25 resultados para Crust of neutron stars


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The distribution of masses for neutron stars is analysed using the Bayesian statistical inference, evaluating the likelihood of the proposed Gaussian peaks by using 54 measured points obtained in a variety of systems. The results strongly suggest the existence of a bimodal distribution of the masses, with the first peak around 1.37 M(circle dot) and a much wider second peak at 1.73 M(circle dot). The results support earlier views related to the different evolutionary histories of the members for the first two peaks, which produces a natural separation (even if no attempt to `label` the systems has been made here). They also accommodate the recent findings of similar to M(circle dot) masses quite naturally. Finally, we explore the existence of a subgroup around 1.25 M(circle dot), finding weak, if any, evidence for it. This recently claimed low-mass subgroup, possibly related to the O-Mg-Ne core collapse events, has a monotonically decreasing likelihood and does not stand out clearly from the rest of the sample.


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The rates of axion emission by nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung are calculated with the inclusion of the full momentum contribution from a nuclear one pion exchange (OPE) potential. The contributions of the neutron-neutron (nn), proton-proton (pp) and neutron-proton (np) processes in both the non-degenerate and degenerate limits are explicitly given. We find that the finite-momentum corrections to the emissivities are quantitatively significant for the non-degenerate regime and temperature-dependent, and should affect the existing axion mass hounds. The trend of these nuclear effects is to diminish the emissivities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We construct and compare in this work a variety of simple models for strange stars, namely, hypothetical self-bound objects made of a cold stable version of the quark-gluon plasma. Exact, quasi-exact and numerical models are examined to find the most economical description for these objects. A simple and successful parametrization of them is given in terms of the central density, and the differences among the models are explicitly shown and discussed. In particular, we present a model starting with a Gaussian ansatz for the density profile that provides a very accurate and almost complete analytical integration of the problem, modulo a small difference for one of the metric potentials.


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A detailed study was performed for a sample of low-mass pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars, previously identified as weak-line T Tauri stars, which are compared to members of the Tucanae and Horologium Associations. Aiming to verify if there is any pattern of abundances when comparing the young stars at different phases, we selected objects in the range from 1 to 100 Myr, which covers most of PMS evolution. High-resolution optical spectra were acquired at European Southern Observatory and Observatorio do Pico dos Dias. The stellar fundamental parameters effective temperature and gravity were calculated by excitation and ionization equilibria of iron absorption lines. Chemical abundances were obtained via equivalent width calculations and spectral synthesis for 44 per cent of the sample, which shows metallicities within 0.5 dex solar. A classification was developed based on equivalent width of Li I 6708 angstrom and Ha lines and spectral types of the studied stars. This classification allowed a separation of the sample into categories that correspond to different evolutive stages in the PMS. The position of these stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram was also inspected in order to estimate their ages and masses. Among the studied objects, it was verified that our sample actually contains seven weak-line T Tauri stars, three are Classical T Tauri, 12 are Fe/Ge PMS stars and 21 are post-T Tauri or young main-sequence stars. An estimation of circumstellar luminosity was obtained using a disc model to reproduce the observed spectral energy distribution. Most of the stars show low levels of circumstellar emission, corresponding to less than 30 per cent of the total emission.


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Rotationally-split modes can provide valuable information about the internal rotation profile of stars. This has been used for years to infer the internal rotation behavior of the Sun. The present work discusses the potential additional information that rotationally splitting asymmetries may provide when studying the internal rotation profile of stars. We present here some preliminary results of a method, currently under development, which intends: 1) to understand the variation of the rotational splitting asymmetries in terms of physical processes acting on the angular momentum distribution in the stellar interior, and 2) how this information can be used to better constrain the internal rotation profile of the stars. The accomplishment of these two objectives should allow us to better use asteroseismology as a test-bench of the different theories describing the angular momentum distribution and evolution in the stellar interiors. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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It is generally assumed that the magnetic fields of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are similar to 10(8) G. We argue that this may not be true and the fields may be appreciably greater. We present six evidences for this: (1) The similar to 10(8)G field estimate is based on magnetic dipole emission losses which is shown to be questionable; (2) The MSPs in low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are claimed to have < 10(11) G on the basis of a Rayleygh-Taylor instability accretion argument. We show that the accretion argument is questionable and the upper limit 10(11) G may be much higher; (3) Low magnetic field neutron stars have difficulty being produced in LMXBs; (4) MSPs may still be accreting indicating a much higher magnetic field; (5) The data that predict similar to 10(8) G for MSPs also predict ages on the order of, and greater than, ten billion years, which is much greater than normal pulsars. If the predicted ages are wrong, most likely the predicted similar to 10(8) G fields of MSPs are wrong; (6) When magnetic fields are measured directly with cyclotron lines in X-ray binaries, fields a parts per thousand << 10(8) G are indicated. Other scenarios should be investigated. One such scenario is the following. Over 85% of MSPs are confirmed members of a binary. It is possible that all MSPs are in large separation binaries having magnetic fields > 10(8) G with their magnetic dipole emission being balanced by low level accretion from their companions.


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To comprehend the recent Brookhaven National Laboratory experiment E788 on (4)(Lambda)He, we have outlined a simple theoretical framework. based on the independent-particle shell model, for the one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic weak decay spectra. Basically, the shapes of all the spectra are tailored by the kinematics of the corresponding phase space, depending very weakly on the dynamics, which is gauged here by the one-meson-exchange potential. In spite of the straightforwardness of the approach a good agreement with data is achieved. This might be an indication that the final-state-interactions and the two-nucleon induced processes are not very important in the decay of this hypernucleus. We have also found that the pi + K exchange potential with soft vertex-form-factor cutoffs (Lambda(pi) approximate to 0.7 GeV, Lambda(K) approximate to 0.9 GeV), is able to account simultaneously for the available experimental data related to Gamma(p) and Gamma(n) for (4)(Lambda)H, (4)(Lambda)H, and (5)(Lambda)H. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We studied the P-T-t evolution of a mid-crustal igneous-metamorphic segment of the Famatinian Belt in the eastern sector of the Sierra de Velasco during its exhumation to the upper crust. Thermobarometric and geochronological methods combined with field observations permit us to distinguish three tectonic levels. The deepest Level I is represented by metasedimentary xenoliths and characterized by prograde isobaric heating at 20-25 km depth. Early/Middle Ordovician granites that contain xenoliths of Level I intruded in the shallower Level II. The latter is characterized by migmatization coeval with granitic intrusions and a retrograde isobaric cooling P-T path at 14-18 km depth. Level II was exhumed to the shallowest supracrustal Level III, where it was intruded by cordierite-bearing granites during the Middle/Late Ordovician and its host-rock was locally affected by high temperature-low pressure HT/LP metamorphism at 8-10 km depth. Level III was eventually intruded by Early Carboniferous granites after long-term slow exhumation to 6-7 km depth. Early/Middle Ordovician exhumation of Level II to Level III (Exhumation Period I,0.25-0.78 mm/yr) was faster than exhumation of Level III from the Middle/Late Ordovician to the Lower Carboniferous (Exhumation Period II, 0.01-0.09 mm/yr). Slow exhumation rates and the lack of regional evidence of tectonic exhumation suggest that erosion was the main exhumation mechanism of the Famatinian Belt. Widespread slow exhumation associated with crustal thickening under a HT regime suggests that the Famatinian Belt represents the middle crust of an ancient Altiplano-Puna-like orogen. This thermally weakened over-thickened Famatinian crust was slowly exhumed mainly by erosion during similar to 180 Myr. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The study of Wolf-Rayet stars plays an important role in evolutionary theories of massive stars. Among these objects, similar to 20 per cent are known to be in binary systems and can therefore be used for the mass determination of these stars. Most of these systems are not spatially resolved and spectral lines can be used to constrain the orbital parameters. However, part of the emission may originate in the interaction zone between the stellar winds, modifying the line profiles and thus challenging us to use different models to interpret them. In this work, we analysed the He II lambda 4686 angstrom + C IV lambda 4658 angstrom blended lines of WR 30a (WO4+O5) assuming that part of the emission originate in the wind-wind interaction zone. In fact, this line presents a quiescent base profile, attributed to the WO wind, and a superposed excess, which varies with the orbital phase along the 4.6-d period. Under these assumptions, we were able to fit the excess spectral line profile and central velocity for all phases, except for the longest wavelengths, where a spectral line with constant velocity seems to be present. The fit parameters provide the eccentricity and inclination of the binary orbit, from which it is possible to constrain the stellar masses.


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We discuss the association between the candidate magnetar CXOU J171405.7-381031 and the supernova remnant CTB 37B. The recent detection of the period derivative of the object allowed an estimation of a young characteristic age of only similar to 1000 yr. This value is too small to be compatible even with the minimum radius of the remnant being >= 10 pc, the value corresponding to the lower limit of the estimated distance of 10.2 +/- 3.5 kpc, unless the true distance happens to be even smaller than the lower limit. We argue that a consistent scenario for the remnant`s origin, in which the latter is powered by the energy injected by a young magnetar, is indeed more accurate to explain the young age, and demonstrates its non-standard (i.e. magnetar-driven) nature.


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The traditional reduction methods to represent the fusion cross sections of different systems are flawed when attempting to completely eliminate the geometrical aspects, such as the heights and radii of the barriers, and the static effects associated with the excess neutrons or protons in weakly bound nuclei. We remedy this by introducing a new dimensionless universal function, which allows the separation and disentanglement of the static and dynamic aspects of the breakup coupling effects connected with the excess nucleons. Applying this new reduction procedure to fusion data of several weakly bound systems, we find a systematic suppression of complete fusion above the Coulomb barrier and enhancement below it. Different behaviors are found for the total fusion cross sections. They are appreciably suppressed in collisions of neutron-halo nuclei, while they are practically not affected by the breakup coupling in cases of stable weakly bound nuclei. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cross sections for the (6)Li(p,gamma)(7)Be, (7)Li(n,gamma)(8)Li (8)Li(n,gamma)(9)Li and (8)Li(p,gamma)(9)Be capture reactions have been investigated in the framework of the potential model. The main ingredients of the potential model are the potentials used to generate the continuum and bound-state wave functions and spectroscopic factors of the corresponding bound systems. The spectroscopic factors for the (7)Li circle times n=(8)Li(gs), (8)Li circle times n=(9)Li(gs) bound systems were obtained from a FR-DWBA analysis of neutron transfer reactions induced by (8)Li radioactive beam on a (9)Be target, while spetroscopic factor for the (8)Li circle times n=(9)Be(gs) bound system were obained from a proton transfer reaction. From the obtained capture reaction cross section, reaction rate for the (8)Li(n,gamma)(9)Li and (8)Li(p,gamma)(9)Be direct neutron and proton capture were determined and compared with other experimental and calculated values.


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New petrologic, thermobarometric and U-Pb monazite geochronologic information allowed to resolve the metamorphic evolution of a high temperature mid-crustal segment of an ancient subduction-related orogen. The EI Portezuelo Metamorphic-Igneous Complex, in the northern Sierras Pampeanas, is mainly composed of migmatites that evolved from amphibolite to granulite metamorphic facies, reaching thermal peak conditions of 670-820 degrees C and 4.5-5.3 kbar. The petrographic study combined with conventional and pseudosection thermobarometry led to deducing a short prograde metamorphic evolution within migmatite blocks. The garnet-absent migmatites represent amphibolite-facies rocks, whereas the cordierite-garnet-K-feldspar-sillimanite migmatites represent higher metamorphic grade rocks. U-Pb geochronology on monazite grains within leucosome record the time of migmatization between approximate to 477 and 470 Ma. Thus, the El Portezuelo Metamorphic-Igneous Complex is an example of exhumed Early Ordovician anatectic middle crust of the Famatinian mobile belt. Homogeneous exposure of similar paleo-depths throughout the Famatinian back-arc and isobaric cooling paths suggest slow exhumation and consequent longstanding crustal residence at high temperatures. High thermal gradients uniformly distributed in the Famatinian back-arc can be explained by shallow convection of a low-viscosity asthenosphere promoted by subducting-slab dehydration. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Alfven waves have been invoked as an important mechanism of particle acceleration in stellar winds of cool stars. After their identification in the solar wind they started to be studied in winds of stars located in different regions of the FIR diagram. We discuss here some characteristics of these waves and we present a direct application in the acceleration of late-type stellar winds. (C) 2009 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Hyades stream has long been thought to be a dispersed vestige of the Hyades cluster. However, recent analyses of the parallax distribution, of the mass function, and of the action-space distribution of stream stars have shown it to be rather composed of orbits trapped at a resonance of a density disturbance. This resonant scenario should leave a clearly different signature in the element abundances of stream stars than the dispersed cluster scenario, since the Hyades cluster is chemically homogeneous. Here, we study the metallicity as well as the element abundances of Li, Na, Mg, Fe, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd and Eu for a random sample of stars belonging to the Hyades stream, and compare them with those of stars from the Hyades cluster. From this analysis: (i) we independently confirm that the Hyades stream cannot be solely composed of stars originating in the Hyades cluster; (ii) we show that some stars (namely 2/21) from the Hyades stream nevertheless have abundances compatible with an origin in the cluster; (iii) we emphasize that the use of Li as a chemical tag of the cluster origin of main-sequence stars is very efficient in the range 5500 K <= T(eff) <= 6200 K, since the Li sequence in the Hyades cluster is very tight, while at the same time spanning a large abundance range; (iv) we show that, while this evaporated population has a metallicity excess of similar to 0.2 dex with respect to the local thin-disc population, identical to that of the Hyades cluster, the remainder of the Hyades stream population has still a metallicity excess of similar to 0.06-0.15 dex, consistent with an origin in the inner Galaxy and (v) we show that the Hyades stream can be interpreted as an inner 4:1 resonance of the spiral pattern: this then also reproduces an orbital family compatible with the Sirius stream, and places the origin of the Hyades stream up to 1 kpc inwards from the solar radius, which might explain the observed metallicity excess of the stream population.