8 resultados para Mismatch negativity

em WestminsterResearch - UK


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A passive three stimulus oddball paradigm was used to investigate Visual Mismatch Negativity (vMMN) a component of the Event Related Potential (ERP) believed to represent a central pre-attentive change mechanism. Responses to a change in orientation were recorded to monochrome stimuli presented to subjects on a computer screen. One of the infrequent stimuli formed an illusory figure (Kanizsa Square) aimed to capture spatial attention in the absence of an active task. Nineteen electrodes (10-20 system) were used to record the electroencephalogram in fourteen subjects (ten females) mean age 34.5 years. ERPs to all stimuli consisted of a positive negative positive complex recorded maximally over lateral occipital areas. The negative component was greater for deviant and illusory deviant compared to standard stimuli in a time window of 170-190 ms. A P3a component over frontal/central electrodes to the illusory deviant but not to the deviant stimulus suggests the illusory figure was able to capture attention and orientate subjects to the recording. Subtraction waveforms revealed visual discrimination responses at occipital electrodes, which may represent vMMN. In a control study with 13 subjects (11 females; mean age 29.23 years), using an embedded active attention task, we confirmed the existence of an earlier (150-170 ms) and attenuated vMMN. Recordings from an intracranial case study confirmed separation of N1 and discrimination components to posterior and anterior occipital areas, respectively. We conclude that although the illusory figure captured spatial attention in its own right it did not draw sufficient attentional resources from the standard-deviant comparison as revealed when using a concurrent active task.


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The Mismatch Negativity (MMN) has been characterised as a ‘pre-attentive’ component of an Event-Related Potential (ERP) that is related to discriminatory processes. Although well established in the auditory domain, characteristics of the MMN are less well characterised in the visual domain. The five main studies presented in this thesis examine visual cortical processing using event-related potentials. Novel methodologies have been used to elicit visual detection and discrimination components in the absence of a behavioural task. Developing paradigms in which a behavioural task is not required may have important clinical applications for populations, such as young children, who cannot comply with the demands of an active task. The ‘pre-attentive’ nature of visual MMN has been investigated by modulating attention. Generators and hemispheric lateralisation of visual MMN have been investigated by using pertinent clinical groups. A three stimulus visual oddball paradigm was used to explore the elicitation of visual discrimination components to a change in the orientation of stimuli in the absence of a behavioural task. Monochrome stimuli based on pacman figures were employed that differed from each other only in terms of the orientation of their elements. One such stimulus formed an illusory figure in order to capture the participant’s attention, either in place of, or alongside, a behavioural task. The elicitation of a P3a to the illusory figure but not to the standard or deviant stimuli provided evidence that the illusory figure captured attention. A visual MMN response was recorded in a paradigm with no task demands. When a behavioural task was incorporated into the paradigm, a P3b component was elicited consistent with the allocation of attentional resources to the task. However, visual discrimination components were attenuated revealing that the illusory figure was unable to command all attentional resources from the standard deviant transition. The results are the first to suggest that the visual MMN is modulated by attention. Using the same three stimulus oddball paradigm, generators of visual MMN were investigated by recording potentials directly from the cortex of an adolescent undergoing pre-surgical evaluation for resection of a right anterior parietal lesion. To date no other study has explicitly recorded activity related to the visual MMN intracranially using an oddball paradigm in the absence of a behavioural task. Results indicated that visual N1 and visual MMN could be temporally and spatially separated, with visual MMN being recorded more anteriorly than N1. The characteristic abnormality in retinal projections in albinism afforded the opportunity to investigate each hemisphere in relative isolation and was used, for the first time, as a model to investigate lateralisation of visual MMN and illusory contour processing. Using the three stimulus oddball paradigm, no visual MMN was elicited in this group, and so no conclusions regarding the lateralisation of visual MMN could be made. Results suggested that both hemispheres were equally capable of processing an illusory figure. As a method of presenting visual test stimuli without conscious perception, a continuous visual stream paradigm was developed that used a briefly presented checkerboard stimulus combined with masking for exploring stimulus detection below and above subjective levels of perception. A correlate of very early cortical processing at a latency of 60-80 ms (CI) was elicited whether stimuli were reported as seen or unseen. Differences in visual processing were only evident at a latency of 90 ms (CII) implying that this component may represent a correlate of visual consciousness/awareness. Finally, an oddball sequence was introduced into the visual stream masking paradigm to investigate whether visual MMN responses could be recorded without conscious perception. The stimuli comprised of black and white checkerboard elements differing only in terms of their orientation to form an x or a +. Visual MMN was not recorded when participants were unable to report seeing the stimulus. Results therefore suggest that behavioural identification of the stimuli was required for the elicitation of visual MMN and that visual MMN may require some attentional resources. On the basis of these studies it is concluded that visual MMN is not entirely independent of attention. Further, the combination of clinical and non-clinical investigations provides a unique opportunity to study the characterisation and localisation of putative mechanisms related to conscious and non-conscious visual processing.


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The I/Q mismatches in quadrature radio receivers results in finite and usually insufficient image rejection, degrading the performance greatly. In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the Blind-Source Separation (BSS) based mismatch corrector in terms of its structure, convergence and performance. The results indicate that the mismatch can be effectively compensated during the normal operation as well as in the rapidly changing environments. Since the compensation is carried out before any modulation specific processing, the proposed method works with all standard modulation formats and is amenable to low-power implementations.


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Phase and gain mismatches between the I and Q analog signal processing paths of a quadrature receiver are responsible for the generation of image signals which limit the dynamic range of a practical receiver. In this paper we analyse the effects these mismatches and propose a low-complexity blind adaptive algorithm to minimize this problem. The proposed solution is based on two, 2-tap adaptive filters, arranged in Adaptive Noise Canceller (ANC) set-up. The algorithm lends itself to efficient real-time implementation with minimal increase in modulator complexity.


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In the mid-to-late 1990s, the New Urban Agenda initiated a rethinking of urban development strategies placing a greater focus on regeneration of central urban spaces. The skills and competencies required by urban planners and built environment professionals to successfully implement regeneration schemes tend to differ from those required for greenfield development. The working paper summarises skills and competencies required by urban regeneration practitioners and how they are delivered through public and/or private sector providers at present. The role of the newly established regional Centres of Excellence and the professional bodies of the Built Environment professions in defining skills and educational requirements and providing training are explored. An analysis of supply and demand of skills training reveals that there is a mismatch rather than a lack of provision. The report draws on a conference where research findings were presented and discussed. It concludes with suggestions for improving the skills provision at the local government as well as community level. Skills audits were found useful tools in defining training needs. A set of sample workshop programmes outline flexible, tailor-made approaches guaranteed to address specific and identified needs.


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In this paper we carry out a detailed performance analysis of a novel blind-source-seperation (BSS) based DSP algorithm that tackles the carrier phase synchronization error problem. The results indicate that the mismatch can be effectively compensated during the normal operation as well as in the rapidly changing environments. Since the compensation is carried out before any modulation specific processing, the proposed method works with all standard modulation formats and lends itself to efficient real-time custom integrated hardware or software implementations.


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I and Q Channel phase and gain misniatches are of great concern in communications receiver design. In this paper we analyse the effects of I and Q channel mismatches and propose a low-complexity blind adaptive algorithm to minimize this problem. The proposed solution consists of two, 2-tap adaptive filters, arranged in Adaptive Noise Canceller (ANC) set-up, with the output of one cross-fed to the input of the other. The system works as a de-correlator eliminating I and Q mismatch errors.