PCOS patients than in controls (78 center dot 2 +/- 10 center dot 0 vs. 71 center dot 5 +/- 7 center dot 2 cm, P = 0 center dot 001; 88 center dot 1 +/- 32 center dot 4 vs. 57 center dot 1 +/- 21 center dot 2 ng/dl, P < 0 center dot 01; 12 center dot 7 +/- 15 center dot 7%vs. 4 center dot 7 +/- 2 center dot 3%, P < 0 center dot 01, respectively), while SHBG was reduced (37 center dot 9 +/- 19 center dot 1 vs. 47 center dot 8 +/- 18 center dot 3 nmol/l, P = 0 center dot 01). The remaining variables did not differ between the groups. Conclusions Young women with PCOS exhibit changes in vascular elasticity even in the absence of classical risk factors for CVD, such as hypertension and obesity.
Os resultados do tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II podem ser influenciados por características que são inerentes ao paciente - como a idade, a severidade da má oclusão e o grau de colaboração - ou, ainda, por fatores relacionados à conduta do profissional - como a escolha do protocolo de tratamento. Basicamente, o tratamento da Classe II pode ser realizado sem extrações ou com extrações de dois ou quatro pré-molares. Contudo, uma maior proporção de sucesso do tratamento pode ser esperada com extrações de dois pré-molares superiores, independentemente do padrão facial e da relação maxilomandibular. Considerando esta revisão, pôde-se concluir que os resultados oclusais do tratamento da Classe II são fortemente influenciados pelo protocolo de tratamento, enquanto o padrão facial não parece exercer uma influência significativa.
Abelhas das orquídeas (Apini, Euglossina) apresentam distribuição principalmente Neotropical, com cerca de 200 espécies e cinco gêneros descritos. Muitos levantamentos locais de fauna estão disponíveis na literatura, mas estudos comparativos sobre a composição e distribuição dos Euglossina são ainda escassos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os dados disponíveis de 29 assembleias a fim de entender os padrões gerais de distribuição espacial nas áreas amostradas ao longo do Neotrópico. Métodos de ordenação (DCA e NMDS) foram utilizados para descrever os agrupamentos de assembleias de acordo com as ocorrências de abelhas das orquídeas. As localidades de florestas da América Central e da Amazônia formaram grupos coesos em ambas as análises, enquanto as localidades de Mata Atlântica ficaram mais dispersas nos gráficos. Localidades na margem leste da Amazônia aparecem como áreas de transição características entre esta sub-região e a Mata Atlântica. As análises de variância entre o primeiro eixo da DCA e variáveis selecionadas apresentaram valores significantes quanto à influência dos gradientes de latitude, longitude e precipitação, bem como das sub-regiões biogeográficas nos agrupamentos das assembleias. O padrão geral encontrado é congruente com os padrões biogeográficos previamente propostos para a região Neotropical. Os resultados do DCA auxiliam ainda a identificar, de forma independente, os elementos das faunas de cada uma das formações vegetais estudadas.
Este artigo analisa atitudes de alunos de um curso de pedagogia frente à educação inclusiva. Parte da hipótese de que o preconceito e a ideologia podem ser obstáculos à inclusão de crianças com deficiência na escola. Foram aplicadas quatro escalas: Manifestação de Preconceito, Atitudes Frente à Educação Inclusiva e Ideologia da Racionalidade Tecnológica, elaboradas por Crochík em 2000, 2003 e 2006, e a escala F, construída por Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson e Sanford em 1950. O estudo foi realizado com 188 estudantes de pedagogia. Os alunos desta amostra tenderam a ser mais favoráveis do que desfavoráveis à educação inclusiva, e foi possível verificar que o preconceito, a adesão à ideologia da racionalidade tecnológica e, implicitamente, ao fascismo, são variáveis que se relacionam às atitudes acerca desse tipo de educação.
Neste ensaio os autores buscam expor ideias, críticas e reflexão ética ao destacarem questões complexas e que requerem a análise densa de estudiosos do campo interdisciplinar da saúde pública. A defesa do ponto de vista dos autores é pensar que a complexidade inerente ao campo requer aproximação mais conseqüente junto às necessidades sociais, criatividade dos agentes públicos, investigação e estudos inovadores que possibilitem uma saúde pública contemporânea e voltada para a realidade brasileira.
Attributed to human-mediated dispersal, a species of the Anopheles gambiae complex invaded northeastern Brazil in 1930. This event is considered unique among the intercontinental introductions of disease vectors and the most serious one: "Few threats to the future health of the Americas have equalled that inherent in the invasion of Brazil, in 1930, by Anopheles gambiae." Because it was only in the 1960s that An. gambiae was recognized as a species complex now including seven species, the precise species identity of the Brazilian invader remains a mystery. Here we used historical DNA analysis of museum specimens, collected at the time of invasion from Brazil, and aimed at the identification of the Brazilian invader. Our results identify the arid-adapted Anopheles arabiensis as being the actual invading species. Establishing the identity of the species, in addition to being of intrinsic historical interest, can inform future threats of this sort especially in a changing environment. Furthermore, these results highlight the potential danger of human-mediated range expansions of insect disease vectors and the importance of museum collections in retrieving historical information
Background: The inherent complexity of statistical methods and clinical phenomena compel researchers with diverse domains of expertise to work in interdisciplinary teams, where none of them have a complete knowledge in their counterpart's field. As a result, knowledge exchange may often be characterized by miscommunication leading to misinterpretation, ultimately resulting in errors in research and even clinical practice. Though communication has a central role in interdisciplinary collaboration and since miscommunication can have a negative impact on research processes, to the best of our knowledge, no study has yet explored how data analysis specialists and clinical researchers communicate over time. Methods/Principal Findings: We conducted qualitative analysis of encounters between clinical researchers and data analysis specialists (epidemiologist, clinical epidemiologist, and data mining specialist). These encounters were recorded and systematically analyzed using a grounded theory methodology for extraction of emerging themes, followed by data triangulation and analysis of negative cases for validation. A policy analysis was then performed using a system dynamics methodology looking for potential interventions to improve this process. Four major emerging themes were found. Definitions using lay language were frequently employed as a way to bridge the language gap between the specialties. Thought experiments presented a series of ""what if'' situations that helped clarify how the method or information from the other field would behave, if exposed to alternative situations, ultimately aiding in explaining their main objective. Metaphors and analogies were used to translate concepts across fields, from the unfamiliar to the familiar. Prolepsis was used to anticipate study outcomes, thus helping specialists understand the current context based on an understanding of their final goal. Conclusion/Significance: The communication between clinical researchers and data analysis specialists presents multiple challenges that can lead to errors.
Balance functions have been measured for charged-particle pairs, identified charged-pion pairs, and identified charged-kaon pairs in Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider using the STAR detector. These balance functions are presented in terms of relative pseudorapidity, Delta eta, relative rapidity, Delta y, relative azimuthal angle, Delta phi, and invariant relative momentum, q(inv). For charged-particle pairs, the width of the balance function in terms of Delta eta scales smoothly with the number of participating nucleons, while HIJING and UrQMD model calculations show no dependence on centrality or system size. For charged-particle and charged-pion pairs, the balance functions widths in terms of Delta eta and Delta y are narrower in central Au + Au collisions than in peripheral collisions. The width for central collisions is consistent with thermal blast-wave models where the balancing charges are highly correlated in coordinate space at breakup. This strong correlation might be explained by either delayed hadronization or limited diffusion during the reaction. Furthermore, the narrowing trend is consistent with the lower kinetic temperatures inherent to more central collisions. In contrast, the width of the balance function for charged-kaon pairs in terms of Delta y shows little centrality dependence, which may signal a different production mechanism for kaons. The widths of the balance functions for charged pions and kaons in terms of q(inv) narrow in central collisions compared to peripheral collisions, which may be driven by the change in the kinetic temperature.
Void of any inherent structure in classical physics, the vacuum has revealed to be incredibly crowded with all sorts of processes in relativistic quantum physics. Yet, its direct effects are usually so subtle that its structure remains almost as evasive as in classical physics. Here, in contrast, we report on the discovery of a novel effect according to which the vacuum is compelled to play an unexpected central role in an astrophysical context. We show that the formation of relativistic stars may lead the vacuum energy density of a quantum field to an exponential growth. The vacuum-driven evolution which would then follow may lead to unexpected implications for astrophysics, while the observation of stable neutron-star configurations may teach us much on the field content of our Universe.
The mapping, exact or approximate, of a many-body problem onto an effective single-body problem is one of the most widely used conceptual and computational tools of physics. Here, we propose and investigate the inverse map of effective approximate single-particle equations onto the corresponding many-particle system. This approach allows us to understand which interacting system a given single-particle approximation is actually describing, and how far this is from the original physical many-body system. We illustrate the resulting reverse engineering process by means of the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory. In this application, our procedure sheds light on the nonlocality of the density-potential mapping of density-functional theory, and on the self-interaction error inherent in approximate density functionals.
Alternative splicing of gene transcripts greatly expands the functional capacity of the genome, and certain splice isoforms may indicate specific disease states such as cancer. Splice junction microarrays interrogate thousands of splice junctions, but data analysis is difficult and error prone because of the increased complexity compared to differential gene expression analysis. We present Rank Change Detection (RCD) as a method to identify differential splicing events based upon a straightforward probabilistic model comparing the over-or underrepresentation of two or more competing isoforms. RCD has advantages over commonly used methods because it is robust to false positive errors due to nonlinear trends in microarray measurements. Further, RCD does not depend on prior knowledge of splice isoforms, yet it takes advantage of the inherent structure of mutually exclusive junctions, and it is conceptually generalizable to other types of splicing arrays or RNA-Seq. RCD specifically identifies the biologically important cases when a splice junction becomes more or less prevalent compared to other mutually exclusive junctions. The example data is from different cell lines of glioblastoma tumors assayed with Agilent microarrays.
The 'blue copper' enzyme bilirubin oxidase from Myrothecium verrucaria shows significantly enhanced adsorption on a pyrolytic graphite 'edge' (PGE) electrode that has been covalently modified with naphthyl-2-carboxylate functionalities by diazonium coupling. Modified electrodes coated with bilirubin oxidase show electrocatalytic voltammograms for the direct, four-electron reduction of O(2) by bilirubin oxidase with up to four times the current density of an unmodified PGE electrode. Electrocatalytic voltammograms measured with a rapidly rotating electrode (to remove effects of O(2) diffusion limitation) have a complex shape (an almost linear dependence of current on potential below pH 6) that is similar regardless of how PGE is chemically modified. Importantly, the same waveform is observed if bilirubin oxidase is adsorbed on Au(111) or Pt(111) single-crystal electrodes (at which activity is short-lived). The electrocatalytic behavior of bilirubin oxidase, including its enhanced response on chemically-modified PGE, therefore reflects inherent properties that do not depend on the electrode material. The variation of voltammetric waveshapes and potential-dependent (O(2)) Michaelis constants with pH and analysis in terms of the dispersion model are consistent with a change in rate-determining step over the pH range 5-8: at pH 5, the high activity is limited by the rate of interfacial redox cycling of the Type 1 copper whereas at pH 8 activity is much lower and a sigmoidal shape is approached, showing that interfacial electron transfer is no longer a limiting factor. The electrocatalytic activity of bilirubin oxidase on Pt(111) appears as a prominent pre-wave to electrocatalysis by Pt surface atoms, thus substantiating in a single, direct experiment that the minimum overpotential required for O(2) reduction by the enzyme is substantially smaller than required at Pt. At pH 8, the onset of O(2) reduction lies within 0.14 V of the four-electron O(2)/2H(2)O potential.
The brief interaction of precipitation with a forest canopy can create a high spatial variability of both throughfall and solute deposition. We hypothesized that (i) the variability in natural forest systems is high but depends on system-inherent stability, (ii) the spatial variability of solute deposition shows seasonal dynamics depending on the increase in rainfall frequency, and (iii) spatial patterns persist only in the short-term. The study area in the north-western Brazilian state of Rondonia is subject to a climate with a distinct wet and dry season. We collected rain and throughfall on an event basis during the early wet season (n = 14) and peak of the wet season (n = 14) and analyzed the samples for pH and concentrations of NH4+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ Mg2+,, Cl-, NO3-, SO42- and DOC. The coefficient 3 4 cient of variation for throughfall based on both sampling intervals was 29%, which is at the lower end of values reported from other tropical forest sites, but which is higher than in most temperate forests. Coefficients of variation of solute deposition ranged from 29% to 52%. This heterogeneity of solute deposition is neither particularly high nor particularly tow compared with a range of tropical and temperate forest ecosystems. We observed an increase in solute deposition variability with the progressing wet season, which was explained by a negative correlation between heterogeneity of solute deposition and antecedent dry period. The temporal stability of throughfall. patterns was Low during the early wet season, but gained in stability as the wet season progressed. We suggest that rapid plant growth at the beginning of the rainy season is responsible for the lower stability, whereas less vegetative activity during the later rainy season might favor the higher persistence of ""hot"" and ""cold"" spots of throughfall. quantities. The relatively high stability of throughfall patterns during later stages of the wet season may influence processes at the forest floor and in the soil. Solute deposition patterns showed less clear trends but all patterns displayed a short-term stability only. The weak stability of those patterns is apt to impede the formation of solute deposition -induced biochemical microhabitats in the soil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A fully automated multipumping flow system (MPFS) using water-soluble CdTe quantum dots (QD) as sensitizers is proposed for the chemiluminometric determination of the anti-diabetic drugs gliclazide and glipizide in pharmaceutical formulations. The nanocrystals acted as enhancers of the weak CL emission produced upon oxidation of sulphite by Ce(IV) in acidic medium, thus improving sensitivity and expanding the dynamical analytical concentration range. By interacting with the QD, the two analytes prevented their sensitizing effect yielding a chemiluminescence quenching of the Ce(IV)-SO(3)(2-)CdTe QD system. The pulsed flow inherent to MPFS assured a fast and efficient mixing of all solutions inside the flow cell, circumventing the need for a reaction coil and facilitating the monitoring of the short-lived generated chemiluminescent species. QD crystal size, concentration and spectral region for measurement were investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.