5 resultados para Illumination globale

em WestminsterResearch - UK


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This paper describes an investigation of changes in image appearance when images are viewed at different image sizes on a high-end LCD device. Two digital image capturing devices of different overall image quality were used for recording identical natural scenes with a variety of pictorial contents. From each capturing device, a total of sixty four captured scenes, including architecture, nature, portraits, still and moving objects and artworks under various illumination conditions and recorded noise level were selected. The test set included some images where camera shake was purposefully introduced. An achromatic version of the image set that contained only lightness information was obtained by processing the captured images in CIELAB space. Rank order experiments were carried out to determine which image attribute(s) were most affected when the displayed image size was altered. These evaluations were carried out for both chromatic and achromatic versions of the stimuli. For the achromatic stimuli, attributes such as contrast, brightness, sharpness and noisiness were rank-ordered by the observers in terms of the degree of change. The same attributes, as well as hue and colourfulness, were investigated for the chromatic versions of the stimuli. Results showed that sharpness and contrast were the two most affected attributes with changes in displayed image size. The ranking of the remaining attributes varied with image content and illumination conditions. Further, experiments were carried out to link original scene content to the attributes that changed mostly with changes in image size.


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This paper describes a novel idea to identify the total number of red blood cells (RBCs) as well as their location in a Giemsa stained thin blood film image. This work is being undertaken as a part of developing an automated malaria parasite detection system by scanning a photograph of thin blood film in order to evaluate the parasitemia of the blood. Not only will this method eliminates the segmentation procedures that are normally used to segment the cells in the microscopic image, but also avoids any image pre-processing to deal with non uniform illumination prior to cell detection. The method utilizes basic knowledge on cell structure and brightness of the components due to Giemsa staining of the sample and detects and locates the RBCs in the image.


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The gametocytes of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are highly resistant to antimalarial drugs. Its presence in the blood can be detected even after a successful malaria treatment. This paper explains a modified Annular Ring Ratio method which successfully locates and differentiates gametocytes of P. falciparum species in thin blood film images. The method can be used as an efficient tool for gametocyte detection for post-treatment malaria diagnosis. It also identifies the presence of any White Blood Cells (WBCs) in the image, and discards other artifacts and non infected cells. It utilizes the information based on structure, color and geometry of the cells and does not require any segmentation or non-illumination correction techniques that are commonly used for cell detection.


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This paper presents an optically reconfigurable E-plane waveguide resonator and filter. N-type silicon dice doped with phosphorus is used as the switching element and is connected to the edge of a metallic fin. Illumination of the silicon dice allows realization of a different length of the fin, thus creating a shift in resonant frequency of the structure. Frequency tuning range up to about 5.2% is achieved for the resonator as well as the filter. Measurements on a fabricated optically reconfigurable resonator confirm the accuracy of the design procedure. Measured responses show good agreement with simulation.


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An evaluation of the change in perceived image contrast with changes in displayed image size was carried out. This was achieved using data from four psychophysical investigations, which employed techniques to match the perceived contrast of displayed images of five different sizes. A total of twenty-four S-shape polynomial functions were created and applied to every original test image to produce images with different contrast levels. The objective contrast related to each function was evaluated from the gradient of the mid-section of the curve (gamma). The manipulation technique took into account published gamma differences that produced a just-noticeable-difference (JND) in perceived contrast. The filters were designed to achieve approximately half a JND, whilst keeping the mean image luminance unaltered. The processed images were then used as test series in a contrast matching experiment. Sixty-four natural scenes, with varying scene content acquired under various illumination conditions, were selected from a larger set captured for the purpose. Results showed that the degree of change in contrast between images of different sizes varied with scene content but was not as important as equivalent perceived changes in sharpness.