3 resultados para indirizzo :: 782 :: Progettazione aerospaziale

em WestminsterResearch - UK


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The paper addresses the use of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool for analysing freight transport activity in product supply chains. Published works that have assessed freight transport energy use in supply chain operations are reviewed and their results summarized. A case study of the energy use in the supply chains for jeans sold in both the UK and France is presented. The results of this case study indicate that the location from which cotton is sourced can have a major impact on the total energy used in commercial transport in the jeans supply chain. However, overall, this has a limited impact on the total energy used in producing and supplying jeans. This is because the vast majority of total energy used in the supply chain is consumed during cotton cultivation, denim production and jeans manufacture. The work also demonstrates that the amount of energy used by consumers transporting jeans to their homes by car can be greater than the total commercial transport energy used in the supply chain (per kg of jeans transported).


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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the issues related to home bias and foreign direct investments (FDIs). We study the role of physical, cultural, and institutional distances from home on FDI decisions taken by corporations to assess whether the globalization of the past two decades has reduced their influence. Using the ‘home bias’ framework from the finance literature and the gravity model from the economics literature, we utilize a large sample of both developed and emerging markets, using FDI flows of 6263 unique bilateral country pairs over a 30-year period. We find strong empirical evidence of persistent home bias in FDI outflows, and we show that not only physical distance but also cultural and institutional similarities between host and source countries remain a decisive factor in foreign corporate investment decisions. We also show that such home bias is persistent over time and is observed around the world.


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A metà marzo 2014 il governo cinese ha reso pubblico un documento di indirizzo per le politiche urbane che potrebbe determinare una correzione di rotta nell’attuale processo di rapida urbanizzazione che il paese attraversa ormai da qualche decennio. Si tratta del National New-Type Urbanization Plan – Guojia Xinxing Chengzhenhua Guihua 2014-2020 (SCPRC, 2014), ovvero il primo piano nazionale per un nuovo modello people-centred di urbanizzazione del paese. Compito di questo saggio breve è quello di riflettere sulle sfide future del processo di urbanizzazione cinese che tale documento lascia intravedere, alla luce di una serie di nodi irrisolti del processo non finito di opening-up della società cinese al modello capitalista occidentale.