133 resultados para Hückel-Möbius transition states


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Gas-phase SiCl3+ ions undergo sequential solvolysis type reactions with water, methanol, ammonia, methylamine and propylene. Studies carried out in a Fourier Transform mass spectrometer reveal that these reactions are facile at 10-8 Torr and give rise to substituted chlorosilyl cations. Ab initio and DFT calculations reveal that these reactions proceed by addition of the silyl cation to the oxygen or nitrogen lone pair followed by a 1,3-H migration in the transition state. These transition states are calculated to lie below the energy of the reactants. By comparison, hydrolysis of gaseous CCl3+ is calculated to involve a substantial positive energy barrier.


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The nonadiabatic photochemistry of 6-azauracil has been studied by means of the CASPT2//CASSCF protocol and double-zeta plus polarization ANO basis sets. Minimum energy states, transition states, minimum energy paths, and surface intersections have been computed in order to obtain an accurate description of several potential energy hypersurfaces. It is concluded that, after absorption of ultraviolet radiation (248 nm), two main relaxation mechanisms may occur, via which the lowest (3)(pi pi*) state can be populated. The first one takes place via a conical intersection involving the bright (1)(pi pi*) and the lowest (1)(n pi*) states, ((1)pi pi*/(1)n pi*)(CI), from which a low energy singlet-triplet crossing, ((1)n pi*/(3)pi pi*)(STC), connecting the (1)(n pi*) state to the lowest (3)(pi pi*) triplet state is accessible. The second mechanism arises via a singlet-triplet crossing, ((1)pi pi*/(3)n pi*)(STC), leading to a conical intersection in the triplet manifold, ((3)n pi*/(3)pi pi*)(CI), evolving to the lowest (3)(pi pi*) state. Further radiationless decay to the ground state is possible through a (gs/(3)pi pi*)(STC).


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The nonadiabatic photochemistry of the guanine molecule (2-amino-6-oxopurine) and some of its tautomers has been studied by means of the high-level theoretical ab initio quantum chemistry methods CASSCF and CASPT2. Accurate computations, based by the first time on minimum energy reaction paths, states minima, transition states, reaction barriers, and conical intersections on the potential energy hypersurfaces of the molecules lead to interpret the photochemistry of guanine and derivatives within a three-state model. As in the other purine DNA nucleobase, adenine, the ultrafast subpicosecond fluorescence decay measured in guanine is attributed to the barrierless character of the path leading from the initially populated (1)(pi pi* L-a) spectroscopic state of the molecule toward the low-lying methanamine-like conical intersection (gs/pi pi* L-a)(CI). On the contrary, other tautomers are shown to have a reaction energy barrier along the main relaxation profile. A second, slower decay is attributed to a path involving switches toward two other states, (1)(pi pi* L-b) and, in particular, (1)(n(o)pi*), ultimately leading to conical intersections with the ground state. A common framework for the ultrafast relaxation of the natural nucleobases is obtained in which the predominant role of a pi pi*-type state is confirmed.


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This work reports a state-of-the-art theoretical characterization of four new sulfur-bromine species and five transition states on the [H, S(2), Br] potential energy surface. Our highest level theoretical approach employed the method coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, CCSD(T), along with the series of correlation-consistent basis sets and with extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit in the optimization of the geometrical parameters and to quantify the energetic quantities. The structural and vibrational frequencies here reported are unique and represent the most accurate investigation to date of these species. The global minimum corresponds to a skewed structure HSSBr with a disulfide bond; this is followed by a pyramidal-like structure, SSHBr, 18.85 kcal/mol above the minimum. Much higher in energy, we found another skewed structure, HSBrS (50.29 kcal/mol), with one S-Br dative-type bond, and another pyramidal-like one, HBrSS (109.80 kcal/mol), with two S-Br dative-type bonds. The interconversion of HSSBr into SSHBr can occur via a transfer of either the hydrogen or the bromine atom but involves a very high barrier of about 43 kcal/mol. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and bromine chemistry in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. We note that HSSBr can act as a reservoir molecule for the reaction between the radicals HSS and Br. Also, an assessment of the methods DFT/B3LYP/CBS and MP2/CBS relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of these methods on the characterization of polysulfides and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges.


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B3LYP/6-31 + G(d) calculations were employed to investigate the mechanism of the transesterification reaction between a model monoglyceride and the methoxide and ethoxide anions. The gas-phase results reveal that both reactions have essentially the same activation energy (5.9 kcal mol(-1)) for decomposition of the key tetrahedral intermediate. Solvent effects were included by means of both microsolvation and the polarizable continuum solvation model CPCM. Both solvent approaches reduce the activation energy, however, only the microsolvation model is able to introduce some differentiation between methanol and ethanol, yielding a lower activation energy for decomposition of the tetrahedral intermediate in the reaction with methanol (1.1 kcal mol(-1)) than for the corresponding reaction with ethanol (2.8 kcal mol(-1)), in line with experimental evidences. Analysis of the individual energy components within the CPCM approach reveals that electrostatic interactions are the main contribution to stabilization of the transition state. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chemical mechanism of the (1)PN formation was successfully studied by using the CCSD(T)/6-311++G(3df,3pd) level of theory. The (1)NH(3) + (3)PH and (4)P + NH(3) reaction paths are not energetically favorable to form the (1)PN molecule. However, the (3)NH + (3)PH, (4)N + (3)PH(3), (4)N + (3)PH, (4)P + (3)NH, and (4)P + (2)NH(2) reaction paths to form the (1)PN molecule are only energetically favorable by taking place through specific transition states to form the (1)PN molecule. The NH(3) + (3)PH, (4)N + (1)PH(3), NH(3) + (4)P, and (4)N + (2)PH(2) reactions are spin-forbidden and the probability of hopping for these reactions was estimated to be 0 by the Landau-Zener theory. This is the first detailed study on the chemical mechanism for the (1)PN formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-level CASSCF/MRCI calculations with a quintuple-zeta quality basis set are reported by characterizing for the first time a manifold of electronic states of the CAs radical yet to be investigated experimentally. Along with the potential energy curves and the associated spectroscopic constants, the dipole moment functions for selected electronic states as well as the transition dipole moment functions for the most relevant electronic transitions are also presented. Estimates of radiative transition probabilities and lifetimes complement this investigation, which also assesses the effect of spin-orbit interaction on the A (2)Pi state. Whenever pertinent, comparisons of similarities and differences with the isovalent CN and CP radicals are made.


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The possible states in the flow around two identical circular cylinders in tandem arrangements are investigated for configurations in the vicinity of the drag inversion separation. By means of numerical simulations, the hysteresis in the transition between the shedding regimes is studied and the relationship between (three-dimensional) secondary instabilities and shedding regime determination is addressed. The differences observed in the behavior of two- and three-dimensional flows are analyzed, and the regions of bistable flow are delimited. Very good agreement is found between the proposed scenario and results available in the literature. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3420111]


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The thermodynamics properties of ferropericlase (Mg(1-x)Fe(x)O where x=0.1875) (Fp) throughout its spin crossover were investigated by first principles. Fp was treated as an ideal solid solution of pure high-spin and low-spin states. The Gibbs free energies of the pure states were addressed using the LDA+U method. A vibrational virtual-crystal model was developed to address the vibrational properties of the pure spin cases and used in conjunction with quasiharmonic theory to compute their vibrational free energies. The thermodynamics properties of Fp display significant anomalies that should be typical of spin crossover systems in general. In Fp, in particular, they are fundamental for understanding the state of earth's interior, where the pressure and temperature conditions of the crossover are realized.


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We propose a schematic model to study the formation of excitons in bilayer electron systems. The phase transition is signalized both in the quantum and classical versions of the model. In the present contribution we show that not only the quantum ground state but also higher energy states, up to the energy of the corresponding classical separatrix orbit, ""sense"" the transition. We also show two types of one-to-one correspondences in this system: On the one hand, between the changes in the degree of entanglement for these low-lying quantum states and the changes in the density of energy levels; on the other hand, between the variation in the expected number of excitons for a given quantum state and the behavior of the corresponding classical orbit.


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We study a Al(x)Ga(x-1)As parabolic quantum well (PQW) with GaAs/Al(x)Ga(x-1)As square superlattice. The magnetotransport in PQW with intentionally disordered short-period superlattice reveals a surprising transition from electrons distribution over whole parabolic well to independent-layer states with unequal density. The transition occurs in the perpendicular magnetic field at Landau filling factor v approximate to 3 and is signaled by the appearance of the strong and developing fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states and by the enhanced slope of the Hall resistance. We attribute the transition to the possible electron localization in the x-y plane inside the lateral wells, and formation of the FQH states in the central well of the superlattice, driven by electron-electron interaction.


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In this paper, employing the Ito stochastic Schrodinger equation, we extend Bell's beable interpretation of quantum mechanics to encompass dissipation, decoherence, and the quantum-to-classical transition through quantum trajectories. For a particular choice of the source of stochasticity, the one leading to a dissipative Lindblad-type correction to the Hamiltonian dynamics, we find that the diffusive terms in Nelsons stochastic trajectories are naturally incorporated into Bohm's causal dynamics, yielding a unified Bohm-Nelson theory. In particular, by analyzing the interference between quantum trajectories, we clearly identify the decoherence time, as estimated from the quantum formalism. We also observe the quantum-to-classical transition in the convergence of the infinite ensemble of quantum trajectories to their classical counterparts. Finally, we show that our extended beables circumvent the problems in Bohm's causal dynamics regarding stationary states in quantum mechanics.


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We propose an alternative fidelity measure (namely, a measure of the degree of similarity) between quantum states and benchmark it against a number of properties of the standard Uhlmann-Jozsa fidelity. This measure is a simple function of the linear entropy and the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product between the given states and is thus, in comparison, not as computationally demanding. It also features several remarkable properties such as being jointly concave and satisfying all of Jozsa's axioms. The trade-off, however, is that it is supermultiplicative and does not behave monotonically under quantum operations. In addition, metrics for the space of density matrices are identified and the joint concavity of the Uhlmann-Jozsa fidelity for qubit states is established.


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The influence of interlayer coupling on the formation of the quantized Hall phase at the filling factor nu=2 was studied in multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. The disorder broadened Gaussian photoluminescence line due to localized electrons was found in the quantized Hall phase of the isolated multi-quanturn-well structure. On the other hand, the quantized Hall phase of weakly coupled multilayers emitted an unexpected asymmetrical line similar to that observed in metallic electron systems. We demonstrated that the observed asymmetry is caused by the partial population of extended electron states formed in the insulating quantized Hall phase due to spin-assisted interlayer percolation. A sharp decrease in the single-particle scattering time associated with these extended states was observed for the filling factor nu=2. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2978194]


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The low-lying doublet and quartet electronic states of the species SeF correlating with the first dissociation channel are investigated theoretically at a high-level of electronic correlation treatment, namely, the complete active space self-consistent field/multireference single and double excitations configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRSDCI) using a quintuple-zeta quality basis set including a relativistic effective core potential for the selenium atom. Potential energy curves for (Lambda+S) states and the corresponding spectroscopic properties are derived that allows for an unambiguous assignment of the only spectrum known experimentally as due to a spin-forbidden X (2)Pi-a (4)Sigma(-) transition, and not a A (2)Pi-X (2)Pi transition as assumed so far. For the bound excited doublets, yet unknown experimentally, this study is the first theoretical characterization of their spectroscopic properties. Also the spin-orbit coupling constant function for the X (2)Pi state is derived as well as the spin-orbit coupling matrix element between the X (2)Pi and a (4)Sigma(-) states. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments show SeF to be a very polar species. An overview of the lowest-lying spin-orbit (Omega) states completes this description. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3426315]