40 resultados para Bragg propagation constant
This work deals with analysis of cracked structures using BEM. Two formulations to analyse the crack growth process in quasi-brittle materials are discussed. They are based on the dual formulation of BEM where two different integral equations are employed along the opposite sides of the crack surface. The first presented formulation uses the concept of constant operator, in which the corrections of the nonlinear process are made only by applying appropriate tractions along the crack surfaces. The second presented BEM formulation to analyse crack growth problems is an implicit technique based on the use of a consistent tangent operator. This formulation is accurate, stable and always requires much less iterations to reach the equilibrium within a given load increment in comparison with the classical approach. Comparison examples of classical problem of crack growth are shown to illustrate the performance of the two formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nowadays, digital computer systems and networks are the main engineering tools, being used in planning, design, operation, and control of all sizes of building, transportation, machinery, business, and life maintaining devices. Consequently, computer viruses became one of the most important sources of uncertainty, contributing to decrease the reliability of vital activities. A lot of antivirus programs have been developed, but they are limited to detecting and removing infections, based on previous knowledge of the virus code. In spite of having good adaptation capability, these programs work just as vaccines against diseases and are not able to prevent new infections based on the network state. Here, a trial on modeling computer viruses propagation dynamics relates it to other notable events occurring in the network permitting to establish preventive policies in the network management. Data from three different viruses are collected in the Internet and two different identification techniques, autoregressive and Fourier analyses, are applied showing that it is possible to forecast the dynamics of a new virus propagation by using the data collected from other viruses that formerly infected the network. Copyright (c) 2008 J. R. C. Piqueira and F. B. Cesar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Compartmental epidemiological models have been developed since the 1920s and successfully applied to study the propagation of infectious diseases. Besides, due to their structure, in the 1960s an interesting version of these models was developed to clarify some aspects of rumor propagation, considering that spreading an infectious disease or disseminating information is analogous phenomena. Here, in an analogy with the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) epidemiological model, the ISS (Ignorant-Spreader-Stifler) rumor spreading model is studied. By using concepts from the Dynamical Systems Theory, stability of equilibrium points is established, according to propagation parameters and initial conditions. Some numerical experiments are conducted in order to validate the model.
We analytically calculate the time-averaged electromagnetic energy stored inside a nondispersive magnetic isotropic cylinder that is obliquely irradiated by an electromagnetic plane wave. An expression for the optical-absorption efficiency in terms of the magnetic internal coefficients is also obtained. In the low absorption limit, we derive a relation between the normalized internal energy and the optical-absorption efficiency that is not affected by the magnetism and the incidence angle. This relation, indeed, seems to be independent of the shape of the scatterer. This universal aspect of the internal energy is connected to the transport velocity and consequently to the diffusion coefficient in the multiple scattering regime. Magnetism favors high internal energy for low size parameter cylinders, which leads to a low diffusion coefficient for electromagnetic propagation in 2D random media. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
An x-ray diffraction method, based on the excitation of a surface diffracted wave, is described to investigate the capping process of InAs/GaAs (001) quantum dots (QDs). It is sensitive to the tiny misorientation of (111) planes at the surface of the buffer layer on samples with exposed QDs. After capping, the misorientation occurs in the cap-layer lattice faceting the QDs and its magnitude can be as large as 10 degrees depending on the QDs growth rates, probably due to changes in the size and shape of the QDs. A slow strain release process taking place at room temperature has also been observed by monitoring the misorientation angle of the (111) planes.
In the last decade the Sznajd model has been successfully employed in modeling some properties and scale features of both proportional and majority elections. We propose a version of the Sznajd model with a generalized bounded confidence rule-a rule that limits the convincing capability of agents and that is essential to allow coexistence of opinions in the stationary state. With an appropriate choice of parameters it can be reduced to previous models. We solved this model both in a mean-field approach (for an arbitrary number of opinions) and numerically in a Barabaacutesi-Albert network (for three and four opinions), studying the transient and the possible stationary states. We built the phase portrait for the special cases of three and four opinions, defining the attractors and their basins of attraction. Through this analysis, we were able to understand and explain discrepancies between mean-field and simulation results obtained in previous works for the usual Sznajd model with bounded confidence and three opinions. Both the dynamical system approach and our generalized bounded confidence rule are quite general and we think it can be useful to the understanding of other similar models.
de Souza Jr, TP, Fleck, SJ, Simao, R, Dubas, JP, Pereira, B, de Brito Pacheco, EM, da Silva, AC, and de Oliveira, PR. Comparison between constant and decreasing rest intervals: influence on maximal strength and hypertrophy. J Strength Cond Res 24(7): 1843-1850, 2010-Most resistance training programs use constant rest period lengths between sets and exercises, but some programs use decreasing rest period lengths as training progresses. The aim of this study was to compare the effect on strength and hypertrophy of 8 weeks of resistance training using constant rest intervals (CIs) and decreasing rest intervals (DIs) between sets and exercises. Twenty young men recreationally trained in strength training were randomly assigned to either a CI or DI training group. During the first 2 weeks of training, 3 sets of 10-12 repetition maximum (RM) with 2-minute rest intervals between sets and exercises were performed by both groups. During the next 6 weeks of training, the CI group trained using 2 minutes between sets and exercises (4 sets of 8-10RM), and the DI group trained with DIs (2 minutes decreasing to 30 seconds) as the 6 weeks of training progressed (4 sets of 8-10RM). Total training volume of the bench press and squat were significantly lower for the DI compared to the CI group (bench press 9.4%, squat 13.9%) and weekly training volume of these same exercises was lower in the DI group from weeks 6 to 8 of training. Strength (1RM) in the bench press and squat, knee extensor and flexor isokinetic measures of peak torque, and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) using magnetic resonance imaging were assessed pretraining and posttraining. No significant differences (p <= 0.05) were shown between the CI and DI training protocols for CSA (arm 13.8 vs. 14.5%, thigh 16.6 vs. 16.3%), 1RM (bench press 28 vs. 37%, squat 34 vs. 34%), and isokinetic peak torque. In conclusion, the results indicate that a training protocol with DI is just as effective as a CI protocol over short training periods (6 weeks) for increasing maximal strength and muscle CSA; thus, either type of program can be used over a short training period to cause strength and hypertrophy.
The adaptive process in motor learning was examined in terms of effects of varying amounts of constant practice performed before random practice. Participants pressed five response keys sequentially, the last one coincident with the lighting of a final visual stimulus provided by a complex coincident timing apparatus. Different visual stimulus speeds were used during the random practice. 33 children (M age=11.6 yr.) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: constant-random, constant-random 33%, and constant-random 66%. The constant-random group practiced constantly until they reached a criterion of performance stabilization three consecutive trials within 50 msec. of error. The other two groups had additional constant practice of 33 and 66%, respectively, of the number of trials needed to achieve the stabilization criterion. All three groups performed 36 trials under random practice; in the adaptation phase, they practiced at a different visual stimulus speed adopted in the stabilization phase. Global performance measures were absolute, constant, and variable errors, and movement pattern was analyzed by relative timing and overall movement time. There was no group difference in relation to global performance measures and overall movement time. However, differences between the groups were observed on movement pattern, since constant-random 66% group changed its relative timing performance in the adaptation phase.
Fatigue and crack propagation are phenomena affected by high uncertainties, where deterministic methods fail to predict accurately the structural life. The present work aims at coupling reliability analysis with boundary element method. The latter has been recognized as an accurate and efficient numerical technique to deal with mixed mode propagation, which is very interesting for reliability analysis. The coupled procedure allows us to consider uncertainties during the crack growth process. In addition, it computes the probability of fatigue failure for complex structural geometry and loading. Two coupling procedures are considered: direct coupling of reliability and mechanical solvers and indirect coupling by the response surface method. Numerical applications show the performance of the proposed models in lifetime assessment under uncertainties, where the direct method has shown faster convergence than response surface method. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a boundary element method (BEM) model that is used for the analysis of multiple random crack growth by considering linear elastic fracture mechanics problems and structures subjected to fatigue. The formulation presented in this paper is based on the dual boundary element method, in which singular and hyper-singular integral equations are used. This technique avoids singularities of the resulting algebraic system of equations, despite the fact that the collocation points coincide for the two opposite crack faces. In fracture mechanics analyses, the displacement correlation technique is applied to evaluate stress intensity factors. The maximum circumferential stress theory is used to evaluate the propagation angle and the effective stress intensity factor. The fatigue model uses Paris` law to predict structural life. Examples of simple and multi-fractured structures loaded until rupture are considered. These analyses demonstrate the robustness of the proposed model. In addition, the results indicate that this formulation is accurate and can model localisation and coalescence phenomena. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The fatigue crack growth properties of friction stir welded joints of 2024-T3 aluminium alloy have been studied under constant load amplitude (increasing-Delta K), with special emphasis on the residual stress (inverse weight function) effects on longitudinal and transverse crack growth rate predictions (Glinka`s method). In general, welded joints were more resistant to longitudinally growing fatigue cracks than the parent material at threshold Delta K values, when beneficial thermal residual stresses decelerated crack growth rate, while the opposite behaviour was observed next to K-C instability, basically due to monotonic fracture modes intercepting fatigue crack growth in weld microstructures. As a result, fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) predictions were conservative at lower propagation rates and non-conservative for faster cracks. Regarding transverse cracks, intense compressive residual stresses rendered welded plates more fatigue resistant than neat parent plate. However, once the crack tip entered the more brittle weld region substantial acceleration of FCGR occurred due to operative monotonic tensile modes of fracture, leading to non-conservative crack growth rate predictions next to K-C instability. At threshold Delta K values non-conservative predictions values resulted from residual stress relaxation. Improvements on predicted FCGR values were strongly dependent on how the progressive plastic relaxation of the residual stress field was considered.
Despite the frequent use of stepping motors in robotics, automation, and a variety of precision instruments, they can hardly be found in rotational viscometers. This paper proposes the use of a stepping motor to drive a conventional constant-shear-rate laboratory rotational viscometer to avoid the use of velocity sensor and gearbox and, thus, simplify the instrument design. To investigate this driving technique, a commercial rotating viscometer has been adapted to be driven by a bipolar stepping motor, which is controlled via a personal computer. Special circuitry has been added to microstep the stepping motor at selectable step sizes and to condition the torque signal. Tests have been carried out using the prototype to produce flow curves for two standard Newtonian fluids (920 and 12 560 mPa (.) s, both at 25 degrees C). The flow curves have been obtained by employing several distinct microstep sizes within the shear rate range of 50-500 s(-1). The results indicate the feasibility of the proposed driving technique.
The micro-scale abrasive wear test by rotative ball has gained large acceptance in universities and research centers, being widely used in studies on the abrasive wear of materials. Two wear modes are usually observed in this type of test: ""rolling abrasion"" results when the abrasive particles roll on the surface of the tested specimen, while ""grooving abrasion"" is observed when the abrasive particles slide; the type of wear mode has a significant effect on the overall behaviour of a tribological system. Several works on the friction coefficient during abrasive wear tests are available in the literature, but only a few were dedicated to the friction coefficient in micro-abrasive wear tests conducted with rotating ball. Additionally, recent works have identified that results may also be affected by the change in contact pressure that occurs when tests are conducted with constant applied force. Thus, the purpose of this work is to study the relationship between friction coefficient and abrasive wear modes in ball-cratering wear tests conducted at ""constant normal force"" and ""constant pressure"". Micro-scale abrasive wear tests were conducted with a ball of AISI52100 steel and a specimen of AISIH10 tool steel. The abrasive slurry was prepared with black silicon carbide (SiC) particles (average particle size of 3 mu m) and distilled water. Two constant normal force values and two constant pressure values were selected for the tests. The tangential and normal loads were monitored throughout the tests and their ratio was calculated to provide an indication of the friction coefficient. In all cases, optical microscopy analysis of the worn craters revelated only the presence of grooving abrasion. However, a more detailed analysis conducted by SEM has indicated that different degrees of rolling abrasion have also occurred along the grooves. The results have also shown that: (i) for the selected values of constant normal force and constant pressure, the friction coefficient presents, approximately, the same range of values and (ii) loading conditions play an important role on the occurrence of rolling abrasion or grooving abrasion and, consequently, on the average value and scatter of the friction coefficient in micro-abrasive wear tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work explores the design of piezoelectric transducers based on functional material gradation, here named functionally graded piezoelectric transducer (FGPT). Depending on the applications, FGPTs must achieve several goals, which are essentially related to the transducer resonance frequency, vibration modes, and excitation strength at specific resonance frequencies. Several approaches can be used to achieve these goals; however, this work focuses on finding the optimal material gradation of FGPTs by means of topology optimization. Three objective functions are proposed: (i) to obtain the FGPT optimal material gradation for maximizing specified resonance frequencies; (ii) to design piezoelectric resonators, thus, the optimal material gradation is found for achieving desirable eigenvalues and eigenmodes; and (iii) to find the optimal material distribution of FGPTs, which maximizes specified excitation strength. To track the desirable vibration mode, a mode-tracking method utilizing the `modal assurance criterion` is applied. The continuous change of piezoelectric, dielectric, and elastic properties is achieved by using the graded finite element concept. The optimization algorithm is constructed based on sequential linear programming, and the concept of continuum approximation of material distribution. To illustrate the method, 2D FGPTs are designed for each objective function. In addition, the FGPT performance is compared with the non-FGPT one.
Due to its outstanding flexibility, batch distillation is still widely used in many separation processes. In the present work, a comparison between constant and variable reflux operations is studied. Firstly, a mathematical model is developed and then validated through comparison between predicted and experimental results accomplished in a lab-scale apparatus. Therefore, case studies are performed through mathematical simulations. It is noted that the most economical form of batch distillation is at constant overhead product composition, keeping the flow rate of vapor from the top of the column constant. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.