3 resultados para CpGV resistance baculovirus whole genome sequencing

em WestminsterResearch - UK


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Driver mutations in the two histone 3.3 (H3.3) genes, H3F3A and H3F3B, were recently identified by whole genome sequencing in 95% of chondroblastoma (CB) and by targeted gene sequencing in 92% of giant cell tumour of bone (GCT). Given the high prevalence of these driver mutations, it may be possible to utilise these alterations as diagnostic adjuncts in clinical practice. Here, we explored the spectrum of H3.3 mutations in a wide range and large number of bone tumours (n 5 412) to determine if these alterations could be used to distinguish GCT from other osteoclast-rich tumours such as aneurysmal bone cyst, nonossifying fibroma, giant cell granuloma, and osteoclast-rich malignant bone tumours and others. In addition, we explored the driver landscape of GCT through whole genome, exome and targeted sequencing (14 gene panel). We found that H3.3 mutations, namely mutations of glycine 34 in H3F3A, occur in 96% of GCT. We did not find additional driver mutations in GCT, including mutations in IDH1, IDH2, USP6, TP53. The genomes of GCT exhibited few somatic mutations, akin to the picture seen in CB. Overall our observations suggest that the presence of H3F3A p.Gly34 mutations does not entirely exclude malignancy in osteoclast-rich tumours. However, H3F3A p.Gly34 mutations appear to be an almost essential feature of GCT that will aid pathological evaluation of bone tumours, especially when confronted with small needle core biopsies. In the absence of H3F3A p.Gly34 mutations, a diagnosis of GCT should be made with caution.


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A recent study characterizing bacteriophage populations within human caecal effluent demonstrated the presence of numerous Podoviridae, Siphoviridae and Myoviridae within this material (Hoyles et al., 2014, Res Microbiol 165, 803–812). Further to this work, anaerobic bacteria were isolated on fastidious anaerobe agar from the caecal effluent of a healthy 31-year-old woman. Ten colonies were selected at random, streaked to purity and screened against the remaining caecal effluent (filter-sterilized, 0.45 μm pore size) in an attempt to isolate lytic bacteriophages. Bacteriophages within the effluent [2×105 ± 2.65×103 (n=3) pfu/ml] were active against five of the isolates, all identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as Klebsiella pneumoniae. One of the five isolates, L4-FAA5, was characterized further and found to be K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae capsule type K2 rmpA+, and was used to propagate a bacteriophage (which we named KLPN1) to purity. Bacteriophage KLPN1 was a member of the Siphoviridae with a rosette-like tail tip and exhibited depolymerase activity, demonstrated by the formation of plaque-surrounding haloes that increased in size over the course of incubation. When screened against a panel of 21 clinical strains representing unknown K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae capsule types and types K1, K2, K5, K20, K54 and K57, KLPN1 infected only K2 strains, but did not exhibit depolymerase activity against these. Whole-genome sequence analysis of KLPN1 showed the bacteriophage to have a genome of 49,037 bp (50.53 GC mol%) comprising 73 predicted ORFs, of which 22 encoded genes associated with structure, host recognition, packaging, DNA replication and cell lysis. The host recognition-associated gene was a potential depolymerase. This is the first report of the isolation of a bacterium–bacteriophage combination from the human caecum, and only the third member of the Siphoviridae known to infect K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae.


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Desmoid-type fibromatoses are locally aggressive and frequently recurrent tumours, and an accurate diagnosis is essential for patient management. The majority of sporadic lesions harbour beta-catenin (CTNNB1) mutations. We used next-generation sequencing to detect CTNNB1 mutations and to compare the sensitivity and specificity of next-generation sequencing with currently employed mutation detection techniques: mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion and polymerase chain reaction amplification. DNA was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded needle biopsy or resection tissue sections from 144 patients with sporadic desmoid-type fibromatoses, four patients with syndrome-related desmoid-type fibromatoses and 11 morphological mimics. Two primer pairs were designed for CTNNB1 mutation hotspots. Using ≥10 ng of DNA, libraries were generated by Fluidigm and sequenced on the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine. Next-generation sequencing had a sensitivity of 92.36 % (133/144, 95 % CIs: 86.74 to 96.12 %) and a specificity of 100 % for the detection of CTNNB1 mutations in desmoid-type fibromatoses-like spindle cell lesions. All mutations detected by mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion were identified by next-generation sequencing. Next-generation sequencing identified additional mutations in 11 tumours that were not detected by mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion, two of which have not been previously described. Next-generation sequencing is highly sensitive for the detection of CTNNB1 mutations. This multiplex assay has the advantage of detecting additional mutations compared to those detected by mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion (sensitivity 82.41 %). The technology requires minimal DNA and is time- and cost-efficient.