29 resultados para Clausocalanus arcuicornis, c3
A desnutrição proteico-energética modifica a resistência à infecção, modificando diversos processos fisiológicos, incluindo a hematopoiese e as funções imunológicas. Neste estudo, avaliamos as concentrações séricas do fator C3 e do Sistema Complemento total (CH50) em um modelo no qual camundongos submetidos à desnutrição proteico-energética são estimulados com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), e avaliamos a celularidade periférica, medular e esplênica. Camundongos Swiss, machos, adultos, com dois meses de idade foram submetidos ao processo de desnutrição proteica com uma dieta contendo 4% de proteína em comparação aos animais controles com uma dieta contendo 20% de proteína. Quando os animais do grupo desnutrido alcançaram aproximadamente 20% de perda de peso, em relação ao inicial, foram inoculados endovenosamente com LPS. As células do sangue, da medula óssea e do baço foram quantificadas, bem como as concentrações circulantes de C3 e CH50 em animais estimulados com LPS. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram anemia e leucopenia, além de redução significativa da celularidade da medula óssea e do baço. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram menor taxa de sobrevivência, bem como das concentrações do fator C3 do complemento e do complemento total em relação aos animais controles. Estes resultados sugerem que animais desnutridos apresentam uma resposta deficiente aos LPS. A síntese menor do complemento pode ser em parte responsável pela imunodeficiência observada. Estes resultados conduzem-nos a inferir que a desnutrição proteico-energética interfere na ativação da resposta imune
Human monocytes can be differentiated into immature dendritic cells (DCs) in the presence of serum and cytokines. One of the main functions of immature DCs is to capture and process antigens. Following maturation, they differentiate into antigen presenting cells. The role of complement in the differentiation process from monocytes towards immature DCs remains elusive. Here we demonstrate that complement 3 (C3) has a regulatory impact on the expression of specific DC surface molecules and DC-derived cytokine production during DC differentiation. We isolated human adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which were cultured in the presence of GM-CSF plus IL-4 in medium supplemented with normal human serum or C3 deficient serum. The lack of C3 during DC differentiation negatively impacted the expression of C-type lectin receptor DC-SIGN, the antigen presenting molecules HLA-DR and CD1a, and the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86. Further, the spontaneous production of IL-6 and IL-12 was reduced in the absence of C3. Moreover, the maturation of immature DCs in response to LPS challenge was impaired in the absence of C3 as evidenced by reduced MHC-II, co-stimulatory molecule expression as well as modulated IL-12 and TNF-alpha production. Collectively, our results provide evidence for a novel role of C3 as a critical cofactor in human DC differentiation and maturation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Twenty areas from eight Brazilian states were compared according to a list of 224 species of Poaceae. In order to determinate affinity patterns between the areas, a binary matrix was submitted to cluster and ordination analysis. The patterns found were then faced to climate and geographic position. The scores corresponding to the areas obtained from the cluster analysis showed a strong correlation to temperature. The scores corresponding to the species suggest a gradient that associates distribution patterns to the photosynthetic pathway (C3 or C4). The current results suggest that the traditional classification of the Southern American grasslands might require some modification in order to be broadly applicable in the Brazilian context.
Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase is an abundant C3 grass species with high biomass production in the Brazilian savanna (cerrado); Melinis minutiflora Beauv. is an African C4 forage grass widespread in cerrado and probably displacing some native herbaceous species. In the present work, we analysed seasonally the content and composition of soluble carbohydrates, the starch amounts and the above-ground biomass (phytomass) of E. inflexa and M. minutiflora plants harvested in two transects at 5 and 130 m from the border in a restrict area of cerrado at the Biological Reserve and Experimental Station of Mogi-Guaçu (SP, Brazil). Results showed that water soluble carbohydrates and starch amounts from the shoots of both species varied according to the time of the year, whilst in the underground organs, variations were observed mainly in relation to the transects. Marked differences in the pattern of the above-ground biomass production between these two grasses relative to their location in the Reserve were also observed, with two peaks of the invasive species (July and January) at the Reserve border. The differences in carbohydrate accumulation, partitioning and composition of individual sugars concerning time of the year and location in the Reserve were more related to the annual growth cycle of both grasses and possibly to specific physiological responses of M. minutiflora to disturbed environments in the Reserve border.
Cellulose acetates with different degrees of substitution (DS, from 0.6 to 1.9) were prepared from previously mercerized linter cellulose, in a homogeneous medium, using N,N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride as a solvent system. The influence of different degrees of substitution on the properties of cellulose acetates was investigated using thermogravimetric analyses (TGA). Quantitative methods were applied to the thermogravimetric curves in order to determine the apparent activation energy (Ea) related to the thermal decomposition of untreated and mercerized celluloses and cellulose acetates. Ea values were calculated using Broido's method and considering dynamic conditions. Ea values of 158 and 187 kJ mol-1 were obtained for untreated and mercerized cellulose, respectively. A previous study showed that C6OH is the most reactive site for acetylation, probably due to the steric hindrance of C2 and C3. The C6OH takes part in the first step of cellulose decomposition, leading to the formation of levoglucosan and, when it is changed to C6OCOCH3, the results indicate that the mechanism of thermal decomposition changes to one with a lower Ea. A linear correlation between Ea and the DS of the acetates prepared in the present work was identified.
Background: The genetic diversity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is critical to lay the groundwork for the design of successful drugs or vaccine. In this study we aimed to characterize and define the molecular prevalence of HIV-1 subclade F1 currently circulating in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A total of 36 samples were selected from 888 adult patients residing in Sao Paulo who had previously been diagnosed in two independent studies in our laboratory as being infected with subclade F1 based on pol subgenomic fragment sequencing. Proviral DNA was amplified from the purified genomic DNA of all 36 blood samples by 5 fragments overlapping PCR followed by direct sequencing. Sequence data were obtained from the 5 fragments of pure subclade F1 and phylogenetic trees were constructed and compared with previously published sequences. Subclades F1 that exhibited mosaic structure with other subtypes were omitted from any further analysis Results: Our methods of fragment amplification and sequencing confirmed that only 5 sequences inferred from pol region as subclade F1 also holds true for the genome as a whole and, thus, estimated the true prevalence at 0.56%. The results also showed a single phylogenetic cluster of the Brazilian subclade F1 along with non-Brazilian South American isolates in both subgenomic and the full-length genomes analysis with an overall intrasubtype nucleotide divergence of 6.9%. The nucleotide differences within the South American and Central African F1 strains, in the C2-C3 env, were 8.5% and 12.3%, respectively. Conclusion: All together, our findings showed a surprisingly low prevalence rate of subclade F1 in Brazil and suggest that these isolates originated in Central Africa and subsequently introduced to South America.
This study was carried out in a continental Atlantic Forest located in the southern region of Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the vegetation dynamics in similar to 70 km forest ecosystem transect that occurred during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in this region, using the stable carbon isotopes (delta C-13) analysis on soil organic matter (SOM) and the C-14 dating of buried charcoal fragments and the humin fraction of SOM. The isotope data (delta C-13) of SOM in the deeper horizons, indicating the presence of more open vegetation than the present, with a probable mixture of C-3 and C-4 plants, suggesting the presence of a drier climate in the period of similar to 20 ka to similar to 16-14 ka BP. From similar to 16 to 14 ka BP to the present, a significant predominance Of C3 plants was observed, indicating an expansion of the forest, probably associated with the presence of a more humid climate than the previous period. The results indicated the presence of open vegetation during the late glacial, probably associated with a drier period, also observed in other regions of Brazil. The Atlantic Forest ecosystem seems to have developed at least since the early Holocene in Southeastern Brazil. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
The objectives of this study were to isolate psychrotrophic clostridia from Brazilian vacuum-packed beef cuts (spoiled or not) and to identify the isolates by using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Anaerobic psychrotrophic microorganisms were also enumerated and samples were collected to verify the incidence of psychrotrophic clostridia in the abattoir environment. Vacuum-packed beef cuts (n = 8 grossly distended and n = 5 non-spoiled) and environmental samples were obtained from a beef packing plant located in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Each sample was divided in three subsamples (exudate, beef surface and beef core) that were analyzed for vegetative forms, total spore-forming, and sulfide reducing spore-forming, both activated by alcohol and heat. Biochemical profiles of the isolates were obtained using API20A, with further identification using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The growth temperature and the pH range were also assessed. Populations of psychrotrophic anaerobic vegetative microorganisms of up to 10(10) CFU/(g, mL or 100 cm(2)) were found in `blown pack` samples, while in non-spoiled samples populations of 10(5) CFU/(g, CFU/mL or CFU/100cm(2)) was found. Overall, a higher population of total spores and sulfide reducing spores activated by heat in spoiled samples was found. Clostridium gasigenes (n = 10) and C. algidicarnis (n = 2) were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Among the ten C. gasigenes isolates, six were from spoiled samples (C1, C2 and C9), two were isolated from non-spoiled samples (C4 and C5) and two were isolated from the hide and the abattoir corridor/beef cut conveyor belt. C. algidicarnis was recovered from spoiled beef packs (C2). Although some samples (C3, C7, C10 and C14) presented signs of `blown pack` spoilage, Clostridium was not recovered. C. algidicarnis (n = 1) and C. gasigenes (n = 9) isolates have shown a psychrotrophic behavior, grew in the range 6.2-8.2. This is the first report on the isolation of psychrotrophic Clostridium (C. gasigenes and C. algidicarnis) in Brazil. This study shows that psychrotrophic Clostridium may pose a risk for the stability of vacuum-packed beef produced in tropical countries during shelf-life and highlights the need of adopting control measures to reduce their incidence in abattoir and the occurrence of `blown pack` spoilage. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Deficiencies of complement proteins of the classical pathway are strongly associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. Deficiency of Clr has been observed to occur concomitantly with deficiency in Cls and 9 out of 15 reported cases presented systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE). Here, we describe a family in which all four children are deficient in Cls but only two of them developed SLE. Hemolytic activity mediated by the alternative and the lectin pathways were normal, but classical pathway activation was absent in all children`s sera. Cls was undetectable, while in the parents` sera it was lower than in the normal controls. The levels of Clr observed in the siblings and parents sera were lower than in the control, while the concentrations of other complement proteins (C3, C4, MBL and MASP-2) were normal in all family members. Impairment of Cls synthesis was observed in the patients` fibroblasts when analyzed by confocal microscopy. We show that all four siblings are homozygous for a mutation at position 938 in exon 6 of the Cls cDNA that creates a premature stop codon. Our investigations led us to reveal the presence of previously uncharacterized splice variants of Cls mRNA transcripts in normal human cells. These variants are derived from the skipping of exon 3 and from the use of an alternative 3` splice site within intron I which increases the size of exon 2 by 87 nucleotides. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was the development and validation of an LC-MS-MS method for simultaneous analysis of ibuprofen (IBP), 2-hydroxyibuprofen (2-OH-IBP) enantiomers, and carboxyibuprofen (COOH-IBP) stereoisomers in fungi culture medium, to investigate the ability of some endophytic fungi to biotransform the chiral drug IBP into its metabolites. Resolution of IBP and the stereoisomers of its main metabolites was achieved by use of a Chiralpak AS-H column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m particle size), column temperature 8 degrees C, and the mobile phase hexane-isopropanol-trifluoroacetic acid (95: 5: 0.1, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.2 mL min(-1). Post-column infusion with 10 mmol L(-1) ammonium acetate in methanol at a flow rate of 0.3 mL min(-1) was performed to enhance MS detection (positive electrospray ionization). Liquid-liquid extraction was used for sample preparation with hexane-ethyl acetate (1:1, v/v) as extraction solvent. Linearity was obtained in the range 0.1-20 mu g mL(-1) for IBP, 0.05-7.5 mu g mL(-1) for each 2-OH-IBP enantiomer, and 0.025-5.0 mu g mL(-1) for each COOH-IBP stereoisomer (r >= 0.99). The coefficients of variation and relative errors obtained in precision and accuracy studies (within-day and between-day) were below 15%. The stability studies showed that the samples were stable (p > 0.05) during freeze and thaw cycles, short-term exposure to room temperature, storage at -20 degrees C, and biotransformation conditions. Among the six fungi studied, only the strains Nigrospora sphaerica (SS67) and Chaetomium globosum (VR10) biotransformed IBP enantioselectively, with greater formation of the metabolite (+)-(S)-2-OH-IBP. Formation of the COOH-IBP stereoisomers, which involves hydroxylation at C3 and further oxidation to form the carboxyl group, was not observed.
This study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when 23 healthy right-handed subjects had to catch a free falling object by qEEG gamma-band (30-100 Hz). It is involved in cognitive processes, memory, spatial/temporal and proprioceptive factors. Our hypothesis is that an increase in gamma coherence in frontal areas will be observed during moment preceding ball drop, due to their involvement in attention, planning, selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action and in central areas during moment after ball drop, due to their involvement in motor preparation, perception and execution of movement. However, through a paired t-test, we found an increase in gamma coherence for F3-F4 electrode pair during moment preceding ball drop and confirmed our hypothesis for C3-C4 electrode pair. We conclude that gamma plays an important role in reflecting binding of several brain areas in a complex motor task as observed in our results. Moreover, for selection of movements, preparation and voluntary control of action, motor preparation, perception and execution of movement, the integration of somatosensory and visual information is mandatory. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The antichromatin antibody (aCT) has been described as a useful marker for lupus nephropathy. The relevance of its nephritogenic potential may be appropriately evaluated in the context of renal histopathology. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship of aCT with a particular histopathologic class of lupus nephritis (LN). Seventy-eight consecutive patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (ACR criteria) and active nephritis who underwent renal biopsy from 1999 to 2004 and with available frozen serum sample obtained at the time of biopsy were selected. aCT was measured by ELISA, and anti-dsDNA was measured by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and by ELISA. All renal biopsies were revised in a blinded manner by the same expert renal pathologist. Charts were extensively reviewed for demographic and renal features obtained at the time of biopsy. The prevalence of aCT (>= 20 U) was 59% with a mean titer of 74.3 +/- 38.7U. Both aCT-positive and aCT-negative groups of patients had similar age, gender distribution, duration of lupus, and duration of renal disease. Anti-dsDNA was detected by IIF in 29.5% and by ELISA in 42.3% of the patients. Concomitant presence of both antibodies was observed in 63% (29/46) [anti-dsDNA by ELISA] and 45.6% (21/46) [anti-dsDNA by IIF] of the patients. Lower serum levels of C3 (73% vs. 40%, P=0.0058) and C4 (82% vs. 46.7%, P=0.0021) were more commonly observed in aCT >= 20 U patients compared to the aCT-negative group. It is important to note that the use of a higher cut-off value (>= 40 U) for aCT test revealed a predominance of class IV LN (58% vs. 33%, P=0.039) in aCT >= 40 U compared to aCT<40 U group. The mean levels of proteinuria, serum albumin, and creatinine were markedly altered but were comparable in both groups (P >= 0.05). One fourth (26.3%) of the 19 patients with class IV LN and aCT >= 40 U had no detectable anti-dsDNA (ELISA). These data suggest that high-titer aCT seems to be a valuable biomarker for proliferative class IV of LN.
Background: Progression and long-term renal outcome of lupus nephritis (LN) in male patients is a controversial subject in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of male gender on the renal outcome of LN. Methods: All male (M) LN patients who fulfilled American College of Rheumatology lupus criteria and who were referred for a kidney biopsy from 1999 to 2009 were enrolled in the study. Subjects with end-stage renal disease at baseline, or follow-up time below 6 months, were excluded. Cases were randomly matched to female (F) patients according to the class of LN, baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease simplified formula) and follow-up time. Treatment was decided by the clinical staff based on usual literature protocols. The primary endpoint was doubling of serum creatinine and/or end-stage renal disease. The secondary endpoint was defined as a variation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) per year (Delta GFR/y index), calculated as the difference between final and initial eGFR adjusted by follow-up time for each patient. Results: We included 93 patients (31 M : 62 F). At baseline, M and F patients were not statistically different regarding WHO LN class (II 9.7%, IV 71%, V 19.3%), eGFR (M 62.4 +/- 36.4 ml/min/1.73 m(2) versus F 59.9 +/- 32.7 ml/min/1.73 m(2)), follow-up time (M 44.2 +/- 27.3 months versus F 39.9 +/- 27.9 months), and 24-hour proteinuria (M 5.3 +/- 4.6 g/day versus F 5.2 +/- 3.0 g/day), as well as age, albumin, C3, antinuclear antibody, anti-DNA antibody and haematuria. There was no difference in the primary outcome (M 19% versus F 13%, log-rank p = 0.62). However, male gender was significantly associated with a worse renal function progression, as measured by Delta GFR/y index (beta coefficient for male gender -12.4, 95% confidence interval -22.8 to -2.1, p = 0.02). The multivariate linear regression model showed that male gender remained statistically associated with a worse renal outcome even after adjustment for eGFR, proteinuria, albumin and C3 complement at baseline. Conclusion: In our study, male gender presented a worse evolution of LN (measured by an under GFR recovering) when compared with female patients with similar baseline features and treatment. Factors that influence the progression of LN in men and sex-specific treatment protocols should be further addressed in new studies. Lupus (2011) 20, 561-567.
Gender may produce different characteristics in the manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The present study investigated the influence of gender on clinical, laboratory, autoantibodies and histopathological classes of lupus nephritis (LN). As much as 81 patients diagnosed with SLE (ACR criteria) and active nephritis, who underwent renal biopsy between 1999 and 2004, and who had frozen serum samples and clinical data available from the time of biopsy, were selected for this study. The presence of anti-P and antichromatin antibodies was measured using ELISA, and anti-dsDNA was measured using indirect immunofluorescence. All of the renal biopsies were reviewed in a blinded manner by the same expert renal pathologist. The charts were extensively reviewed for demographic and renal features obtained at the time of the biopsy. Of the 81 patients (13.6%), 11 were male SLE patients. Both male and female lupus patients were of similar age and race, and had similar durations of lupus and renal disease. The female patients had more cutaneous (95.7 vs. 45.5%, P = 0.0001) and haematological (52.9 vs. 18.2%, P = 0.04) involvements than the male SLE patients. In addition, the articular data, central nervous system analyses, serositis findings and SLEDAI scores were similar in both experimental groups. Positivity for anti-dsDNA, anti-ribosomal P and antichromatin did not differ between the two groups, and both groups showed similarly low C3 or C4 serum levels. Our analysis indicated that no histopathological class of LN was predominant in both males and females. Interestingly, the serum creatinine levels were higher in the male SLE patients compared to the female SLE group (3.16 +/- A 2.49 vs. 1.99 +/- A 1.54 mg/dL, P = 0.03), with an increased frequency of high creatinine (81.8 vs. 47.1%, P = 0.04) as well as renal activity index (7.6 +/- A 3.5 vs. 4.8 +/- A 3.5, P = 0.02). In addition, whilst the mean levels of proteinuria, cylindruria and serum albumin were markedly altered, they were comparable between both lupus men and women. Moreover, the frequencies of dialysis, renal transplantation and death were similar between the two groups. These data suggest that male patients had a more severe LN compared to women diagnosed with this renal abnormality.
Nuclear fluorescence in keratinocytes is an occasional phenomenon, often present in autoimmune diseases, especially in connective-tissue disease (CTD); however, its clinical significance remains unclear. To investigate the profile of patients with positive nuclear staining on direct immunofluorescence (DIF) of skin samples. A retrospective analysis of 28 patient records from our immunodermatology laboratory was performed between May 2003 and June 2006. Inclusion criteria were the presence of autoantibodies (IgG, IgA or IgM) or complement (C3) binding keratinocyte nuclei on DIF. The most prevalent diseases related to the nuclear keratinocyte DIF staining were systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 9), mixed CTD (n = 3), overlap syndrome (n = 3), Sjogren`s syndrome (n = 1), and CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud`s phenomenon, oesophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia) syndrome (n = 1). Serum antinuclear antibody (ANA) was positive in 20 of 28 patients, with titres varying from 1 : 160 to 1 : 1280. Of the 20 patients with positive anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), 17 were positive for anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibodies, 12 had anti-SSA/Ro, 11 had anti-SSB/La and 8 had anti-ribonucleoprotein. Eight patients were negative for ANA. Positive predictive value of in vivo ANA for systemic CTDs was 75%. The present data suggest that in vivo ANA evaluation is an additional and feasible auxiliary tool for diagnosing CTDs.