em WestminsterResearch - UK
A good practice guide to creating and sustaining mixed income communities in Scotland. This guide explores how to create attractive and well-managed places that meet the needs of all sections of the community. Drawing on the latest research, and featuring 11 case studies from Scotland and England, it offers a comprehensive guide to the issues that need to be planned for and addressed. The book includes detailed guidance on: -Developing a strategy and negotiating the planning process; -Good practice in masterplanning, design, layout and long-term financial viability; -How stakeholders can collaborate effectively and ensure that local residents are fully involved at all stages; -How barriers to the development of sustainable communities might be overcome. The guide explores all types of mixed income communities, from the diversification of mono-tenure estates in inner city areas to greenfield development on the urban fringe.
Cappadocian Greek is reported to display agglutinative inflection in its nominal system, namely, mono-exponential formatives for the marking of case and number, and NOM.SG-looking forms as the morphemic units to which inflection applies. Previous scholarship has interpreted these developments as indicating a shift in morphological type from fusion to agglutination, brought about by contact with Turkish. This study takes issue with these conclusions. By casting a wider net over the inflectional system of the language, it shows that, of the two types of agglutinative formations identified, only one evidences a radical departure from the inherited structural properties of Cappadocian noun inflection. The other, on the contrary, represents a typologically more conservative innovation. The study presents evidence that a combination of system-internal and -external motivations triggered the development of both types, it describes the mechanisms through which the innovation was implemented, and discusses the factors that favoured change.