86 resultados para Gauge theories (Physics)
The possibility of having a gauge fixing term in the effective Lagrangian that is not a quadratic expression has been explored in spin-two theories so as to have a propagator that is both traceless and transverse. We first show how this same approach can be used in spontaneously broken gauge theories as an alternate to the 't Hooft gauge fixing which avoids terms quadratic in the scalar fields. This ""nonquadratic"" gauge fixing in the effective action results in two complex fermionic and one real bosonic ghost field. A global gauge invariance involving a fermionic gauge parameter, analogous to the usual Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin invariance, is present in this effective action.
We enlarge the usual D = 3 N = 1 supergraph techniques to include the case of (explicitly or spontaneously) broken supersymmetric gauge theories. To illustrate the utility of these techniques, we calculate the two-loop effective potential of the SQED(3) by using the tadpole and the vacuum bubble methods. In these methods, to investigate the possibility of supersymmetry breaking, the superfields must be shifted by theta(alpha) dependent classical superfields (vacuum expectation values), what implies in the explicit breakdown of supersymmetry in the intermediate steps of the calculation. Nevertheless, after studying the minimum of the resulting effective potential, we find that supersymmetry is conserved, while gauge symmetry is dynamically broken, with a mass generated for the gauge superfield.
We study a class of lattice field theories in two dimensions that includes gauge theories. We show that in these theories it is possible to implement a broader notion of local symmetry, based on semisimple Hopf algebras. A character expansion is developed for the quasitopological field theories, and partition functions are calculated with this tool. Expected values of generalized Wilson loops are defined and studied with the character expansion.
Using the superfield formalism, we study the dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry and super-conformal invariance in the N = 1 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons model, coupled to a complex scalar superfield with a quartic self-coupling. This is an analogue of the conformally invariant Coleman-Weinberg model in four spacetime dimensions. We show that a mass for the gauge and matter superfields are dynamically generated after two-loop corrections to the effective superpotential. We also discuss the N = 2 extension of our work, showing that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in such model is not feasible, because it is incompatible with perturbation theory.
We consider black p-brane solutions of the low-energy string action, computing scalar perturbations. Using standard methods, we derive the wave equations obeyed by the perturbations and treat them analytically and numerically. We have found that tensorial perturbations obtained via a gauge-invariant formalism leads to the same results as scalar perturbations. No instability has been found. Asymptotically, these solutions typically reduce to a AdSd((p+2)) x Sd((8-p)) space which, in the framework of Maldacena's conjecture, can be regarded as a gravitational dual to a conformal field theory defined in a (p+1)-dimensional flat space-time. The results presented open the possibility of a better understanding the AdS/CFT correspondence, as originally formulated in terms of the relation among brane structures and gauge theories.
We show that the S parameter is not finite in theories of electroweak symmetry breaking in a slice of anti-de Sitter five-dimensional space, with the light fermions localized in the ultraviolet. We compute the one-loop contributions to S from the Higgs sector and show that they are logarithmically dependent on the cutoff of the theory. We discuss the renormalization of S, as well as the implications for bounds from electroweak precision measurements on these models. We argue that, although in principle the choice of renormalization condition could eliminate the S parameter constraint, a more consistent condition would still result in a large and positive S. On the other hand, we show that the dependence on the Higgs mass in S can be entirely eliminated by the renormalization procedure, making it impossible in these theories to extract a Higgs mass bound from electroweak precision constraints.
In this Letter, we apply the proper-time method to generate the Lorentz-violating Chern-Simons terms in the four-dimensional Yang-Mills and non-linearized gravity theories. It is shown that the coefficient of the induced Chern-Simons term is finite but regularization dependent. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the duality of the supersymmetric self-dual and Maxwell-Chern-Simons theories coupled to a fermionic matter superfield, using a master action. This approach evades the difficulties inherent to the quartic couplings that appear when matter is represented by a scalar superfield. The price is that the spinorial matter superfield represents a unusual supersymmetric multiplet, whose main physical properties we also discuss. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
As a laboratory for loop quantum gravity, we consider the canonical quantization of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory on a noncompact space with the topology of a cylinder. Working within the loop quantization formalism, we define at the quantum level the constraints appearing in the canonical approach and completely solve them, thus constructing a gauge and diffeomorphism invariant physical Hilbert space for the theory. This space turns out to be infinite dimensional, but separable.
We present rigorous upper and lower bounds for the momentum-space ghost propagator G(p) of Yang-Mills theories in terms of the smallest nonzero eigenvalue (and of the corresponding eigenvector) of the Faddeev-Popov matrix. We apply our analysis to data from simulations of SU(2) lattice gauge theory in Landau gauge, using the largest lattice sizes to date. Our results suggest that, in three and in four space-time dimensions, the Landau gauge ghost propagator is not enhanced as compared to its tree-level behavior. This is also seen in plots and fits of the ghost dressing function. In the two-dimensional case, on the other hand, we find that G(p) diverges as p(-2-2 kappa) with kappa approximate to 0.15, in agreement with A. Maas, Phys. Rev. D 75, 116004 (2007). We note that our discussion is general, although we make an application only to pure gauge theory in Landau gauge. Our simulations have been performed on the IBM supercomputer at the University of Sao Paulo.
We present rigorous upper and lower bounds for the zero-momentum gluon propagator D(0) of Yang-Mills theories in terms of the average value of the gluon field. This allows us to perform a controlled extrapolation of lattice data to infinite volume, showing that the infrared limit of the Landau-gauge gluon propagator in SU(2) gauge theory is finite and nonzero in three and in four space-time dimensions. In the two-dimensional case, we find D(0)=0, in agreement with Maas. We suggest an explanation for these results. We note that our discussion is general, although we apply our analysis only to pure gauge theory in the Landau gauge. Simulations have been performed on the IBM supercomputer at the University of Sao Paulo.
In this work we study the spontaneous breaking of superconformal and gauge invariances in the Abelian N = 1,2 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter (SCSM) theories in a large N flavor limit. We compute the Kahlerian effective superpotential at subleading order in 1/N and show that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism is responsible for the dynamical generation of a mass scale in the N = 1 model. This effect appears due to two-loop diagrams that are logarithmic divergent. We also show that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism fails when we lift from the N = 1 to the N = 2 SCSM model. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
In this work we study the spectrum of the lowest screening masses for Yang-Mills theories on the lattice. We used the SU(2) gauge group in (3 + 1) dmensions. We adopted the multiple exponential method and the so-called ""variational"" method, in order to detect possible excited states. The calculations were done near the critical temperature of the confinement-deconfinement phase transition. We obtained values for the ratios of the screening masses consistent with predictions from universality arguments. A Monte Carlo evolution of the screening masses in the gauge theory confirms the validity of the predictions.
We show that the one-loop effective action at finite temperature for a scalar field with quartic interaction has the same renormalized expression as at zero temperature if written in terms of a certain classical field phi(c), and if we trade free propagators at zero temperature for their finite-temperature counterparts. The result follows if we write the partition function as an integral over field eigenstates (boundary fields) of the density matrix element in the functional Schrodinger field representation, and perform a semiclassical expansion in two steps: first, we integrate around the saddle point for fixed boundary fields, which is the classical field phi(c), a functional of the boundary fields; then, we perform a saddle-point integration over the boundary fields, whose correlations characterize the thermal properties of the system. This procedure provides a dimensionally reduced effective theory for the thermal system. We calculate the two-point correlation as an example.
We present the transition amplitude for a particle moving in a space with two times and D space dimensions having an Sp(2, R) local symmetry and an SO(D, 2) rigid symmetry. It was obtained from the BRST-BFV quantization with a unique gauge choice. We show that by constraining the initial and final points of this amplitude to lie on some hypersurface of the D + 2 space the resulting amplitude reproduces well-known systems in lower dimensions. This work provides an alternative way to derive the effects of two-time physics where all the results come from a single transition amplitude.